Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

Pepys, William Waller, vii. 314. 322.
325.; viii. 57 n.; ix. 49. ; x. 114.
Pepys, Samuel, v. 55.
Perceval, Lady Catherine, v. 209 n.
Percy, Lord, vii. 115. 118.
Percy, Dr., Bishop of Dromore, i. 44.

46, 47. 75. 159. 221.; ii. 275. 282. ;
iii. 55, 56. 153.; iv. 112. 281.; v.
323 n.; vi. 84 n. 299 n.; vii. 108.
114, 115. 230. 311.; ix. 22. 193.239.
241. Anecdotes of Johnson by, x. 40.
Perkins, Mr., v. 218. ; viii. 55. 58. 96.

Peruvian bark, viii. 296.
Peter the Great, iv. 273.

Peterborough, Earl of, viii. 20 n. 336.
Peters, Mr., vi. 112.

Petitions, facility of getting them up,
iii. 92.

Petty, Sir William, vii. 352.
Peyton, Mr., i. 216.; iii. 182, 183. 228.;
ν. 327.

Philips, musician, Johnson's epitaph
on, i. 165.

Philips's 'Cyder, a poem, iv. 77.
Philips, Miss, singer, afterwards Mrs.
Crouch, viii. 220.

Philosophers, ancient, their good hu-
mour in disputation accounted for,
vi. 125.

Philosophical necessity, vii. 132.
Philosophical 'Transactions,' iii. 26.
Philosophy, vi. 114. ; vii. 155.

Phipps, Rev. James, vii. 154 n.

Physic, vi. 140.; vii. 264. ; ix. 44.
Physicians, vi. 99. ; viii. 259. 322. ; ix.
44. 131.

'Physico-Theology, Derham's, v. 58.
Piazzas, iv. 118.

'Picture, Massinger's play of the, vii.

Piety, ix. 34.
Pig, the learned, viii. 379.
'Pilgrim's Progress, iii. 282. ; ix. 102.
'Pindar, West's translation of, vii.


Pinkerton, John, viii. 332.
Piozzi, Mrs., commencement and pro-
gress of Johnson's acquaintance
with, ii. 292. 298. Anecdotes of
Johnson by, ix. 1. 127. Account of
her rupture with Johnson, ix. 105.
Her character of Johnson, ix. 107.

Piozzi, Signor, x. 19. 100.
Pitcairne, his Latin poetry, iv. 54.
Pitt, William, first Earl of Chatham,
i. 144.; iii. 233. 269. ; v. 78.; viii.

Pitt, Right Hon. William, his son,
viii. 256, 256 п. 260. 295.
Pitts, Rev. John, v. 172 n.
Pity, ii. 221.
Place-hunters, vii. 64.

Plagiary, Sir Fretful, character of,
intended for Mr. Cumberland, iii.
246 n.

' Plain Dealer, i. 179, 179 n. 200.
Planting, vii. 27. In Scotland, era of,
v. 159.; vi. 230.

Players, i. 192, 193. 231. ; ii. 177.; iii.
93. 277.; iv. 27. 39. 132. ; vi. 23. 329. ;
vii. 99.; viii. 239.

Pleasure, v. 183.; vii. 76. 136. 263.;
ix. 41.

Pleasures, necessary to intellectual
health, ix. 42. No man a hypocrite
in his, viii. 318.

• Pleasures of the Imagination,'
Akenside's, ii. 125.

Plott's 'History of Staffordshire,'
vii. 4.

Pococke, Dr. Richard, vii. 105. 375.

gious, ix. 145,

Phipps's 'Voyage to the North Pole, Poetry, Johnson's early, v. 297. Reli-
iv. 256 n.

Poets, iv. 85. The preservers of lan- | Pott, Archdeacon, his Sermons, vi. 91.

guages, vi. 154.

• Polite Philosopher, vi. 138.
Politeness, iv. 81.; vi. 302.
Politian's Latin poems, i. 94, 94 п.
Politics, modern, v. 297. 316.
Polygamy, iv. 230.

Poor, ix. 31. A decent provision for,
the test of civilisation, iii. 145.
Methods of employing, vii. 352. Of
London, vii. 282.

Pope, Alexander, i. 61. 140. 145. 159,
160. 211. 281 n.; iii. 85, 86.; iv. 79.;
v. 86. 274.; ix. 18. 139. 193. 204. His
'Homer, vii. 91. His ‘Essay on
Man, vii. 282, 283 п. His know-
ledge of Greek, vii. 283. His grotto,
vii. 357 n. Johnson's Life of, vii.
205.; viii. 14. Character of his poe-
try, vii. 188.; viii. 15. His limited
conversational powers, viii. 18. His
'Universal Prayer,' vii. 207. Lewis's
verses to, viii. 309 n.

Pope, Dr. Walter, his Old Man's
Wish,' vii. 366.

Popery, i. 281.; iii. 109. 111, 112.
Population, iii. 106.

Porridge Island, ix. 40.

Porter, Mr., of Lichfield, i. 99 n.; viii.

Porter, Mrs., afterwards Johnson's
wife, i. 35. 38. 89. 100, 101 n. 106. 280,

Porter, Miss Lucy, i. 35. 95 n. 281.;
ii. 97.; iii. 162.; vi. 94. 103. 105.
109 n.; vii. 299. 306.; x. 9. 14. John-
son's letters to, i. 232.; ii. 98, 99.
Porter, Mrs., the actress, viii. 238.
Porteus, Dr. Beilby, Bishop of Ches-
ter, afterwards Bishop of London,
vii. 119. 299. 304. 376.

Portland, Lady Margaret, Duchess
Dowager of, viii. 322 n.
Portrait, inscription on the frame of
Johnson's, viii. 170 n.
Portrait-painting, v. 308.

Portraits, iv. 234.

Portraits of Dr. Johnson, list of the Printing-house, Virgil's description
various, x.

Post-chaise travelling, vi. 83. 119. 303.

Potter, Rev. Robert, vii. 91.; ix. 22.
Poverty, ii. 226. ; viii. 133. 137. 140. ;
ix. 90.

Power, despotic, vii. 124.

Praise, iii. 40. ; vii. 115. 263. 378. ; viii.

57.; ix. 114. 119. 139.
Praise and flattery, v. 202.
Prayer, form of, arguments for, v.
110.; viii. 206.
Prayers, Johnson's classification of,
x. 120.

'Prayers and Meditations, Johnson's,
viii. 382.; x. 34. 95. 130. 154.
Preaching above the capacity of the
congregation, viii. 175.

Precocity, vi. 28.
'Preceptor,' i. 220.
Predestination, iii. 109.
Prejudice, viii. 156. Johnson's, against
Scotland, iv. 10.; ν. 240 n.; viii.
156 п.

Prendergast, Colonel Sir Thomas, iii.

221 n.

Presbyterians, v. 130. 132.

Prescience of the Deity, vii. 134,
135 п.

Prescription of murder in Scotland,
iv. 14. 87.

Presentiment of death, iii. 221 n.
Press, superfetation of, vii. 188.
Pretender, the Young, account of the

escape of, iv. 208. 329.
Price, Archdeacon, v. 213.
Price, Dr. Richard, viii. 232.
Pride, ix. 79.

Priestley, Dr. Joseph, iii. 138.; vii.

135.; viii. 232 n.
Primrose, Lady Dorothea, viii. 22 n.
Prince of Wales, his situation, viii.
172. Afterwards George IV., iit.
28 п.
'Prince Titi, history of, vi. 5.
Pringle, Sir John, iii. 195. ; v. 124.
131 n. 132.; vi. 55. 125. 185. ; vii. 78.
Printer's devil, viii. 76.

Printing, iii. 203. ; v. 215. ; vi. 155 n.

of the entrance into hell applied
to, v. 43.


Prior, Matthew, ii. 79.; vii. 10, 11.
Prior's 'Life of Burke,' quoted, ii.
173.; x. 121.

Pritchard, Mrs., actress, i. 228.; iii.
94.; iv. 132.; v. 293. ; viii. 238.
Private conversation, viii. 211.
Prize-fighting, iv. 248.
Procrastination, i. 236.

Procurators of Edinburgh, argument
against a prosecution by, viii. 109.
Prologues, i. 209.; iii. 35.; v. 262.
vi. 245.

Propensions, evil, ix. 209.
Property, iii. 294.; vi. 37. 46.
Prophecies, ix. 189.
Propitiatory sacrifice, iv. 89.

Prospects, ix. 39. 95.
Prosperity, vii. 212.
Prostitution, vi. 134.

Prussia, King of, i. 220.; vii. 190. ;
viii. 85.

Psalmanazar, George, vii. 163.; viii.
178. 271.; іх. 62. 132.
Psalms, biblical version of, v. 204.
Public amusements, iii. 202.

Public institutions, administration of,
vi. 175.

Public opinion, ix. 135.

Public schools, vi. 127. ; vii. 316.; ix.

Public speaking, v. 281.

Pudding, meditation on a, v. 93.

Puffendorf, iii. 185.; vi. 57.

Pulpit, liberty of, vi. 182, 183. 217. 334.
Pulsation, theory of, vi. 152.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Radcliffe, Dr., small success of his
travelling fellowships, viii. 295.

Ralph, James, viii. 30.
Ramsay, Allan, his 'Gentle Shep-
herd,' iii. 259.

Ramsay, Allan, painter, vii. 82. 84.
186. 188. 193.; viii. 371.
'Rambler,' i. 233, 234. 242. 249. 266,
266 п.; x. 46. 83. 131. Italian trans-
lation of, vii. 295. Translated into
Russian, viii. 274.

Ranby, John, vii. 24.
Ranelagh, iii. 201, 201 n.; vii. 19.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, i. 267.

Rank, its importance in society, ii.
227.233.316.; iii. 211, 211 п. 305.;
ν. 267.

Rasay, Isle of, iv. 178. 185. 188.

Rasay, John Macleod, Laird of, iv.

178. 188. ; ν. 163. 167. 325. ; vi. 262.
Rasay, Lady, iv. 185.
Rasay, Miss Flora, iv. 195.

Rasselas,' ii. 101 n. 103, 104.218.;
vii. 167. 219.; viii. 97.; x. 23. 91. 140.
Ratcliff, Dr., master of Pembroke, his
neglect of Johnson at Oxford, ii. 18.
Rattakin mountain, iv. 153.
Rawlinson, Dr. Richard, the antiqua-
rian, viii. 146 п.
Ray, Miss, vii. 257.
Raynal, Abbé, ix. 37. 329.

Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath, ix.

Punctuation, vi. 150 n.
Punishment, eternity of, vii. 20.;
viii. 102. 302.

Punishments, vii. 105. ; ix. 208.

Puns, iii. 249. 285 n. ; viii. 319. ; ix. 136.
Purcell, v. 285.

Purgatory, i. 286. ; iii. 111. 193.

Reading, i. 56.; ii. 213.; v. 306.; vi.

163.; vii. 11.; ix. 16. 169.

Reay, Lord, v. 55.
Red ink, properties of, vii. 332.
Reed, Isaac, i. 229.; iii. 285.; viii. 6.

Quakers, their female preachers, ii. Registration of deeds, viii. 47.
251.; vi. 89.; viii. 211.

Quarrels, vii. 2.

'Rehearsal, iii. 200. ; viii. 322. ; іх. 18.

Rein-deer, iii. 200.

[ocr errors]

Relations and relationship, iii. 212.;
iv. 108.

Religious discipline, viii. 101.

Religious discourse, viii. 210.
Religious impressions, viii. 101.
Religious orders, vi. 63.

Remembrance and recollection, dis-

tinction between, viii. 107.

Renegado, ii. 50.

Rents, iii. 107. ; iv. 215. ; v. 21.
Repentance, vii. 139. ; viii. 206.

Republican, ix. 212.

139 n.; iii. 140. 208.; vi. 320.; vui.
315.; ix. 66. 192. 202. A contributor
to the Rambler,' i. 235. Johnson's
character of, i. 235. 273 n.; iii. 208.;
v. 147. Johnson's letters to, i. 273.
306.; ii. 42. 56, 57. Compared witn
Fielding, iii. 38. 208. His limited
conversational powers, vii. 375.
Richardson, Martha, his second
daughter, ii. 139 n.

Richardson, Jonathan, son of the
painter, i. 141.

'Respublicæ, volumes entitled, vi. 174. Richardson, Mr., attorney, i. 254.

Resurrection, ii. 126. ; viii. 69. 207.

Retired tradesmen, v. 278.

Retirement from the world, iv. 58.;
ix. 89. 136.

Reviews and reviewers, viii. 208.

Reviews, monthly and critical, vi. 150.

Reviewers, viii. 28.
Revolution of 1688, iii. 264.; viii. 159.

Riches, ii, 225. ; iii. 199. ; iv. 116.
Riddoch, Rev. Mr., iv. 87, 88. 91.96.
Ridicule, vii. 251. 364.; ix. 253.
Riots of 1780, vii. 326. 330. 338.
Ritter, Joseph, iii. 109.; iv. 47 n.; vi.
31 п.

Rivers, Earl, i. 196.
Rizzio, David, iv. 35.
Robertson, Dr. James, iv. 34.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, i. 159. 291.236.; | Robertson, Dr. William, the historian,

ii. 131. 138. 271. 273. 275.; iii. 118.
279.; iv. 112. 135. ; v. 225 n. 239. 308.
311.; vi. 61 n. 120. 160. 208. 210.;
vii. 148. 159, 160. 181. 354. ; viii. 318.;
ix. 39. 259. His prices for portraits,
ii. 82 n. His visit to Devonshire
with Johnson, ii. 146. Johnson's
letters to, ii. 283. ; iii. 163. 168.; vi.
204. 206. 216. ; viii. 115. 214. 221. 249.
371. Two dialogues by, in imita-
tion of Johnson's style of convers.
ation, vii. 161 n.; ix. 261.
Reynolds, Miss, i. 283 n.; ii. 82.283 n.;
v. 308.; vi. 20 п. Her character by
Johnson, i. 283 n. Johnson's letters
to, vi. 152. 164. 206.; vii. 240. 297.
332.; viii. 115. 134. Her 'Essay on
Taste,' viii. 115. Her 'Recollec-
tions' of Johnson, ix. 202.

Rhetorical gesture, ii. 90.
Rheumatism, recipe for, v. 307.
Rhubarb, viii. 258.

Rhudland Castle, v. 203.

Rhyme, its excellence over blank
verse, ii. 212.

ii. 62.; iii. 15. 43. 232. 280.; iv. 3.
22. 30. 33. 35. 125. ; v. 117. 145. 150;
vii. 186. 190. 192. 286.; viii. 53.; ix.
20. His style formed upon that of
Johnson, vi. 316. His 'History of

Scotland, vii. 190.; viii. 53.
Robin-Hood Society, religious, viii. 69.
Robinson Crusoe, vii. 103.; ix. 102.
Robinson, Dr. Richard, Primate of
Ireland, iii. 147.

Robinson, Sir Thomas, ii. 219.; iii.

Rochefoucault, Duc de, ix. 32.; x. 113.
Rochester, John Wilmot, second Earl
of, his poems, iv. 206.; vii. 10.
Rockville, Alexander Gordon, Lord,
ii. 259 n.; v. 146.
Rod, punishment of the, i. 42. ; iv. 100.
Rodney, Admiral Lord, vi. 16.
Roffette, Abbé, vi. 21 n.
Rogers, Captain Francis, ii. 147.
Rollin, ix. 7.

Rolt, Richard, his 'Dictionary of
Commerce,' ii. 125.

Roman Catholic Church, i. 281 n. ; iii.

Richardson, Samuel, i. 162. 243 n.; ii. ( 109. 111, 112. 177.

Romance, ix. 71.

Romances, i. 45.; vii. 363.

Romans, ii. 66.

Rome, the fountain of elegance, vii.

Romney, Mr., painter, vi. 164.

Rose, Dr., of Chiswick, viii. 156.
Rose, Rev. Charles, ii. 287.

Rose, Mrs., her anecdotes of Johnson, ❘
ix. 252.

Roscommon, Johnson's Life of, i. 220.
Roslin Castle, v. 155.

Ross, Rev. Dr. John, Bishop of Exeter,
viii. 270.

Rothes, Lady, Bennet Langton's wife,
iii. 153n. 165.; vi. 232.

Round-robin on the subject of Gold-
smith's epitaph, vi. 208. 210.

[blocks in formation]

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, ii. 224, 225. Sandwich, John, sixth Earl of, vii. 257.

314, 315.; iii. 74.; viii. 289.

Round numbers false, ix. 138.

Rowe, Mrs., ii. 66.

Rowley, Thomas, vi. 171.
Royal Academy, iii. 65.

Royal Family, iv. 302. ; vi. 295.
Rudd, Margaret Caroline, vi. 80 n.
200.; vii. 185.

Ruddiman, Thomas, i. 246 n.; iii. 2.

254.; iv. 74. ; vii. 240.

Rudeness of manner, Johnson's occa-
sional, v. 112. ; vi. 168. 185.; vii.
258. 361. 375.; viii. 18. 71.
Ruffhead's 'Life of Pope,' iii. 198.

Ruins, artificial ones, v. 214 п.

Santerre, Parisian brewer, vi. 14.

Saratoga, surrender at, vii. 219.

Sardinia, iii. 83 n.

Sarpi, Father Paul, his 'History of
the Council of Trent,' i. 117. 147.

Sastres, Mr., vi. 139. Johnson's let-
ters to, x. 277.
Satire, general, ix. 44.

Savage, Richard, Life of, i. 138,
139 n. 179. 18t n., 187, 188. 190, 191.
194-201. His tragedy of 'Sir Tho-
mas Overbury,' vi. 247. His 'Wan-
derer,' quoted, viii. 288.

Savage girl of Amiens, iv. 113.

Russia, Catherine, Empress of, vii. Savage life, iii. 269.

236.; viii. 274.

Russell, Lord, iii. 248.; vii. 114.

Rutty, Dr. Jok, his 'Spiritual
Diary,' vi. 313.


Sabbath, ii. 56.; iii. 72 n.

Sacheverel, Dr., i. 35. 34. ; v. 75.

Sacrament, iv. 122. ; vii. 254.; viii.

101. 291 n.; ix. 180. ; x. 113.
Sagacity and intuition, viii. 337.

Sailor, life of a, ii. 112. ; iv. 145. 273.;
vi 66.; vii. 102.

Savages, iii. 73. 197. 269. 290,; iv.

80. 82 n.; vi. 170. 174.; viii. 204.

Scalpa, island of, iv. 175.

Scarsdale, Lord, v. 196. ; vi. 300. 302.
Scepticism, iv. 40. 314. Eleven causes
of, x. 121.
Schomberg, Dr. Ralph, vi. 99.
Schoolmasters, i. 41. 103.; iii. 171.
185. 204. 222.; ix. 8. 131.
Schools, public, vi. 127 n.; ix. 78.
Science, books of, iv. 146 п.
Scorpions, iii. 45.
Score, a song in, v. 265 n.

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