Pepys, William Waller, vii. 314. 322. 46, 47. 75. 159. 221.; ii. 275. 282. ; Peruvian bark, viii. 296. Peterborough, Earl of, viii. 20 n. 336. Petitions, facility of getting them up, Petty, Sir William, vii. 352. Philips, musician, Johnson's epitaph Philips's 'Cyder, a poem, iv. 77. Philosophers, ancient, their good hu- Philosophical necessity, vii. 132. Phipps, Rev. James, vii. 154 n. Physic, vi. 140.; vii. 264. ; ix. 44. 'Physico-Theology, Derham's, v. 58. 'Picture, Massinger's play of the, vii. Piety, ix. 34. 375. Pinkerton, John, viii. 332. Piozzi, Signor, x. 19. 100. Pitt, Right Hon. William, his son, Plagiary, Sir Fretful, character of, ' Plain Dealer, i. 179, 179 n. 200. Players, i. 192, 193. 231. ; ii. 177.; iii. Pleasure, v. 183.; vii. 76. 136. 263.; Pleasures, necessary to intellectual • Pleasures of the Imagination,' Plott's 'History of Staffordshire,' Pococke, Dr. Richard, vii. 105. 375. gious, ix. 145, Phipps's 'Voyage to the North Pole, Poetry, Johnson's early, v. 297. Reli- Poets, iv. 85. The preservers of lan- | Pott, Archdeacon, his Sermons, vi. 91. guages, vi. 154. • Polite Philosopher, vi. 138. Poor, ix. 31. A decent provision for, Pope, Alexander, i. 61. 140. 145. 159, Pope, Dr. Walter, his Old Man's Popery, i. 281.; iii. 109. 111, 112. Porridge Island, ix. 40. Porter, Mr., of Lichfield, i. 99 n.; viii. Porter, Mrs., afterwards Johnson's Porter, Miss Lucy, i. 35. 95 n. 281.; Portland, Lady Margaret, Duchess Portraits, iv. 234. Portraits of Dr. Johnson, list of the Printing-house, Virgil's description Post-chaise travelling, vi. 83. 119. 303. Potter, Rev. Robert, vii. 91.; ix. 22. Power, despotic, vii. 124. Praise, iii. 40. ; vii. 115. 263. 378. ; viii. 57.; ix. 114. 119. 139. 'Prayers and Meditations, Johnson's, Precocity, vi. 28. Prendergast, Colonel Sir Thomas, iii. 221 n. Presbyterians, v. 130. 132. Prescience of the Deity, vii. 134, Prescription of murder in Scotland, Presentiment of death, iii. 221 n. escape of, iv. 208. 329. Priestley, Dr. Joseph, iii. 138.; vii. 135.; viii. 232 n. Printing, iii. 203. ; v. 215. ; vi. 155 n. of the entrance into hell applied L Prior, Matthew, ii. 79.; vii. 10, 11. Pritchard, Mrs., actress, i. 228.; iii. Procurators of Edinburgh, argument Propensions, evil, ix. 209. Prospects, ix. 39. 95. Prussia, King of, i. 220.; vii. 190. ; Psalmanazar, George, vii. 163.; viii. Public institutions, administration of, Public opinion, ix. 135. Public schools, vi. 127. ; vii. 316.; ix. Public speaking, v. 281. Pudding, meditation on a, v. 93. Puffendorf, iii. 185.; vi. 57. Pulpit, liberty of, vi. 182, 183. 217. 334. Radcliffe, Dr., small success of his Ralph, James, viii. 30. Ramsay, Allan, painter, vii. 82. 84. Ranby, John, vii. 24. Rank, its importance in society, ii. Rasay, Isle of, iv. 178. 185. 188. Rasay, John Macleod, Laird of, iv. 178. 188. ; ν. 163. 167. 325. ; vi. 262. Rasselas,' ii. 101 n. 103, 104.218.; Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath, ix. Punctuation, vi. 150 n. Punishments, vii. 105. ; ix. 208. Puns, iii. 249. 285 n. ; viii. 319. ; ix. 136. Purgatory, i. 286. ; iii. 111. 193. Reading, i. 56.; ii. 213.; v. 306.; vi. 163.; vii. 11.; ix. 16. 169. Reay, Lord, v. 55. Quakers, their female preachers, ii. Registration of deeds, viii. 47. Quarrels, vii. 2. 'Rehearsal, iii. 200. ; viii. 322. ; іх. 18. Rein-deer, iii. 200. Relations and relationship, iii. 212.; Religious discipline, viii. 101. Religious discourse, viii. 210. Remembrance and recollection, dis- tinction between, viii. 107. Renegado, ii. 50. Rents, iii. 107. ; iv. 215. ; v. 21. Republican, ix. 212. 139 n.; iii. 140. 208.; vi. 320.; vui. Richardson, Jonathan, son of the 'Respublicæ, volumes entitled, vi. 174. Richardson, Mr., attorney, i. 254. Resurrection, ii. 126. ; viii. 69. 207. Retired tradesmen, v. 278. Retirement from the world, iv. 58.; Reviews and reviewers, viii. 208. Reviews, monthly and critical, vi. 150. Reviewers, viii. 28. Riches, ii, 225. ; iii. 199. ; iv. 116. Rivers, Earl, i. 196. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, i. 159. 291.236.; | Robertson, Dr. William, the historian, ii. 131. 138. 271. 273. 275.; iii. 118. Rhetorical gesture, ii. 90. Rhudland Castle, v. 203. Rhyme, its excellence over blank ii. 62.; iii. 15. 43. 232. 280.; iv. 3. Scotland, vii. 190.; viii. 53. Robinson, Sir Thomas, ii. 219.; iii. Rochefoucault, Duc de, ix. 32.; x. 113. Rolt, Richard, his 'Dictionary of Roman Catholic Church, i. 281 n. ; iii. Richardson, Samuel, i. 162. 243 n.; ii. ( 109. 111, 112. 177. Romance, ix. 71. Romances, i. 45.; vii. 363. Romans, ii. 66. Rome, the fountain of elegance, vii. Romney, Mr., painter, vi. 164. Rose, Dr., of Chiswick, viii. 156. Rose, Mrs., her anecdotes of Johnson, ❘ Roscommon, Johnson's Life of, i. 220. Ross, Rev. Dr. John, Bishop of Exeter, Rothes, Lady, Bennet Langton's wife, Round-robin on the subject of Gold- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, ii. 224, 225. Sandwich, John, sixth Earl of, vii. 257. 314, 315.; iii. 74.; viii. 289. Round numbers false, ix. 138. Rowe, Mrs., ii. 66. Rowley, Thomas, vi. 171. Royal Family, iv. 302. ; vi. 295. Ruddiman, Thomas, i. 246 n.; iii. 2. 254.; iv. 74. ; vii. 240. Rudeness of manner, Johnson's occa- Ruins, artificial ones, v. 214 п. Santerre, Parisian brewer, vi. 14. Saratoga, surrender at, vii. 219. Sardinia, iii. 83 n. Sarpi, Father Paul, his 'History of Sastres, Mr., vi. 139. Johnson's let- Savage, Richard, Life of, i. 138, Savage girl of Amiens, iv. 113. Russia, Catherine, Empress of, vii. Savage life, iii. 269. 236.; viii. 274. Russell, Lord, iii. 248.; vii. 114. Rutty, Dr. Jok, his 'Spiritual S. Sabbath, ii. 56.; iii. 72 n. Sacheverel, Dr., i. 35. 34. ; v. 75. Sacrament, iv. 122. ; vii. 254.; viii. 101. 291 n.; ix. 180. ; x. 113. Sailor, life of a, ii. 112. ; iv. 145. 273.; Savages, iii. 73. 197. 269. 290,; iv. 80. 82 n.; vi. 170. 174.; viii. 204. Scalpa, island of, iv. 175. Scarsdale, Lord, v. 196. ; vi. 300. 302. |