sleep i ness so journ er mi cro scope mu ci lage mu tin ous nu mer ous nu tri ment o ver ture pa tri arch pa tron ess peace a ble pu tre fy* ra di ance re al ize re gen cy rheu ma tismt rose ma ry ru mi natef sale a ble sa pi ence sce ne ry The first syllable like i short. spu ri ous state li ness stu di ous suit a ble teach a ble. te di ous the a tre trai tor ous ve he mence ve he ment ve hi cle scru pu loust scru tin y† vi o late wea ri some pha e ton Cyl in der hyp o crite syc a more sym pa thy myr i ad syc o phant mys te ry phys ic al syl la ble * y like i long. syl lo gism syn a gogue typ ic al tyr an ny tu like o middle. LESSON 30. THE SUN. The sun rises in the east, and when he rises it is day. He shines upon the trees, and the houses, and upon the water; and every thing looks sparkling and beautiful when he shines upon it. He gives us light and heat; it is he that makes it warm. He makes the fruit and the corn ripen. Sometimes he takes off his crown of bright rays, and wraps up his head in thin silver clouds, and then we may look at him; but when there are no clouds, and he shines with all his brightness at noon day, we cannot look at him, for he would dazzle our eyes, and make us blind. Only the eagle can look at him then: the eagle, with his strong, piercing eye, can look at him always. When the sun is about to rise in the morning, and make it day, the lark flies up in the sky to meet him, and sings, sweetly in the air; and the cock crows loud to tell every body that he is coming. But the owl and the bat fly away when they see him, and hide themselves in old walls and hollow trees; and the lion and the tiger go into their dens and caves, where they sleep all day. He shines in all countries, all over the earth. He is the most beautiful and glorious object that can be seen in the world. CHAPTER XVII. Accent on the second syllable. The accented syllable short. A bun dance au then tic ac com plish au tum nal ac knowledge a ver sion ad di tion con fes sion con junc tion con sid er bat tal ion con sump tion con tem plate ad van tage be long ing con ten tion ca pri cious con ver sion ce les tial cor rec tion âl read y arch bish op co er cion col lec tion de clen sion de fec tive de fend ant com mis sion de li cious |