Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

Kemble, John Philip, viii. 236.
Kempis, Thomas à, vii. 54, 54 п.
Ken, Bishop, v. 311.

Kennedy, Rev. Dr., ii. 133.

Kennedy, Dr., his tragedy, vii. 68.
Kennicot, Dr. Benjamin, iii. 142,
142 п.

Kenrick, Dr. William, ii. 300, 300 n.;
iii. 53.; iv. 305, 305 n.; vii. 90.
Kepple, Lady Elizabeth, iii. 99 n.
Kerr, James, iv. 32.

Kettel, Dr. Ralph, ii. 41 n.
Kilmorey, John, tenth Viscount, v.
197.; x. 271.
Kindersley, Mr., x. 269.

Kindness, vi. 327.; viii. 140. ; ix. 119.
King, Rev. Dr., ii. 32 n.; v. 311 n. ;
vii. 171.

King, Archbishop, his 'Essay on
Evil,' vii, 283 n.

Kings, their situation, ii. 206. 226.;
iii. 23.; viii. 19.
King's-Head Club, ii. 218.
Kippis, Dr. Andrew, iii. 157.; iv.
89 n.; vii. 317, 318 п.
Knapton, Messrs., booksellers, ii. 211.
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, vii. 66, 67 п.
Knight, Lady, ii. 275. ; iii. 9 n. Anec-
dotes by, x. 48.
Knitting, v. 303.; vii. 72.
Knowledge, ii. 194.; iii. 260. ; ν. 303. ;

vi. 79.; vii. 188.; ix. 4. 70. 78.
Every-day the best, ix. 4. 70. 78.
Knowles, Mary, quakeress, vi. 198.
200 n.; vii. 126. 129. 138. 142. 144.
Her theological dialogue with John-
son, vii. 144.; x. 15. 106.

Knox, John, iv. 58.
Knox, Rev. Vicesimus, i. 261.; viii.
333. His character of Johnson, x.153.
Knox, John, on Johnson's
to he Hebrides, v. 237.




Lade, Sir John, viii. 413.; ix. 38.
Verses on his coming of age, viii.

Landlords, iii. 103.; iv. 215.; v. 25.
35.; vii. 80.

Langley, Rev. Mr., v. 195.
Langley, Charles, husband of Alley
Croker, vii. 84 n.

Langton, Bennet, i. 118. 294, 294 п.;
viii. 407.; ix. 219.; x. 57. 138. His
Collectanea of Johnson's sayings,
vii. 350.

Langton, Miss Jane, vi. 168. John-
son's letter to, iii. 159.; viii. 267.
Langton, Peregrine, ii. 341.
Langton, Bishop, i. 295 n.
Language, viii. 213. Origin of, viii.
198. Of an ancient author, not to
be modernised, viii. 318. On writ-
ing verses in a dead, v. 319.
Languages, ii. 245. ; iii. 12. 81. 183.;
vi. 24. 154.; ix. 255. Irish and
Gaelic, iii. 183. Chinese, vii. 198.
Poets, the preservers of, vi. 154.
The pedigree of nations, iv. 242.
Lapidary inscriptions, inaccuracy of,
vii. 239, 239 п.

Latin, ix. 148. 310. Latin epitaphs,
iv. 164, 164 n.

Laud, Archbishop, his diary, iii. 251.
Lauder, William, his forgery against
Milton, i. 269, 269 п.

Law, vi. 57. Profession of, vi. 23,
24 n. Opinions as to the study and
practice of, ii. 289. 312.; iii. 3. 36.
253.; iv. 87.; vi. 23, 24 n. 57.; іх.
44. 136. Cicero's defence of the
study of, iii. 37 n.

Law, Dr. Edmond, Bishop of Carlisle,
vii. 304, 304 п.

Law, William, viii. 287 n. 297. His
'Serious Call,' i. 69, 69 п. 137,
137 n.; ix. 153.

Lawrence, Sir Thomas, ii. 82 n.
Lawrence, Dr. Thomas, ii. 82.; v.
228.; vi. 140.; vii. 309.; viii. 128.;
х. 265, 265 п.

[blocks in formation]

Life, rules for the conduct of, viin.

Learning, v. 55. 79. ; v. 131. 310.; viii. | Lies, ii. 120. 220.

Leasowes, v. 214.

Lectures, on the practice of teaching

by, ii. 310.; viři. 68.

Lee, Alderman, vi. 198, 198 n.

Lee, Arthur, vi. 189. 196.

Lee, John, vii. 52, 52 n.

Leechman, Dr. William, iv. 66, 66 n. ;
v. 115.

Leeds, Francis, fifth Earl of, vii. 361.
Legitimation by subsequent mar-
riage, vi. 88, 88 п.
Leibnitz, iii. 183. ; v. 12.

Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, v.

Leisure, the source of intellectual im-
provement, iii. 258.

Leith, iv. 49.

Leland, Rev. Dr. Thomas, ii. 288.;
vi. 243.; vii. 158.

Lenox, Mrs. Charlotte, i. 307, 308.;
ii. 134 ; v. 222.; vii. 358. ; viii. 272.
Leslie, Charles, viii. 287 n.
Letter-writing, viii. 80.
Letters, sanctity of private, iii. 49.
'None received in the grave, viii.
415, 415 п.
Levellers, ii. 233.

Lever, Sir Ashton, viii. 337, 337 п.
Levett, Robert, i. 185.; viii. 121.;
x. 45. 82. 258.263. Verses to the me-
mory of, viii. 122.

Lewis, David, his lines to Pope, viii.

Lewis, Francis, i. 266, 266 п.
'Lexiphanes, Campbell's, iii. 31, 31 n.
Libels, v. 23.; vi. 60. 130. From the
pulpit, vi. 181. On the character
of the dead, vi. 130.

[blocks in formation]

ii. 135.; iii. 3.; vi. 175. 219. 262.;
ix. 34. 53. 71. 97. 175.

'Lillibullero, ballad of, v. 290, 291 n.
Linen, advantages of wearing, iv.

Lintot, the bookseller, i. 112.
'Literary Club, founded, ii. 272. 320,
321. 323. 325.; iii. 279. 299. ; iv.
111.; ν. 255. 288, 288 n.; vi. 235.
248.263.; vii. 59, 59 n. 122. 375.;
ix. 47. Complete list of its mem-
bers from its foundation to the pre-
sent time, ii. 325.

'Literary Anecdotes, Nichols's, a
storehouse of facts and dates, viii.

Literary fame, v. 303.
Literary fraud, i. 304.; ii. 72. 125.
Literary Journals, iii. 25.
Literary man, life of, viii. 76.

Literary property, ii. 222.; iii. 302.,
iv. 70.; viii. 100.
Literary reputation, iii 276.
Literature, good, superfetation of the
press prejudicial to, vii. 188. Small
quantity of, in the world, vii. 151 n.
Dignity of, vii. 159.
Little books, ix. 255.

Liturgy of the Church of England,
ix. 130.

Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, first
Earl of, vi. 282.

'Lives of the English Poets, vi. 149.
194. 240. 331.; vii. 168. 236 253. 267.
308.; viii. 1-36.; ix. 243. 250.

Liberty, iii. 53.; vii. 258. Political, iii.
53. Of conscience, iii. 291. Of teach-

Lleweney, v. 199, 200, 201.; viii. 288 n.
Lloyd, Dr., Bishop of St. Asaph,

200 n.

Lloyd, Mr., quaker, of Birmingham,
vi. 37. 89.

Lloyd, Humphry, the antiquary, v.

Lloyd, Olivia, quakeress, i. 97.

Lord Chancellors, mode of choosing,
iii. 186.

Loudoun, John, fourth Earl of, v.118 n.
Loudoun, Lady Margaret Dalrymple,
Countess of, vii. 231.

Lobe's 'Account of Abyssinia,' i. 90.; Loughborough, Lord, ii. 141. 143. 158,
vi. 122.

Local attachment, iii. 108

Locality, viii. 227.

Lochbuy, the Laird of, v. 81, 82 п.
Lochbuy, Lady, v. 82.

Loch Lomond, v. 109. ; vii. 256.

Lock, William, of Norbury Park, viii.


159. ; ν. 299 π.; vi. 116, 117.; vai.
168 п.

Louis XIV., iii. 26.; vii. 192.
Lovat, Simon, twelfth Lord, i. 208.;
iv. 246 n.; ν. 149.

Love, ii. 151.; iii. 157.; v. 306. ; vi.
92.; vii. 19.; viii. 55.; ix. 76.

Love and Madness, viii. 177. A play,
viii. 55.

Locke, John, iv. 93; vii. 355.

verses to Dr. Sydenham, iv. 94. His
plan of education, vii. 222.
Lodgings, list of Johnson's various, in
London, i. 217.; vii. 288.

Lofft, Capel, viii. 276.

Lombe, John, his silk-mill at Derby,
vi. 306.

Loveday, Dr. John, iii. 302 n.
Lovibond, Edward, i. 111.
Low company, viii. 316.
Low Life, v. 38.

Lowe, Mr., i. 41. 43.

Lowe, Mauritius, painter, vii. 252.
346 n.; viii. 192.

London, i. 110. 114. ; v. 278. 301 n.; | Lowth, Dr. Robert, Bishop of Lon-

vi. 138. 322. ; vii. 77. 87. 149. 227.

don, iii. 23.; iv. 80. 130.; vi. 181.
Lowther, Sir James, the miser, iv. 116.
Lowthers, family of the, iv. 117.
Lucas, Dr. Charles, ii. 65 n.
Lucian, vi. 126 n. ; vii. 380.

282.; viii. 152. 380. The great field
of genius and exertion, i. 110. 'Art
of Living' in, i. 114. Johnson's
poem of, i. 129. 132. 140. 142. 144.
222. Johnson's love of, ii. 76.202.; | Lumisden, Andrew, vi. 20.

iii. 134. 148. 75. ; vi. 323. ; vii. 87.
249.; viii. 363 n. The fountain of
intelligence, v. 183. No place where
economy can be so well practised as
in, vii. 249. State of the poor in,
vii. 282. Too large, v. 301. Mode
of choosing its mayors, vii. 220.
Pennant's' Account' of, vii. 113.
Shopkeeper, iv. 80. 82 n., 83. No
place cures a man's vanity so well
as, iii. 134.

'London Chronicle,' ii. 72. 275. ; iii.
108. 246.; vii. 48.; viii. 52.
Londoners, iii. 105. ; v. 35.
Long, Dudley. See North, viii. 48. 56.
Longitude, ii. 54.
Longlands, Mr., iii. 223.
Longley, John, vii. 356 n.
Lonsdale, first Earl of, iv. 116.

Looking-glasses, vi. 13.
Lopez de Vega, ix. 24.

Lunardi, aëronaut, viii. 361, 362.
' Lusiad, viii. 246.
Luton Hoe, viii. 96.
Luxury, iii. 202. 266. ; iv. 56. ; ν. 102. ;
vi. 178.; vii. 54. 123. 135.
Lydiat, Thomas, i. 225 n.
Lye, Edward, his Saxon Dictionary,

ii. 321.

Lyttelton, George, Lord, ii. 3. 14.;
iii. 23. 140. 260 n. 280. ; iv. 164.; ν.
9 n. 213.; vi. 77. 150. ; vii. 334.; viii.
27. ; ix. 135. 254.; x.114. His Life of
Henry II.,' iii. 23. 260 n.; vi. 150 n.
Johnson's Life of, viii. 27. His

Dialogues of the Dead,' vi. 77.;

viii. 28.

Lyttelton, Thomas, Lord, his vision,
viii. 302 n.

Lyttelton, Mr., uncle of Lord Lyttel
ton, iii. 162.; vi. 176 n.
Lyttelton, Miss, vi. 176 n.


Macartney, George, Earl of, ii. 134. ;
vi. 139 n.; vii. 73 n. 322. ; viii. 30 n.
Macaulay, Rev. Kennett, his 'Ac-
count of St. Kilda,' iii. 41. 176. ; iv.

122. 124.

Macaulay, Mrs., wife of the Rev. K.
Macaulay, v. 328.

Macaulay, Catharine, i. 289 n.; ii.
233. 284. ; iii. 258.; v. 277 n.; vi.
166 n. 198.; vii. 1. ; ix. 130. 144.
Macbean, Alexander, i. 152. 216. ; iii.
238.; vii. 347.; viii. 68.
Macbeth, i. 203. ; iii. 93. ; iv. 119.
'Maccaroni,' iv. 204.
Maccaronic verses, vii. 125.
Macclesfield, George, Earl of, ii. 14 n.
Macclesfield, Countess of, reputed
mother of Savage, i. 195. 201 n.
Macconochie, Mr., afterwards Lord
Meadowbank, vii. 35 n.
Maccruslick, iv. 180 n. 197.

Macdonald, Sir James, ii. 235.; iii.
187 n. ; iv. 161. 164. 191. 285. ; v. 15. ;
viii. 57.

Macdonald, Sir Alexander, iii. 186.;
iv. 159, 160 n. 163. 173.; v. 48.; vi.

Macdonald, Lady Margaret, vii. 257.
Macdonald, Flora, iv. 203 п., 204, 205,
206. 208 п. 288. 329.

Macdonald, Major-general, iv. 295.

Macdonalds, the, v. 174 n.

[ocr errors]

259 n.; vi. 130. His epitaph, by
his son, iv. 44.

Maclaurin, John, afterwards Lord
Dreghorn, ii. 259. ; iv. 43 n.; V.

Maclean, Alexander, Laird of Col,
vi. 27. 41.

Maclean, Donald, heir of the Laird of
Col, v. 62. 65, 66. 68 п.
Maclean, Sir Allan, iv. 167 n.; v. 41.
57. 59, 60. 62 n. 69,70. 75. 80.84 n.
329.; vi. 229. 260.

Maclean, Rev. Hector, v. 12.
Maclean, Dr. Alexander, his descrip-
tion of Johnson, v. 41. 80.
Maclean, Captain Lauchlan, v. 10.
Maclean, Miss, v. 51. 60.
Maclean of Torloisk, v. 242 n.
Macleod, General John, Laird, of
Rasay, iv. 162. 193 n. 215 n. John-
son's letter to, iv. 298. His 'Me-
moirs' of his own life, iv. 320.
Macleod, Lady, some account of, iv.
217, 218 п. 220.

Macleod, Miss, of Rasay, iv. 195. ;
v. 11.

Macleod, Sir Roderick, iv. 218. 223.
Macleod, Rev. Neil, v. 78, 79, 80.
Macleod, Malcolm, iii. 551.; iv. 174.

Macfarlane, Mr., antiquary, iv. 167.

Mackenzie, Sir George, iv. 224.

Mackenzie, Henry, ii. 127. His Man | Macleod, Colin, iv. 193.

of the World;' 'Man of Feeling,
iv. 309.

Mackinnon, Mrs., iv. 294.
Mackinnon's Cave, v. 69, 70 n.
Mackintosh, Sir James, v. 182 n.
292 n.; vi. 203 n.; viii. 318. 320.
His character of Johnson, x. 168.
Macklin, Charles, actor, ii. 158. ; vi.

Maclaurin, Colin, mathematician, ii.

Macleod, Alexander or Sandie, of
Muiravenside, iv. 179, 180 п. 195.

Macleod, Dr., iv. 179.

Macleod, Colonel, of Talisker, iv. 179.

Macleod, Professor, his brother, iv. 95.

Macleod, Mr., of Ulinish, iv. 194. 223.


242 n.

Macpherson, James, ii. 168. ; iv. 95.
262.; ν. 138. 224. 227. 229, 230.
233. 235. 243. 245. See Ossian.
Macpherson, Mr., in Slate, v. 47.

Macleod's dining tables, iv. 258.

Macleod's maidens, iv, 258.

Maclure, Captain, v. 54.

Macneil, of Barra, iv. 247.

M'Nicol, Rev. Donald, i. 5 n.; v.

Macpherson, Dr. John, his 'Scottish
Antiquities,' iv. 216. His Latin
ode from the Isle of Barra, iv. 297.
Macpherson, Rev. Martin, and family,
iv. 296. 299.

Macquarrie, of Ulva, v. 53. 261. 268.
Macqueen, Rev. Donald, v. 143, 144.
162. 173. 175. 177. 277. 231. 233, 234,
235. 240. 245. 256. 263. 272.; ν.333.
Macra, Mr. John, iv. 242.
Macraes, clan of, iv. 151 п., 152 n.

242 n.

Macsweyn, Mr., v. 14, 15 n. 17. 33.
Macswinney, Owen, vi. 193 п.
Madden, Dr. Samuel, ii. 8. 73, 73 n.;
ν. 258 η. His 'Boulter's Monu-
ment,' ii. 74 п.

Madness, i. 65. ; ii. 170.; vi. 319, 320.;
ix. 117.

'Man of the World,' iv. 308.
Mandeville's Fable of the Bees,' vii.
135, 136.; ix. 144. His
on the Hypochondriacal Disease,'
ix. 144.

Mandeville, Sir John, his 'Traveis
in China' recommended, ix. 317.
Manley, Mrs., viii. 189.
Manners, vi. 176. ; vii. 375.
Manners of the great, vii. 216. In-
stances of the change of, iv. 55,
56 n.

Manning, Rev. Owen, ii. 321 п.
Manning, Mr., compositor, viii. 323.
Manningham, Dr., vi. 302.

Mansfield, Lord, iii. 187 n. 222. 231.
268.; iv. 18. 97.; v. 147. 256. 277.;
vi. 113 n. 213. 327 n.; vii. 326.; viii
20. 168.

Madness and hypochondria, distinc- | Mantuanus, Johannes Baptista, viii.

[ocr errors]

tion between, i. 65.

Mahogany,' a liquor so called, viii.


Maiden assize, vii. 96 n.

Maittaire, Michael, Johnson's cha-
racter of, vii. 351. His account of
the 'Stephani,''Senilia,'


'Dialects, vii. 351, 352.
Mallet, or Malloch, David, ii. 15. 85.
184.; iii. 189. 276.; iv. 192.; vii.
12. 280. 284. ; viii. 212. ; ix. 149. 195.
His tragedy of 'Elvira,' ii. 184.
His Life of Lord Bacon, vii. 13.
His poem on repairing the Univer-
sity of Aberdeen, viii. 211.

Malone, Edmond, ix. x. xv. ; i. 9 n.
11 п. 42 п. 45. 67 п. 73 п. 88 п. 89 п.
174 п. 181. 187 n. 237 n. 240 п. 243 п.

247 п. 249 п.

[blocks in formation]

272 п. 284 n.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

171 п.

Marana, J. P., author of 'The Turk-
ish Spy, viii. 189 n.
Marchetti, an Italian physician, ix.


Marchmont, Hugh, fourth Earl of,
iii. 190 n.; vii. 202. 204. 208. 267.
308.; viii. 20.

Markland, Jeremiah, philologist, viii.
147 n.; ix. 88.
Marlay, Dr. Richard, viii. 46 n.
Marlborough, John, Duke of, iv.

192. ; v. 205. ; vi. 81. 180; vii. 260.
Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of,
i. 174.; iv. 192.; viii. 55.
'Marmor Norfolciense,' i. 156, 157.
Marriage, ii. 110. 151.; iii. 47, 48. 77.
106. 119, 120. 196. ; iv. 230 n.; ν.
266.316.; vi. 88 n., 89. 93. 109. 117.
143.; vii. 153. ; viii. 293, 294.; ix.

Marriage service, iii. 119 n.
Marriage, iii. 120. Bill, royal, iii.

Marriages, late, ix. 3.; Second, iii. 77.
Marrying for money, ix. 90.
Marsigli, Dr., ii. 140.; vii. 2.
Martial, Johnson's fondness for, i
71 n. Elphinston's translation of,
vii. 93. Hay's translation of, v. 113.

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