Kemble, John Philip, viii. 236. Kennedy, Rev. Dr., ii. 133. Kennedy, Dr., his tragedy, vii. 68. Kenrick, Dr. William, ii. 300, 300 n.; Kettel, Dr. Ralph, ii. 41 n. Kindness, vi. 327.; viii. 140. ; ix. 119. King, Archbishop, his 'Essay on Kings, their situation, ii. 206. 226.; vi. 79.; vii. 188.; ix. 4. 70. 78. Knox, John, iv. 58. 6 Journey L. Lade, Sir John, viii. 413.; ix. 38. Landlords, iii. 103.; iv. 215.; v. 25. Langley, Rev. Mr., v. 195. Langton, Bennet, i. 118. 294, 294 п.; Langton, Miss Jane, vi. 168. John- Latin, ix. 148. 310. Latin epitaphs, Laud, Archbishop, his diary, iii. 251. Law, vi. 57. Profession of, vi. 23, Law, Dr. Edmond, Bishop of Carlisle, Law, William, viii. 287 n. 297. His Lawrence, Sir Thomas, ii. 82 n. Life, rules for the conduct of, viin. Learning, v. 55. 79. ; v. 131. 310.; viii. | Lies, ii. 120. 220. Leasowes, v. 214. Lectures, on the practice of teaching by, ii. 310.; viři. 68. Lee, Alderman, vi. 198, 198 n. Lee, Arthur, vi. 189. 196. Lee, John, vii. 52, 52 n. Leechman, Dr. William, iv. 66, 66 n. ; Leeds, Francis, fifth Earl of, vii. 361. Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, v. Leisure, the source of intellectual im- Leith, iv. 49. Leland, Rev. Dr. Thomas, ii. 288.; Lenox, Mrs. Charlotte, i. 307, 308.; Lever, Sir Ashton, viii. 337, 337 п. Lewis, David, his lines to Pope, viii. Lewis, Francis, i. 266, 266 п. ii. 135.; iii. 3.; vi. 175. 219. 262.; 'Lillibullero, ballad of, v. 290, 291 n. Lintot, the bookseller, i. 112. 'Literary Anecdotes, Nichols's, a Literary fame, v. 303. Literary property, ii. 222.; iii. 302., Liturgy of the Church of England, Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, first 'Lives of the English Poets, vi. 149. Liberty, iii. 53.; vii. 258. Political, iii. Lleweney, v. 199, 200, 201.; viii. 288 n. 200 n. Lloyd, Mr., quaker, of Birmingham, Lloyd, Humphry, the antiquary, v. Lloyd, Olivia, quakeress, i. 97. Lord Chancellors, mode of choosing, Loudoun, John, fourth Earl of, v.118 n. Lobe's 'Account of Abyssinia,' i. 90.; Loughborough, Lord, ii. 141. 143. 158, Local attachment, iii. 108 Locality, viii. 227. Lochbuy, the Laird of, v. 81, 82 п. Loch Lomond, v. 109. ; vii. 256. Lock, William, of Norbury Park, viii. His 159. ; ν. 299 π.; vi. 116, 117.; vai. Louis XIV., iii. 26.; vii. 192. Love, ii. 151.; iii. 157.; v. 306. ; vi. Love and Madness, viii. 177. A play, Locke, John, iv. 93; vii. 355. verses to Dr. Sydenham, iv. 94. His Lofft, Capel, viii. 276. Lombe, John, his silk-mill at Derby, Loveday, Dr. John, iii. 302 n. Lowe, Mr., i. 41. 43. Lowe, Mauritius, painter, vii. 252. London, i. 110. 114. ; v. 278. 301 n.; | Lowth, Dr. Robert, Bishop of Lon- vi. 138. 322. ; vii. 77. 87. 149. 227. don, iii. 23.; iv. 80. 130.; vi. 181. 282.; viii. 152. 380. The great field iii. 134. 148. 75. ; vi. 323. ; vii. 87. 'London Chronicle,' ii. 72. 275. ; iii. Looking-glasses, vi. 13. Lunardi, aëronaut, viii. 361, 362. ii. 321. Lyttelton, George, Lord, ii. 3. 14.; Dialogues of the Dead,' vi. 77.; viii. 28. Lyttelton, Thomas, Lord, his vision, Lyttelton, Mr., uncle of Lord Lyttel M. Macartney, George, Earl of, ii. 134. ; 122. 124. Macaulay, Mrs., wife of the Rev. K. Macaulay, Catharine, i. 289 n.; ii. Macdonald, Sir James, ii. 235.; iii. Macdonald, Sir Alexander, iii. 186.; Macdonald, Lady Margaret, vii. 257. Macdonald, Major-general, iv. 295. Macdonalds, the, v. 174 n. 259 n.; vi. 130. His epitaph, by Maclaurin, John, afterwards Lord Maclean, Alexander, Laird of Col, Maclean, Donald, heir of the Laird of Maclean, Rev. Hector, v. 12. Macleod, Miss, of Rasay, iv. 195. ; Macleod, Sir Roderick, iv. 218. 223. Macfarlane, Mr., antiquary, iv. 167. Mackenzie, Sir George, iv. 224. Mackenzie, Henry, ii. 127. His Man | Macleod, Colin, iv. 193. of the World;' 'Man of Feeling, Mackinnon, Mrs., iv. 294. Maclaurin, Colin, mathematician, ii. Macleod, Alexander or Sandie, of Macleod, Dr., iv. 179. Macleod, Colonel, of Talisker, iv. 179. Macleod, Professor, his brother, iv. 95. Macleod, Mr., of Ulinish, iv. 194. 223. 258. 242 n. Macpherson, James, ii. 168. ; iv. 95. Macleod's dining tables, iv. 258. Macleod's maidens, iv, 258. Maclure, Captain, v. 54. Macneil, of Barra, iv. 247. M'Nicol, Rev. Donald, i. 5 n.; v. Macpherson, Dr. John, his 'Scottish Macquarrie, of Ulva, v. 53. 261. 268. 242 n. Macsweyn, Mr., v. 14, 15 n. 17. 33. Madness, i. 65. ; ii. 170.; vi. 319, 320.; 'Man of the World,' iv. 308. Mandeville, Sir John, his 'Traveis Manning, Rev. Owen, ii. 321 п. Mansfield, Lord, iii. 187 n. 222. 231. Madness and hypochondria, distinc- | Mantuanus, Johannes Baptista, viii. tion between, i. 65. Mahogany,' a liquor so called, viii. 53. Maiden assize, vii. 96 n. Maittaire, Michael, Johnson's cha- and 'Dialects, vii. 351, 352. Malone, Edmond, ix. x. xv. ; i. 9 n. 247 п. 249 п. 272 п. 284 n. 171 п. Marana, J. P., author of 'The Turk- 317. Marchmont, Hugh, fourth Earl of, Markland, Jeremiah, philologist, viii. 192. ; v. 205. ; vi. 81. 180; vii. 260. Marriage service, iii. 119 n. Marriages, late, ix. 3.; Second, iii. 77. |