Vansittart, Dr. Robert, ii. 111, 111 n.; | Walker, actor, the original Macheath, iii. 228.; v. 215. 'Vidit et erubuit,' &c., by whom writ- Vilette, Rev. Mr., viii. 332. Vindication of Natural Society,' Virgil, iii. 144.; vii. 12. ; ix. 310. Com- Virtue, ii. 217. ; vii. 136. 202. 211, 212.; • Vision of Theodore the Hermit,' i. Vivacity, vi. 94. Voltaire, ii. 105. 219. 301. 307.; v. 43.; Warton, Dr. Joseph, i. 234.; ii. 234. ; Voting, right of, v. 281. Vows, iii. 5. 7.; vii. 221.; viii. 81. 114.; ix. 81. 114. Vyse, Rev. Mr., ii. 97.; vi. 258, 259.; W. Wages of labourers, iv. 294. ; viii. 166. Wales, Prince of, his situation, viii. 172 ν. 316. Walker, Joseph Cooper, ii. 76.; vi. Walker, John, teacher of elocution, Wall, Dr., physician, viii. 295. Walpole, Sir Robert, i. 143.; iii. 80 n. Walton, Isaac, ix. 160. His 'Angler,' 140. Warburton, Dr., i. 180. 203, 306.; ii. ix. 134.; x. 52. 59. Ward, quack doctor, vii. 264. Birmingham, i. 89. Warton, Rev. Thomas, i. 191.; ii. 16. iii. 127.; vi. 208.; vii. 57. 284.; ix. 21 n. Johnson's letters to, i. 302. Wasse, his Greek Trochaics to Bent- Watson, Rev. Dr. Richard, Bishop of Watson, Dr. Robert, his 'History of 232. Watts, Dr., i. 67.; vi. 259.; vii. 222.; Weariness, v. 333.; ix. 117. Weather, its influence on the mind, Wealth, iii. 267.; vi. 56.; vii. 100.; Webster, Rev. Dr. Alexander, iv. Wedding ring, Johnson's, i. 281. Welch, Saunders, ii. 183.; vii. 40. 43. Wellesley, Marquis, vi. 139.; vii. 195. Wife, iii. 47. 76. 244.; iv. 244.; vii. 327.; viii. 18. 79. 83. 85. Wilkes Wilkes, Israel, vi. 185. Wentworth, Mr., Johnson's school-Williams, Anna, i. 165. 274, 274 п.; master, i. 45. Wesley, Rev. John, iv. 25, 25 n. ; vi. Wesley, Charles, vii. 141. ii. 198. 252.; iii. 9. 102.; vi. 144. Williams, Helen Maria, viii. 282. West, his translation of ‘Pindar,' vii. | Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury, iii. Westcote, Lord, afterwards second Lord Lyttelton, vii. 334. 'Whig, definition of a, ii. 48. Whigs, iv. 303. ; v. 251.; viii. 217.; Whole Duty of Man,' conjectures as Whyte, Edward Anthony, v. 258 n. Wickens, Mr., of Lichfield, anecdotes 18.; ίν. 30. Wilson, Rev. Thomas, his 'Archæo- son, ix. 311. Windus's 'Journey to Mequinez,' v. 206. Wine, iii. 145. 224.; iv. 56. 226.; vi. Winifred's Well, v. 202. Witchcraft, iv. 38. 177. Witches, iii. 213. ; iv. 120.; vii. 289. Women, iv. 244. ; v. 308.; vii. 129.; Wood, Anthony, i. 58. Woodhouse, the poetical shoemaker, ii. 296.; iii. 141. Worcester, v. 214. World, injustice of the complaints |