Imatges de pàgina

religion, nor let him do this of himself, but at the instance and continued exhortation of many Bishops.


Εἴ τις πρεσβύτερος ἢ διάκονος ἢ ὅλως τοῦ καταλόγου τῶν κληρικῶν ἀπολείψας τὴν ἑαυτοῦ παροικίαν εἰς ἑτέραν ἀπέλθοι καὶ παντελῶς μεταστὰς διατρίβοι ἐν ἄλλῃ παροικίᾳ παρὰ γνώμην τοῦ ἰδίου ἐπισκόπου, τοῦτον κελεύομεν μηκέτι λειτουργεῖν· εἰ μάλιστα προσκαλουμένου αὐτὸν τοῦ ἐπισκόπου αὐτοῦ, ἐπανελθεῖν οὐχ ὑπήκουσεν, ἐπιμένων τῇ ἀταξίᾳ ὡς λαϊκὸς μέντοι ἐκεῖσε κοινωνείτω.

[1. Cot. “ al. διαστὰς.”—2. marg. ed. 2. μάλιστα εἰ.—3. Cot. αὐτοῦ ἐπανελθεῖν,-]

Si quis Presbyter aut Diaconus aut quilibet de numero Clericorum, relinquens propriam Parochiam, pergat ad alienam, et omnino demigrans, præter Episcopi sui conscientiam, in aliena Parochiâ commoretur, hunc ulterius ministrare non patimur; præcipue si vocatus ab Episcopo redire contempserit, in sua inquietudine perseverans; verumtamen tanquam Laicus communicet.

If any Priest or Deacon, or in short any one in clerical Orders, shall leave his own Parish and go to another, and permanently settle himself and remain in that other parish, without the cognisance of the Bishop, we order him to take no part in the ministry, especially if, after being called upon by his Bishop to return, he will not hearken, and still persist in his disorderly conduct. Let him however communicate, as one of the Laity.


Εἰ δὲ ὁ ἐπίσκοπος, παρ' α' τυγχάνουσιν, παρ' ουδὲν λογισάμενος τὴν κατ ̓ αὐτῶν ὁρισθεῖσαν ἀργίαν, δέξηται αὐτοὺς ὡς κληρικούς, ἀφοριζέσθω ὡς διδάσκαλος ἀταξίας.

[1. marg. ed. 2. ᾧ παρατυγχάνουσιν.-2. Cot. ἡγησάμενος.—3. marg. ed. 2. δέξεται.]

Episcopus vero, apud quem moratos esse constiterit, si contra eos decretam cessationem pro nihilo reputans, tanquam Clericos forte susceperit, velut magister inquietudinis communione privetur.

But if the Bishop, in whose diocese they are, shall take no account of the suspension from the ministry directed against them, and receive

them as Clerks, let him be excommunicated as the teacher of insubordination.

[Nos. 15 and 16 are united into one in Cot.]


Ὁ δυσὶ γάμοις συμπλακεὶς μετὰ τὸ βάπτισμα ἢ παλλακὴν κτησάμενος οὐ δύναται εἶναι ἐπίσκοπος ἢ πρεσβύτερος ἢ διάκονος ἢ ὅλως τοῦ καταλό γου τοῦ ἱερατικοῦ.

Si quis post Baptisma secundis fuerit nuptiis copulatus, aut concubinam habuerit, non potest esse Episcopus, non Presbyter, aut Diaconus, aut prorsus ex numero eorum, qui ministerio sacro deserviunt.

He, who after Baptism is twice married or keeps a concubine, cannot be a Bishop or Priest or Deacon, or be admitted into the ministry.


Ὁ χήραν λαβὼν ἢ ἐκβεβλημένην ἢ ἑταῖραν ἢ οἰκέτιν ἢ τῶν ἐπὶ σκηνῆς οὐ δύναται εἶναι ἐπίσκοπος ἢ διάκονος ἢ πρεσβύτερος ἢ ὅλως τοῦ καταλό γου τοῦ ἱερατικοῦ.

[1. marg. ed. 2. ἢ πρεσβύτερος ἢ διάκονος—and so Cot. in text.]

Si quis viduam aut ejectam acceperit, aut meretricem aut ancillam vel aliquam de iis, quæ publicis spectaculis mancipantur, non potest esse Episcopus, aut Presbyter aut Diaconus, aut ex eorum numero, qui ministerio sacro deserviunt.

If any marry a widow, or woman divorced, or a concubine, or handmaiden, or a stage-player, he cannot be a Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon, or in anywise admitted to the ministry.


Ὁ δύο ἀδελφὰς ἀγαγόμενος ἢ ἀδελφιδὴν, οὐ δύναται εἶναι κληρικός: [1. ἀδελφὴν, marg. ed. 2.]

Qui duas in conjugium sorores acceperit, vel filiam fratris, Clericus esse non poterit.

He who marries two sisters, or his niece, cannot be a Clerk.


Κληρικὸς, ἐγγυὰς διδοὺς, καθαιρείσθω.

Clericus, fidejussionibus inserviens, abjiciatur.

Let the Clerk, who gives securities, be removed from his office.


Εὐνοῦχος, εἰ μὲν ἐξ ἐπηρείας ἀνθρώπου ἐγένετό τις ἢ ἐν διωγμῷ ἀφηρέθη τὰ ἀνδρῶν, ἢ οὕτως ἔφυ, καὶ ἐστὶν ἄξιος, γινέσθω.


[1. Cot. “ In alio καὶ οὕτως ἔφυγε.”—2. Cot. in text, ἄξιος ἐπισκοπῆς : in marg. “ al. ἐπίσκοπος.”]

Eunuchus si per insidias hominum factus est, vel si in persecutione ejus sunt amputata virilia, vel si ita natus est, et est dignus, efficiatur Episcopus.

He who is an eunuch, either by the craft of men, or during a persecution, or who has been so from birth, if he is worthy, let him be a Bishop.


Ὁ ἀκρωτηριάσας ἑαυτὸν, μὴ γινέσθω κληρικός· αὐτοφονευτὴς γάρ ἐστιν ἑαυτοῦ, καὶ τῆς τοῦ Θεοῦ δημιουργίας ἐχθρός.

[1. Cot. αυτοφόντης γάρ ἐστι καὶ.]

Si quis abscidit semet ipsum, non fiat Clericus; quia suus homicida est, et Dei conditionis inimicus.

Let not him, who has mutilated himself, be a Clerk. For he is a self-murderer, and an enemy to the handywork of God.


Εἴ τις, κληρικὸς ὤν, ἑαυτὸν ἀκρωτηριάσει, καθαιρείσθω· φονεύς γάρ ἐστιν ἑαυτοῦ.

[1. marg. ed. 2. φονευτής.]

Si quis, cum Clericus sit, absciderit semet ipsum, omnino damnetur, quia suus est homicida.

If any one being a Clerk mutilates himself, let him be deposed, for he is a self-murderer.


Λαικὸς ἑαυτὸν ἀκρωτηριάσας ἀφοριζέσθω ἔτη τρία· ἐπίβουλος γάρ ἐστιν τῆς ἑαυτοῦ ζωῆς,

Laicus, semet ipsum abscindens, annis tribus communione privetur; quiæ suæ vitæ insidiator exstitit.

Let any Layman, who mutilates himself, be excommunicated for three years; for he is a plotter against his own life.

[21, 2, 3, 4, are all united in Cot.]


Ἐπίσκοπος ἢ πρεσβύτερος ἢ διάκονος ἐπὶ πορνείᾳ ἢ ἐπιορκίᾳ ἢ κλοπῇ ἁλοὺς καθαιρείσθω, καὶ μὴ ἀφοριζέσθω· λέγει γὰρ ἡ γραφὴ, οὐκ ἐκδικήσεις δὶς ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό ὡσαύτως δὲ καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ κληρικοί.

[i Cot. in text; in marg. “ al. ἐπὶ.”—2. Cot. αὐτὸ ἐν θλίψει.3. marg. ed. 2. ὁμοίως καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ κληρικοὶ τῇ αὐτῇ αἱρέσει ὑποκείσθωσαν.] Episcopus, aut Presbyterus, aut Diaconus, qui in fornicatione aut perjurio aut furto captus est, deponatur; non tamen communione privetur. Dicit enim Scriptura-" Non vindicabit Dominus bis in id ipsum." Similiter et reliqui Clerici huic conditioni subjaceant.

[This is divided into two Canons in the version of Dionysius.]

If a Bishop, Priest or Deacon is detected in fornication, perjury or theft, let him be deposed, but not excommunicated; for the Scripture says, "Thou shalt not twice punish the same fault;" and in like manner the other Clergy.


Τῶν εἰς κλῆρον προσελθόντων ἀγάμων κελεύομεν βουλομένους γαμεῖν ἀναγνώστας καὶ ψάλτας μόνον.

[1. marg. ed. 2. προεληλυθότων. Cot. in text, παρελθόντων : in marg. “ al. προελθόντων, vel προσελθόντων, vel προεληλυθότων.—2. marg. ed. 2. μόνους.]

Innuptus autem, qui ad Clerum provecti sunt, præcipimus, ut, si voluerint, uxores accipiant; sed Lectores Cantoresque tantummodo.

Of those, who are admitted to the Clerkship, unmarried, we permit only the Readers and Singers, if they wish it, to marry.


Ἐπίσκοπον ἢ πρεσβύτερον ἢ διάκονον τύπτοντα πιστοὺς ἁμαρτάνοντας ἢ ἀπίστους ἀδικήσαντας, διὰ τοιούτων φοβεῖν ἐθέλοντα, καθαιρεῖσθαι προστάσσομεν· οὐδαμοῦ γὰρ Κύριος τοῦτο ἡμᾶς ἐδίδαξεν· τοὐναντίον δὲ

αὐτὸς τυπτόμενος οὐκ ἀντέτυπτεν· λοιδορούμενος οὐκ ἀντελοιδόρει· πάσχων οὐκ ἠπείλει.

[1. Cot. “ al. ἐθέλοντας.”—2. Cot. ἡμᾶς ὁ Κύριος ταῦτα.]

Episcopum aut Presbyterum aut Diaconum percutientem fideles delinquentes, aut infideles inique agentes et per hujusmodi volentem timeri, dejici ab officio suo præcipimus; quia nusquam nos hoc Dominus docuit; e contrario vero ipse, cum percuteretur, non repercutiebat; cum malediceretur, non remaledicebat; cum pateretur, non comminabatur.

We ordain that any Bishop, Priest or Deacon, who beats believers, when erring, or unbelievers when doing wrong, and who seeks by these means to make himself feared, shall be deposed. For nowhere has the Lord taught us this. But on the contrary when beaten, he struck not again; when reviled, he reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not.


Εἴ τις ἐπίσκοπος ἢ πρεσβύτερος ἢ διάκονος καθαιρεθεὶς δικαίως ἐπὶ ἐγκλήμασι φανεροῖς, τολμήσειεν ἅψασθαὶ τῆς ποτε ἐγχειρισθείσης αὐτῷ λειτουργίας, οὗτος παντάπασιν ἐκκοπτέσθω τῆς ἐκκλησίας. [1. Cot. ἐφάψασθαι.]

Si quis Episcopus aut Presbyter aut Diaconus depositus juste super certis criminibus, ausus fuerit attrectare ministerium dudum sibi commissum, hic ab Ecclesiâ penitus abscindatur.

If any Bishop, or Priest or Deacon, who has been justly deposed upon clear charges, shall dare to interfere in the ministry formerly in his hands, let him be cut off altogether from the Church.


Εἴ τις ἐπίσκοπος διὰ χρημάτων τῆς ἀξίας ταύτης ἐγκρατὴς γένηται ἢ πρεσβύτερος ἢ διάκονος, καθαιρείσθω, καὶ αὐτὸς καὶ ὁ χειροτονήσας, καὶ ἐκκοπτέσθω παντάπασι καὶ τῆς κοινωνίας, ὡς Σίμων ὁ μάγος ὑπ ̓ ἐμοῦ Πέτρου.

Si quis Episcopus aut Presbyter aut Diaconus per pecunias hanc obtinuerit dignitatem dejiciatur et ipse et ordinator ejus, et à communione modis omnibus abscindatur, sicut Simon magus a Petro.

If any Bishop or Priest or Deacon shall obtain his dignity by means

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