Imatges de pàgina
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thy Glory. Increase in me more and more the Graces of Charity and Meeknefs, of Juftice and Fidelity. Give me Humility and Patience, and a Firmnefs of Spirit, to bear every Condition with Conftancy and Equality of Mind.

Enable me, O Lord, to fubdue and con-quer every inordinate Luft and Paffion,and to govern all my Appetites by Temperance, and Purity, and Meeknefs of Wifdom; fetting thee always before me,, that I may not fin against thee.

Create in me a clean Heart, O God, and renew a right Spirit within me. Purify my Soul from all evil Thoughts and Inclina-tions, from all bad Intentions and Defigns.. Deliver me, O Lord, from Pride and Vanity,, and from immoderate Self-love, and obftinate Self-will; and from all Malice, Envy,, and Ill-will towards my Neighbour:

O make me to love thee as I ought,. above all Things; and let the Intereft of thy Honour and Glory, be ever dearer to me, than my own Will or Reputation, or any temporal Advantage whatfoever.

Subdue in me the evil Spirit of Wrath and Revenge; and difpofe my Heart pati-ently to bear Reproaches and Wrongs, and i




to be ready not only to forgive, but to return Good for Evil.

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Affift me, O Lord, more efpecially, in the faithful and confcientious Discharge of the Duties of that Station in which thou haft placed me: [-make me a ried or omitted, as kind and affectionate Husband, it fuits every one's a careful and loving Father, a prudent and difcreet Mafter.] And grant that I may employ all the Abilities and Opportunities which thou fhalt give me, for thy Glory, and the Good of thofe committed to my Care.


Confirm me, O God, in all my holy Defires and Refolutions; and O do thou keep it for ever in the Purpofe and Refolution of my Heart, to love and ferve, and obey thee, through Jefus Chrift our bleffed Lord, and only Saviour; in whose Words I commend the Wants and Neceffities of all Mankind, together with my own.

Our Father, &c.

A Prayer for Wednesday Evening.

O MOST Glorious and everlafting God, who inhabitest Eternity, and dwelleft in that Light which no mortal Eye can ap

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proach unto; I thy unworthy Servant beg leave to present my Prayers before thy divine Majesty.

O Lord! I confefs, that notwithstanding all thy gracious Dealings and Difpenfations towards me, I have neither loved thee, served thee, nor obeyed thee as I ought to have done.

The Cares and Concerns of this Life are too apt to bufy and employ my Thoughts. and make me cold and remifs in the great and important Work of my Salvation.

O my God! I lament and bewail the Corruption of my Nature, and my manifold Sins and Tranfgreffions. Where shall I fly for Succour but unto thee, who art a God of infinite Love and Pity? O pity my Weakneffes, and forgive and wash away all my Sins, in the Blood of that immaculate Lamb Chrift Jefus, that neither thofe which I have this Day committed, nor any other the Follies of my Life paft, may be ever had in Remembrance before thee.

O referve not my Sins to be punished in the Day of thy fierce Wrath and Difpleafure! but bury them all in the Depth of thy everlasting Mercy, that they may never rife up to my confufion here, nor my Condemnation hereafter.. Look upon me, O Lord,


as a reconciled Father in Christ Jesus; speak Peace unto my Confcience, and fay unto my Soul, I am the God of thy Salvation.

But, O Lord, I beg not only the Pardon of my Tranfgreffions, but most earnestly entreat thee (who haft promifed to give thy Holy Spirit to them that afk it) that thou wouldst enable me to forfake every evil Way, and to walk before thee in Newness of Life.

Let not Sin reign in my mortal Body, nor any finful Defires take Poffeffion of my Heart; but by the powerful Efficacy of thy Grace, deftroy in me all evil Habits and irregular Difpofitions, and whatsoever opposes itself to thy most holy Will and Commandments.

Giveme, O Lord, a lively Senfeand Conviction of the Shortnefs and Uncertainty of all Things here below: that my Heart being weaned from the Love of this World, it may daily more and more afpire after those Joys which are at thy right-Hand for evermore.

Make me, O gracious God, a faithful and a wife Steward of all thofe Talents thou haft committed to my Truft. Let me never apply thy Bleffings to any finful or unworthy Purposes, nor abufe thy Mercies by any ungodly Ufe of the leaft of thy good Creatures; but give me Grace to improve them to thy


Glory, the Good of my own Soul, and in the Comfort and Relief of my diftreffed Brethren; that being rich in good Works, and having laid up a rich Treafure in Heaven, Imay (when this earthly Tabernacle fhall be diffolved) have a Building of God, a House not made with Hands eternal in the Heavens, thro'our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift.

Extend thy Mercy, O God to all Mankind; have Pity upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Hereticks, and bring them to the Light and Knowledge, and Practice of thy Laws.

Blefs thy Holy Catholic Church, and especially that Part of it which thou haft planted in these Kingdoms; remove out of it all Errors and Corruptions, all Divifions and Diffenfions; and let Love and Charity and Good-will be vifible in the Lives of all its Members.

Reform all Things amifs in these Kingdoms. Root out from among us all Profanenefs and Impiety; all Uncharitableness and Animofities; that we turning from all our evil Ways unto thee, the Lord our God, thou mayeft turn from thy Displeasure against us, and delight over us to do us Good; to build us up, and not to destroy us. Blefs and protect our Sovereign Lord


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