Imatges de pàgina

Martin's 'Account of the Hebrides,
ii. 236. ; iv. 1.; vii. 78.

Martin's' Antiquitates Divi Andrei,
iv. 57, 58.
Martinelli, Vincenzio, iii. 259. 262.
Martyrdom, iii. 291, 292.
Mary, Queen of Scots, ii. 119.; iv. 32.;
v. 176. 188. 190. 226 n.; x. 276.
Mason, Rev. William, iii. 195. ; vi. 150.
His 'Elfrida, v. 275. His 'Carac-
tacus, v. 276. His prosecution of
Mr. Murray, the bookseller, vii.
138 n. His share in the 'Heroic
Epistle,' viii. 91. 318 n.

Masquerades, iii. 240.
Mass, iii. 111.
Massillon, v. 43.

Massinger, his play of 'The Picture,'
vii. 289.

Masters, Mary, 289 n.; viii. 241 n.
Matrimonial infidelities, vi. 143.
Matrimonial thought, iii. 120.
Maty, Dr. Matthew, ii. 35n.; vi. 238 n.
His 'Bibliothéque Britannique,' ii.
35 n.

Maupertius, iii. 45.
Mawbey, Sir Joseph, iii. 65 n.
Maxwell, Rev. Dr. William, his anec-
dotes of Johnson, iii. 129, 129 п.
Mayne, William, Baron Newhaven,
vii. 291.

Melcombe, George Bubb Dodington,
Lord, i. 244 n. 253 n.
Melmoth, William, vii. 317 n., 318.;
viii. 269 n.
Melville, Viscount. See Dundas.
Member of parliament, duty of, on an
election committee, viii. 48 n.
Memis, Dr., Physician of Aberdeen,
ν. 223, 224. 230. 320.; vi. 221. 228.
Memory, i. 34.; iv. 65.; vii. 9 n. 285.;
viii. 107.; ix. 8. 185. 218.
Menagiana,' iii. 285.; vii. 175. 8.
200 n.; viii. 172 п.

Merchants, ii. 294 n.; v. 63.; vii. 353.
Mercheta mulierum, v. 55.

Merit, intrinsic, ii. 227. Men of, not
neglected, viii. 160.
Metaphysical tailor, viii. 178.
Metaphysics, i. 71.

Metcalfe, Philip, vi. 210.; viii. 145.
Method, advantages of, vi. 220.
Methodism, iií. 133.

Methodists, ii. 246 n.; iii. 133. 138.
141.; ν. 143.; viii. 332.

Meynell, Hugh, his happy expression
respecting London, i. 84, 85.; vii.

Mickle, William Julius, 220 n.; v. 90.;
viii. 246, 247. 310.

Microscopes, iii. 24.
Micyllus, Jacobus, v. 195.

Mayo, Rev. Dr., iii. 289. 291. 294, Middle state, i. 286 n.; v. 100 n.

295, 296 n.

Mead, Dr., vi. 218. 311.

Meadowbank, Lord, vii. 35.

Meals, stated, vii. 153.

Medals, only valuable as a stamp of Midgeley, Dr. Samuel, viii. 189 п.

Middle rank in France, want of, vi.

9 n. 21.

Middlesex election, vii. 46. 292.

Middleton, Lady Diana, iv. 84 n.

[blocks in formation]

Miller, Lady, her vase at Batheaston,
v. 277 n.

Miller, Professor John, v. 114 n.
Milner, Rev. Joseph, his defence of
the methodists, ii. 246n. Lauder's
forgery against, i. 270.

Melancthon, Boswell's letter to John- | Milton, John, i. 267.270.; iii. 283n; iv.
son from the tomb of, vi. 251. 255.
9.; v. 205.; vi. 21.; vii. 222. 253. 287.

256.; viii. 86.

inscriptions on, vii. 239.
Moody, Mr., the actor, v. 282. 287.
Morality, ix. 212.

More, Sir Thomas, v. 195 n.; vi.
168 n.; vii. 91. 137. 322 n.; viii. 73.
77. 272. 306.

More, Hannah, vii. 137 n.; viii. 306. ;
ix. 65. 123. 220. Her anecdotes of
Johnson, ix. 318.

More, Dr. Henry, the Platonist, iii.
192 п.

Morell, Dr. Thomas, v. 91.
Moreri's Dictionary, v. 42.
Morgann, Maurice, his 'Essay on the
Character of Falstaff, viii. 182 n.
Morris, Corbyn, his 'Essay on Wit,'
viii. 83.

Mosaic account of the creation, ii.

Moss, Dr., viii. 46.
Motto on the dial-plate of Johnson's
watch, iii. 48.

Mounsey, Dr. Messenger, iii. 56,

366.; viii. 9.12. 45. 306.; ix. 324. Apo- | Montrose, James, third Duke o
theosis of, not written by Johnson,
i. 155. Johnson's prologue for the
benefit of his grand-daughter, i. 267.
His 'Tractate on Education,' vii.
222. Johnson's Life of, viii. 9. 11.
His picture of man, viii. 46 n.
Johnson's saying respecting, viii.

Monuments, iii. 282. Inaccuracy of

Mimicry, ix. 151.

Mind, vii. 190, 191.; ix. 71. 186. In-
fluence of the weather on, ii. 89.
Management of, vi. 70. Cardan's
mode of composing his, vi. 320 n.
Miracles, ii. 230.; vii. 5.; ix. 189.
Miseries of human life, v. 295.
Misers, iv. 116. ; v. 48. ; vii. 174.
Misery, balance of, viii, 303. ; х. 291.
Misfortunes, vii. 378.

Missionaries, v. 143.

Mistresses, ii. 151.

Modesty, vii. 215.

Moira, Earl of, iv. 196 n.
Moltzer, Jacobus, v. 195 m.
Monarchy, vi. 167.

Monasteries, ii. 132. 312. ; iv. 58.
Monboddo, James Burnet, Lord, and
his writings, iii. 73. 172, 172 п.
225 n. 303.; iv. 39. 73n. 76. 82 m.
114.; v. 66 n. 125. 334. ; vi. 229. 310.
316, 317.; vii. 36. 319. ; viii. 105. 270.
Money, iv. 57.; vi. 324. ; vii, 97. 199 n.;
viii. 133. 137; ix. 90.
Money-getting, v. 261. ; vii. 256.
Monks, vi. 4.

Monkton, Hon. Mary, Countess of
Cork and Orrery, vii. 320 n. 324.;
viii. 87.

Monnoye, M. de la, vii. 175.
Monro, Dr., viii. 259.

Montagu, Mrs., iii. 89. 91. 145.; iv. 267.;
vii. 74. 229. 247. 315 n. 317. 319. 324,
336.; viii. 36. 46. 273.; ix. 65. 254.
256. Johnson's letters to, ii. 113.
115 n.

56 п.

Mount Edgecumbe, iv. 104.
Mountstuart, Lord (afterwards first
Marquis of Bute), iii. 5.; vi. 58 n.
114. 218 n.; vii. 297.; viii. 108.
200 п. 217 п.

Muck, Isle of, iv. 243.

Mudge, Rev. Zachariah, ii. 147.
Johnson's character of, viii. 51.
Character of his 'Sermons, viii. 75.
Mudge, Dr. John, ii. 147. ; viii. 234.
Mudge, Thomas, watchmaker, ii.
147 п.

Mulgrave, Constantine Phipps, Lord,
iv. 256.; vi. 123, 124 n.
Mull, Isle of, v. 39. 41. 45. 52.72.78.
Muller, Mr., engineer, ii. 116 n.
Mulso, Miss, afterwards Mrs. Cha-
pone, i. 235. 289. ; vii. 315 n.; viii,
242. See Chapone.

Montaigne, iii. 134 n.
Montesquieu, iv. 220. ; vii. 135'n.

Monthly Review, iii. 25.; vi. 150.

Montrose, William Graham, second | Murison, Professor, iv. 60.

Duke of, vii. 70 n.

Murder, proscription of, in Scotland,
iv. 14. 87.

Murphy, Arthur, i. 220. 290 ; 11. 64
tory of Worcestershire, vii. 109. ;

83. 101 п. 121, 122 n. 296 n. ; ii. 84. | Nash, Beau, viii. 290.

140 n.; ν. 293. 322. ; vi. 147, 148,
149, 150, 151. 160.; vii. 55.; viii.
250. His anecdotes of Johnson, x.


Murray, Lord George, chief of the
Pretender's staff, v. 323 n.

Murray, William, Attorney-General,
ii. 49 n. See Mansfield, Lord.
Murray, Patrick, fifth Lord Elibank,
iii. 161 n.

Murray, Mr., Solicitor-General of
Scotland, afterwards Lord Hender.
land, vi. 124.

Murray, John, bookseller (father of
the proprietor and publisher of this
work), vii. 138. Prosecution of, by
Mason the poet, vii. 138 п. His
'Letter to W. Mason, A. M. vii.
138 n.

Murray, John, jun., his account of
the various portraits of Dr. John-
son, x. 311.

'Muses' Welcome to King James,'
iv. 53.

Musgrave, Sir Richard, x. 264 n.
Musgrave, Dr. Samuel, vii. 169 п.
Music, iii. 194. 307 n.; vii. 17. 72.;
ix, 140, 169. 211. 257.274. The only
sensual pleasure without vice, vii.
369. In heaven, i. 166.; iii. 194.
Johnson's wish to learn the scale
of, six months before his death,
iii. 307 n. His insensibility to the
charms of, ii. 131 n.; v. 47. ; vi. 29.
Musk, vii. 229.

Myddleton, Mr., of Gwaynynog, v.
212, 212 n.; vi. 298 n.
Mylne, Robert, architect, ii. 116.
Mysteriousness in trifles, ix. 97.
Mystery, vii. 53. 178. ; ix. 131,
Mythology, vii. 351. 364 n.

National debt, iii. 142. ; ix. 27.
National faith, vii. 369.

Native place, love of, renewed in old
age, viii. 131.

Natural affection, iii. 106.
Natural equality of mankind, ii. 316 n.
Natural goodness, iv. 222. 226.
Natural right, vi. 38.
Nature, ix. 120.
Necessity, doctrine of, viii. 331.
Needle-work, ix. 99.

Negro, Johnson's argument in favour

of one claiming his liberty, vii. 21. 35
Nelson, Robert, his 'Festivals and
Fasts, vi. 90.

'Network, Johnson's definition of,
ii. 47.

Newdigate, Sir Roger, iii. 51 n.
Newhaven, William Mayne, Lord, vii.
291 п.

Newspapers, iii. 204.; vii. 376.
Newspaper abuse, ix. 66.
New Testament, v. 116.; vii, 143.
Newton, Sir Isaac, ii. 241.; v. 13. ;
viii. 118. 213.

Newton, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of
Bristol, Johnson's character of, viii.

286 п.

'Nice' people, ix. 99.
Nichols, Dr. Frank, v. 299 n.; vi. 305.
Nichols, John, viii. 4, 5 n. 34 n. 374.
388. His Anecdotes of Bowyer,'
viii. 146. His Anecdotes of John-
son, x. 62.

Nicknames, ix. 35.

Nicol, George, bookseller, viii. 247.
Johnson's letter to, viii. 369.
Nightcaps, iv. 300. ; v. 37.
'Nil Admirari,' ix. 118.

'No, sir,' in what sense used by John-
son, viii. 318.

Nairne, William, afterwards Sir Wil. Nollekens, Mr., his bust of Johnson,


Nobility, iv. 103. Usurpation of the,
viii. 245.

liam, iv. 27. 48, 48 n. 52. 58. 67.

vii. 32. 43 n.; x. 104.

Nairne, Colonel, iv. 67, 68.

Nollekens, Mrs., viii. 42.


viii. 302 n.

Nonjurors, v. 258 п. 287.

Nash, Rev. Dr. Treadaway, his 'His- | ' Nonjuror, Cibber's play of the, v.

[blocks in formation]


Officers, military, v. 151.; vi. 124.; ix.

Ogden, Dr. Samuel, v. 6.; viii. 103 n.
On prayer, iv. 30. 66. His Serinons,
iv. 19. 88. ; ν. 61. 91.; vii. 79.
Ogilvie, Dr. John, ii. 202. His 'Day
of Judgment,' ii. 206 n.
Oglethorpe, General, i. 140 n.; iii.
215. 217, 218. 220, 221 n.; ν. 294.
296 n.; vi. 173. 179.; vii. 123, 124.;
viii. 90. 158, 159.

· Οι φίλοι, ον φιλος, ' he that has
friends has no friend,') a phrase fre-
quently quoted by Johnson, i. 240.;
vii. 132 n. 261.

O'Kane, Irish harper, v. 48.
Old age, vii. 10. 88, 88 n. 193. 203. 369. ;
viii. 171. 275.; ix. 91. 212.
Old Bailey dinners, vii. 192 n.
Old English divines, ix. 137.247.
Old friendships, ix. 121.
Oldfield, Dr., vi. 180.

Oldham's imitation of Juvenal, i. 130.
Old men, folly of putting themselves
to nurse, vi. 112.
Oldmixon, John, ii. 49.
Oldys, William, i. 176. 202.
Omai, vi. 123.
Opera girls, viii, 160.

Opinion, ix. 68.

Opinion of the world, ix. 88. 135.

Opium, viii. 159.

policy and inefficacy of such tests,

v. 260.

Oaths, iii. 259. ; ν. 141.260.; vi. 160.
'Oats,' Johnson's definition of, ii. 48.;
v. 136n. ; vi. 96.; vii. 114.
Obedience, vii. 139.

Obscenity, viii. 298.
'Observer, Cumberland's, viii. 36.
Occupations, hereditary, iv. 124.
O'Connor, Charles, his 'Dissertations
on the History of Ireland,' ii. 76 n.;

vi. 243.

Ode, 'Ad ornatissimam Puellam,' i.
181. To Friendship, i. 182. 'Ad
Urbanum,' i. 125. Upon the Isle of
Skie, iv. 166. To Mrs. Thrale, iv.
169. In Theatro, iii. 154.
Odyssey, vii. 324. ; viii. 18. 213.
Edipus, ix. 236.

Ofellus, in the Art of Living in Lon-
don,' who, i. 114.

Offely, Mr., a pupil of Johnson, i. 104

Orange peels, v. 269.

Oratory, iii. 248.; viii. 81. 197.
Ord, Mrs., vii. 315 n. 319. 332.
Orde, Lord Chief Baron, iv. 19.
Orford, Earl of, vii. 10 n.; viii. 317.
337 n.

Organ, v. 276.
Origin of evil, v. 111.
Original sin, viii. 103.; ix. 208.
Orme, Mr., his character of Johnson's
'Journey,' ν. 162 n. 233 n. His
eulogy on Johnson, vii. 126.
Ormond, James, second Duke of, iv.


Orrery, John, fifth Earl of, iv. 259.
Orrery, John Boyle, Earl of, i. 214.
289.; ii. 51.; vii. 81. 163. ; viii. 8



Orton's 'Life of Doddridge,' iv. 303.
Osborne, Francis, his works, iii. 229 n.
Osborne, Thomas, the bookseller, i.
176. 181.; vii. 204. ; x. 96.
Ossian, ii. 168. ; iii. 141.'; iv. 37. 178.
262, 263, 264, 265. 327. ; v. 138, 139.


Parker, Sackville, bookseller, viii. 310,
Parkhurst, Rev. Mr., letter from Dr.
Dodd to, vii. 121.
Parliament, iii. 73. 131.; iv. 52.; v.
300.; vii. 26. 46. 89. 124. 292. ; viii.
48. 82. 215.; ix. 118.

227. 234, 235, 236. 243 244. 247. 290.; | Parliamentary debates, i. 127. 167 —

viii. 125. 173.; ix. 94.

Ostervald's 'Sacred History,' iii. 28.

Otaheite, vi. 170.

'Othello,' vi. 159.

Otway, Thomas, vii. 368, 368 n.

Oughton, Sir Adolphus, iv. 36, 37.

Ouran-outang, iv. 39. 273.

172.; iv. 52.; x. 64.

268 n.; viii. 16. 24.

Parnell, Dr., v. 199. ; vi. 294.; vii. 46.

Parr, Dr. Samuel, ii. 124 n.; vii. 363,
363 n. His epitaph on Johnson, viii
424. Anecdotes by, x. 22.

Parson, the life of a, vii. 152.

Party, necessity of sticking to, iv. 25.

'Pastern,' ii. 47. 148.

Paten, Rev. Dr. Thomas, viii. 148, 149n.

Paterson, Samuel, author of 'Coriat,

Junior,' iii. 209 n.; vi. 216.; viii.

265 п.

Overbury, Sir Thomas, iii. 76.; vi. Passion week, viii. 64.

Overall, Bishop, v. 100.

Oxford University, advantages of, iii. Pater Noster, iv. 126.

42.; ix. 9.; x. 26.

Oxford, Earl of, his library, i. 176.


Pagan mythology, vii. 363.

Painters, vii. 120.

Paterson, Samuel, his son, viii. 265 n.

'Patriot,' v. 217. ; vi. 147.

Patriotism, v. 292.

Patriots, self-styled, viii. 63.; ix. 147.

Painting, ii. 131 n. ; vi. 68. ; ix. 39. 139. Patronage, iv. 55. ; viii. 160.

[blocks in formation]

Palmer, Rev. Thomas Fysche, viii.
104, 105 п.

• Palmerino d'Inghilterra, vi. 115.
Palmerston, Henry Temple, second

Viscount, viii. 225.
Panegyric, vi. 295.
Panting, Dr. Matthew, i. 74.
Paoli, General, iii. 71. 81. 196. 259.264,

265. 304.; vi. 153. 294.; vii. 177. 180.
185. 235.; viii. 79.; x. 226. 229-237.
Paradise, John, i. 63 n.; vii. 261. ;
viii. 250. 369.

Parental authority, vii. 249.; ix. 7.

Parentheses, viii. 180.
Paris, vi. 1.; vii. 87.

Parish clerk, viii. 105.


Parker, Rev. Mr., ii. 68. Anecdotes
by, ix. 249.

[blocks in formation]

Pearce, Dr. Zachary, Bishop of Ro-
chester, ii. 46. ; vi. 76. 244, 244 п.,

Pearson, Rev. Mr., vi. 109 n.; vii.
241.; viii. 226.

Pearson, Mrs., of Lichfield, i. ix.
Pecuniary embarrassment, evil of,
viii. 140.

Peel, Right Hon. Robert, vi. 88 n.
Peers, House of, iv. 104.; vii. 206.
Judicial powers of, vii. 206. Influ-
ence of, in the House of Commons,
iv. 52.

Peiresc, his death lamented in forty
languages, v. 319.
Pelham, Henry, ii. 15.
Pellet, Dr., vii. 210.

Pembroke, Lord, his description of
Johnson's conversation, iv. 8.

Penance, voluntary, ix. 35.

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