Imatges de pàgina


THE book which I am about to describe is represented to me by Mr. Reed, as one of the scarcest in the English language.

At p. 79, we are informed that only one hundred copies were printed. That which belongs to the British Museum has a long manuscript of Dr. Dee's writing annexed to it, which seems to be a kind of continuation of the subject.

It is certainly the most rational and methodical that this singular character ever composed. The title page may be thus described:

Within an oblong scroll, at each angle of which are two roses as supporters, and in the center the crown and arms of England, are these words:


Annexed to the PARADOXAL Cumpas, in Playne. Now first published: 24 Yeres after the first Invention thereof."

Round the scroll is

"Plura latent quam patent."


The remainder of the frontispiece, which is engraved on wood, appears to be a representation of the Triumph of England over the Armada of Spain.

On account of the extreme rareness of the book, and the whimsicality of the thing itself, I have subjoined the whole of the Advertisement and Introduction.


A necessary Advertisement, by an unknown freend, given to the modest, and godly readers: who also carefully desire the prosperous state of the Commonwealth of this BRYTISH KINGDOM, and the politicall SECVRITIE thereof.

Lamentable and irkesome * are these our drery dayes (my welbeloued cuntriman) seeing the conditions of to to many, are become such, as, to be to to curious of other mens dooings: as though they themselues were superhabundantly perfect, or dwelt in security, of not beyng at any tyme hereafter, either surueyed, or controlled for their own.

* Veritas (vt fertur) Odium parit, Ast, tantum id sit, apud veritatis osores ipsi etiam omnipotentis exosos Deo.

+ Cur quidem vides festucam, quæ est in oculo fratris tui, trabem autem, quæ est in oculo tuo, non animaduertis? Math. 7.





Nay, seeing the subtilty and impudency of* some, is such, that they can, and dare, cunningly and craftily, conuey to themselues (or, to whom they list) the title and interest of the thanks and commendation, due to other men: who are not of so brasen visages, as to practise such ambitious fatches for themselues, or to procure such malitious disgraces, to other: but are of that mylde. nes of spirite, as PATIENTLY TO ATTEND THE END, which shall reueale the VERITY: when, iust gwerdon shall to euery man be distributed accordingly.


And thirdly, seeing some are so doggedly vi olent and vayngloriously doting that they can not like, consent, or well suffer any od Man, beside them selues: or otherwise, then by thein selues, to receiue due salary, either of credit, commendation, or liberall consideration: where their word or working (directly or indirectly) may hinder the same.

Fourthly, how pitifull is the case, that diuers, of sundry states † haue (of late) become so shameles lyers, and to some priuate mens liues, (thereby) so dangerous, that, if credit had bin giuen to them (by other than the light

* Legas & relegas librum Quintum Politicorum Aristotelis.

+ As, Κλερκ, ουδίνγ μσελφ εν θε Τουρ Σιρ τον Βουρν Κνιγτ, Πριδιοξ Μαχελ, &c.


hedded sort) of such murders and treasons, as (nost diuell like) they haue imagined and reported to be and withall, (wholy, of their own hellish myndes without any spark or drop of veritie) haue fathered the same vpon the very innocent (yea, so much an innocent, as for any such thought, in his hart, at any tyme, embracing or fostering): It had bin greatly to haue bin douted that the mighty wrath of God, would not so long haue forborn the just revenge (of so haynous abhominacions) taking, vpon, as well such wicked and principall forgers, as on other the fickle fauourers, or careless sufferers of the same, any whit to preuaile.

5 Seeing the Prince of darkeness hath sundry such his factors: And yet one* other kinde more wicked and abhominable than the rehearsed: which are such, as not onely, they themselues, commit diuelish horrible facts, but also practice other very fraudulent feats; And all to their priuate lucre onely: chiefly ayding and furnishing vp their own shamefull credit herein, with the * cownterfeting of other honest and learned men their letters: as, written vnto them, in such their vngodly and vnlawful affrayes: or, as falsly, reporting their conferences had with

* Άμσεντ Μυρρινο


them, to the behoof (say they) of such, as are become their miserable and cosened clients.

And sixthly, how, (almost, without remedy,) hath the most wily tyrant, and insatiable bludsucker, layd the plat, for a wofull tragedy contriuing: yf, the power and justice diuine, did not bridle his malitious rage, and infernall fury? How, hath he, (I pray you) insinuated his credit with some, so far, and so long since; that diuers vntrue and infamous reports, by their sinister information, have bin giuen vp to such, as have gathered records, of those mens acts, who dyed in the cause of veritie? And so, the same hurtfull vntruthes, beyng (yet) the rather credited, by reason of the dignity of the place; wherein they were enstalled, haue seemed, both to the foresaid diuelish cosener, and also, to the credulous cosen (yea, and to very many others,) to haue bin a certain kynde of warrant; To the one, without feare, to counterfet letters, or discourses, answerable to the foresayd fowle vntruthes, vnaduisedly recorded. And to the other, without suspition, lightly to credit any such matter, reported. And, so, hath the feend infernall, most craftily, and vnduly gotten the honest*

A good name is more to be desired than great riches. Prouerb 22. A good name is more worth than precious syntment. Eccles. 7.


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