Imatges de pàgina

of comedy, 488. On compo-
sitions for the opera, 491,
Lamballe, Princess of, her unhappy
destiny, 534
Lampadius, M. on a new method
of forming ammonia, 529.
La Place, M. on the duodecimal
system of notation, 460. See
also pp. 464. 503. 514, 515.
Lassus, M. on Umbilical rup-
tures, 520.

Lead, account of a mode of re-
fining it on a large scale. See
Lecture, Croonlau, by Everard
Home, Esq. 83. Bakerian,
by Dr. Young, ibid.
Leicester, the town library of de-
scribed, 506. account of an
old MS. there, ascribed to
Jesus Christ as the author, ib.
Lemonnier, M. account of his life
and works, 512.
Leroux, M. on the gum in the bulb

of the hyacinthus non scriptus,524.
Light, spontaneously emitted from
various bodies. See Hulme.
Littlehales, Col. his official letter
to Sir R. Musgrave, on the
dedication of his memoirs of
the Irish Rebellion, 278.
Loquacity of Women investigated,


Lycophron, his Cassandra criti-
cized, 365.


Man, nature of, philosophically
considered and defined, 416.
Observations on Cannibals, ibid.
Human sacrifices, 407.
Mann, Abbé, on religious esta-
blishments made by English
Catholics on the Continent of
Europe, 33.
Marescot, M. on an improvement
in the art of Mining, in fortifi-
cation, &c. 517.
Marten, Harry, the Regicide,
picture of him mistakenly
those of the fa-
placed among
mily of Lewis, at St. Pierre
in Monmouthshire, 117.


Masks of the Furies, as used in
the antient Greek Tragedies,
&c. observations on, 471.
Mercurials. See Small-pox.
Mesmer, Dr. Medical Knight
Errant', 38. 41.
Michaelis, Professor,

[ocr errors]

from Mr. Marsh's translation
of his Introduction to the New
Testament, 16. Dissertation on
the origin and composition of
the first three canonical Go-
spels, 173.

Mines, military, mem. concerning,
Miracles, that difficult subject
freely discussed in the French
Normal School, 465.


Monge, Professor, his lecture on
descriptive geometry, 460.
See also p. 465.
Monmouthshire, whimsical mix-
ture of the different styles of
antient architecture in that
county, 116. Remarkable ob-
jects, &c. in Mr. Coxe's tour
in Monmouthshire, 117.
Moon, M. Coulomb's mem.
the theory of, 514.
Motions, spontaneous, of different
substances, when approaching
each other. See Prevost.
Muller, General, good character
of, 543.
Musgrave, Sir Richard, a zealous
anti-revolutionist, in regard to
the late disturbances in Ire-
land, 275. His doctrines and
facts controverted, in a letter
to a noble Earl, 329, 330, 331.
See also Littlehales.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Nocturnal, or Journal of Dreams,

Normal schools, in France, lec-
tures, &c. in, 459.
Nottingham, its great antiquity,
Nunnery, curious account of that
founded by St. Cæsar, Bp. of
Arles, 396.

[ocr errors]

Oeconomy, political, seriously and
profoundly investigated, 468.
Ogilvie, Dr. his choice of a sub-
ject for an epic poem, criti-
cized, 359

Orleans, late Duke of, anecdotes
of, favorable and unfavorable
to his character, 535
Ovid, new translation of one of
his heroic epistles, 327. Ex-
tract from, ibid.
Oxides of iron, use of in dying
cotton, 518.


Parmentier, M. on a substitute
for rice, 522. On tinctures

made with diluted alcohol, to
be used with medicated wines,
Parr, Dr. his strictures on Mr.
Godwin's doctrine of universal
philanthropy, 249..
His de-
fence of the English Univer-
sities, against Mr. Gray and
Mr. Gibbon, 253.
Paul I. Emp. of Russia, his po-
litical conduct with respect to
the French war, 498.
Peace, pamphlets relative to, pro
and con, 213–216.
bable effects of, on our com-
mercial interests, 429.
Pearson, Dr. his laudable atten-
tion to the Vaccine Inocula-
tion. See Vaccina.


Pepin, K. of France, his great ta-
lents and wise government, 391.
His amiable character, 393.
Petersburg, remarks on its climate,

139. Topographical descrip-

Situation and

tion of, 141.
accommdations for strangers,
&c. 144.
Public walks, gar-

dens, promenades, &c. 145.
Phosphorus, observations on the
existence of in sugar, 525.
See also Descroizelles.
Picturesque, idea of that term, as
used by painters, 257.
Pigafetta, Chevalier, his account
of his voyage round the world,
in the squadron of Magellan,-
the first circumnavigator, 475.
Poor, (or the lower orders of
Society,) means of reforming
their morals, &c. 166. In.
quiry into the cause of their
increasing numbers and dis-
tresses, 167. Their miseries
in hard times poetically dis-
played, 311-314. Improved
management in the maintenance
of the poor of Kingston, 428.
Strictures on the poor laws,432.
Porcelain, painting on, memoirs
on colours for, 509.
Prevost, M. on the

motions of substances ap-
Priestley, Dr. his laudable man-
proaching each other, 522.
ner of employing his learned
leisure in America, 53.
Priests, Roman Catholic, apology
for their marriage, 109.
Privateers, &c. laws and customs
of nations relative to, 149.
Prizes, mathemat. mem. on the

distribution of at Vienna, 509.
Proteus Anguinus, a doubtful ani-
mal, described, 302.
Prussia, King of.
Pyramids. See Egypt.

See Frederic

Quack-Doctors, curious accounts
of some famous characters on
the Continent, 38-42.
Quakers, or "Society of Friends,"
appeal to, relative to the
primitive simplicity of their
Christian principles, &c. 426.

Quick-silver. See Mercury.


Revelation defended against the
objections of a sober sceptic,


Rhinoceros, anatomy of one, 85.
Rice, substitute for. See Par


Richard I. his adventures the

subject of an epic poem, 288.
Rider, Mr. his account of reli-
gious antiquities found in a
cave at St. Domingo, 30.
Ridgway, Mrs. pardoned under
the Great Seal of England, for
the murder of her husband, on
the plea of her having lived
40 days without sustenance,

Ripuary, curious account of that
antient French constitution,


Ritter, M. on some effects of the
electric fluid, 529.
Rivers, in England, several de-

scribed. See Tamar, &c.
Rue, M de la, his account of the
lives and works of an antient
Norman poet, 32.

Scotland, observations on ruraf
scenery and manners in, 256.
The term picturesque explained,
257. Falls of the Clyde de-
scribed, 258. Glen Croe, its
savage magnificence, 260.
View of the ruined tower of
Gilnockie, 263.

Series, periodical, report concern-

ing, by La Grange, &c. 507.
Sicard, M. his lectures on the
parts of speech, delivered in
the sittings of the Normal
School, 462.

Sight recovered at 7 years old, by
a child who had lost it when
only a year old, 304.
Silver, new method of separating
it from the adulteration in base
coin, 528.
Small-pox, memoirs on the use
of mercurials in, 519.
also Variola.

Sonnini, M. his comparison be

tween the people of modern
Greece and those of Egypt,
56. His dread of revolutions
under any government, 59.
His account of Cyprus, 60; of
Rhodes, 67; of Delos, 68.

Ruptures, umbilical. Sec Lassus. Spartacus, character of that hero


Sabatier, M. on changes which
sometimes take place in the
organs of the fetus, 520.
Sacrifices, human, their monstrous
nature considered, and placed
in a striking point of view,

Saint Pierre, Professor, his lecture

on morality, 461.
Salome, M. See Vegetables.
Sap in trees, experiments on the
ascent of 295.

Saurin, M. his tragedy of Spar-
tacus criticized, 486.
Schreibers, Dr. his description of
a doubtful animal, 302.
Seeria, of bell-metal, method of
extracting the copper and tin
from, 528.

discussed, 487.

Sun, observations on the nature
of, tending to a discovery of
the causes or symptoms of its
variable emissions of light and
heat, 291-295. Memoir on
the passage of Mercury over
the sun, 518.
Swellings of the lower extremities,
(in lying in women,) nature and
cause of, 422.
Swift, Dean, peculiar advantages
of Nichols's edition of his
works, 194. Dr. S. Johnson's
prejudices against Swift expos
ed, 199, the note. Papers,
not in former editions, 200.

[blocks in formation]

Teeth of wild animals, anatomical
observations on, 303. See also
Telegraph, a new invented one,
as reported to the National In-
stitute, 508.

Thomas, Mr. his anatomical de-
scription of a rhinoceros, 85.
Thun, Count, a miraculous quack-
doctor, some account of, 42.
Tooke, Mr. John Horne, and
other persons, tried for high
treason, Mr. Belsham's ас-
count of, 76-79.
Toussaint, character of that ce-
lebrated leader of the discon-
tented Negroes, in St. Do-
mingo, 334
Townley, Mr. his account of
antiquities found at Ribchester,
31. Mr. Weston's opinion re-
specting the same curiosities,

[blocks in formation]

U and V
Vandermonde, Professor, his Nor-
mal lecture on certain chemical
principles, 464.
Variola vaccina, observations on
inoculating for, 440. 477.
Varro, his book on agriculture,
a curious specimen of what was
known on that subject among
the old Romans, 245.
Vauquel n, M. on the hydro-
sulphurat of soda, 528. On
a native phosphate, 529.
Vegetables, the internal tempera-
ture of, compared with that of
the atmosphere, 523.
Universities, the English, de-
fended by Dr. Parr against
Messrs. Gray and Gibbon, 253.
Their system of education not
faultless, 254.
Volcanoes, mountainous, original

[blocks in formation]

Ware, Mr. his case of a young
gentleman who recovered his
sight when 7 years of age,
after having lost it by cataracts
when a year old, 304.
Water. See Irrigation.
Weston. See Townley.
Wilkins, Mr. his account of Mel-
bourne Church, in Derby-
shire, 34.

Wollaston, Dr. his experiments on
the chemical production and
agency of electricity, 300.
Women. See Loquacity.
Wood, Col. his improvements of
the romantic scenery of Pierce-
field, 127.
Woodhouse, Mr. his paper in the
Philosophical Transactions, on
the necessary truth of certain
conclusions obtained by ima-
ginary quantities, 85.

on portions of the soli-
dity of a sphere, 88.

Y and Z
Yarmouth described, 505.
Young, Dr. his Bakerian Lecture,
Zaffre, memoir on the new com-
bination discovered in, 527.


Printed by A. Straban, Printers Street, London.

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