Imatges de pàgina

"together, is to talk of others Faults, and to Back-bite "them; for they that are fo fpoken against, fhall "not know it, except they be called to the Court; "This manner of Back-biting, and talking of "Marriages, is their private Divine difcourfe, for thefe feveral years, I have not heard Scarce at any "time, any other difcourfes. But to return,

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"If they refufe to confefs, and repent, then "they Summon them in before the Court, there "to Anfwer; which if they do not, they go to "them the third time; if they stand out, then they "pafs Sentence on them, That they are not to come (( amongst them. After they have been once caft out, and then be found in any fault, then they "are to be called as at the firft, to their Confeffion "and Repentance; but if they ftand it out, then they are to be caft out from the Society of all "Men. I fuppofe, (if they had power, and that the "Law of the Nation would not take hold of them,) they would Banifh them into fome Wilderness, "where no man Inhabits, but however, it must stand "in the fence for the fame; for no Man must have

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any Commerce with fuch a one, as is thus Excom"municated, as he tendereth his own good, and "the favour of the Church: But there is Mercy "for him, for if he will fend his Submiffion to them, Signed with his own hand, then they will "Pardon him, and receive him amongst the Saints "again (but very doubtfully;) but after the third "tranfgreffion, there is no more Remiffion for "Sin, for he is never to be received into the "Church again, altho' his Repentance be never fo great. Thus far the Author. Only I thought fit to add one Remark more from the 21. Page. of that Book, and that is this, "That G. Fox fet this Lam, just as he had finished his Book which "he put forth in 1667. Concerning the Pope and his


" Lates

ແ Laws, &c. And he added, and faith he) I "know it was not before that time, and for my part I fhall leave it to the Judgment of others, "whether he had it there or not, &c.j

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The form of their Excommunication as to Mr. Smith the Author, I have transcribed alfo from P.


G. Fox Commanded the Clark to write (for he was his Judge,) Whereas Nathanael Smith bath po ken evil of John Bolton behind his Back, and will not fubmit to him; therefore he is not to have any Communication with any Man, or any Man with him. Now it feemed this N. Smith would not fend his Submif fion under his own Hand, and fo the Sentence against him was irrevokable.

Now from all this, it will be ealy to conje ature what Reverence thefe Men have for the Queens Majefty and Her Supreme Authority, who without Her Majesty's Licence and Confent,and against the known Laws of our Kingdom, prefume thurto Erect a Court, and Judge and Officers, and to proceed therein publickly and frequently. But I need not go fo far a'bout to prove these Mens denyal of the Queens Supremacy, when as, they deny the fame in words as plainly & publickly as the Papifts.However what I have tranfcribed I hope will in no wife prove a digref fion altogether either not apposite, or unpleasing.

Yea, fo far are they from granting Her Supremacy, that they will in no Cafe allow Her to be Defender of the Faith. "Where did the Apostles "fay, that any King or Magiftrate upon Earth,


was a Defender of the Faith? But faid, they them

"felves had not Power over Mens Faith. 2 Cor. 1. See Anfwer to the Com. Pr. Book, p. 9. And herein they A&t the true part of a Roman Catholick, and with them will fooner Brand Her with Herefie, than allow Her this Her juft Title.

H. But

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II. But the Quakers climb yet a little higher fill, for they deny her her due Honour and Obedience : And make what is due from us unto her, none other, and no better than what they commonly pay to all the rest of Mankind; even to the rankest traitors, and vilest mifcreants upon Earth.

"This honour (fay they) which they (of the "Church of England) plead for, is an honour, "which God will lay in the duft. And a little after, fpeaking of the refiftance of the Powers, he adds faying, "All Power in Heaven and Earth is "given to the Son. Anfw. to the Com. Pr. Book, p.8. Now that this is in downright oppofition to our Kings and Queens, Hear G. F. himself in his Priests and Profeffors Catech. p. 21. "It is fald of "Christ Jefus he put down (mark and take No"tice) all Rule, and all Authority, and Power, till "he had put all his Enemies under his feet; (Mark) "here is Authority; and is not this Authority "which owneth not the Light wherewith Chrift "doth enlighten every Man that cometh into the "World withall? And must not that Authority "be put down and Powers? Are not these his E"nemies, that own not his light? &c. p. 22. Here honeft George is not only for not honouring them, but for putting them down alfo. Which is true Jefuite Da


But (as I noted before) the honour thefe Men will allow Her Majefty, is at the best, no better than what they will, and do allow to the meaneft and obfcureft of her fubjects. "Whereas you fay "fear God, honour the King. This is to have him "and all Men in efteem, and we can do no other"wife, if we would have all Men to be faved. And according to this Interpretation, fuch (and no better) is their Efteem of them, and Reverence for them. For yet a little farther,

II. These

III. Thefe Loyalifts think it not enough to decry their honour, as derogatory to Christ Jefus, but thirdly they muft advance this ftring one note higher, and deny them their Crowns too. For by thefe Mens traiterous Divinity, thefe alfo must be melted down, as altogether unfit for their heads, and wearing. "Chrift Jefus who fits upon his Throne "is King among Chriftians, as Salomon was among "the Jews, and ends burnt offerings and mortal "Crowns. Anfw. to the Com. Pr. Book, p. 7. Here was a bold ftroke indeed, which lops off Kings and Queens, and Crowns too, all at one blom. What call you these flights of fuch elevated Politicians, as thefe? Can you guess them to be any thing elfe, than an elaborate abridgment of Mariana's larger Difcourfes on this Subject 3


Sheweth That the Quakers joyn with the very Worst of the Papifts in their Oppofitions against all the Divine Ordinances, as used in our Church.

Here is nothing more harsh in the ears of a

Papist than the Prayers, and Praises of our Church, which hath made them fo prolifical in their Inventions, and fo Indefatigable in their Pains, to endeavour their Extirpation and utter Rejection and Difufe. You have heard what Faithful Commis faid before on this Topic: And becaufe in the beginning of the Reformation, Mens Hearts were fo highly Zealous against the Abominations of the Mafs, therefore did he and divers others of thefe fubtile Achitophels, of the Popish Church, with fo much facility faften a lafting prejudice upon our


Common Prayers, by branding them with a name fo odious to the Common People, as was the English Maß. And tho' he and they knew (well enough) the falfnefs of the calumny, yet fo they could ruinate their efteem, and thereby bring upon us a Schifm, they could be content to treat their own Maß Book with the highest appearances of contempt, and with full cry run it down, deride and fcorn it.

Nor is any thing more untunable to them than our Pfalms, indeed their whole Invention is by them all thought too barren, and their conceptions are always, in their opinions, too mean and low, to exprefs the height of their hatred and contempt

of them.

And as for our Sacraments they think they never can fufficiently vilifie them. That of the Holy Eucharist for want of their Confecrations and Ceremonies as they are used in our Churches, they efteem as no Sacrament, and therefore moft fcornfully Nick-name it accordingly. That of Baptism they have alfo fo loaded with their Ceremonious fopperies, which they have now made effential to the true administration thereof, that in their esteem ours is abfolutely nullifyed by them.

Let us now see how the Quakers Ape and imitate them.It will be too much to speak diftinctly of them all, with that height of application which they justly merit, (that may be perhaps a particular work hereafter;) but because our Adverfaries have liberally dealt their blows against them all, I will therefore give a few touches at the most princi pal ones especially.

1. First then as to Preaching: this was the firft Ordinance which was publickly Attaqued by them: And at their firft appearance, all humane Preaching was run down by them as Antifcriptural and Damna ble and was accounted by them, a feduction of

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