Imatges de pàgina

A LIST of fuch Editions of Milton's POETICAL WORKS as have hitherto been met with by the editor of these volumes.

1. A Maske presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634, &c. Printed for H. Robinson, 1637. 4°. This is Lawes's edition of Comus. See vol. v. p. 180.

II. Lycidas, in the Cambridge Verses, 1638. 4°. See vol. v. p. 3.

III. Poems of Mr. John Milton, both English and Latin, compofed at several times. Printed by his true copies. The Songs were set in musick by Mr. Henry Lawes, gentleman of the Kings Chappel, &c. Printed and published according to order. London, Printed by Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Moseley, &c. 1645. small 8°. with his portrait by Marshall. See vol. vi. p. 295.

IV. Paradife Loft, a Poem written in ten books, by John Milton. Licensed and Entred according to order. London, Printed and are to be fold by Peter Parker under Creed Church neer Aldgate; And by Robert Boulter at the Turks Head in Bishopsgate-street; And Matthias Walker under St. Dunstons Church in Fleet-street. 1667. 4°. This is the first title page of the first edition. The poem immediately follows the title-page, without any arguments or lift of errata.

2d Title-page, &c. Paradife Loft, a Poem in ten books. The Author J. M. Licensed and Entred according to order. London, Printed and are to be fold by Peter Parker, &c. [as before] 1668.

3d Title-page, &c. Paradise Loft, a Poem in ten books. The Author John Milton. London, Printed by S. Simmons, and to be fold by S. Thomson at the Bishops-head in Ducklane, H. Mortlack at the White Hart in Westminster Hall, M. Walker under St. Dunftans Church in Fleet-street, and R. Boulter at the Turks-Head in Bishopsgate street, 1668.

To these titles of 1668, the address of The Printer to the Reader, and the Arguments of each book, immediately fucceed. See vol. ii. p. i. A table of errata alfo precedes the poem.

4th Title-page, &c. Paradife Loft, a Poem in ten books. The Author John Milton. London, Printed by S. Simmons, and are to be fold by T. Helder at the Angel in Little Brittain. 1669. With the address of The Printer to the Reader, and the Arguments.

5th Title-page, &c. Paradise Lost, a Poem in ten books. The Author John Milton. London, Printed by S. Simmons &c. [as before] 1669, but without the subsequent address of The Printer to the Reader, yet not without the Arguments; which appear to have been reprinted, as the two last leaves of the poem seem alfo to have been, in this fifth typographical alteration.

Of this edition fome errata appear to have been corrected in some sheets while they were paffing through the press. I will mention an instance or two. Mr. Lofft obferves, that the 257th line of the fifth book " begins a new paragraph in his copy of 1667, and in that of 1669, and has no comma after cloud: but in that of 1668 it continues unbroken; and has a comma after cloud."-I have two copies of 1668, one of which, (in its original binding,) begins a paragraph with this verse, and has no comma after cloud. The other agrees with Mr. Lofft's statement. Again, the list of errata to my copy of 1668 directs in to be substituted for with, in the penultimate line of the third book: In is printed in both my copies of 1668. I have a copy of 1669 in which with re-mains. In the copies of 1668 and 1669 the number of this verse also differs. Several variations of this kind might be pointed out. Perhaps some leaves were cancelled.

v. Paradife Regained, a Poem in IV books. To which is added Samfon Agonistes. The Author John Milton. London, Printed by J. M. for John Starkey &c. 1671. 8vo. VI, Poems, &c. Upon Several Occasions. By Mr. John: Milton: Both English and Latin, &c. Composed at several

times. With a small Tractate of Education to Mr. Hartlib. London, Printed for Tho. Dring &c. 1673. small 8vo. To the English poems in this edition were first added, i. Ode on the death of a fair infant. ii. At a Vacation Exercise in the College. iii. On the new forcers of confcience under the Long Parliament. iv. Horace to Pyrrha. v. Nine Sonnets. vi. All the English Pfalms. To the Latin poems, i. Apologus de Rustico et Hero. ii. Ad Joannem Roufium, &c. In this edition the epistle from Sir Henry Wotton is omitted. See vol. v. pp. 175, 176.

VII. Paradife Lost, a Poem in twelve books. The Author John Milton. The Second Edition, Revised and Augmented by the fame Author. London, Printed by S. Simmons, &c. 1674. small 8vo. With his portrait by Dolle, and with the commendatory verses of Barrow and Marvell. In the Advertisement to the Glasgow editions of the first book of Paradise Lost in quarto, and of the whole poem in octavo, both printed in 1750, an edition of 1672 is mentioned as the standard edition, of which the text is in those editions adopted. After a very extensive and diligent inquiry, I have been unable, however, to meet with any copy bearing the date of 1672.

▼111. Paradise Loft, &c. 3d Edition. 1678. small 8vo. Ix. Par. Regained and Samfon &c. 1680. 8vo. x. Par. Loft, 4th Edition. With his portrait by White, and other plates. Published by fubfcription. See the Life, p. cxv. Lond. Printed by Miles Flesher for Richard Bentley, &c. 1688. Fol. To this edition the two following poems are usually, but not always, found adjoined. XI. Par. Regained, Lond. Printed by R. E., and fold by Randal Taylor. 1688. Fol.

XII. Samson Agonistes, Lond. Printed and fold by Randal Taylor. 1688. Fol.

XIII. Paradise Lost, and Regained, with Cuts. London. 1692. Fol.

XIV. Paradise Lost. Lond. 1695. Fol. With Notes by P. Hume, and with a Table of the most remarkable parts of the poem, under the three heads of Descriptions, Similies, and Speeches.

xv. Par. Regained, Samson, and the Smaller Poems, were also printed, in folio for Tonfon, in 1695, and are most frequently found united with the Par. Loft of the fame year. XVI. The Poetical Works, in 2 vols. large 8vo. London. Printed for Tonfon, 1705.

XVII. The fame, 2 vols. 8vo. 1707.

XVIII. Paradife Loft, for Tonson, 12mo. 1711. This edition is much esteemed. Tickell seems to have printed his edition from it. To this edition is added the index of the principal matters, which Dr. Newton supposed to have been first inferted in Tickell's edition.

XIX. Par. Regained, Samson, and the Smaller Poems, Lond. for Tonfon, 1713. 12mo. This edition is also valuable. It rectifies several errours of the text in the handsome, but incorrect, editions of 1705 and 1707.

This edition appeared with another bookfeller's name (W. Taylor) in the general title-page, and with the date of 1721: But in the separate titles of Samson, and the Poems, the true date remains. It is unquestionably the edition of 1713 with a new title-page. xx. Paradife Loft, with plates. Lond. 1719. 12mo. XXI. The Poetical Works, in 2 vols. 4to. for Tonfon, 1720. With Mr. Addison's Criticism on the Par. Loft, and an Index of the principal matters. This is Tickell's edition. It is splendidly printed. A list of more than 300 fubscribers is prefixed to it.

XXII. The fame, in 2 vols. 12mo. With Mr. Addison's Criticifm. 1721.

XX11*. Paradise Loft, 8vo. Dublin, for G. Grierfon, 1724. XXIII. Paradise Loft, to which is prefixed an Account of the Life of Milton, 8vo. Lond. 1725. Fenton's edition. XXIV. Par. Regained, Samson, and the Smaller Poems, under the care also of Fenton, 8vo. 1725.

xxv. The Poetical Works, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1727. Fenton's.


* XXVI. The fame, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1730. Fenton's. XXVII. The fame, with Mr. Addison's Criticism, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1731.

XXVIII. Paradise Lost, 4to. 1732. Bentley's edition.

XXIX. Paradise Lost, 8vo. Lond. 1737.

xxx. The fame, 8vo. Lond. 1738.

XXXI. The same, with Mr. Addison's Criticism, 8vo. Lond. 1739.

XXXII. Paradise Lost, 8vo. Tonson. Lond. 1741.

XXXIII. Par. Regained, Samson, and the Smaller Poems, beautifully printed, and on a fine paper, large 8vo. Lond.


XXXIV. Paradise Lost, in 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. For Tonfon. 1746.

xxxv. Par. Regained, Samson, and the Smaller Poems, in 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. For Tonson, 1747. This and the preceding edition are printed with great correctness. XXXVI. Paradise Loft, compared with the authentick editions, and revised by John Hawkey, editor of the Latin Classicks. Dublin, printed by S. Powell for the editor. 1747. large 8vo. This edition, and the edition of Paradise Regained by the same person, are very handsomely printed, and are highly to be valued for their accuracy. They are now extremely scarce,

XXXVII. Paradife Loft, 4to. Dublin, 1747.

XXXVIII. The fame, " printed on Irish paper," 8vo. Dubl.


XXXIX. Samfon, Poems upon several occasions, and Comus, 8vo. Dublin, 1748.

XL. Paradife Loft, with Notes of Various Authors, by Dr. Newton, in 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1749.

XLI. Paradise Loft, Book the first. 4to. Glasgow, 1750. With Notes: in which "are illustrated the various allusions to ancient mythology, sacred and profane, which are so frequent in the first book of this divine poem. Many passages too of the ancient poets are there remarked, of which Milton has so admirably availed himself, or, to fay it more properly, which he has so thoroughly made his

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