Milton con. Milton et Milton יו Clements. 1 f Sup. Allnis. artic. et Testamento -nuncupativo Johan. Milton defuncti ex parte Elizabethæ Milton in hujufmodi Caufa dat. et admiff. examinat. 15% Dec. 1674. Maria Fisher soluta famul. domestica Johan. Batten habitan. in vico vocat. Bricklane in Old Streete ubi moram fecit per Spacium sex hebdomadarum aut eo circiter, antea cum Benjamino Whitcomb Mercatore habitan. in vico vocat. Coleman Streete London per Spacium 3m. Menfium, antea cum Guiddon Culcap infra locum vocat. Smock Alley prope Spittlefields per Spacium unius anni, aut eo circiter, antea cum Johanne Bayley infra Oppidum Milton in Com. Stafford per Spacium duorum annorum, antea cum Johanne Baddily infra parochiam de Milton præd. per Spacium trium annorum, et antea cum quomodo Rogers Hargrave infra parochiam de Milton præd. per Spacium duorum annorum aut eo circiter, orta infra parochiam de Norton in Com. 1 Stafford præd. ætatis 23 aut co circiter, teftis, &c. Ad omnes articulos dictæ Allnis. et ad testamentum nuncupativum Johan. Milton teftatoris in hac caufa defuncti in hujufmodi nego. dat. et exhibit. deponit et dicit, that this deponent knew and was well acquainted with the articulate John Milton the testator in this cause deceafed, for about a twelve moneth before his death, who dyed about a moneth fince to the best of this deponent's remembrance; And faith, that on a day hapning about two moneths fince, as neare as this deponent can remember, this deponent being then in the kitchen of the house of the forefaid John Milton scituate against the Artillery Ground neare Bunhill Fields, and about noone of the fame day, the faid deceased and the producent Elizabeth his wife being then at dinner in the faid kitchen, hee the faid deceased amongst other difcourse then had betweene him and his faid wife, did then speake to his faid wife and utter these words, viz. "Make much of mee as long as I live, for thou knowest I have given thee all when I dye at thy disposall :" there being then present in the said kitchen this depoponent's fister and conteft namely Elizabeth Fysher. And the faid deceased was at that time of perfect mind and memory, and talked and 0 i. e. Fellow-witness Con-Testis. .. difcoursed sensibly and well, and was very merry, and feemed to be in good health of body, et aliter nefcit. Signum MARIÆ FISHER. AD INTERROGATORIA. Ad primum Interr. refpondet, that this respondent hath noe relation or dependance on the producent Elizabeth Milton, that it is indifferent to this refpondent which of the parties in this suite obtaine, and would give the victory in this cause if in her power to that party that hath most right; but which party hath most right thereto this refpondent knoweth not, et aliter nefcit. Ad fecundum Interr. refpondet, that this respondent doth not remember the day when the deceased declared the words by her pre-depofed, but remembreth that it was about noone of fuch day that the words which hee then declared were these, viz. "Make much of mee as long as I live, for thou knowest I have given thee all, when I dye at thy disposall;" then speaking to his wife Elizabeth Milton the party producent in this cause, et aliter nefcit. Ad tertium Interr. refpondet, that the deceafed, when hee declared the words pre-depofed, was then at dinner with his wife the party producent and was then very merry, and seemed to be in good health of body; but upon what occafion hee spoke the faid words shee knoweth not, et aliter nefcit. Ad quartum Interr. refpondet, that this respondent knoweth neither of the parties miniftrant in this cause saving this refpondent once faw Anne Milton one of the miniftrants, et nefcit refpondere per parte fua. Ad quintum Interr. nefcit refpondere. Ad feptimum Interr. non concernit eam, et nefcit refpondere. Ad octavum Interr. refpondet, that this respondent once faw the Interr. Anne Milton but doth not remember whether shee was lame or helplesse, et aliter nefcit. Ad 9m. Interr. refpondet, that this respondent knoweth nothing of the deceased's estate or the value thereof, et aliter nefcit. Eodem Die Repetit coram Doctore. Signum MARIÆ FISHER. Eodem Die Elizabetha Fisher famula Domestica Elizabethæ Milton ptis producentis in hac causa cum qua et Johanne Milton ejus Marito defuncto vixit per Spacium 13 Menfium, antea cum quodam Thoma Adams apud Bagnall in Com. Stafford per Spacium trium annorum et sex Menfium, antea cum Wmo. Bourne Gen. infra parochiam de Woolstilstan in Com. Stafford præd. per Spacium duorum annorum, orta infra parochiam de Norton in Com. præd. ætatis 28 annorum aut eo circiter, teftis, &c. Ad omnes articulos dictæ Allnis. et ad testamentum nuncupativum Johan. Milton teftatoris in hac causa defuncti in hujufmodi negotio dat. exhibit et admiff. deponit et dicit, that this deponent was servant unto Mr. JOHN MILTON the teftator in this cause deceased for about a yeare before his death, who dyed upon a Sunday the *fifteenth of November last at night, And faith that on a day hapning in the month of July last, the time more certainly she remembereth not, this deponent being then in the deceased's lodging chamber, hee the faid deceased, and the * [She appears to have been mistaken, a single week, in her depofition. See the Life, p. cxxviii.] |