Seek, my soul, the narrow gate Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing Should nature's charms, to please the eye. Since Christ our Passover slain.. The gentle Saviour calls The God of Abraham praise. The Spirit, in our hearts.. Thou art the way, to thee alone This is the day the Lord hath made.. Though I should seek to wash me clean Thus speaks the High and Lofty One.. Time hastens on; ye longing saints "Tis finish'd; so the Saviour cried To Jesus, our exalted Lord. To our Redeemer's glorious Name.. To thee let my first offerings rise. Triumphant Sion ! lift thy head Vital spark of heavenly flame.. We give immortal praise. Welcome, sweet day of rest When all thy mercies, my God.. When dangers, woes, or death are nigh.. When those we love are snatch'd away.. 200 181 When we are raised from deep distress. When thro' the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming While thee I seek, protecting Power. With joy shall I behold the day.. While angels thus, O Lord, rejoice... While shepherds watch'd their flocks by night 139 139 212 132 Witness, ye men and angels; now.. 163 221 149 223 153 120 TO FIND HYMNS SUITED TO PARTICULAR SUBJECTS AND OCCASIONS. VIII. INVITATION AND WARNING IX. CHRISTIAN DUTIES AND AFFECTIONS Prayer 175 177 178 ............. 181 ......... 182 185 185 |