Facility of composition, Johnson's ex- traordinary, viii. 1. Faction, viii. 190. Factiousness, viii. 83 n. Facts, mischief of mingling them with | Feudal system, iii. 212. 236. ; vii. 302. fiction, viii. 177. Fairfax's 'Tasso, viii. 5. Fairies, vii. 364. 'Fairy Queen,' Spenser's, vii. 355. Falkland Islands, Johnson's pam- • False Delicacy,' Hugh Kelly's play Falsehoods, vii. 57. Fame, vi. 153. 303.; vii. 98. Family residences, iv. 238. 240. Farmer, Rev. Dr., ii. 136.; vii. 366. Farmers, vii. 217. Farquhar, George, his writings, vii. of, ii. 221 n. 241 n.; iii. 113.; vili. Fashionable Lover, Cumberland's * Father's Revenge,' the Earl of Car- Fear, iii. 82.; ix. 101. Fees, lawyers', iv. 70. Ferns, the deanery of, viii. 46. 'Festivals and Fasts, Nelson's, vi. 90. Fiction, viii. 230. Fiddle, difficulty of playing upon, iii. Fielding, Henry, i. 195 n.; viii. 255. Fielding, his 'Amelia, vi. 163. ; ix. ielding, Sir John, vii. 326. 262. 327. ; ν. 137. 224. 227-236. See Finnon haddock, iv. 113 n. 252. Fitzherbert, William, esq. i. 85.; ii. Fitzherbert, Mrs., i. 85. ; vii. 380. ; Fitzmaurice, Mr., vii. 319. 311.; vii. 175. 196.; ix. 65. 114. 119. Fleetwood, Everard, vii. 176. Felixmarte of Hircania, Spanish ro- Fleetwood on the Sacrament, recom. mance of, i. 45. Fencing, iv. 63. Fenelon's 'Telemachus, v. 43. Fenton, Elijah, his share in the trans- lation of the Odyssey, vii. 324. 103.; vii. 26. mended by Johnson, ix. 180. Fleming, Sir Michael le, ii. 249 п. Flexman, Mr., viii. 327. Flint, Bet, viii. 80 n. 81. Flogging in schools, vi. 28.; ix. 131. Ferguson, James, the astronomer, iii. Flood, Right Hon. Henry, his be- Ferguson, Sir Adam, iii. 202. Fergussone, Captain, iv. 205 n. ; 288 n. quest to Dublin University, ii. 77. Feins, Dr. Thomas Elringtor, bishop | Floyd, Thomas, ii. 244 n. Floyer, Sir John, on 'Cold Baths, Folengo, Theopilo, vii. 125 n. racter of, ii. 121. 170. 183 n.; iii. 95, Forbes, Sir William, of Pitsligo, iv. Ford, Rev. Cornelius, a cousin of Ford, Sarah, Johnson's mother, i. 29. Fores, iv. 120. Form of prayer, arguments for, v. Fornication, iv. 219. ; vi. 134. Forrester, Colonel, vi. 138. Foulis, Sir James, some account of, Foulis, the Messieurs, the Elzevirs of 'Fountains,' the, a tale, by Johnson, Fowke, Joseph, v. 436.; x. 119. 254. Fox, Right Hon. Charles James, iii France, Johnson's Journal of his France, state of literature in, vii. 87. Free will, iii. 83.; vii. 133 n. Forster, George, his 'Voyage to the French Academy send Johnson their South Seas, vi. 324. Fort Augustus, vii. 235. Fort George, iv. 128. Fortune, ix. 213. manners and customs, iv. 109. ; vi. 22, 23.; vii. 215. 362. Dictionary, ii. 51. French language, vi. 24. French writers superficial, and why, 'Fortune, Derrick's poem of, quoted, French, credulity of the, v. 66. i. 136. Fortune hunters, i. 136. Forster, Mrs. Elizabeth, grandaughter, i. 267. 271. Foster, Thomas, surgeon, iii. 56. Frewen, Rev. Dr. Accepted, iii. Friends and Friendship, i. 182. 248.; 'Friendship', an Ode, by Johnson, | Gaubius, Professor, his distinction be- Frisick language, ii. 269. Fullarton, Colonel John, vii. 219. 131.; viii. 279. Futurity, ix. 123. G. Gaelic language, iii. 184, 184 n.; viii. Generosity, v. 153.; ix. 218. 298. 247, 247 п. Gaiety, vi. 235.; ix. 41. Galatians, Durham on the, iv. 132, Gentleman, Francis, ii. 155, 155 n. tween hypochondria and madness, i. 65. Gay, the poet, v. 14.; viii. 5. His Gell, Mr., of Hopton Hall, v. 196. General polity, ix. 28. General principles, ix. 4. General warrants, legality of, ii. 73. Genius, iv. 92.; vii. 246. 333. Gentility, ix. 54. 132 n. Galen, vii. 356. Gaming, iii. 209.; vi. 140, 140 n. Gardener, Mr., bookseller, v. 288. Garrick, Peter, i. 109. ; v. 194 п. 247. ; Garrick, Mrs., viii. 73. Gastrel, Rev. Mr., his gothic barbarity Gataker, Rev. Thomas, 'on Lots, and Gentleman's Magazine, i. 95. 103. 123. 165. 171.; vii. 174. George I., Johnson's character of, v. George II., his severity in the case of i. 141. George IV. See Prince of Wales. Ghosts, ii. 106. 180. 313. ; iii. 175. 194. 213. 220, 220 n.; vil. 59. 103. 141. Gibbon, Edward, iii. 66. 177. ; iv. 20 n. ; Gibbon, Rev. Dr., viii. 106, 106 n. Gifford, William, anecdote related by, viii. 389 n. Gilbert on 'Evidence, v. 140. Gin-shops, iii. 257. Gisborne, Dr., v. 289 n. Glanville, William Evelyn, vii. 186 n. Glensheal, iv. 149, 149 n. for abusing him, iii. 246, 246 n. His Goodness, infinite, viii. 302. Gloominess, folly and sinfulness of, Gordon, Sir Alexander, iv. 86. 91. viii. 125. Glow-worm, iii. 46. 275. Gluttony, ii. 258.; ix. 120. Gout, iv. 220. 'Government of the Tongue,' vii. 251. 124. Gower, Earl, his letter to a friend of Grace, vii. 133, 133 n.; viii. 86. 152. Gresham College, vi. 129. Greville, Mr., his 'Maxims, Charac- ters, and Reflections, viii. 305. 130 n. Griffiths, Mr., of Kefnamwycllh, v. Grimston, Viscount, his 'Love in a tius, Johnson's kindness to, vi. 258, 258 п. Grotius, ii. 241. ; vi. 259, 259 n. commended by Johnson, ii. 171. Graham, Miss, afterwards Lady Dash, Grenville, Right Hon. George, iii. wood, vii. 291. Grainger, Dr. James, vi. 44. 44 n.; Grammar-school, Johnson's scheme finement at St. Kilda, iv. 246, 246 п. Grant, Sir Archibald, vi. 231. Granville, John Carteret, first Earl, Grierson, Mrs., some account of, iii. vii. 360, 360 n.; viii. 53. Gratitude, iv. 252. Grattan, Right Hon. Henry, v. 263. ; 'Grave,' Blair's, vi. 167. Graves, Rev. Richard, vi. 83. His Groot, Isaac de, descendant of Gro. 'Spiritual Quixote,' x. 244 n. Graves, Mr. Morgan, i. 99 n. Gray's poetry, iv. 172, 172 n.; v. 19. 'Gray's Inn Journal, ii. 121. 'Great, how pronounced, iii. 191, Grotto, Pope's, vii. 357, 357 n. 191 n. Great, manners of the, vii. 216. Greek, ix. 17. 168. Johnson's advice by Johnson to lace, vii. 370, 370 n. Green, Richard, of Lichfield, v. 194.; Green, T. of Ipswich, his 'Diary of a Green-room, Johnson's reasons for Grottos, vii. 357 n.; ix. 74. Grove, Rev. Henry, author of the pa. Grub Street, Johnson's description of, Guardians, Johnson's advice on the Gunpowder, Gustavus Vasa, Brooke's, i. 156, Guthrie, William, i. 127, 128 n. 156. ; Gwyn, Mr., architect, iii. 8. ; v. 213 n. ; |