Imatges de pàgina

and therefore, however fevere this Afflic tion may at present seem to me, thy bleffed Will be done: Bring me furely to thyself, by what Methods thou pleafeft; and teach thy Servant to be content.

III. And, O Lord, if in thiue infinite Wisdom thou halt fee fit not to grant a speedy Answer to my Prayers, yet let me not thereby be utterly caft down, as one without Hope; but make me to wait with Patience, for thy good appointed Time, when thou wilt clear up my Doubts, and fcatter my Fears, and remove my Sorrows, and make me know affuredly, that it is good for me that I have been afflicted. In the mean Time, O Lord, ftand by me in all my Trials and Temptations; let not the Enemy of my Salvation prevail against me, but do thou comfort and affist me; and give me the Shield of Faith, whereby may be able to quench all the fiery Darts of the Devil; that trufting in thee, and in thy Promises, I may at last be more than a Conqueror; looking unto Jefus, the great; Captain of my Salvation, who was him-: felf made perfect by Sufferings, and is now at the right Hand of God, making continual Interceffion for us.


IV. Have Mercy upon me, O bleffed.

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Jefu, thou compaffionate Lover of Souls; I come unto thee, for thy Merits are infinite, and far surpass not only mine, but the whole World's Offences; I will therefore hope in thy Name, in thy Merits, and in thy Interceffion; thou art Almighty, and art able to relieve me; thou art all Goodness, and therefore willing to affift me. I confefs with Grief of Heart, that my Sins are many and very great; but greater is thy Mercy to penitent Sinners. Great is the Malice of the Powers of Darkness, and great is my own Weaknefs: but much greater is thy Power and Goodness: Therefore when my Fears prefs hard upon me, I will hope in thy Mercy, and put my Truft and Confidence in thee. The holy Scriptures affure me, that thou art able to fave unto the utmost all that come unto God by thee; and thou haft promifed, that those who come unto thee, thou wilt by no means caft out: hear me, I befeech thee, O merciful Saviour, in this my diftreffed Condition; fpeak Peace to my troubled Confcience; comfort and support me under all Dejections of Mind; give me Patience and Submiffion under thine afflicting Hand; and, if it be thy Will, a fpeedy and happy Deliverance from my prefent

present Mifery; and fay unto my Soul, I am thy Salvation.

V. Have Mercy upon me, O blessed Spirit, God of Love, thou powerful Advocate and sweetest Comforter: Infuse thy Grace into my Heart, and scatter there thy chearful Beams. Purify my Soul, and strike me through with the Darts of thy Love: Kindle fuch a holy Flame in my Breast, as may burn up all the Drofs of fenfual Affections, and may poffefs, and purify and strengthen my drooping Soul. Come, Holy Spirit, in much Mercy come, and make me fit to receive thee into my Heart: Difpel thofe black irregular Thoughts and Apprehen frons, which terrify and difcompofe my Mind: And be thou to me a kind Comforter, and mighty Defence in all my Wants and Diftreffes, and my ready Helper in this Time of Need.

To him, therefore, who is able to keep us from falling, and to prefent us faultlefs before the Prefence of his Glory, with ex-ceeding Joy, to the only wife God, Fa ther, Son, and Holy Ghoft, be Glory and Majefty, Dominion and Power; and mayest thou receive from me, from Men, and An- -gels, continual Praise and Thanksgiving,' $6.


Obedience, Love, and Adoration, for ever

and ever.


A Prayer for a Perfon under Scruples of Confcience, or under Fears and Doubts of his fpiritual Condition.

I. O MOST bleffed and gracious God, who alone canft heal a wounded Spirit, and quiet a troubled Mind; look with Pity on thy Servant, oppreffed with a Load of Mifery: Unto thee do I cry for Help: 0 thou great Physician of Soul and Body, uphold and comfort my weak and dejected Spirit, ftrengthen it against all inordinate vain Fears and Terrors, and deliver me from all unprofitable Troubles of Mind, and causeless Scruples of Confcience.

Thou alone canft relieve me; grant therefore, merciful Lord, to me thy Servant, Pardon, and Peace; and that I may be cleanfed from all my Sins, and ferve thee with a quiet Mind, and glorify thy Goodness with a thankful and chearful Heart all my Days.

II. I take little Delight in any Thing I do, no not in my fpiritual Exercises, which once were, and ftill fhould be, most de


lightful to me. Eafy Things are become difficult, and difficult Things feem almoft impoffible to me; and I am full of Fears, Jealoufies, and Sufpicions; but most of all am I apt to fear in this fad Condition, that I have loft thy Favour. I am greatly indifpofed for my own Bufinefs, loth to do any Thing, and find a great Backwardness even in praying unto thee, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.

Direct me to proper Means for the Removal of my Doubts and Scruples, and let me hearken to the wife Counfels and Advice of a prudent spiritual Guide, and such other Perfons as I fhall confult with; and make me always willing and ready to follow wife Inftructions; and fuffer me not to be led away by the Delusions of the Devil, or my own foolish and perverse Will.

O Lord, hear this Prayer, which in Anguifh of Spirit I make unto thee, for Jefus Chrift his Sake. Amen.

III. O thou bleffed Jefus, who waft made Man, and in our Nature tookest our Infirmities, Sin only accepted, and waft a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Grief, and once in Anguish of Spirit upon the Cross, criedft out to thy Father and our Father, My God, my God, why haft thou for faken

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