Imatges de pàgina


Words of Four Syllables.

Accent on the first syllable. The accented syllable short.

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[blocks in formation]

ge ni al ly

[blocks in formation]

glo ri ous ly

hu mor ous ly

nu mer ous ly ve he ment ly pa tri ot ism

vi bra to ry

Accent on the second syllable. The accented syllable short.

A bil i ty

a pos tro phe

con tin u al

a bom i nate

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

po et ic al po lit ic al po lyg a my

in ten tion al

in ter pre ter

in ter ro gate in val i date

in vig o rate ir reg u lar

lon gev i ty

lo quac i ty

ma hog a ny

re al i ty

ma jor i ty ma lig ni ty

pos ter i ty pre par a tive pre serv a tive pro ver bi al ra pac i ty ra pid i ty

re cep ta cle

mo not o ny

re cip ro cal

me cнan ic al

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

mor tal i ty my thol o gy

fe roc i ty

ne ces si ty

fer til i ty

no bil i ty

fi del i ty

nu mer i cal

fra ter ni ty

ob liv i on

til i ty gen ge og ra phy

ge om e try ha bit u al hy poth e sis i dol a ter* im pris on ment in def i nite in dus tri ous in hab i tant

om nip o tence om nis ci-ence

o rig in al

or thog ra phy pa ren the sis par tic u lar

pen in su la per pet u al per son i fy phi los o phy

* i long..

re gen er ate re mark a ble ri dic u lous rhe tor ic al re tal i ate sa gac i ty sim plic i ty sin cer i ty so lic it ous so lid i ty tu mult u ous ty ran nic al

un gen er ous

un man ner ly un nat ur al un pop u lar va lid i ty ve loc i ty vi cis si tude vo lup tu ous

The accented syllable long.

Ab bre vi ate

e lu ci date

in de cen cy

e ma ci ate

in fe ri our

ab ste mi ous
a bu sive ly
al lur ing ly
a gree a ble
a me na ble
as sign a ble
cen so ri ous

com mo di ous

com mu ni cant con ceiv a ble con cu pi scence con ge ni al con ve ni ent cri te ri on*

de plo ra ble

en co mi um e nu me rate er ro ne ous e the re al ex ceed ing ly ex cu sa ble eu lo gi um fe lo ni ous gram ma ri an li bra ri an* his to ri an il le gal ly il lu mi nate

im pa tient ly in ca pa ble

la bo ri ous

ma te ri al

mys te ri ous
ob scu ri ty
pe cu li ar
pos te ri or

pre ca ri ous
re triev a bie
sa lu bri ty
schis mat i calt
se cu ri ty
so ci e ty
so bri e ty
spon ta ne ous
su pe ri our

de si ra ble dis u ni on

[blocks in formation]

Accent on the third syllable. The accented syllable short.

[blocks in formation]

man u fac ture math e mat ics om ni pres ence op po si tion pen i ten tial prě ju di cial pre pos ses sion re qui si tion rhet o ri cian sci en tif ic*

su per sti tion un der val ue

tch silent.

Ab di ca tion
ab so lu tion
ad mi ra tion
ac cu sa tion
af fi da vit
an no ta tor
ap pli ca tion
ap pro ba tion
bar ri ca do
bas ti na do
com pi la tion
con ver sa tion
cul ti va tion

The accented syllable long.

dis a gree ment
dis com pos ure
dis pen sa tion
ed u ca tion
ef fi ca cious
em u la tion
Eu ro pe an
ig no ra mus
im ma ture ly
in ca pa cious
in cli na tion
in co he rent
in ter fe rence

[blocks in formation]

Accent on the last syllable. The accented syllable short.

[blocks in formation]


Our parents are very good to us; but God is better than our parents, and has done more for us. He gave us every thing we have. He is not a man; but he is better than any man ever was or can be.

He created the heavens and the earth, and every thing upon the earth. He has made us more excellent than the beasts, for he has given us a soul that may know God, and know he

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