Imatges de pàgina

LOWLINESS-freedom from pride, humility,

humbleness, self-abasement, modesty, unworthiness, penitence, submission, submissivenesss. See Humble. LOWNESS of spirits-dejection, depression, despondency, melancholy, hypochondria, low-spiritedness; in rank or state, humiliation, degradation, debasement, abasement, reduction. See Despair, Disgrace. LUCK-See Chance.

LUCKY-fortunate, successful, prosperous, favorable. See Fortunate. LURE-See Tempt, Induce, Entangle. LUST-longing desire, desire, passion, concupiscence, lusting, carnal appetite, unlawful desire, lasciviousness, salaciousness, salacity, lecherousness, lechery, lubricity, incontinence, incontinency, unchastity, evil propensity, depraved affections and desires. See Desire, Loose.

LUSTY-fat, corpulent, stout, robust, vigorous, healthful, able of body; bulky, large. See Fatness, Strong. LUXURY-free or extravagant indulgence in the pleasures of the table, voluptuousness, sensuality; epicurism, sensual enjoyments; dainty, delicious food or drink; any thing delightful to the senses. See Glut, Drunk, Pleasure, Feast.

MACHINE-See Instrument.
MAD-See Foolish.

MADNESS-disorder of the intellect or reason, distraction, derangement, insanity, insaneness, lunacy, delirium, mania, phrenzy or frenzy, franticness, mental aberration; extreme folly, headstrong passion and rashness; wildness of passion, rage, fury. See Folly, Possession, Rage.

MAIM-deprive of the use of a limb, lame, cripple, mangle, mutilate, injure, hurt. See Mangle, Cut off, Injure, Hurt. MAINTAIN-assert, vindicate. See Keep, Support.

MAJESTIC-august, stately, dignified, magnificent, grand, splendid, pompous, elevated, lofty; princely, royal, regal, kingly, noble; magisterial. See Grand, High, Great.

MAKE-constrain, compel; form, fashion,

mold, contrive, cause to exist, produce, create, compose, constitute, construct,

establish; do, perform, execute, cffect, cause; raise, gain, collect; over, transfer, convey, assign, alienate; out, learn, discover, obtain, prove, evince, find or supply. See Force, Form, Contrive, Do. MALICE-extreme enmity, rancor, malevolence, malignity, malignancy, grudge, spite, pique, ill-will. See Enmity, Hatred, Envy, Spite. MALICIOUS-harboring ill-will or enmity, malevolent, malignant, malign, evilminded, evil, wicked, fiendish, fiend-like, diabolical, infernal, hellish, stygian, devilish, spiteful. See Hateful, Invidious, Wicked. MANGLE-lacerate, tear, rend, mutilate, maim. See Maim, Worry. MANNER-See Appearance, System, Way. MANNERS-morals, habits; behavior. See Custom, Behavior, Civility. MANY-manifold, multiform, several, divers, sundry, various, numerous. MARGIN-See Brink, Edge. MARK-line, incision, impression, print, stamp; note, sign, symptom, indication, token; trace, vestige, footstep, footprint, track; of disgrace, brand, stigma, badge. See Character, Emblem. MARK—draw a visible line, stamp, impress, print, imprint; note, notice, observe, remark; heed, attend, regard. See Impress, Hear, Denote. MARKET-See Trade.

MARRIAGE-matrimony, wedlock; nuptials, wedding; relating to, connubial, conjugal, matrimonial, nuptial, hymeneal, hymenean. See Espoused, Relationship.

MARTIAL-warlike, military, soldier-like, brave, given to war; suited to battle. MASK-See Cloak. MASS-See Medley. MASTER-possessor, proprietor, owner; ruler, director, governor, head, chief, principal, superior, controller, lord; teacher, tutor, instructor, preceptor, professor. See Chief, Scholar. MAXIM-See Aphorism. MAZE-See Intricacy. MEAN-wanting dignity, low, vulgar, low minded, base, spiritless, contemptible, despicable; of little value, humble, poor; sordid, miserly, penurious, niggardly. See Low, Gross, Contemptible, Poor, Saving, Sneaking, Miserly, Sorry. MEAN-have in mind or view, intend,

purpose, design, contemplate; signify, indicate, express, imply, import, denote. See Design, Denote, Betoken. MEANING signification, significance, im

some, jocund, sportive, festive, convivial, social, sociable. See Convivial, Lively, Glad, Gay, Jocular, Cheerful


port, sense, intendment, intention, ten-MESSAGE-verbal or written notice sent, dency, aim, purpose, See Intention, Aim, Sense.

MEANS, instrument of effecting any purpose-income, revenue, resources, substance, estate; organ; that offer, expedient, alternative, resource, medium; moyen. See Choice, Medium, Way.

errand, mission, commission, embassy, dispatch, communication, mandate, order. See Order, Command. MILD-See Kind, Merciful. MILDNESS-softness, gentleness, suavity, placidity, blandness, tenderness, mercy, clemency; moderateness. See Mercy, Kindness, Peace, Medium.

MECHANIC-artisan, artist, artificer, oper- MIMIC-imitator, buffoon, zany, merry

ative, workman, journeyman. MEDITATE-See Think.

MEDIUM-middle, mean; mediocrity, moderateness, moderation, temperateness, temperance. See Way, Means, Mildness. MEDLEY-mingled and confused mass, mixture, confusion, mass, hotchpotch, heterogeneousness, diversity, variety, miscellany.

MEET-fit, prepared, suitable, proper, qualified, convenient, adapted. See Fit. MEET-come together, come face to face, confront, encounter, come in contact, join; come to, find, light on, receive; assemble, congregate, collect, concentrate, group, muster, embody. See Call together, Collection, Crowd, Find. MELANCHOLY-See Sad, Doleful. MEMOIR-personal history, life, personal narrative or chronicle, history, narrative, narration, chronicle, written account, register of facts, recital. See Chronicle, Story, History. MERCENARY-that may be hired or sold, venal, hireling, hired, purchased, sold; greedy of gain, mean, selfish. See Mean. MERCHANDISE-See Goods, Trade, Buy. MERCIFUL-having or exercising mercy, clement, compassionate, humane, tender, lenient, benign, benignant, indulgent, not cruel, pitiful. See Mildness, Kind.

MERCY-See Grace.

MERCY-grace; benevolence, tenderness, mildness, pity or compassion, or clemency exercised toward offenders; clemency, lenity, leniency, humanity, benignity, compassion, pity. See Kindness, Pity, Mildness.

MERRY-gay and noisy, jovial, exhilarated, cheerful, mirthful, joyful, sprightly, joyous, lively, gay, vivacious, blithe, blithe

andrew, jester, mountebank, fool. See Fool, Blockhead, Coxcomb, Imitate. MIND-See Intellectual, Thoughtful. MINGLE-See Mix.

MINISTER-chief servant, agent, officer, official, magistrate, delegate, embassador, envoy, pastor. See Clergyman, Servant, Assist.

MIRTH-social merriment, hilarity, noisy gayety, jollity, jolliness, jocoseness, jocularity, jocundity, jocundness, festivity, joviality, conviviality, sociality, sociability; joy, gladness, cheerfulness. See Cheerfulness, Joy, Pleasure, Jest, Sport.

MISCARRIAGE-failure, mishap; ill conduct, evil or improper behavior, misbehavior; abortion, untimely birth. See Misdeed, Behavior.

MISDEED-evil deed, wicked action, fault, transgression, trespass, offense, misbehavior, crime. See Miscarriage, Fault, Iniquity.

MISER-extremely covetous person, sordid wretch, avaricious fellow, very parsimonious creature, curmudgeon, niggard, churl. See Money. MISERLY-very covetous, avaricious, sordid, niggardly, narrow, parsimonious, mean, churlish, curmudgeonly. See Mean, Narrow. MISFORTUNE-ill-fortune, ill-luck, adversity, calamity, disaster, affliction, distress, mischance, evil or cross accident, mishap, misadventure. See Trouble, Fortune.

MISTAKE-error, misconception, misunderstanding; slip, hallucination, fault; accident. See Fault, Oversight, Deceive. MISUSE-ill-use, use ill or improperly, use to a bad purpose, wrong, injure; abuse, treat ill. See Abuse, Injure.

MIX-See Medley.
MOB-See Crowd.
MOCK-See Laugh at.

MODEST-restrained by a sense of propri ety, not forward or bold, not presumptuous or arrogant, not boastful, bashful, diffident, reserved; not loose, not lewd, chaste, pure, vestal, virtuous; moderate, not excessive or extreme, not extravagant. See Pure, Chasteness, Shameless, Loose.

MOIST-See Soak.

MOMENT Second, instant; importance,
etc. See Importance, Transitory.
MONEY-coin, stamped metal, gold, silver,
copper, cash; specie, bank notes or
bills, finance, exchequer.
MORALS-See Manners.
MORTAL-subject to death, destined to
die; deadly, fatal, causing death, bring-
ing death; human, terrestrial, earthly,
mundane; perishable, fleeting, evanes-
cent. See Deadly, Transitory.

MOURN-See Grieve.
MOUTH-See Speech.

MOVE-See Go, Stir.
MOVE-impel, carry, convey, draw; excite,

affect, touch pathetically, agitate, rouse, incite, instigate, prompt, stir, actuate, urge, persuade, induce, prevail on. See Induce, Animate, Stir, Shake, Awaken, Go.

MOVE round-revolve, circumvolve, turn, circumgyrate, circulate: wheel, whirl, twirl, twist, reel. See Twist, Surround. MUCH, too-excess, exuberance. See Excess, Luxuriance. MURDER-See Kill.

MUTUAL-See Return like for like.

NAKED-not covered, bare, nude, uncovered, unclothed, undressed; unarmed, defenseless, open, exposed; plain, evident, undisguised. See Bare, Open. NAME-appellation, appellative, title, denomination, designation; reputation, repute, character, credit, estimation; renown, fame, honor, celebrity, eminence, praise, distinction; remembrance, memory: authority, behalf, part; appearance only, sound only, not reality. See Fame, Praise. NAME-call, give name to, denominate, entitle, characterize, style, term, designate, nominate. See Call.

NARROW-of little breadth, not wide or broad, strait, confined, limited, contracted, covetous, not liberal or bountiful; close, near, accurate, scrutinizing. See Miserly, Limited. NATURAL-implanted by nature, inborn, innate, ingenerate, inbred; inherent; native, indigenous. See Born, NAUSEA-sea-sickness, sickness, qualm, loathing, disgust, squeamishness. See Disgust, Sick.

NEAR-See Neighborhood, Narrow. NECESSARY-that must be, that can not be otherwise, essential, indispensable, re quisite, needful, fit; expedient, desirable; wanted, required; unavoidable. See Fit, Constituent. NECESSITY-what must be; irresistible power, compulsive force; want, need, occasion, requirement, indispensableness; extreme indigence, pinching poverty, pressing need, distress, exigency, emergency; unavoidableness, inevitableness. See Destiny, Poorness, Want, Occasion, Trouble, Obligation. NEED-See Necessity. NEEDLE-See Sharp. NEGLECT-omission, forbearance to do, inadvertence, oversight; negligence, inattention, carelessness, disregard, remissness, indifference, recklessness, apathy, unconcern. See Oversight, Apathy.

NEGLECT--omit; forbear to do or use; slight, contemn, disregard, not to notice. See Despise, Shun.

NEIGHBORHOOD-a place near, vicinity, vicinage, proximity, adjacency. See Near, Nigh.

NERVE-See Strong.
NET-See Snare.

NEWS-tidings, recent account, fresh in formation, intelligence.

NICE-soft, delicate, tender, dainty, fine, sweet, delicious; accurate, exact, precise, methodical, correct, particular, scrupulous, distinguishing. See Dainty, Correct, Squeamish, Luxury. NIGH-See Neighborhood. NIGHT-See Darkness. NOBLE-See Generous, Great. NOBILITY-noblesse, noblemen, nobles, aristocracy, oligarchy, barons, patricians, lords, peers, grandees, optimacy; dignity, grandeur. See Grand, Greatness, Government.

NOISE-See Sound, Jingle.



NOISE sound, murmur, creak; cry, outcry,
clamor, vociferation. See Cry, Loud.
or catalogue
words, vocabulary, schedule, etc. See
Dictionary, Catalogue.
NOTED-set down in writing; observed,
noticed, notorious; remarkable, con-
spicuous, eminent, famous, celebrated,
distinguished, renowned, illustrious, ex-
traordinary. See Famous.
NOTICE observe, see, regard, attend,

heed, mind, remark, mention, mark,
note. See Mark, Perceive, Hear.
NOURISH-nurture, cherish, foster, sup-
port, maintain, encourage; educate,
instruct. See Support, Foster.
NOVICE-See Ignorant.
NUMB-benumbed, deprived of sensation,
torpid, chill, motionless, stupefied.
NUMBER-See Count.

[blocks in formation]

OBJECT-oppose, except to, gainsay, deny,
controvert, dissent. See Oppose, Gain-
say, Cavil, Aim, Refuse.

OBLIGATION-duty; compulsion, force, co-
ercion, necessity. See Debt, Necessity,

OBLIGE-obligate, engage, constrain, com-
pel, bind, do a favor to, favor, serve,
assist, please, gratify. See Force,
Please, Assist.

constraining, com-
pelling; kind, complaisant, courteous,
civil, affable. See Kind, Amiable, Offi-

OBLIQUE-See Crooked.

OBSTACLE-what opposes, what stands in
the way, obstruction, hinderance, let,
impediment. See Difficulty, Hinder-

ance, Let.
OBSTINACY-fixedness in opinion or reso-
lution, stubbornness, pertinacity, per-
sistence, persistency, inflexibility, con-
tumacy, perverseness, refractoriness, in-
tractableness, obdurateness, obduracy.
OBSTINATE-fixed in opinion or resolution,
stubborn, inflexible, refractory, contu-
macious, pertinacious, perverse, obdu-
rate, unyielding, resolute, opiniated,
headstrong, heady. See Crooked, Un-
willing, Averse.

OCCASION-falling, happening or coming
to, occurrence, casualty, incident; op-
portunity, convenience, favorable time,
season or circumstances; incidental
need, casual exigency, necessity, need.
See Cause, Necessity, Chance.
OCCUPY-take possession; keep in posses.
sion, possess, hold or keep for use; take
up, cover or fill; employ, use; maintain;
invest. See Keep, Maintain, Possession.
ODD-not even or equal; singular, extra-
ordinary, strange, eccentric, irregular,
anomalous, particular, uncommon; fan-
tastic, fantastical, whimsical, comic,
comical, droll, queer, ludicrous, funny,
laughable, burlesque. See Amusing,
Fanciful, Laughable, Eccentric.
ODE-See Sing.

OFFEND-displease, make angry, affront,
vex, insult, mortify, shock, wound;
pain, annoy, injure; transgress, tres-
pass, violate. See Displease, Affront,

OFFENDER-one who offends, violator,
transgressor, trespasser, criminal, male-
factor, felon; culprit, delinquent, de-
faulter. See Crime.
OFFER-bring in the way, bring to or be-
fore, present, proffer, give, bestow, ex-
hibit, tender; sacrifice, immolate; bid,
propose. See Give, Kill, Bid.
OFFERING sacrifice, oblation; presenta-
tion, tender; a burnt, holocaust.
OFFICE-duty, charge, trust, function,
place, post, situation, station, rank,
business, employment, occupation,
agency. See State, Situation.
OFFICIOUS-kind, obliging; excessively
forward in kindness; active, busy med-
dling, intermeddling, intrusive, imper-
tinent, importunate. See Obliging,
Active, Impertinent.
OFFSPRING-child or children, descendant
or descendants, progeny, young, issue;
propagation, generation; production
See Children, Issue, Increase.
OFTEN-oft, frequently, many times, not
seldom, not rarely, repeatedly, con-
stantly, continually.
OINTMENT-See Perfume.
OLD-advanced far in years or life, aged;
decayed, not new or fresh; ancient, an-
tique, olden; elderly, senile; antiquated,
old-fashioned, obsolete. See Ancient,

OMEN-See Foretell.

ONE-See Alone.
ONSET-rushing or setting upon, violent
attack, attack, charge, assault, encoun-
ter, storming. See Attack, Battle.
OPEN-See Spread.

OPEN and free-ingenuous, frank, fair,
candid, sincere, free from reserve, dis-
guise, equivocation or dissimulation,
unreserved, undisguised, undissembling,
artless; communicative.
See Free,
Fair, Art, without, Clear.
OPENING-breach, gap, aperture, cleft,
rent, crack, crevice, fissure, cranny,
chink, slit, chasm; cavity, cave, cavern,
grotto, den; orifice, hole, perforation,
bore, pore; avenue, passage, way, en-
trance, dawn, first appearance or visi-
bleness. See Gap, Way.
OPERATION-Working, process, agency,
action, effect; manipulation; movement.
See Work, Proceeding, Effect.
OPINION-Sentiment, idea, notion, judg-
ment, settled persuasion. See Thought,
Judgment, Conceit.

OPPOSE-put or set against, act against,
resist, withstand, combat, oppugn, con-
trovert, gainsay, contradict, deny, ob-
ject to, except to. See Hinder, Gain-
say, Object, Refuse.
OPPOSITE-See Cross, Inimical.
ORDAIN-set, settle, establish, institute,
constitute, appoint, decree, order, pre-
scribe; adjudge, adjudicate. See Fix,
Appoint, Destiny, Form.
ORDER-regular disposition or methodical
arrangement, regularity, rule, method,
system, settled mode; rank, degree,
class, division, species; series, succes-
sion, consecution, consecutivenesss; re-
ligious fraternity; regular government
or discipline. See Command, Decree,
Arrangement, Order, System, Discipline,
Kind, Course, Formality, Message.
ORDER-regulate, methodize, put in order,
systemize, adjust, dispose, digest, class,
classify, range, rank, arrange; direct,
command. See Command, Class.
ORDER, put out of-disorder, break order,
derange, confuse, disarrange, disturb,
perplex, confound, displace, unsettle,
ruffle, discompose, interrupt; change
the, invert; reverse. See Unsettle, Dis-
figure, Interrupt, Confused.
ORDERLY-regular, methodical, systemat-
ic; well-regulated, not tumultuous; not
unruly, peaceable. See Regular.

ORIGIN-first existence, original, com-
mencement, beginning, rise, source,
first cause, fountain-head, descent;
grounds, foundation, base, basis; rudi-
ments, elements; primitive, etymon,
etymology. See Begin, Cause, Rise.
OUTRAGE-See Affront.
OUTWARD-outer, external, exterior, ex-
trinsic, adventitious; extraneous; in
theology, carnal, fleshly, corporeal, not
spiritual. See Abroad.

OUTWEIGH exceed in weight, overbalance,
preponderate; exceed in value, influ-
ence, or importance. See Go.
OVERBEAR-bear down, overpower, sub-
due, oppress, overwhelm, suppress. See
Conquer, Overcome.

OVERCOME-conquer, vanquish, subdue,
subjugate, overpower, suppress; sur-
mount, get the better of. See Beat,
Defeat, Overbear.
OVERFLOW-flow over, inundate, cover
with waters, deluge, overwhelm, cover.
See Flow, Overbear, Water.
OVERRULE-influence or control by pre-

dominant power, dispense with, super-
sede, annul, reject. See Annul, Refuse.
OVERSIGHT— superintendence, watchful
care, supervision, inspection; mistake,
overlooking, omission, error, inadver-
tence, inattention, slight, accident. See
Care, Mistake, Neglect.

OWN-acknowledge, avow, confess, not to
deny, admit, recognize. See Recognize,
Profess, Allow.

PACE-step, gait, stride; amble. See Step.
PAIN-uneasy sensation, uneasiness, dis-
tress, suffering; anguish, agony, tor-
ture, pang, torment; disquietude, anxi-
ety, solicitude, grief, sorrow, remorse.
compunction; pains, labor, work, toil.
See Grief, Trouble, Bear, Repentance,

PAINT-form a figure or likeness in colors,
depict, represent, delineate, color, be-
smear, sketch, describe.
See Color,
PALACE-See House.
PALATE-See Taste.
PALE-white or whitish, fair, wan, cadav-
erous, pallid, ghastly, deficient in color,
not ruddy; not bright, not shining, dim.
See Dull, Ghastly.
PALPITATE-beat gently, beat, flutter, pant,
heave, gasp. See Beat, Flutter.

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