Complete thy work, and crown thy grace,
That I may faithful prove;
And listen to that small still voice,
Which only whispers love.
This unction may I ever feel, This teaching from my Lord, And learn obedience to thy voice, Thy soft reviving word!
POOR, weak, and worthless, tho' I am, I have a rich almighty Friend; Jesus, the Saviour, is his name, Who freely loves, and without end.
He ransom'd me from hell with blood, And, by his pow'r, my foes controll'd; He found me wand'ring far from God, And brought me to his chosen fold.
He cheers my heart, my wants supplies, And says, that I shall shortly be Enthron'd with him above the skies, O! what a friend is Christ to me!
CHRIST is the Pearl of greatest price, The only source of joy;
Christ is our God, in whom we live, Who leads to joys on high:
He is the sov'reign Lord of lords; The sov'reign King of kings; The glorious Sun of Righteousness, With healing in his wings.
Christ is my Father and my Friend, My Brother and my Love; My Head, my Hope, my Counsellor, My Advocate above;
Christ is to me the heav'n of heav'n, Christ, O what shall I call ? Christ is the first, Christ is the last, Christ is my all in all.
Music, at first by heav'n design'd, To calm the tumult of the mind, Relieves us by its sacred aid,
As Saul was well when David play'd: But if it take the tempter's part, And softly steal from God the heart, It chases the good Spirit away, And courts the evil one to stay.
May thy good Spirit, Lord, inspire Our souls with pure seraphic fire; In unison with them we'd be, And all our hearts devote to thee: While they their harps resound above, May all our souls be tun'd with love; While on Immanuel they gaze,
Take thou, dear Saviour, all our praise.
LORD, when together here we meet, And taste thy heav'nly grace, Thy smiles are so divinely sweet, We're loth to leave the place.
But, Lord, tho' we must part a while Upon the sacred road,
Yet let thy face upon us smile,
And keep us close to God.
This, only this, we humbly crave,
While earth is our abode,
That we with Christ and saints may have Communion on the road.
HAIL, Jesus, hail, our great High Priest, Enter'd into thy glorious rest,
That holy, happy place above!
Thou hast the conquest more than gain'd, The everlasting bliss obtain'd,
For all who trust thy dying love.
The blood of goats and bullocks slain, Could never purge our guilty stain, Could never for our sins atone;
But thou thine own most precious blood Hast spilt to quench the wrath of God, Hast sav'd us by thy blood alone.
Shed on the altar of thy cross, Thy blood to God presented was Thro' the eternal Spirit's pow'r; Thou didst a spotless victim bleed, That we, from sin and suff'ring freed, Might live to God, and sin no more. That we the promise might receive, Might soon with thee in glory live, Thou stand'st before thy Father now! For us thou dost in heav'n appear Our Surety, Head, and Harbinger, Our Saviour to the utmost, thou.
Not without blood thou pray'st above: The marks of thy expiring love God, on thy hands, engraven sees! He hears thy blood for sinners cry, And sends his Spirit from the sky, And seals our everlasting peace.
Thankful we now the earnest take, The pledge thou wilt at last come back, And openly thy servants own;
To us who long to see thee here, Thou shalt a second time appear, And bear us to thy glorious throne,
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