Imatges de pàgina

trary to his command:* if thou begettest a body that is full of wounds and putrifying sores, can it be expected that God will send a good spirit to minister to it, is it not right that he should send one of the disobedient spirits? Then know how to give good gifts unto your children, that God may send the obedient spirits to minister to them. Is it possible for any one to know what sort of bodies their forefathers have given them?

Answer. I believe it is possible for those that have this light to know.

Question. Then if one has a body that is full of wounds and sores, whether is it better for it to return to the earth, or that the spirit should enter into it?

Answer.-Return to the earth.

"It is possible for God to take the evil from it; for it is said a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit, and so must be hewn down. (Matt. vii. 17—19.) Let these words be written and sent to the ends of the earth, for the Spirit is upon me."

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, Sabbath Evening, 22nd of 2nd month,


"THE foolish virgins are among all the ten tribes, a few in every tribe. Some will have oil and no lamps, and some lamps and no oil. These will break the laws in secret, and will not be detected. "That servant which knew his lord's will and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew it not, and yet did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes." Luke xii. 47, 48.

Question. John Thomson, then is there any Israel escapes?


By sowing thy seed in the field fallowed or unfallowed. (Matt. xiii. 24-30.)


Question. This I say that thy name may go to the ends of the earth. Then if any escape, whether are they sons or bastards? Answer.-Bastards.

Thou hast answered wisely.

"Are not men now as Adam was-not willing to wait for the Spirit? So they take of the evil, and say, It will never come in my days; but say no more it will not be in your days, nor say any more I know the Lord is able, but be as though ye were in possession of it. Joshua said, "This stone shall be a witness unto us, for it hath heard all the words of the Lord," Jos. xxiv. 27, and they thought he was speaking of the natural stones. The words of the Lord are now sounding in your ears as in the days of Joshua: and let these words go into all nations." Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, Sabbath Evening Meeting, 1st of 3rd month, 1839.

"THE disciples said unto Jesus, "Who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him;" John ix. 2, 3; neither the child had sinned, nor his parents above others to cause that blindness. Formerly it was thought if a child was a leper it was begotten in the uncleanness. But these diseases proceed from that which man was commanded not to touch.

"It is said, The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, nor the father that of the son. (Ezek. xviii. 20.) Many will come from the east and from the west, and will strive to sit down with Abraham, and shall not be able, and they shall flee to the rocks, but many shall die before they get there. The first covenant they had the law, which is the light, but

they had nothing to contain it; Jesus came to give them the lamp this is the new covenant, the oil; contend not with those who have only the lamp." Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 4th of 3rd month, 1839.

CHARLES ROBERTSON inquires about the twelve legions of angels. "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?" Matt. xxvi. 53.

Answer. They are the spirits of just men made perfect, such as Enoch and Elijah, as many were translated besides them, which are higher than some mansions of angels.

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 5th of 3rd month, 1839.

MARGARET WILLIAMSON inquires, if a man is circumcised, how can he become uncircumcised. (1 Cor. vii. 18.)

Answer. If a man that is circumcised in flesh goes in unto a woman in her uncleanness, he then becomes uncircumcised in heart.

Written from John Wroe's mouth by Margaret Williamson.

Wakefield, 12th of 3rd month, 1839.

JOHN WROE took a glass in his hand and said, "Man's body is as this glass, filled with muddy water, temptation stirreth it up from the bottom, it riseth to his head, as the scum would to the top of this glass; the man then crying to God, (instead of putting the temptation into execution,) the Spirit of the Lord cometh and cutteth off the evil, as I would

take the scum off this glass; but if they put the temptation into execution, it settleth down into the body again, fulfilling the passage, The angels shall gather the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them. (Matt. xiii. 30.) John Wroe shall be chased from nation to nation, as an ox is driven to the slaughter-house."

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 11th of 4th month, 1839.

QUESTION. Joseph Shaw, will a woman of the clean tree who has twelve children give away her property, and leave them none?


Question. Then will the bride give her husband's estate to those who are not the fruits of her body? God says, "Can a woman forget her sucking child?" Isa. xlix. 15.

"Now, the time is come that Zion will give her possession to her children, and she will give all but the body of the bridegroom, which is his land, as a woman can sell anything or all of her husband's property but freehold land.

"He went away to prepare a place for his bride; at that time he spoke in mystery, but now it is no mystery, for where is the nation that will not hear the words spoken this night, though my body is the trumpet to give the command to go to the ends of the earth."

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 14th of 4th month, 1839.

"THOSE that rise against the crown of the nation they are in, they shall be suddenly crushed."

Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

In about a month after the above date, the Government of the United Kingdom sent orders to the Magistrates in Sessions, and to Mayors of boroughs in certain counties, to suppress and put down any riotous proceedings of the people called Chartists, who were impeded and crushed.

(See Newspapers from 1840-52.)

Wakefield, 19th of 4th month, 1839.

"A GRAIN is a seed which cannot be destroyed; and though they have left the visitation they will return, and fulfil that passage which says, "Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths. And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them; then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now." Hosea ii. 6, 7.

"Now these are they that have been backsliders, played the harlot by breaking his laws, denying that a messenger had been sent to them from God, they returning, their former ways testifieth against them, and keepeth them humble in their own situation." Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Tillotson.

Wakefield, 19th of 4th month, 1839.

"The house of Israel are called the green tree, and the Gentiles the dry; the green trees were always looking for the life of their natural bodies, but the dry tree for death. It is written the green tree shall be dried up, and the dry tree shall flourish. (Ezek. xvii. 24.)

"The green tree turned from the law, by which they were dried up, and the dry tree flourished for the common salvation, and were grafted in with the green tree who were not cut off. Now the house of

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