Imatges de pàgina
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She will not come. Pet. The fouler fortune mine, and there an end. Enter Katharina.

Bap. Now, by my holidame, here comes Katharina!

Kath. What is your will, sir, that you send for

me ?

Pet. Where is your sister, and Hortensio's wife?
Kath. They sit conferring by the parlour fire.

Pet. Go, fetch them hither; if they deny to


[Exit Grumio. Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee,
And for thy maintenance: commits his body
To painful labour, both by sea and land;
To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,
While thou liest warm at home, secure and safe,
And craves no other tribute at thy hands,
But love, fair looks, and true obedience;-
Too little payment for so great a debt.
Such duty as the subject owes the prince,
Even such, a woman oweth to her husband:
And, when she's froward, peevish, sullen, sour,
And, not obedient to his honest will,
What is she, but a foul contending rebel,
And graceless traitor to her loving lord?
I am asham'd, that women are so simple
To offer war, where they should kneel for peace;
Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway,
When they are bound to serve, love, and obey.
Why are our bodies soft, and weak, and smooth,
Unapt to toil and trouble in the world;
But that our soft conditions, and our hearts,
Should well agree with our external parts?
Come, come, you froward and unable worms!
My mind hath been as big as one of yours,
My heart as great; my reason, haply, more,
To bandy word for word, and frown for frown:
But now, I see our lances are but straws;

Swinge me them soundly forth unto their husbands:
Away, I say, and bring them hither straight.

[Erit Katharina. Luc. Here is a wonder, if you talk of a wonder. Hor. And so it is: I wonder what it bodes.

Pet. Marry, peace it bodes, and love, and quiet

An awful rule, and right supremacy;
And, to be short, what not, that's sweet and happy.
Bap. Now fair befall thee, good Petruchio!
The wager thou hast won; and I will add
Unto their losses twenty thousand crowns;
Another dowry to another daughter,
For she is chang'd, as she had never been.

Pet. Nay, I will win my wager better yet;
And show more sign of her obedience,
Her new-built virtue and obedience.

Re-enter Katharina, with Bianca, and Widow.
See, where she comes; and brings your froward
As prisoners to her womanly persuasion.-
Katharine, that cap of yours becomes you not;
Off with that bauble, throw it under foot.

[Katharina pulls off her cap, and throws it down. Wid. Lord, let me never have a cause to sigh, Till I be brought to such a silly pass!

Bian. Fie! what a foolish duty call you this?
Luc. I would, your duty were as foolish too:
The wisdom of your duty, fair Bianca,
Hath cost me a hundred crowns since supper-time.
Bian. The more fool you, for laying on my
Pet. Katharine, I charge thee, tell these head-
strong women

What duty they do owe their lords and husbands.
Wid. Come, come, you're mocking; we will
have no telling.

Pet. Come on, I say; and first begin with her.
Wid. She shall not.

Pet. I say, she shall; - and first begin with her.
Kath. Fie, fie! unknit that threat'ning unkind

And dart not scornful glances from those eyes,
To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor:
It blots thy beauty, as frosts bite the meads;
Confounds thy fame, as whirlwinds shake fair buds;
And in no sense is meet, or amiable.
A woman mov'd, is like a fountain troubled,
Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty;
And, while it is so, none so dry or thirsty
Will deign to sip, or touch one drop of it.
Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper,

(1) Gentle temper.

Our strength as weak, our weakness past com


That seeming to be most, which we least are.
Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot;
And place your hands below your husband's foot:
In token of which duty, if he please,
My hand is ready, may it do him ease.

Pet. Why, there's a wench!-Come on, and kiss
me, Kate.

Luc. Well, go thy ways, old lad; for thou shalt
Vin. 'Tis a good hearing, when children are

Luc. But a harsh hearing, when women are

Pet. Come, Kate, we'll to bed:We three are married, but you two are sped. 'Twas I won the wager, though you hit the white; [To Lucentio. And, being a winner, God give you good night! [Exeunt Petruchio and Kath. Hor. Now go thy ways, thou hast tam'd a curst shrew. Luc. 'Tis a wonder, by your leave, she will be tam'd so. [Exeunt.

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In old shepherd, reputed father of Perdita.


SCENE I.-Sicilia. An Antechamber in Leon-
tes' palace. Enter Camillo and Archidamus.


IF you shall chance, Camillo, to visit Bohemia, on
the like occasion whereon my services are now on
foot, you shall see, as I have said, great difference
betwixt our Bohemia and your Sicilia.

Cam. I think, this coming summer, the king of
Sicilia means to pay Bohemia the visitation which
ne justly owes him.

Arch. Wherein our entertainment shall shame us, we will be justified in our loves: for, indeed, Cam. 'Beseech you,

Arch. Verily, I speak it in the freedom of my knowledge: we cannot with such magnificencein se rare-I know not what to say. --We will give you sleepy drinks; that your senses, unintelligent of our insufficience, may, though they cannot praise us, as little accuse us.

Clown, his son.

Servant to the old shepheru.

Autolycus, a rogue.

Time, as Chorus.

Hermione, queen to Leontes.

Perdita, daughter to Leontes and Hermione.

Paulina, wife to Antigonus.

Emilia, a lady,

Two other ladies, }

attending the queen.

Mopsa, Shepherdesses.


Lords, ladies, and attendants; satyrs for a dance, shepherds, shepherdesses, guards, &c.

Scene, sometimes in Sicilia, sometimes in Bohemia.

[malice, or matter, to alter it. You have an unspeakable comfort of your young prince Mamillius; it is a gentleman of the greatest promise, that ever came into my note.

Cam. I very well agree with you in the hopes of him: it is a gallant child; one that, indeed, physics the subject, makes old hearts fresh: they,

went there he was born, desire yet their life, to see him a man.

Arch. Would they else be content to die? Cam. Yes; if there were no other excuse why they should desire to live.

Arch. If the king had no son, they would desire to live on crutches till he had one.


A room of state in the

SCENE II.-The same.
palace. Enter Leontes, Polixenes, Hermione,
Mamillius, Camillo, and attendants.
Pol. Nine changes of the wat'ry star have been
The shepherd's note, since we have left our throne
Without a burden: time as long again
Would be fill'd up, my brother, with our thanks:
And yet we should, for perpetuity,

Cam. You pay a great deal too dear, for what's Go hence in debt: And therefore, like
given freely.

Arch. Believe me, I speak as my understanding instructs me, and as mine honesty puts it to utter


a cipher,

Yet standing in rich place, I multiply,
With one we-thank-you, many thousands more
Stay your thanks awhile;
That go before it.

Cam. Sicilia cannot show himself over-kind to And pay them when you part.

Sir, that's to-morrow.
Bohemia. They were trained together in their Pol.
childhoods; and there rooted betwixt them then I am question'd by my fears, of what may chance,
such an affection, which cannot choose but branch Or breed upon our absence: That may blow
now. Since their more mature dignities, and royal No sneaping winds at home, to make us say,
necessities, made separation of their society, their This is put forth too truly! Besides, I have stay'd
encounters, though not personal, have been royally To tire your royalty.

attornied with interchange of gifts, letters, loving
embassies; that they have seemed to be together,
though absent; shook hands, as over a vast; and
embraced, as it were, from the ends of opposed
winds. The heavens continue their loves!

Arch. I think, there is not in the world either

(1) Nobly supplied by substitution of embassies.
(2) Wide waste of country.

Than you can put us to't.
Leon. One seven-night

We are tougher, brother,

No longer stay. Very sooth, to-morrow. longer. Leon. We'll part the time between's then: and in that


(3) Affords a cordial to the state. (4) Nipping.

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Slaughters a thousand, waiting upon that.
Our praises are our wages: You may ride us,
With one soft kiss, a thousand furlongs, ere
With spur we heat an acre. But to the goal;-
My last good was, to entreat his stay;
What was my first? it has an elder sister,

You put me off with limber vows: But I,

Though you would seek to unsphere the stars with Or I mistake you: O, would her name were Grace!


Should yet say, Sir, no going. Verily,

You shall not go; a lady's verily is

As potent as a lord's. Will you go yet?

Force me to keep you as a prisoner,

Not like a guest; so you shall pay your fees,

When you depart, and save your thanks. How say


My prisoner? or my guest? by your dread verily, One of them you shall be.


Your guest then, madam:

To be your prisoner, should import offending;
Which is for me less easy to commit,

Than you to punish.


Not your gaoler then,

But your kind hostess. Come, I'll question you Of my lord's tricks, and yours, when you were


You were pretty lordingss then.


We were, fair queen, Two lads, that thought there was no more behind, But such a day to-morrow as to-day, And to be boy eternal.

Her. Was not my lord the verier wag o' the two? Pol. We were as twinn'd lambs, that did frisk i' the sun,

And bleat the one at the other: what we chang'd,
Was innocence for innocence; we knew not
The doctrine of ill-doing, no, nor dream'd
That any did: Had we pursued that life,

And our weak spirits ne'er been higher rear'd

(1) Gests were the names of the stages where the king appointed to lie, during a royal progress.

(2) Indeed. (3) Tick. (4) Flimsy. (5) A diminutive of lords.

But once before I spoke to the purpose. When?
Nay, let me have't; I long.

Why, that was when Three crabbed months had sour'd themselves to

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Why, to you now, I have spoke to the purpose twice: The one for ever earn'd a royal husband;

The other, for some while a friend.


[Giving her hand to Polixenes.
Too hot, too hot: [Aside.

To mingle friendship far, is mingling bloods.
I have tremor cordis on me: my heart dances;
But not for joy,-not joy. This entertainment
May a free face put on; derive a liberty
From heartiness, from bounty, fertile bosom,
And well become the agent: it may, I grant:
B. to be paddling palms, and pinching fingers,
As now they are; and making practis'd smiles,
As in a looking-glass;-and then to sigh, as 'twere
The mort o'the deer; 0, that is entertainment
My bosom likes not, nor my brows.-Mamillius,
Art thou my boy?

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