Imatges de pàgina

deed, has proved no joke to us ; and had they been much longer, wel Far from pershould have paid for our fatigue with a head-ache. ceiving that they possess any degree of the vis comica, we dreaded a most disagreeable effect from them; for, if we be not much deceived, they approach nearer to the nature of Emetic Tartar than to that of Attic Salt. We shall decline any trial of their operation on our readers.

Art. 45.

Poetical Effusions, collated Recreations at Ramsgate. with and collected from Original Manuscripts, in the Possession of a Lady. 4to. pp. 46. Ramsgate, printed by Burgess

These fugitive poems appear to be the production of a genius well known to the public as an artist [a Painter], and not unnoticed as a poet. In the 22d vol. of our New Series, p. 470, we hazarded our opinion of this gentleman's Frisky Muse; and we have now little to add to the general remarks which were then offered on his poetical talents, as far as they were manifested by his poem intitled "The Sea Sick Minstrel."-Mr. Tresham certainly possesses even a redundancy of imagination, and he is frequently happy in the structure of a good line or an harmonious couplet: but he is not seldom defective in the polish and finishing of his verses; and sometimes to such a degree that it seems almost impossible for any one but himself to read them. While, therefore, we must acknowlege his genius, we find it difficult to withhold the severity of just censure on his great carelessness:-for which he can offer no excuse, unless he may deem laziness a sufficient apology for his offences against the established laws of Parnassus. While we have any authority in the Court, however, no such plea shall be admitted.


Art. 46. A Treatise on the New discovered Dropsy of the Membrane of the Brain, and watery Head of Children; proving that it may With Objections to be frequently cured, if early discovered. To which are added, Observations on Errors Vomits, &c. &c. in Nursing; on the Diseases of Children, their Treatment, &c. 8vo. 28. Murray and By William Rowley, M. D. &c. &c. Highley. 1801.

The disease, which is described in this pamphlet, is created by a serous effusion between the tunica arachnoides and pia mater. Dr. Rowley has bestowed much ink on the diagnostics of the complaint, without being able to point out any discriminating symptoms from which it may be certainly known; and where he imputes it, in many cases, to the practice of exciting vomiting by means of emetic tartar, we think that he is greatly deceived.

The method of cure proposed by Dr. R. consists in the applica. tion of blisters to the head; with the internal exhibition of gentle laxatives, diaphoretics, and small doses of calomel frequently repeated: but his observations might perhaps have been deemed more worthy of notice, if they had been introduced with less ostentation. The Doctor seems determined to claim the merit of almost every modern improvement; and the Schola Medicine Universalis Nova is

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held up to our eyes as the oracle of the profession, in too many ef

his pages.

Art. 47. Animal Magnetism, History of its origin, progress, and present State; its Principles and Secrets displayed, as delivered by the late Dr. Demainauduc. To which is added, Dissertations on the Dropsy; Spasms; Epileptic Fits; St. Vitus's Dance; Gout; Rheumatism; and Consumption; with upwards of one hundred Cures and Cases. Also, Advice to those who visit the Sick, with Recipes to prevent Infection. A definition of Sympathy; Antipathy; the Effects of the Imagination on pregnant Women; Nature; History; and on the Resurrection of the Body. By George Winter, M. D. 8vo. 6s. Boards. Newberry. 1801. We have sometimes had reason for complaining that books do not correspond to the expectations raised by their titles: but, in the instance before us, the title page conveys so just an idea of the nature of this performance, that the reader will not be deceived by the sample; though probably none but reviewers will proceed to the substance of the book, after having laboured through this faithful abstract of the author's composition.

From the sketch here given of the principles, as they are called, of animal magnetism, they appear to be only a revival of the ParacelIsian nonsense respecting the consensus mumialis. It would be an insult to our readers, to offer any remarks on such long exploded trash. It is necessary, however, to observe that Dr Winter, though once a pupil of Dr. Demainauduc, is no advocate for the truth of his opinions, nor for the success of his gesticulations. The book can answer no other purpose than that of furnishing some materials for the history of quackery ;-that incurable disease of the human imagina tion, which must be expected to endure to all generations.

Art. 48. Observations on the Utility of Inoculating for the Variola Vaccine, or Cor-Pox. By Edward Gardner. Svo. Is. 6d. Johnson. 1801.

Mr. Gardner is a warm advocate for the vaccine inoculation, and in this opinion we heartily concur with him. In the conclusion of his pamphlet, he alludes to the propriety of giving some testimony of public gratitude to Dr. Jenner for the introduction of this practice. Could our voice be effectually heard by those who have it in their power to confer such a distinction, it should not be delayed *. The benefits of Dr. Jenner's discovery are indeed beyond calculation; and their influence on the health, the happiness, and the beauty of millions, will be extended to future ages. It is just, therefore, that the country which has the honour of claiming his birth, should discharge some part of the vast debt due to his merits from mankind at large. Art. 49. Practical Observations on the Use of Oxygen, or Vital Air, in the Cure of Diseases: To which are added, a few Experiments on the Vegetation of Plants. By D. Hill, Fellow of the London Medical Society. Part I. 4to. pp. 60. with Plates. 7s. 6d. Boards. Rivingtons, &c. 1800.

* We learn that an application of this nature has been made to parliament.


It affords us matter of real concern, that the publication before us has accidentally escaped our notice for a long period. The question respecting the utility of factitious airs in medicine may now be considered as set at rest, since the original advocates of the practice have withdrawn their support; and the general persuasion that the gases possess little salutary power, in any mode of exhibition hitherto contrived, ie no longer a prejudice, as it is termed by Mr. Hill, but. has proved to be the result of considerable experience. The present author, therefore, appears to some disadvantage, in strongly recommending a class of remedies in which most practitioners have ceased to place confidence.

If any prejudice originally existed respecting the employment of the gases, it appeared to be in their favour; and the mode of exhibiting them was rendered so easy, by the ingenuity of Mr. Watt, that proofs of their utility might readily have been attained, had the remedies possessed any real efficacy. There was moreover no deficiency in the zeal of their first patrons; to whom we may apply, with a slight variation, a couplet of Voltaire :

"Sans rien omettre, ils racontoient fort bien

Ce qu'ils savoient-mais ils ne savoient rien."

In short, the disappointment has been so complete, that the single testimony of Mr. Hill can scarcely suffice to re-instate the proposed remedies in the public opinion. Justice to this gentleman, however, requires us to observe, that his cases are stated with every appearance of fairness and attention, though we cannot assent to all his conclusions.

Art. 50. A Letter to Dr. Percival, on the Prevention of Infectious Fevers. And an Address to the College of Physicians at Phila delphia, on the Prevention of the American Pestilence. By John Haygarth, M. D. &c. 8vo. 5s. Boards. Cadell jun. and

Davies. 1801.

The principal facts relating to the prevention of fever, by the institution of fever-wards, are detailed in this publication at considerable length. Indeed, from the importance of this subject to the general welfare of mankind, it cannot be too strongly impressed on the public attention; and there seems now to be a sufficient body of evidence, to establish the possibility of arresting the progress of the most alarming epidemics, by the early separation of the persons first infected from the rest of the community. The result, therefore, of operations so beneficent in their tendency, and so exalting to the character of the profession, must deeply interest every friend to humanity. We have already had occasion to notice the leading facts on which Dr. Haygarth has commented, in reviewing the publications of Dr. Currie and Dr. Ferriar. The observations of former writers on the utility of fever-wards have been confirmed by the late establishments in Liverpool and Manchester, on an extensive scale; and those principles, which had been dispersed in medical books as matter of probable speculation, are now brought to a practical bearing on some of the most extensive and frequent evils of existence. On oc casions like the present, we forbear quotations, because we wish that the work itself may be perused by all our medical readers.

In his address to the College of Philadelphia, Dr. Haygarth op. poses the notions of Dr. Rush and the Academy respecting the origin of the yellow fever. He is of opinion, that the disease was originally imported from the West-Indies; and he discredits the supposed action of putrid coffee, and other trash, to which the opponents of the College refer. To avert farther attacks of the epidemic, he recommends the institution of fever-wards in the sea-port towns, sufficiently large to accommodate the families first seized with the pestilence.-On both these subjects we have already given a concurring sentiment; and it is only necessary at present, therefore, to express our earnest desire that the faculty in America will drop their dissensions, and listen to the voice of reason and experience, which has been so happily heard on this side of the Atlantic.

Another article on this important topic occurs in p. 404. of this number of our Review.

Art. 51. Observations on the Bile and its Diseases, and on the Oeconomy of the Liver; read at the Royal College of Physicians, as the Gulstonian Lecture of the Year 1799. By Richard Powell, M. D. 8vo. 45. sewed. Rivingtons.

On this much-agitated subject, Dr. Powell has added several ingenious observations and conjectures, to an accurate view of the prin cipal facts previously ascertained. It is the former class of passages only, that we can be expected to notice.

For a manual examination of the state of the liver, the Doctor prefers a standing position for the patient, with a little flexion of the body forwards: but the most favourable position has always appeared to us to be that of sitting, with a slight inclination of the trunk anteriorly.-Dr. P. supposes that the secretion of bile in the liver is performed by the artery, as in other glands, not by the branches of the vena porte. Though his reasoning is ingenicus, it cannot be reckoned conclusive, on a point so little understood as the peculiar process of secretion. That portion of the bile, which has been generally considered as resinous, is regarded by Dr. P. as a peculiar modification of animal matter; and he thinks that it may be denomi nated, the animal bitter principle.

In the history of biliary concretions, which is full and interesting, the author observes that they occur more frequently in persons who lead a sedentary life.-The diseases of the liver, and the different morbid states of the bile, are also considered at some length, and occupy a great share of the pamphlet. We quote the following observation as a specimen of the author's style, and as conveying useful information:

I have mentioned a peculiar state of liver which I have thought especially connected with dram-drinking, where the secretion itself seemed to be vitiated, and especially so with respect to its density. In this our means of relief are more certain, and the operation of medicines more ascertained. I think that mercurials are here inju-' rious, and ought never to be given; but in the earlier stages of the complaint, the diseased action in which it consists may be stopped by the steady and regular use of bitter and warm purgatives: a mix


ture of the infusion of gentian with that of senna, answers this pur pose better than any other which I have seen. In the more advanced stages I think, too, the nitric acid will be found as useful as mercury is injurious; at present I have in my own mind experience enough to justify me in recommending it to notice, though not suffi cient to enable me to speak with precision as to its powers. In conjunction with these means, a perfect restriction from the use of alkohol, with great regularity as to modes of life in every respect, are to be strictly enjoined; perhaps the first of these points is rather to be wished than expected. I have seen very many of the evils arising from this source; I have witnessed the bodily suffering, and mental horrors, which flow from it; but I never yet saw the man who had once established himself as a drunkard, possess sufficient resolution to forbear the practice.'

Dr. Powell adds that he has found the nitric acid very useful in this disease.

This work deserves to be attentively perused by medical readers; and possesses, among other merits, that of brevity, which is a strong recommendation to the favour of those who set a proper value on


Art. 52.

Practical Observations on the Cure of the Gonnorrhea Virulenta in Men. By Thomas Whately, Member of the College of Surgeons, London. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Johnson. 1801.

After some general remarks on the nature of this diseas?, Mr. Whately divides it into three species: the gonorrhoea attended with ulcerations in the urethra; that which is accompanied by violent chordee, ardor urine, and other marks of strong inflammation in the passage; and that in which the inflammatory affection is considerably slighter throughout.

In the species first-mentioned, the internal use of mercury is advised; and in the second, the author thinks that a mercurial course has a considerable effect in mitigating the most troublesome symptoms, though he confesses that it will not effect a complete cure. He promises largely, indeed, when he assures us that mercury will remove both chordee and ardor urinæ. We shall be extremely glad if the fact can be supported by farther experience: but surely, when the use of mercury in gonorrhea was universally laid aside by the practitioners of the last age, that general consent must have resulted from ample proof of the inefficacy of this method of treatment. The third species of gonorrhoea (which appears, however, to be only a lower degree of the second,) is cured by Mr. Whately by means of mercurial injections. He recommends in preference, for this purpose, the muriated mercury.

Young practitioners will meet with many useful remarks in this pamphlet, though we cannot agree with Mr. Whately in expecting much benefit from the revival of the use of mercury during the inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea. It would require many well authenticated instances of the efficacy of this method, to refute the observations of Hunter and his contemporaries.


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