Imatges de pàgina

be untainted by any mixture, either of unbecoming enthusiasm or of spiritual pride; but may it be of that truly Christian kind, which is pure, peaceable, and easy to be entreated,-full of mercy and of good fruits,—without partiality and without hypocrisy.

And bless, O Lord, all my endeavours to enrich my mind with all that other knowledge which is the ornament of life. Keep me from at any time wasting my exertions in vain or frivolous pursuits; but, considering myself always as accountable to thee for the improvement of my understanding, no less than for the conduct of my life, may I devote my labour to the attainment of such things only as are true and honourable, and subservient to edification. And forbid, O God, that I should ever be puffed up by any of the attainments which I may make in this life; but may my humility grow with my knowledge; and may my piety to God and charity to mankind be increased by every addition to the sum of my wisdom.

Preserve me, I humbly beseech thee, from the contamination of all those false views by which the unbelieving and gainsayers are led to destruction;

but, being ever firm in the faith delivered to the saints, may I consider it as my highest honour to be a follower and disciple of the Son of God.

Bless and prosper, if it be thy will, my worldly pursuits. But, alas! O Lord, I know not what is good for me all the days of this life. Let not my heart, therefore, be too much set upon any of the advantages of this life; and keep me from ever presuming to mark out to thy wisdom what things I ought to wish and to pray for. May the language of my heart ever be, Lord, not my will, but thine be done. If thou shouldst see fit to disappoint my hopes, may I be led thereby to a more attentive consideration of all my ways. And if it be thy will to bless my exertions, may I employ all my means to thy glory and to the good of mankind. Keep me always humble and thankful, and ever striving to obtain an inheritance in thy heavenly kingdom.

Preserve me from an inordinate and ambitious pursuit of temporal honours; but rather let me study at all times to be approved of thee, and so to live, that I may leave behind me that good name, which is better than precious ointment.

Keep me from being at any time too much dis

tressed by the cares and anxieties of the world.May I ever keep in mind, that there is nothing abiding under the sun; and that there is a mingled portion of good and of evil appointed to every man. May I at all times, therefore, submit myself to the disposal of thy providence; and when difficulty and sorrow overtake me, may I be aided by thy grace, so to conduct myself, that in all things I may approve myself thy obedient servant.

Above all, grant, O Lord, that I may run my Christian course with success. May I daily be adding to my faith knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience brotherly kindness and charity; that thus may my course of duty and of virtuous attainment be like the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

I thank thee, O Lord, that thou hast brought me in peace and safety to the conclusion of this day; and that thou hast again permitted me, in this quiet hour, to hold communion with thee, who art my Father in heaven. Grant, O Lord, that while I am preparing for that rest by which my body is to be refreshed, I may think with becoming

seriousness of that time when I must put off this mortal garment, and lie down in the bed of death; and may I terminate this and every day of my life in such a manner as I shall wish to meet my latter end, at peace with thee,―at peace with the world, -and at peace with my own heart.

For this purpose, O Lord, grant me more complete devotedness to thy will, and enable me more strenuously to perform all duty, and to avoid all sin; and through the merits of my Redeemer may I be reconciled to thee, who canst only look on me in mercy through him.

If during this day I have either done or suffered injury, O take away from me all hostile and all revengeful feelings; let not the sun go down upon my wrath; but may I fall asleep in perfect charity and sincere good-will to men.

Calm within me every evil and unruly passion; inspire me with all peace and joy in believing; enable me to commit myself to thy care, as to the guidance of a kind and merciful Father, who cannot but love those who do his will. And to thy name, Lord, be ascribed glory, dominion, and praise, both on earth and in heaven, world without end.




1 PETER ii. 21. Leaving us an example that we should follow his steps.

I THANK thee, O heavenly Father, that thou hast again opened mine eyes upon the light of day; and that while the sun is preparing like a giant, to run his course in the heavens, I also, thy rational and immortal creature, have been called to run my Christian race in the practice of all duty and of all resignation.

I bless thee, O Lord, that thou hast permitted me to see the concluding day of another week; and that thou hast not, ere this day, terminated the time allotted to me upon this earth.

O forgive, I humbly beseech thee, for Christ's sake, the manifold sins of my past life. In all things I have come short of the duty required of there has not been a thought in my heart, nor


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