H. Habeas Corpus, iii. 73. Habits, early, v. 313. Hackman, Rev. Mr., his trial for Hardinge, Sir Henry, iii. 221. shooting Miss Ray, vii. 257, 258. Haddock, Finnon, iv. 113, 113 n. Hagley, v. 214. Hague, Mr. Johnson's early instruc- Hailes, David Dalrymple, Lord, ii. Hall, Mrs., vi. 48.; viii. 68. 71. Hamilton of Bangour, his poems, iv. Hamilton, Right Hon. William Ge- Hamilton, Mr., the printer, iii. 267, Hamilton, Lady Betty, v. 96. 102. me Hammond, Dr., 'on the New Testa. Hanmer, Sir Thomas, his Shakspeare, Hanway, Jonas, his 'Essay on Tea,' Happiest life, which the, ix. 132. Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor, vi. 151. ; Hardyknute, ballad of, iii. 92. Harris, James, Esq., iii. 266 n.; v. 125 n. Harrison, Mrs., her 'Miscellanies,' ii. 66. Harry, Miss Jane, the proselyte to Harte, Dr. Walter, his 'History of Harwood, Dr., his 'History of Lich- Europe, viii, 41. Hater, a good, ix. 30. Hatyin foam foam eri, a popular Hawkestone, v. 198 Hawkesworth, Dr., Johnson's contri- Hawkins, Mr., Johnson's instructor in Hawkins, Rev. William, his 'Siege of Hawkins, Sir John, his miscellaneous Hawkins, Miss (daughter of Sir Health, Johnson's rules for travellers in quest of, viii. 138. Healths, drinking of, vii. 291. nouncing, vii. 16.; x. 127. Heaven, happiness of, vii. 136. 'He-bear and She bear, viii. 90. Heber, Rev. Reginald, on Evil Spirits, Heberden, Dr., vii. 273.; viii. 224. Hervey, Rev. James, his 'Medita- 357,358.; x. 64. Johnson's letter | Hervey, Hon. Henry, i. 115. Hebrides, Johnson's wish to visit, ii. Hector, Edmund, Johnson's school- 98. 180 n. 182. 321.; vi. 87. 91, 92, Heil paved with good intentions, v. Henault, Charles, v. 334. 'Henry VIII. vii. 292. Shakspeare's Hereditary right, vi. 296, 297. Hermit, life of, iv. 59. 'Heroic Epistle to Sir William Cham- bers, vii. 110 n.; 165 n.; viii. 91. Heroic virtues, ix. 34. Hervey, Hon. Thomas, some account of, iii. 17 n. 77 n.; v. 283. Hesiod, vii. 290. Hickes, Rev. Dr., v. 100 n. ; viii. 288. to, i. 86 n. ! Hierarchy, Johnson's reverence for, 'High Life below Stairs, Garrick's ing them discussed, vii. 70. Hill, Aaron, his account of 'Irene, Hinchcliffe, Dr. John, vii. 317. Historia Studiorum, Johnson's, vii. Historian, requisites for an, fi. 207. Historians, how characters should be Hooke, Nathaniel, wrote the Duchess drawn by, vii. 286. History, little really authentic, ii. 207. History of manners, the most valu- History of the 'Council of Trent,' Hobbes, Thomas, on the State of the Hogarth, his first interview with Holdbrook, Mr., Johnson's early in- Holidays, or Fast Days, vi. 90. Hollis, Thomas, i. 47. ; viii. 75. Holyday's Juvenal, Johnson's high Horne, Dr. George, Bishop of Nor opinion of, ix. 317. Holyrood House, iv. 35. ; v. 106. Holywell, v. 202. Home, John, ii. 343. ; iv. 214. ; v. 136. Homer, iv. 77, 78 n. 178.; vii. 12. 91. 185. 380.; ix. 208.; x, 53. Johnson's Homer and Virgil, comparative ex- Hook, Abbé, his translation of Ber- of Marlborough's 'Apology,' iv. 192. Horace's villa, vii. 83. wich, v. 188. 194. ; vi. 75. 237. His Horne, Rev. John. See Tooke. 119. Horses, old, what should be done Horseley, Dr. Samuel, ii, 241 n.; viii. Horseley, William, iii. 19. viii. 216. ; x. 146. As formerly prac- House of Peers, iv. 104. Housebreakers, viii. 107. How, Mr. Richard, of Aspley, viii. Howard, Mr., of Lichfield, ii. 101. 131.; viii. 183. 289. ; ix. 37. 137. 149. ; 'Humours of Ballamagairy, iii. 257 n. Hunter, Mr., Johnson's early tutor, 136. Hurd, Dr. Richard, i. 87.; vi. 339.; 292 n. Howard, John, the philanthropist, iv. Hurlo Thrumbo, the eccentric au- Howard, Hon. Edward, iii. 117 n. Howard, Sir George, v. 323. Howell's 'Letters, v. 289 n. Huddersford, Dr., Vice-Chancellor of Hughes, John, poet, ii. 17. ; vii. 163. ; Hulks, punishment of the, vii. 104. Human life, viii. 331. ; ix. 34. 53. 71. Human life, miseries and happiness Human will, liberty of, viii. 331. Hume, David, i. 231.; ii. 223. 310.; thor of, v. 23 n. Husbands, vii. 288, 289 n. Husband, John, i. 61. Hutton, Mr., the Moravian, viii. Hyde, Henry, Lord, vi. 49 n. 33. Hyperbolical praise, ix, 119. Hypochondria and madness, distinc- | Incommunicative taciturnity, ix. 12 . 6 tion between, i. 64. Improper Hypochondriac, 169 n. Boswell's, viii. India, government of, viii. 208. India, practice of going to in quest of Indians, why not weak or deformed, Indigestion, Johnson's remedy for, v. Inequality, iii. 258. Infidel writers, iv. 303. ; vi. 72.; viii Iceland, curious chapter out of the Infidels, ix. 37. 'Natural History' of, vii. 120. Icolmkill, v. 73. 77. Idleness, ii. 88. 213. 254.; iii. 102.; 'Idler, Johnson's, ii. 85. 88. 101. Ignorance, iii. 92. ; ix. 79. Singular | 92. Ilam, Johnson's visit to, vii. 4, 5 n. Imlac, in 'Rasselas, vii. 378. Impressions, folly of trusting to, viii. Improvement, viii. 133. ; ix. 133. Improvisatore, Italian, vi. 53 n. Impudence, difference Scotch and Irish, v. 241. between Ince, Richard, author of papers in the 'Spectator,' vi. 151. Inch Keith, iv. 51. Inch Kenneth, v. 41. 61, 61 n. John- Infidelity, ii. 310. 317. ; iii. 82. 97.; iv. Infidels, keeping company with, viii. 294. Influence of age, ix. 212. Influence of the crown, iii. 131.; viii. Influence of fortune, ix. 213. Initials, ix. 121. Innes, Mr. William, ix. 156. Inns, comforts of, vi. 81.; ix. 204. Shen- stone's lines on, vi. 81 n. Inoculation, viii. 96. Insanity, i. 29 n. 62. 64. 170. ; iv. 227.; Insanity, hereditary, an important Insects, iii. 289. Insensibility of a fishmonger, vii. son's Latin Ode on the Island of, | Insults, iii. 216, 217. 'Incidit in Scyllam, &c., whence ta- Intentions, ii. 314. Intentions, good, viii. 365. Income, duty of living within, viii. 219. Incredulity, ix. 47. Interest, vii. 63. Interest of money, vii. 199. Intromission, vicious, iii. 233. 314; |