is good, and wise, and great. Our bodies will die, and be laid in the grave. But our souls are immortal; they will never die. God orders every thing; he knows every thing, and can do every thing. He sees us wherever we are, by night as well as by day; and knows all that we say, and do, and think. We must love God. Good people love him more than they do any person or thing in the world. They never rise in the morning, nor lie down at night, without thinking of him, and of the good he has done for them. Often in the day they think of him; and love to talk, and hear, and read of him. We must praise God, and pray to him to forgive us when we do wrong; to put good thoughts into our minds, and help us to grow. wiser and better; to bless our parents, and all our friends; and give us every thing proper for us. We must do to all persons what God requires us to do. The things that he requires of us will make us good and happy. If we do them not, he will be displeased with us, and punish us. He can take away our friends, and every thing he has given us. But if we try to be good, and do what he requires of us, he will help us to love him and do his will; he will make us happy in our minds, and when we die he will take us to heaven. CHAPTER XIX. Words of Five Syllables.. Accent on the first syllable. The accented syllable short. Ap pli ca to ry cus tom a ri ly Accent on the second syllable. A bom in a ble a poth e ca ry be nev o lent ly con fec tion a ry con sid er a ble con tin u al ly de pos i to ry de clam a to ry dis hon our a ble dis in ter est ed em phat ic al ly ex plan a to ry ex tem po ra ry fan tas tic al ly gram mat ic al ly ha bit u al ly ob li ga to ry or di na ri ly pol y syl la ble sec ond a ri ly spir it u al ly sup pli ca to ry un du la to ry vol un ta ri ly The accented syllable short. ag im ag in a ryg im prac tic a ble im pen i tent ly im pet u ous ly in com pa ra bl in del i ca cy in es ti ma ble in ex o ra ble ob ser va to ry pre par a to ry re pos i to ry rhe tor ic al ly tra di tion a ry un char it a ble un lim it a ble un nec es sa ry The accented syllable long. Ab ste mi ous ness ac cu sa to ry Accent on the third syllable. Ac a dem ic al fc ci dent al ly til pha bet ic al Chris ti an i ty* on tra dic to ry foi ri os i ty s a bil i ty ye o graph i cal hor i zon tal ly hyp o cнon dri ack hyp o crit ic al ig no min i ous im per cep ti ble in ci vil i ty in dis pen sa ble in va ri a ble in vi o la ble The accented syllable short. in fi del i ty su per an nu ate * ti pronounced tshe. The accented syllable long. Am bi gu i ty Accent on the fourth syllable. Ac a de mi cian a rith me ti cian CHаr ac ter is tic cir cum fe ren tor en thu si as tic ex per i ment al in de cli na ble The accented syllable short. in ter po si tion math e ma ti cian mis ap pre hend ing mis rep re sent ed mis un der stand ing su per in ten dent The accented syllable long. Ac com mo da tion ac cu mu la tion al le vi a tion e quiv o ca tion ex am in a tion in ter ro ga tion jus ti fi ca tion mul ti pli ca tor rec om mend a tion sig ni fi ca tion spec i fi ca tion sub or di na tion * i long. CHAPTER XX. Words of six, seven, and eight Syllables, properly accented. A be ce da' ri an im pos si bil' i ty *i in first syllable long. |