Martin's 'Account of the Hebrides, Martin's' Antiquitates Divi Andrei, Masquerades, iii. 240. Massinger, his play of 'The Picture,' Masters, Mary, 289 n.; viii. 241 n. Maupertius, iii. 45. Melcombe, George Bubb Dodington, Merchants, ii. 294 n.; v. 63.; vii. 353. Merit, intrinsic, ii. 227. Men of, not Metcalfe, Philip, vi. 210.; viii. 145. Methodists, ii. 246 n.; iii. 133. 138. Meynell, Hugh, his happy expression Mickle, William Julius, 220 n.; v. 90.; Microscopes, iii. 24. Mayo, Rev. Dr., iii. 289. 291. 294, Middle state, i. 286 n.; v. 100 n. 295, 296 n. Mead, Dr., vi. 218. 311. Meadowbank, Lord, vii. 35. Meals, stated, vii. 153. Medals, only valuable as a stamp of Midgeley, Dr. Samuel, viii. 189 п. Middle rank in France, want of, vi. 9 n. 21. Middlesex election, vii. 46. 292. Middleton, Lady Diana, iv. 84 n. Miller, Lady, her vase at Batheaston, Miller, Professor John, v. 114 n. Melancthon, Boswell's letter to John- | Milton, John, i. 267.270.; iii. 283n; iv. 256.; viii. 86. inscriptions on, vii. 239. More, Sir Thomas, v. 195 n.; vi. More, Hannah, vii. 137 n.; viii. 306. ; More, Dr. Henry, the Platonist, iii. Morell, Dr. Thomas, v. 91. Mosaic account of the creation, ii. Moss, Dr., viii. 46. Mounsey, Dr. Messenger, iii. 56, 366.; viii. 9.12. 45. 306.; ix. 324. Apo- | Montrose, James, third Duke o Monuments, iii. 282. Inaccuracy of Mimicry, ix. 151. Mind, vii. 190, 191.; ix. 71. 186. In- Missionaries, v. 143. Mistresses, ii. 151. Modesty, vii. 215. Moira, Earl of, iv. 196 n. Monasteries, ii. 132. 312. ; iv. 58. Monkton, Hon. Mary, Countess of Monnoye, M. de la, vii. 175. Montagu, Mrs., iii. 89. 91. 145.; iv. 267.; 56 п. Mount Edgecumbe, iv. 104. Muck, Isle of, iv. 243. Mudge, Rev. Zachariah, ii. 147. Mulgrave, Constantine Phipps, Lord, Montaigne, iii. 134 n. Monthly Review, iii. 25.; vi. 150. Montrose, William Graham, second | Murison, Professor, iv. 60. Duke of, vii. 70 n. Murder, proscription of, in Scotland, Murphy, Arthur, i. 220. 290 ; 11. 64 83. 101 п. 121, 122 n. 296 n. ; ii. 84. | Nash, Beau, viii. 290. 140 n.; ν. 293. 322. ; vi. 147, 148, 66. Murray, Lord George, chief of the Murray, William, Attorney-General, Murray, Mr., Solicitor-General of Murray, John, bookseller (father of Murray, John, jun., his account of 'Muses' Welcome to King James,' Musgrave, Sir Richard, x. 264 n. Myddleton, Mr., of Gwaynynog, v. National debt, iii. 142. ; ix. 27. Native place, love of, renewed in old Natural affection, iii. 106. Negro, Johnson's argument in favour of one claiming his liberty, vii. 21. 35 'Network, Johnson's definition of, Newdigate, Sir Roger, iii. 51 n. Newspapers, iii. 204.; vii. 376. Newton, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of 286 п. 'Nice' people, ix. 99. Nicknames, ix. 35. Nicol, George, bookseller, viii. 247. 'No, sir,' in what sense used by John- Nairne, William, afterwards Sir Wil. Nollekens, Mr., his bust of Johnson, Ν. Nobility, iv. 103. Usurpation of the, liam, iv. 27. 48, 48 n. 52. 58. 67. vii. 32. 43 n.; x. 104. Nairne, Colonel, iv. 67, 68. Nollekens, Mrs., viii. 42. 258. viii. 302 n. Nonjurors, v. 258 п. 287. Nash, Rev. Dr. Treadaway, his 'His- | ' Nonjuror, Cibber's play of the, v. Im- Officers, military, v. 151.; vi. 124.; ix. Ogden, Dr. Samuel, v. 6.; viii. 103 n. · Οι φίλοι, ον φιλος, ' he that has O'Kane, Irish harper, v. 48. Oldham's imitation of Juvenal, i. 130. Opinion, ix. 68. Opinion of the world, ix. 88. 135. Opium, viii. 159. policy and inefficacy of such tests, v. 260. Oaths, iii. 259. ; ν. 141.260.; vi. 160. Obscenity, viii. 298. vi. 243. Ode, 'Ad ornatissimam Puellam,' i. Ofellus, in the Art of Living in Lon- Offely, Mr., a pupil of Johnson, i. 104 Orange peels, v. 269. Oratory, iii. 248.; viii. 81. 197. Organ, v. 276. 149. Orrery, John, fifth Earl of, iv. 259. 163. INDEX. Orton's 'Life of Doddridge,' iv. 303. 363 Parker, Sackville, bookseller, viii. 310, 227. 234, 235, 236. 243 244. 247. 290.; | Parliamentary debates, i. 127. 167 — viii. 125. 173.; ix. 94. Ostervald's 'Sacred History,' iii. 28. Otaheite, vi. 170. 'Othello,' vi. 159. Otway, Thomas, vii. 368, 368 n. Oughton, Sir Adolphus, iv. 36, 37. Ouran-outang, iv. 39. 273. 172.; iv. 52.; x. 64. 268 n.; viii. 16. 24. Parnell, Dr., v. 199. ; vi. 294.; vii. 46. Parr, Dr. Samuel, ii. 124 n.; vii. 363, Parson, the life of a, vii. 152. Party, necessity of sticking to, iv. 25. 'Pastern,' ii. 47. 148. Paten, Rev. Dr. Thomas, viii. 148, 149n. Paterson, Samuel, author of 'Coriat, Junior,' iii. 209 n.; vi. 216.; viii. 265 п. Overbury, Sir Thomas, iii. 76.; vi. Passion week, viii. 64. Overall, Bishop, v. 100. Oxford University, advantages of, iii. Pater Noster, iv. 126. 42.; ix. 9.; x. 26. Oxford, Earl of, his library, i. 176. P. Pagan mythology, vii. 363. Painters, vii. 120. Paterson, Samuel, his son, viii. 265 n. 'Patriot,' v. 217. ; vi. 147. Patriotism, v. 292. Patriots, self-styled, viii. 63.; ix. 147. Painting, ii. 131 n. ; vi. 68. ; ix. 39. 139. Patronage, iv. 55. ; viii. 160. Palmer, Rev. Thomas Fysche, viii. • Palmerino d'Inghilterra, vi. 115. Viscount, viii. 225. 265. 304.; vi. 153. 294.; vii. 177. 180. Parental authority, vii. 249.; ix. 7. Parentheses, viii. 180. Parish clerk, viii. 105. 1 Parker, Rev. Mr., ii. 68. Anecdotes Pearce, Dr. Zachary, Bishop of Ro- Pearson, Rev. Mr., vi. 109 n.; vii. Pearson, Mrs., of Lichfield, i. ix. Peel, Right Hon. Robert, vi. 88 n. Peiresc, his death lamented in forty Pembroke, Lord, his description of Penance, voluntary, ix. 35. |