Imatges de pàgina
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Wâ chu sett
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ti like e long.

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Never tell an untruth. When you are relating any thing you have seen, or heard, endeav-, our to tell it exactly as it was. Do not alter or invent any part, to make it, as you may think," a prettier story. If you have forgotten any part, say that you have forgotten it. Persons who love the truth, never tell a lie, even in. jest. * last i like e long.

ts silent.

Consider well before you make a promise. If you say you will do a thing, and do it not, you will tell a lie; and who then will trust or believe you? No persons are trusted, or be lieved, but those who keep their promises, and When you have done wrong, It is very sinful to tell lies. It is very have to tell

speak the truth. do not deny it. not it.

God himself has said that we must not lie; that^ he abhors liars, and will punish them.ig

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video aut pro 6 sion 977 ** LESSON 35.94057 nul?) moj 295807 it quo einu to d


God is so good, that he will heard shots! Whenever children humbly pray

He always lends a gracious ear oil god Z.
To what the youngest child can say.

His own most holy Book declares ou 7517
He loves good little children well;
And that he listens to their prayers, (...).* ́!
Just as a tender father will. boA

He loves to hear an infant tongue.

Thank him for all his mercies given;

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And when by babes his praise is sung,

Their cheerful songs are heard in heaven.

Come then, dear children, trust his word, And seek him for your friend and guide: Your little voices will be heard, ali uz no And you shall never be denied,joj bož

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Now condescend, Almighty King,
To bless this little throng;
And kindly listen while we sing
Our pleasant evening song..

We come to own the Power Divine,
That watches o'er our days;
For this our feeble voices join
In hymns of cheerful praise.

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Before the sacred footstool, see, os ollenka We bend in humble prayer,

A happy little family, chit darbwin sit To ask thy tender care. 166# CT

May we in safety sleep to-night, ano eil. From every danger free;

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Because the darkness and the lightedt bor Are both alike to thee.

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And when the rising sun displays varoi sti His cheerful beams abroad,

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Then shall our morning hymns of praise

Déclare thy goodness, Lord.

Brothers and sisters, hand in hand,

Our lips together move;

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Then smile upon this little band,om Tof And join our hearts in love!e e buk

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