Imatges de pàgina
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

About 1781.

Full face, finished only as far as the shoulders, and copied into one of the large pictures now in the room of the Society of Arts in the Adelphi. The original sketch was sold at Barry's sale for 30 guineas. It is in the possession of Mr. Audinet.

Engraved in line 4to. size

Anker Smith.


Ditto, 8vo., with specimens of Dr.
Johnson's signature at different pe-

riods of life

[blocks in formation]



A three-quarter length, the size of life, in oil; belonged to John Hatsell, Esq., Cotton Garden. This portrait did not please Dr. J., who styled it "Johnson's grimly ghost."]

[blocks in formation]


A miniature, from the life.

Several copies in crayon, from Sir Joshua's various portraits of Johnson.

(1) Brother of Mr. Townley, of the Commons, an ingenious artist, who resided some time at Berlin, and has the honour of being engraver to his Majesty the King of Prussia. This is one of the finest mezzotintos that ever was executed; and what renders it of extraordinary value, the plate was destroyed after four or five impressions only were taken off. One of them is in the possession of Sir William Scott - BOSWELL,

Date of Painting. 1782.


Engraver's Date of
Name. Engraving.

Johnson said when he saw the drawing, "Well, thou art an ugly fellow like the original." Vol. X. p. 97.

T. Trotter. 1784]

Profile in an oval, to the left, without wig
Whole length, in the dress worn by him on the journey to the


Hebrides, with his stick, folio


[Side-face, to right, the countenance haggard, and exhibiting marks of decay. This was probably the last portrait for which Dr. Johnson sat: it was finished a short time before his




[Do. prefixed to Harding's Shakspeare; drawing belonged to

Dr. Farmer







Side-face, to right
Medallion, profile to left, with wig, prefixed to the Dic
F. Bartolozzi. Bartolozzi. 1785
Ditto for Sharpe's

[blocks in formation]

A wood-cut, on the title-page of Sharpe's edition of this work,

[blocks in formation]

Unknown. J. Taylor. 1756

For "Lavater's Essays on Physiognomy," in which Johnson's countenance is analysed upon the principles of that fanciful writer.

[A view of Tunbridge Wells, in which Dr. and Mrs. Johnson are introduced; the figures very small. See Vol. I. p. 218. 1804


A whole-length, in a cocked hat, ruffles on the hands, holding a stick behind his back. Not known.

There is a whole-length figure in Cambridge's works, 4to., drawn and engraved by Besland.] It forms the frontispiece to Vol. I. of this Edition.



Modelled in clay, but never cut in marble. The artist has represented Dr. Johnson without his wig; substituting for it flowing hair which hangs down the neck, copied from a beggar, who Drawn by.

was called from the street to serve as a model. (See Smith's Life

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

In St. Paul's; the first monument ever placed in that building.
Repeatedly engraved.

There are also several seals with his head cut on them, particularly a very fine one by that eminent artist, Edward Burch, Esq., R. A.; in the possession of the younger Dr. Charles Burney. [Copied and engraved





Let me add, as a proof of the popularity of his character, that there are copper pieces struck at Birmingham, with his head impressed on them, which pass current as halfpence there, and in the neighbouring parts of the country.

[The most extensive collections of engraved portraits of Dr. Johnson are those in the possession of Lewis Pocock, Esq., Mr. Upcott, and Mr. Murray of Albemarle Street. The latter was made by the late John Thomas Smith, of the British Museum. - J. MURRAY, Jun. 1835.]


The Roman letters refer to the Volume; the Arabic figures to the Page.


ABERCROMBIE, James, of Phila-
delphia, his communications con-
cerning Johnson, iii. 242. 285 п.

Aberdeen, iv. 83.

Aberdeen butter, duel fought for the
honour of, v. 83 n.

Achilles, shield of, vii. 380.
Acis and Galatea, vii. 72.
Acquaintance, Johnson's numerous

and various, vi. 138. ; viii. 220.
Acquaintances, ii. 52. ; viii. 166.
Acting, viii. 238.
Acting, tragic, Johnson's contempt
of, iv. 27.

Aberdeen, William Gordon, second | Action in public speaking, iii. 249.

Earl of, iv. 136.

Aberdonians, iv. 96.

Abernethy, Rev. John, on the effect
of prayer, iv. 66. Account of, iv.
66 п.

Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie, fourth
Farl of, bon-mot of, vii. 338 n.
Abington, Mrs., actress, v. 258. 262.
268. 293. 324.

Abjuration, oath of, v. 259.
Absenteeism, vi. 80. 321.
Absolute princes, v. 317.
Abstemiousnesss, v. 113. ; ii. 258.310.;

iii. 30. 213.; iv. 226. 291.; ν. 8.
297.; vi. 64. 142.; vii. 146.; ix.

Absurdities, use of delineating, vii.

Abuse, personal, iii. 54. ; vii. 246. 376. ;
ix. 65, 66.

Abyssinia, Lobo's voyage to, i. 90.;
vi. 122.

Abyssinia, Prince of. See Rasselas.
Academia della Crusca send Johnson
their Vocabulary, ii. 51.
Accent, Scotch, overcome by per-
severance, iii. 188.
Accounts, keeping, viii. 167.

Active sports in young people, not to
be reckoned idleness, i. 44.
Activity of body, Johnson's, ix. 2.
Activity of mind, Johnson's, vii. 193.
193. n.

Actor, qualities of a great, ix. 272. n.
Actors, i. 192, 193. 231.; ii. 177.; iii.
93. 277.; iv. 27. 39. 132.; vi. 23.
329.; vii. 99. ; viii. 239 n.; ix. 125.
Actors, Johnson's prejudice against,
and contemptuous severity towards,
i. 192. 231.; vii. 356.

Adams, Rev. Dr. William, master of
Pembroke College, Oxford, i. 58.
75. 80. 146. 205. 215. 227. ; ii. 11, 12.
34. 278.; ν. 104. 213; vi. 72.; viii.
302. 382. Some account of, viii.
382 n. His account of the first re-
presentation of ' Irene,' i. 227. His
Answer to Hume's Essay on Mi-
racles, vi. 72.

Adams, Miss, afterwards Mrs. Hyett,

viii. 294.

Adams, George, dedication to the
king of his 'Treatise on the Globes,'
ii. 74.; iii. 31.

Addison, Joseph, i. 237, 238. 316. ; ii.
208. 296.; iii. 300.; iv. 37. 81.; v
Air-bath, Lord Monboddo's, vi. 310
Akenside, Dr. ii. 125., iii. 195. ; vi.
117, 117 п. 150.

Akerman, Mr., keeper of Newgate,

anecdotes of, vii. 329, 330, 331.
Alberti, Leandro, his classical descrip-
tion of Italy, v. 42. 289, 289 п.
Alchymy, v. 326.
Alcibiades, vii. 103, 103 n.
Alcibiades, his dog, vii. 59, 59 n.
Alfred, Johnson's wish to write the
Life of, i. 205.

Alfred, his Will, viii. 116, 116 n.
Algebra, the study of, recommended,
ix. 83.

'Alias, Johnson's exemplication of
the word, viii. 212.
Allen, Edmund, printer, ii. 98 n., 260.;
v. 22. ; vi. 277. ; vii. 106. 162. ; viü.
68. 222. 374. Johnson's letter to,

viii. 222.

Allen, Ralph, iv. 79.
'Alley Croker, vii. 84, 84 n.
'All for Love,' Dryden's preface to,
quoted, viii. 91 n.
Alnwick Castle, vii. 109.
Althorp, Lord, afterwards Earl Spen-
cer, vii. 321. See Spencer.
'Amelia, Fielding's, vi. 163, 163 n.;
ix. 80.

Ambition, vi. 158.
America and the Americans, v. 224.
226. 248.; vii. 21. 25. 133. 338 n.;
viii. 55. 176. 284.; ix. 11. 30.
Amusements, country, ix. 196.
Amusements, a man known by his,
viii. 319.

Amyat, Dr., ii. 246.
'Ana,' the French, v. 42.

Anacreon, Baxter's, v. 124. ; viii. 151.


Johnson, ix. 13.
'Anacreon, Fawkes's translation of,
ix. 14.

42. 289.; vi. 166. 294.; vii. 60. 123.
373.; viii.; ix. 72.
His Notanda, i. 238. His 'Re-
marks on Italy, v. 289. 289 n. His
style compared with Johnson's, i.
264. His conduct towards Steele,
viii. 22. 67. Johnson's opinion of, i.
265 n.; ii. 208. 296. ; vii. 198. John-
son's Life of, viii. 22.

Address of the Painters to George
III. on his accession, written by
Johnson, ii. 118.

Adey, Mrs., iii. 52. 64. ; vii. 241. 270.
Adey, Miss Mary, i. 33.; vi. 101.; vii. 298.
Admiration, v. 306.

'Adventurer, Dr. John Hawkes-
worth's, i. 241. 277. 300, 301. 303.
305.; ii. 70. The papers marked T.
written by Johnson, i. 300.
Adventures of a Guinea,' by whom
written, iv. 307. 307 n.

• Adversaria,' specimen of Johnson's,

i. 238.

Adversaries, not to be treated with
respect, iv. 20.
Advertisement, Johnson's, in the
Gentleman's Magazine, i. 103. In
the Universal Chronicle, ii. 108. In
the Edinburgh newspapers, v. 166.
Adultery, iii. 46.

Egri Ephemeris, Johnson's, viii. 388.
'Eneid, story of the, viii. 213.
'Æschylus,' Potter's translation of,
vii. 91.

Affectation, vii. 374. ; ix. 185.
Affectation in writing, iv. 260.
Affectation of familiarity with the
great, viii. 33.

Affection, natural, iii. 106. ; vii. 265. ;
viii. 204.

Agar, Welbore Ellis, vi. 252. n.

Age, old, vii. 10. 83.88 n., 193. 203. Anacreon, Dove of, translated by
369.; viii. 171. 275. ; ix. 91. 212.
'Agis,' Home's tragedy of, iv. 214.
Aglaura, Suckling's play of, vii. 170.
Agutter, Rev. William, viii. 287 n.
His Sermon on Johnson's death,
viii. 421.

Aikin, Letitia, afterwards Mrs. Bar-
bauld, vi. 28.; vii. 316.; ix. 4.


Anaitis, temple of, iv. 232. 235.
Analogy between body and mind, i. 56.
Anatomy of Melancholy, Burton's,
iii. 135, 135 n.; vi. 70.
Ancestry, iii. 179.

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