Imatges de pàgina


Words alike in Sound, but different in Spelling and Signification.

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Cen' tu ry, 100 years.b
Cen tau ry, an herb.

Ces' sion, resignation.
Session, act of sitting
CHol' er, wrath.

Col' lar, for the neck,
Chop, to cut.
Chap, a beast's jaw.
CHOrd, in music

Cord, a small rope.
Cite, to summon.
Sight, seeing.
Site, situation.

Cliff, a steep rocks .r
Clef, a term in music

Coarse, not fine.


Course, a race.bod owel.
Corse, a dead body,
Clime, a climate.


Climb, to mount up, bord Complement, full number. Com' pli ment, act of civility. Co quet' (co ket'), to deceive min lovein of,cH Co quette', an airy girl. A Co e, the inner part Corps, a body of soldiers. Cous in a relations '15) Cozen, to cheat.b us r Cru el, inhumankaya »Jun) Crew el, worsted thread..!! Signet, a seal.

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Eye, the organ of sight.

Fane, a temple.

Fain, gladly.

Feign, to sowi Faint, feeblet ist,• að Ak Feint, a false murch. ↑ 'li Fare, food; price of passage. Fair, comety. DOG BA Feet, of the body.

Feat, an action.sus w/TA Fel' loe, the circumference of

a wheel.

Fel' low,

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an associate.

Fir, a treeste, Jam sh Fur, a skinen. Mes ¿A Flee, to run away. As deta Flea, an insect.ini deoq olubs Flue, pipe of an oven.}} Flew, did fly. www.lind Flour, meal.

Flower, a blossomtywny Jenk
Fore, anteriours of Lu
Four, in number
Forth, forward, onwards on
Fourth, in numberiye of od
Foul, filthy.

Fowl, a birdiem nieend Freeze, to of .58 Frieze, coarse clothai

Gate, a large door. 1969 Gait, manner of walking Gilt, overlaid with gold. Guilt, crime.

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Grate, to rub small.
Great, large.

Gra ter, a tool to grate with.
Great er, larger.

Grown, increased.

Groan, to sigh.

Hale, sound, healthy.

Hail, to salute; frozen drops of rain.

Haul, to draw by force."
Hall, a large room.

Hart, a beast.

Heart, the seat of life.
Hare, an animal.
Hair, of the head.

Heel, part of the foot.

Heal, to cure.
Herd, a drove.
Heard, did hear.

Here, in this place.
Hear, to hearken.
Him, that man.
Hymn, a sacred song:
Hire, wages.

High er, further up.
Hole, a cavity.

Whole, the total.
Hue, a colour.

Hugh, a man's name.

Hew, to cut.
In, within.
Inn, a tavern.

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Maid, an unmarried woman. Male, the he kind.

Mail, armour, packet of let


Mane, long hair on the neck of a horse.

Main, principal.

Mare, a female horse. May or, a magistrate. Man' ner, mode, custom. Man' or, a lordship.

Man' tle, a kind of cloak.
Man' tel, work raised before
a chimney.

Mar' shal, to arrange.
Mar tial, warlike.
Maze, a labyrinth.
Maize, corn.
Mean, base, to intend.
Mien, air, look.

Mete, to measure.
Meet, to come together.'
Meat, flesh.

Met' tle, briskness.

Met' al, gold, silver or iron.

Mi ner,


one who digs

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Mi nor, one under age.

Mite, a small insect.

Might, power.
Moan, to lament.
Mown, cut down.

Mote, a particle of dust.
Moat, a ditch.
More, greater.

Mow er, one who mows.
Nag, a gay horse.
Knag, a knot in wood.
Nave, part of a wheel.
Knave, a rogue.
Naught, bad, wicked.
Nought, nothing.
Nay, no.

Neigh, voice of a horse.

Need, want.

Knead, to make dough.
New, not old.
Knew, did know.
Night, time of darkness.
Knight, a title of honour.
Nit, the egg of a louse.
Knit, to unite, to close.
No, word of denial.
Know, to be informed.
Not, denying.

Knot, hard place in wood.
Nun, a religious woman.
None, not any.

Ore, metal not separated. Oar, an instrument to row with.

O'er, contraction of over.

Oh, alas.

Owe, to be indebted.


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Pan' el, a square in a wain


Pan' nel, a kind of saddle.
Peel, the outside.

Peal, a succession of sudden
Peer, a nobleman.
Pier, a column.
Peace, quiet.
Piece, a part.

Peak, top of a hill.

Pique, a grudge.

Plane, flat surface; a tool.
Plain, level.

Plate, a flat piece of metal.
Plait, a fold.

Place, locality.

Plaice, a kind of fish.
Plum, a kind of fruit.
Plumb, a weight.
Pole, a long stick.
Poll, the head.

Pore, passage of perspiration.
Pour, to empty out.

Pen' cil, an instrument for writing.

Pen' sile, hanging.
Pray, to supplicate.
Prey, plunder.

Prof it, advantage.
Proph' et, a foreteller.

Rab' bit, an animal.
Rab' bet, a joint.

Rain, falling water.
Rein, part of a bridle.
Reign, to rule.
Rap, to strike.

Wrap, to fold together.
Raze, to demolish.
Raise, to set up.

Rays, light.

Reed, a plant.

Red, a colour.

Read, to peruse.

Read, did read.

Rest, quiet. Wrest, to force.

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Sine, a geometrical line.
Sign, a token.

Sink, to go down, a drain.
Cinque, number five on dice.
Sit, to be seated.

Cit, a citizen.

Size, bulk.

Sice, number six on dice.
Slay, to kill.

Slaie, a weaver's reed.
Sleigh, carriage used on


Slight, to despise,

Sleight, dexterity.


Slow, not swift.

Sloe, a fruit.

So, thus.

Sow, to scatter seed.

Sore, an ulcer.

humour.Sew, to use a needle.

Seam, edges sewed, a scar.
Sen' ior, elder.

Seign' or, a lord.
Sel' ler, one who sells.

Cel' lar, a place under a house. Shore, side of a river.

Shoar, a prop.

Sheer, clear.

Shear, to cut.

Shire, a county.

Soar, to mount aloft.

Sole, bottom of the foot.

Soul, the spirit.

Stare, to gaze.

Stair, a step.
Stake, a post.

Steak, a piece of flesh.
Steel, hardened iron.
Steal, to take by theft.
Stile, steps into a field.
Style, manner of writing..
Strait, narrow.
Straight, not crooked,
Suck' er, a young shoot.
Suc' cour, aid, help.
Sum, the whole.
Some, a part.
Sun, cause of day.
Son, a male child.

Sut tle, neat weight.
Subt' le, artful.

Tale, a story,
Tail, the end.

Tare, weight allowed.

Tear, to rend.

Tax, a rate.
Tacks, small nails.

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