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siderably improved; union and harmony in the evening.—Camberwell N. C. reign throughout. The building used for worship has been thoroughly cleansed, and sundry other improvements effected, which render it somewhat more comfortable and respectable. The financial position of the Society is very cheering, as for the first time in its history a balance-sheet was presented showing a balance in the treasurer's hands. A building fund has been started during the year, and collecting cards have been supplied to members; about £50 has already been promised, and we trust that at the end of March, when the cards and promises are due, a goodly sum will have been raised. A course of lectures now being given by Mr. Dicks have attracted a fair number of strangers, some of whom have attended all yet delivered, and express a desire to know more of the New Church teachings. The Sunday School is well attended, the average afternoon attendance being about fifty. The New Liturgy has been adopted, and used for two months to the satisfaction of all. The meeting, which was very united throughout, was closed with a hymn and the benediction.

LONDON (Stepney).-Mr. Austin a year ago suggested at an assembly of the London Association of the New Church the desirability of attempting to form a Society in the East of the metropolis. The idea was not lost sight of, and we are now gratified to report that the eighth London (Stepney) Society is an actual fact. Mr. Skelton has generously consented to act as minister, and although country societies are thereby deprived of the benefit of his services, we are satisfied that his decision to concentrate his efforts to one vast section of the metropolis is a wise one. Mr. H. W. Iles, 121 King Edward Road, South Hackney, is the secretary, and will gladly furnish further particulars to all inquirers. The Society, which has for some time past been seeking a hall for the continuance of the effort commenced at Stepney Green last year, announces that a hall has been taken for the purpose of holding Sunday services and week evening lectures at No. 1 Ben Jonson Road, near Stepney Green, E., and it is hoped that certain alterations now in course of progress will be completed in time to allow the services to be resumed on the third Sunday in January. It is intended for a time to have Sabbath service only

The New Jerusalem Society, meeting for worship in Nun Street, held a very pleasant social meeting on Christmas evening. During the evening the Rev. W. Ray gave a brief sketch of the history of the Society in Newcastle from 1808. Interesting addresses were given by Messrs. Lynn, Bowman, Atkinson, Gregory and others. In the course of the proceedings the minister was presented with a handsome Christmas present by Mr. J. Jewitt (in the name of the Society), accompanied with an encouraging address. Fruit was served during the recess. After singing Hymn 213, this pleasing meeting closed. At the same place, on New Year's eve, the junior members and Bible class enjoyed an excellent tea, instrumental and vocal pieces were performed, and various recitations and readings given with pleasing effect. Messrs. Garden, Jewitt and R. Lynn gave suitable addresses, and the meeting closed by singing and the benediction by'the minister.

On the following Sunday evening a larger number remained at the Holy Supper than we have seen before at this place.

RAMSBOTTOM.-On Saturday, Nov. ember 27, a tea and public meeting was held in the New Jerusalem schoolroom in connection with the opening of the day and Sunday schools. After tea Mr. Thomas Peake occupied the chair, and was supported by the Rev. S. Pilkington, Mr. Mackereth, F.R. A.S., of Eccles; Mr. John Ashworth, and Mr. Hilton. The chairman, in addressing the meeting, said that in reflecting on the work of the past year they had cause to be thankful for what they had accomplished. During that time they had entered fully into their new premises, and they had now a beautiful chapel and schoolroom in which to meet and worship, erected at a cost of about £3000. They knew that a large debt remained to be cleared off, and he urged them to use every endeavour to remove this, and never rest satisfied until it was paid and they could call the place their own. They were just opening their schools under favourable circumstances, and he thought there never was a time


when there was a freer acceptation of truth by the people, and he reminded them that one great part of Sundayschool work was to inculcate into the minds of the people a rational conception of the truths and doctrines of the Bible. He urged those present to further the interests of the New Church by practical Christianity in preference to intellectual teachings. Mr. John Ashworth, in the course of an interesting address, said that as a Sunday-school teacher he had one trouble-scholars as they grew up in years gradually left off attending school, and he thought it necessary for them to consider if something could not be done to remedy this. Secular education was not now the great object of the Sunday school; they had now to deal with the minds of men, and he thought more good might be done if they sought to inculcate doctrinal teachings into the minds of the young as they grew up. Mr. Mackereth, in the course of an excellent speech, drew a contrast or two between the state of philosophical theories of a century ago and those entertained by men of science of the present day, and by various arguments explained what rapid strides had been made of late years in every department of science. He recommended the study of science not only for its uses in providing many conveniences of social life, but also for the great light it shed on many portions of Holy Scripture. Mr. Pilkington next addressed the meeting. He said this was an occasion on which they could appropriately acknowledge the services of those who had worked hard in various ways during the time the church and schools were being erected. He then gave the names of some of the most earnest workers, and enumerated some of the services they had rendered, the audience expressing their gratification by heartily applauding every person as his name and his work were mentioned. On the following day Mr. Mackereth preached in the new church, and collections were made amounting to £11.

YORK. On Tuesday, January 4, at the coffee meeting of the above Society, held at the residence of the leader, Mr. Jubb, a very pleasing testimonial was presented to the two friends who had presided at the harmonium during the past twelve months. Mr. Jubb, in making the pre

sentation, alluded in very kind and complimentary terms to the services which Miss Acomb and Mr. Storry had rendered to the Society, and expressed the hope that they would always be able to look back with pleasure upon the testimonial as an evidence of the appreciation which their services had secured. He considered that the services of the church had been considerably improved in rendering, and it was gratifying to him to express the feeling of the Society that an acknowledgment of this was due. He tendered for Miss Acomb's acceptance a case of elegant silver spoons, and to Mr. Storry a handsome double inkstand with drawer and fittings, with every hope that they would long enjoy their use. Mr. Storry, in acknowledging this unexpected kindness, said he thought his friends had greatly over-estimated his services, and by such a shining present quite taken the gilt off them. He had considered that his father's long connection with the church seemed to demand that he should render, from a sense of duty, such little effort as was in his power, and to that little they had been most heartily welcome without any reward, which to that moment had not been anticipated by him. Miss Acomb had hoped that Mr. Storry would have said something for her, but she felt very grateful for the kind present made to her. During the evening Miss Webster presided at the pianoforte, and amongst other pieces some of Mr. Round's (of Hull) services were delivered, the Doxology and Response No. 5 meeting hearty approval. The meeting was numerously attended and most genial in its character; the kind hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Jubb and their family being most marked and cordial in its manifestation.


On December 28th, at the New Jerusalem Church, Peter Street, Manchester, by the Rev. Peter Ramage, of Kearsley, and Mr. Thomas Mackereth, F.R.A.S., of the Observatory, Eccles, John Johnson, F.M.S., of Wigan, to Elizabeth Ann, only surviving daughter of Mr. William Miller, of Manchester.


On the 10th of January, departed this life in Paris, aged seventy-one years,

Bon Frédéric de Portal, an enlightened the New Church, which took place on disciple of our doctrines, and an active the 25th day of December, in the 79th and able contributor to the French year of his age. From early life our periodical, La Nouvelle Jérusalem, departed brother has been a well-known Revue Religieuse et Scientifique (edited by receiver and earnest teacher of the Le Boys des Guays in the years 1838- Heavenly doctrines. Convinced of their 1848), in which Revue the papers from truth, he considered not his worldly his pen are signed by the initials F.P. gain or loss, but influenced by a deep He was the author also of two works, sense of duty, united cordially with the the first On Symbolical Colours (1837), few who, in his early life, received the which was translated into English; the truth and united themselves together other, Les Symbols des Egyptiens com- for its dissemination. The little party parés à ceux des Hébreux (1840), of met first in the room of a private house. which an able review was given in La Afterwards a room was rented in the Nouvelle Jérusalem, vol. iii., pp. 118- Chandos Buildings, and here, under the joint ministry of our departed friend Two other works of historical and and his brother-in-law, Rev. Mr. Barnes, scientific interest afterwards issued from the little flock continued to worship, his pen: Les Descendants des Albigeois during a period of thirteen years, until et des Huguenots, ou Mémoires de la the erection of the church in Henry Famille de Portal (1860), and Politique Street, which was opened in the year des Lois Civiles, ou sciences des législa- 1844. A man of high intellectual cultions comparés; par le Bon Fréd. de ture, Mr. Keene never failed to bring Portal, ancien Maître des requêtes et into the pulpit the fruits of careful Conseiller d'Etat honoraire; of which study and ripened Christian intelliwork two volumes only were published (1873, 1874).


gence. His published sermons are distinguished by clear statement, close The loss of his instructive conversa- reasoning, and accurate New Church tion and enlightened counsels will be intelligence. He brought the resources deeply felt by his New Church friends, of a wide scientific culture and an exand more particularly by the writer of tensive knowledge of the world to these lines, attached to him by an illustrate and enforce the truths of the eternal bond of gratitude and intimate Word. And while he was at home in friendship, having received through him, the discussion of high themes, he never some forty years ago, that inestimable overlooked the practical bearing of Scripgift, the knowledge of our celestial ture truth. Man's immortality was


A. H.

On the 3rd December 1875, Mrs. Mary Bailey, the affectionate wife of Robert Bailey, of Accrington, whose duties as a mother and pious Christian were discharged in an exemplary manner. For more than twelve months she suffered much from bronchitis and heart-disease, which terminated in death. A kind and beloved daughter, who could communicate with her better than others, anxiously and tenderly watched over her, and greatly contributed to her comfort in the close of this mortal life. She delighted much in reading the Juvenile Magazine and pious female biography, and now she has gone to take her part in those mansions in heaven, for which she had prepared herself

whilst here on earth.

REV. JAMES KEENE.-We have to record the departure to his reward of this able and self-denying labourer in

united in his mind and in his teaching with the perception that it could only become an immortality of joy by regeneration from the Lord. This truth he illustrated and enforced in all his teaching. And his zeal knew no abatement in his work. It was only when his physical strength failed him that he retired from his public labours in the Church. Mr. Keene was a man of warm His sympathy and strong feeling. sympathies were with the good, and his interest and delight in its promotion. His keen intellectual discernment enabled him to see clearly the tendency and danger of error; and his intense

love of the truth led him to resist with

firmness whatever he regarded as wrong, whether in theory or practice. This firmness of conduct exposed him we doubt not to occasional misapprehension, but those who knew him best and longest can best testify to the purity of his motives and the integrity of his

actions. In social life Mr. Keene believe, was the first to be entered on occupied a position of worldly respec- the roll of subscribers. At the last tability, and exercised a marked and wellrecognised influence. His many useful works and excellent character secured for him general esteem. This was expressed in the local papers by the respectful and somewhat extended notices which appeared after his departure. The following is a portion of the notice which appeared in the Bath Chronicle of December 30th:

"We have this week the melancholy duty of recording the death of Mr. James Keene, for fifty-six years proprietor and editor of the Bath Journal, which took place at his residence, No. 16 Norfolk Buildings, on Christmas Day. For many years past Mr. Keene has retired from the more active public duties which engaged his attention in the early and middle period of his life, and devoted himself more entirely to theological pursuits, and, if we may be allowed to say so, to ministerial work, for it is well known that, in addition to his duties in connection with his newspaper, he added those of teaching and preaching the doctrines of Swedenborg, which from a youth he professed, and during a long and active career has courageously but unostentatiously maintained. 'He was,' says a writer in the Gazette, who can claim a more intimate knowledge of the deceased than we possessed, some years since ordained the minister of the Henry Street Chapel of that denomination, and continued to preach there till within only a month of his death. Amongst that community he was greatly esteemed, his preaching being at once plain, vigorous, and marked by good, sound common sense. These qualities, with his stately and intellectual presence, made him a favourite preacher in London, Liverpool, and elsewhere, as well as in Bath.' There are not a few citizens who, how


will best remember Mr. Keene as an active politician, bearing his part in all the public movements of the Liberal party with dignity, courtesy, and ability. He was also for many years a member of the Town Council, and found time to engage in most of the public movements connected with the city's welfare. Ever ready to give real assistance to the artisan classes, he founded for them a building society, known as the Bath, Somerset, aud Gloucester Building Society. He was, if not the, one of the founders of the Bath Athenæum, and his name, we

annual meeting of that institution he presided, as usual, and in reviewing its chequered history spoke in glowing terms of the great pleasure it gave him to be able to look back upon the efforts he had made with others to keep the institution in existence, and of the greater pleasure it gave him then to see it not only a self-supporting but flourishing association. When in years gone by the Committee of the Athenæum arranged lectures on scientific and other subjects, Mr. Keene had frequently to be called upon at short notice to fill up a gap caused by an unfulfilled engagement, and so ready were his resources, that he was never applied to in vain. That he was equal to such emergencies we have in proof only again to quote from the Gazette-'His great experience, added to the fact that from the beginning to the end of his life he was a student, placed within his ken a wide range of subjects, with all of which he was intelligently familiar. English politics were at his fingers' ends, as also were those of India, our Colonies, America, and the Continent. An accomplished and facile speaker of the French language, he was au fait with the real interests, chaotic struggles, and many changes of that country. It was also highly characteristic of the broad tolerance and strong logical faculties of the deceased gentleman that, though not a member of the Church of England, he never urged its disestablishment, but publicly, on repeated occasions, deplored its internal dissensions.' In his business transactions he was, we know, the soul of honour. It may truly be said of him his word was his bond. What he believed to be just he abided by, and scorned even the appearance of unfair dealing. It need scarcely be added that with one of such sterling rectitude to do business was ever a pleasure.'

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On Sunday, January 2nd, the pulpit in Henry Street so long occupied by our departed brother was filled by Mr. Gunton, who preached two appropriate discourses, the one in the evening being specially marked as a funeral discourse. The attendance at both services was very large, and the sympathy of the people in the notice of the departed strongly manifested; many joining in the "Amen" with which the preacher closed his discourse.

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THOSE who are advanced in the Christian life, and who have long devoted themselves to the careful study of the Word, and of the writings of the Church, will always prefer such expositions of it as have to do with the progress of regeneration, and the application of spiritual truth to the states of their own minds and hearts as well as to the affairs of everyday life; but others who are less advanced and have less aptitude for solitary study, require to have the very elements of the faith they profess, so set before them that they may in time become masters of our general system of doctrine, and then go on to further perfection. This never was more necessary than it is now, for many are in danger of thinking that they understand the truth well enough, when in fact they never take any trouble to be quite sure that they have clear ideas of any single important doctrine. It is our duty, the duty of experience, to endeavour to lead them gently into the ways of thought, and to make it easy for them to learn the faith and to prove its truth.

Deeply convinced of the importance of this duty I shall speak from our text this morning on the prime doctrine of our Church, the 1 A sermon preached by John Webster Hancock, LL.B., at Peter Street, Manchester, August 18, 1875.


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