Imatges de pàgina

be accompanied with sincere, lively and devout affections. This seems strongly intimated in the devout language of our text: "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." q. d. 'Rouse, O my soul, and all the powers of it, awake to gratitude -shake off sloth and indolence, and be not insensible of thine obligations to God.-Let a lively sense of the divine goodness warm my heart, and animate every faculty to praise—I cannot, I will not content myself, with serving God, who is an infinitely kind and beneficent spirit, barely, by bodily exercises which profit little, by external pretences to gratitude, or words of praise, suggested by a lively fancy, and uttered by flattering lips. My thanksgiving shall flow from a heart deeply impressed with a sense of divine goodness, and inflamed with divine love-Be this my sacrifice, and it shall be acceptable in the sight of God, such as he will account himself honored by.'

Now it will appear evident, that it is only by such sacrifices of praise that God is well pleased, if we consider the nature of God, and his declarations: and the nature, and properties of external pretensions to gratitude.

God is a being of unlimited knowledge, and so perfectly acquainted with the temper of our souls, and even our thoughts afar off. He is a being of integrity and impartiality, without hypocrisy ; "just and right is he:" He must therefore hate all hypocrisy, and false show. He must be far from being pleased with what we may call, agreeable external appearances, unless attended with a sincere heart, and devout affections.-For "the Lord seeth not as man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." 1 Sam. xvi. 7. Love to God is the sum and essence of the first table of the law; and without it, the highest pretences to gratitude for divine favors, are but as sacrifices without fire to enkindle them. How can it be, but that the Lord, who is always acquainted with the inmost sentiments of our souls, should be even sorely displeased, when, in return for the benefits he confers upon us, out of mere love, pity, and condescension, we offer him only a formal God I thank thee, without having our hearts touched with a sense of his wonderful love, his admirable grace and condescension?

There is much vanity in such thanksgivings, there is a show without reality, there is something that looks like an attempt to deceive the omniscient God; what then can be expected, but that they should be as a stink in his nostrils, yes, an abomination to him? But not so the praises of the upright, for they are his delight.

There may be a speculative knowledge of our dependence on divine bounty for all the good things we enjoy, and a verbal acknowledgment of our obligations to our supreme Benefactor,

where there is no real gratitude. The truly grateful man, when praising God, hath such a view of his mercy, as excites sincere love to him, and an earnest desire to advance his honor and glory. True thankfulness to God is also distinct from that gladness, vain mirth, joy and levity, which the most irreligious may experience at the reception of divine favors.-It is a serious, rational and devout exercise of the mind. The truly grateful soul contemplates none of God's attributes, with more seriousness, reverence and godly fear, than his mercy ;* "He feareth the Lord and his goodness:" And it hath a very powerful influence upon his moral conduct: serves to make him strict and cheerful in his obedience to the divine commands, and very watchful against every sin. But what I have said must suffice for a description of the nature of true praise and thanksgiving to God. I am,

III. Thirdly, To show the propriety of recollecting and contemplating the favors which God bestows upon us, to excite us to, and animate us in, the duty of thanksgiving" Forget not all his benefits."

This is evidently necessary in order to maintain a grateful temper of soul; for our gratitude (as I observed before) will be in proportion to the sense we have of divine favors. If we do not meditate upon the worth of the blessings we receive from God, our need of them, and the benevolence of the Giver, we shall be strangers to true thankfulness.

Among the corrupt tempers which sin hath brought upon us, ingratitude is not the least. We are too apt to be unmindful of the God who made us, who upholds, feeds and supports us: too apt to indulge an insensibility of the numberless favors he confers upon us; and so give him occasion to complain of us, as of Israel: "I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib But Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider." Isa. i. 2, 3.-What a shame and reproach to human nature! That the dull ox, and stupid ass, should pay regard to the hand that feeds them, and show some tokens of gratitude; when man, the noblest work of God in this lower world, is forgetful of the gracious Author of his being and support, and lets the daily kindnesses of Heaven dispensed to him, pass unnoticed.

Or if we are not wholly unmindful of the kindnesses of Providence, yet are we not in danger of terminating our views, short of the original source of them? In danger of looking upon the productions of the earth, as owing, only to a natural property in the

"Thou most indulgent, most tremendous Power!

Still more tremendous, for thy wond'rous love!"-Dr. Young.


earth, to give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater? danger of ascribing success and prosperity in our civil or military affairs, to our own industry, prudence or courage, without extending our grateful meditations to the Great First Cause of all things; who causes the earth to yield its increase; who gives us wisdom, strength and prudence, to manage our affairs to advantage; whose invisible hand directs, governs, and manages all the operations of nature, all the scenes of Providence?

To meditate frequently on the goodness of God, to recollect any signal displays of his mercy to us, and to endeavor to keep in our minds a fresh remembrance of them, is a duty recommended by the example of David, and many other illustrious saints, of whom we read in the word of God.

God enjoined some particular observances upon the children of Israel, after their deliverance out of Egyptian bondage, to prevent their forgetting the wonders he wrought for them, to excite and continue their gratitude to him therefor; and methinks it might have a happy tendency to improve us in love and thankfulness to God, and to influence us to a suitable manifestation hereof in our lives, if we often called to mind divine favors, and dwelt with due attention on the greatness, and number of them. This is one special part of the saints' employment in heaven; and how reasonable an exercise for us here, where the mercies of God are renewed upon us every moment! Something of this should be our daily practice, and it may with propriety be done more largely and particularly at some set seasons.-Which leads me to, and will justify me in, what I proposed further to offer, viz.

IV. Fourthly, To apply what has been said to the occasion. of the present day, by mentioning some of the smiles of Providence in the course of the year past, which call for our thankful acknowledgment at this time; and pressing upon you all, the duty of praise and thanksgiving.

I would gladly assist your grateful meditations, in recounting the favors of God: But where shall we begin! How shall we attempt to speak of the loving kindness of the Lord, or show forth his praise? Shall we join with David, in the text, and following verses, and endeavor after the same sense of God's mercy, which appears through his animated notes of praise?"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities Who healeth all thy diseases. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: Who crowneth thee with loving kindness, and tender mercies. Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things: So that thy youth is renewed as the eagle's. The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.


He will not always chide: Neither will he keep his anger for He hath not dealt with us after our sins: Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities: For as the heaven is high above the earth: So great is his mercy towards those that fear him."How lively and devotional these expressions! How full of sincerest love and gratitude! And have we not reason to contemplate these favors with application to ourselves? No doubt we have as to most of them.—And oh, that there were indeed such a heart in each of us, that we might make suitable returns to the Author of them!

But it may be proper to take more special notice of those smiles of Providence mentioned in the governor's proclamation for this day's solemnity-and then descend to private and personal favors, which are peculiar to ourselves.

First, I shall briefly touch upon some public blessings vouchsafed to our nation and land, and the Protestant cause in general. -I shall not have time to enlarge upon them, nor will my acquaintance with affairs abroad in the world, enable me to be very particular. I hope there are none among us of so contracted principles, as to look upon themselves little interested in these. public blessings, or not bound to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving therefor.To begin,

The continuance of the life and health of our gracious sovereign king George, especially, considered in connection with the present state of our national affairs, is a favor of very great importance. The removal of a good king, is a great loss to a nation at any time; but especially at such a day as this is with the British nation. The goodness of God in preserving the life and reign of his Britannic majesty, is remarkable; as they have been protracted much beyond the bounds set to most of his royal predecessors. His administrations have been equal and prudent; his attachment to the Protestant cause, strict and invariable.-In him are happily united the authority of a sovereign, and the tenderness of a parent. Through the indulgence of kind Heaven, he yet lives and reigns: -But we know it will not be very long, according to the course of nature, before he must descend from the throne, and submit to the law of mortality, from which none are exempt; a period which his loyal subjects wish remote, and cannot think of without concern but the thought is rendered much less painful, from a prospect of the sceptre's continuing in his royal family; a family long remarkable for a tender regard to English liberty, for Protestant religion. And this succession is become very sure by his majesty's numerous offspring; yea as sure as human laws can render future events. This is such a favor as will not be slightly noticed, by those who are acquainted with our present happy constitution; by which we enjoy our important liberties and priv

ileges, civil and religious, which, it is evident, are not to be enjoyed, under a king not thoroughly Protestant; by the unhappy experience of our forefathers, a century or two ago.

And it ought to be acknowledged, to the praise of Him who setteth up, and pulleth down princes and rulers, as he pleases, that there have been no disadvantageous alterations in the ministry at home, the year past, that we hear of ;-and that those have now the management of the most important affairs there, who we trust have been, and will be, under God, very serviceable to the nation. A gentleman is still continued prime minister of state, who is by the best intelligences, a great politician, a man of uncommon penetration, of strict equity, impartial in his administrations, sincerely engaged in the glorious cause of English liberty, and Protestant religion, unmoved by the bribes, flatteries and insinuations of courtiers, determined that true merit shall be the only way to that promotion which he can be instrumental in procuring; in fine, excellently qualified to fill that elevated station in which kind Providence has placed him: And it appears that the smiles of Heaven have already been upon his administrations; and success attended some of the enterprises, formed more espe cially by him, and under his direction.

Another article of divine goodness, suitable for our thankful acknowledgment at this time, is the success which has attended his majesty's arms, and the arms of his most valuable ally the king of Prussia, the year past.

Success has been afforded to the British arms in several instances by land.-They have been successful in two descents upon the coast of France, viz. at St. Malo's, and Cherburg, by which the enemy have been despoiled of much treasure and military stores; have lost several fortresses of considerable importance: By which they have been greatly impoverished, and our nation not a little enriched.-Again, divine Providence has succeeded his majesty's electoral troops, and their allies, in the expulsion of the enemy, out of his hereditary dominions in Germany; of which they took possession the year before, and ruled for a short season, by tyranny and oppression, extremely cruel but by all their attempts they have not been able to re-enter. This is an instance of success, important perhaps in itself, and peculiarly agreeable to our good king.- Again, on the western coasts of Africa, the British forces have taken a settlement called Senegal, which I think is looked upon an acquisition of very great importance, and very hurtful to France in her trade and great stores and riches fell as a plunder into the hands of the captors.

And the God of armies has been pleased, in several instances,

* The right honorable Mr. Secretary Pitt.

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