Imatges de pàgina

to the Prejudice and Neglect of better and weightier Concerns; Or, left I be enticed to Sin by the Pleasures of Senfe, or difcouraged from the fteady Purfuit of Virtue and Heaven, by too tender and afflicting Refentments of any Calamities which may happen to


I fpeak not now of thofe vain Superfluities, which the deluded World fo vehemently contend for; but beg to be preferved in thefe Miferies and Dangers. For Miseries and Dangers I cannot but esteem, the common and unavoidable Incumbrances of Life; fince these are heavy, and cling clofe about the Soul, and put it under fuch a ftrait Confinement, that it cannot freely obey the Difpofitions it feels within, of getting above Concern for the World, and fixing its Defires and Endeavours upon Spiritual Objects. Thou, O my God, art Sweetnefs inexpreffible. But, that my Soul may truly relish thee, turn, I befeech thee, all my Worldly Comforts into Bitterness; left they vitiate my Palate, and give a Difguft to Heavenly Things, by fome deluding Charm of prefent pretended Good. O! let not Flesh and Blood prevail in their Conflicts with the Spirit; let not the World and its fading Glories cheat me into Ruin; let not the fubtle Enemy of Souls fupplant me with his tempting Wiles. Give me Courage to refift, when called to the Combat ; Patience to endure, when called to Suffering; Firmness of Mind to perfift immoveable in my Duty, when Temptations and evil Suggestions labour to feduce me. Exchange, if it be thy Will, the tranfitory and falfe Comforts of this World, for the Oyl of true Gladnefs, the Affiftances and fweet Satisfactions of thy bleffed Spirit; and, inftead of Carnal Love, and Senfual Inclination, let the Love and Defire of Thee be diffused thro' my whole Heart, and reign Unrivall'd there.

Even Food and Raiment, and the Neceffaries by which Life is fuftained, are a Grievance and Obftruction to zealous and refined Souls. But what must be a Burthen, let me not make an Occafion of Sin; by ufing the Creatures intemperately, by a Luxurious Indulgence, or Inordinate Appetite. Nature, I know, it is my Duty to fupport; and therefore, entirely to refuse and neglect thefe Provisions were Sin and foul Ingratitude. But, to enlarge our Defires beyond the proper Ufes of these things, and let them loofe upon Superfluity and Vanity, Delicacy and Delight: This the Law of God hath most wifely forbidden; because it were in effect to connive at all Licentioufnefs, by cherishing the Flesh, and animating and fupporting it in Infolence and Rebellion against the Spirit. Between these two Extremes there lies a fafe middle Way, in which I humbly implore the Guidance of thy Hand; left I decline from Virtue on either fide, and, going aftray after my own. Inclination or unadvifed Zeal, forfake my Path, and fly out beyond the Measures Thou haft prescribed for me.


Self-Love the greatest Obftruction to Virtue and




N, if thou aim at Purchafing All, know that it is not to be bought at any Price, lefs than thy All. Earth must be bartered for Heaven; and where I give my felf, I expect the whole Man in exchange. Think not therefore of any private Referves of Intereft or Pleafure, in Bar to my entire Poffeffion; for all the World cannot do thee greater Prejudice, than fuch Self-love. This fticks more clofe, while



other things are loofe and at a diftance. And all things faften upon thee, only according as the Degree of thy own Love and Inclination for them gives Opportunity and Advantage. If your Mind and its Affections be pure, and fincere, and moderate, nothing fhall have the Power to enflave you.

And what Pretence can you have for Suffering them to be otherwife? For who would fet his Love upon things, which cannot be obtained without Difficulty, oftentimes not with it; or, if they be, cannot be enjoy'd without Danger? Who would court Bonds and Captivity, and be fond of having that, which will obftruct his weightieft Concern, and rob him of his Liberty? Were thefe Confiderations duly attended to,' it must appear prodigious Folly, for any Man not to refign himself up entirely to Me; to wafte his Strength with unprofitable Vexations, and labour in the Fire for Vanity, and create Troubles, which it is in his Power to avoid. Obey my Will then, and submit all to my Difpofal, and then thou art out of the Reach of the World and its Temptations. But, if Interest and private Respect ftill govern in thy Heart, all thy Application will be in vain. Thou runneft away from Troubles in one place, to meet them in another; seeking Reft but finding none, because thou always carrieft thy Torment about thee. For, even in thy moft fuccefsful Attempts, there will be fomewhat wanting to give thee compleat Satisfaction; and in thy most private Retirements thou wilt be dogged and haunted by fome Croffes. The World and its Advan-' tages can do thee no Service by being enjoyed, but by being flighted and defpifed. This is the Cafe, not of Riches only, but of Honour and Reputation too. For they alfo make themfelves Wings, and fly away; and thou canst never be fafe or happy, but by mortifying thy Ambition and Vain-glory.


How many People please themselves with fond Imaginations of Eafe and Leifure to be good, in a Country, or a College-life? But Cloifters and Defarts fignify nothing, without the Zeal and Difpofition of a Hermit. The Convenience of Place is very little; and all its boasted Expectations vanish, except the Man be changed, as well as his Refidence, and manner of Living. And this Change is not, cannot be effected, unless his Mind be fixed in Me alone, as the proper, the only Center of all its Affections and Defires. The Liberty Men enjoy otherwife, is very fhort and unfaithful; for fresh Occafions of Sin and Trouble will quickly offer themselves; and then not only the old Inconveniences will return again, but new and greater, and fuch as are peculiar to that new State of Life upon which they have entred: And thus their very Refuge becomes a fresh Temptation.


A Prayer for Purity of Heart, and Heavenly Wisdom.

Difciple.] Establish me, Lord, with thy free Spirit,

being strengthened in the Inner 11. Man, I may purge my Soul from all vain Anxiety, and banish idle Fears, and get over the Dif couragements and distracting Troubles of the World. Let not the wild and impatient Defires of any thing here, though never fo alluring and feemingly valuable, perplex my Thoughts, and draw me off from Thee. Give me Grace to confider my self, and all below, as things full of Vanity, and of very fhort Continuance. For fuch indeed are all Things under the Sun, vexation of Spirit, and altogether lighter than

Vanity it felf. And he who conftantly looks as fuch, is the truly, the only Wife Man.

upon them

Impart to me then, O my God, I befeech thee, that Heavenly Wisdom, which may difpofe me to feek thy Kingdom and thy Righteousness; to fell all for this one Pearl of great Price; and to esteem

Matth. xiii.

my felf rich in no Treasure but Thee; to love and delight in thee alone; to take Satisfaction in all things elfe, in fuch Degrees, and in Subordination to fuch Purposes only, as thou haft appointed; and to receive every Difpenfation of Providence, with fuch a Spirit and Temper as becomes my Duty, and may render it ferviceable to the Ends for which thou fenteft it. Grant me fuch Prudence and Conduct in all my Conversation, that I may decline and despise the Infinuations of Flatterers, and meekly receive the Contradiction and Reproaches of Gainfayers and Slanderers. For this is Wisdom indeed, when a Man is not carried about with every Blast of Air; but stops his Ears against the Syren's Charms; and refolutely proceeds in a straight steady Courfe of Virtue, in defpight of all the Subtilty of those who labour to entice, or the Malice of them who would terrify, and drive him from it.


How a Chriftian ought to behave himself, when Men Speak Evil of him.

Chrift.Mfpeak or think ill of thee, let not this

'Y Son, if Detractors and Slanderers

much difturb thee. The Provocations to Impatience and angry Refentments, which fuch ill Treatment ufually minifters, will be much better employ'd against


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