Imatges de pàgina

O my God, I hope in Thy goodness, and in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, for pardon for my sins, and for everlasting life. Do Thou strengthen my hope.

O my God, make me to love Thee above all things, and for Thy sake love my neighbour as myself. Do Thou quicken my love. Amen.

An Act of Charity.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who dost bid us love one another, and forgive as we hope to be forgiven, grant me, I pray Thee, that in all differences with my neighbour I may have courage to acknowledge when I have been in the wrong, and to forgive whatever injuries have been (or I think have been) done to me (as now, kneeling before Thee, I do forgive . . . ). ). From all envy, hatred, and malice, good Lord, deliver me. Help me to rejoice with them that do rejoice, and to sympathize with those that are in any trouble, that so I may follow in Thy steps, Who art the true and perfect brother to all mankind. Amen.

I do not presume to come to this Thy Table, O merciful Lord, trusting in my own righteousness, but in Thy manifold and great mercies. I am not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Thy Table. But Thou art the same Lord, whose property is always to have mercy: Grant me therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink His Blood, that my sinful body may be made

clean by His Body, and my soul washed through His most precious Blood, and that I may evermore dwell in Him, and He in me. Amen.

O Lord Jesus, Who in this wonderful Sacrament hast left us a memorial of Thy Passion, grant me so to venerate the Sacred Mysteries of Thy Body and Blood that I may always perceive in myself the fruits of Thy Redemption, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.

Let Thy Priests, O Lord, be clothed with righteousness, especially him who is about to stand at Thine Altar, and pray Thee to spare Thy people. Grant that he may be holy, as Thou art holy, Whom he serves; that by the purity of his life he may show himself a worthy minister of Thine Altar, and may with due reverence honour these Most Sacred Mysteries, and the majesty of Thy great Name. Amen.

O Saviour of the world, Who by Thy Cross and Passion hast redeemed me, save me and help me, I humbly beseech Thee, O Lord. Amen.


HYMN 323 (A. and M.).

AM not worthy, Holy Lord,

That Thou shouldst come to me;

Speak but the word: one gracious word
Can set the sinner free.

"I am not worthy; cold and bare
The lodging of my soul;

How canst Thou deign to enter there?
Lord, speak and make me whole.

"I am not worthy; yet, my God,

How can I say Thee nay?

Thee, who didst give Thy Flesh and Blood
My ransom price to pay.

"O come! in this sweet morning hour,

Feed me with Food Divine,

And fill with all Thy love and power

This worthless heart of mine."


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"HE leadeth them up into an high mountain

and HE was transfigured before them."-S. Mark ix. 2.

The Order




Holy Communion.

So many as intend to be partakers of the Holy Communion shall signify their names to the Curate, at least some time the day before.

And if any of those be an open and notorious evil liver, or have done any wrong to his neighbours by word or deed, so that the Congregation be thereby offended; the Curate, having knowledge thereof, shall call him and advertise him, that in any wise he presume not to come to the Lord's Table, until he hath openly declared himself to have truly repented and amended his former naughty life, that the Congregation may thereby be satisfied, which before were offended; and that he hath recompensed the parties, to whom he hath done wrong; or at least declare himself to be in full purpose so to do, as soon as he conveniently may.

The same order shall the Curate use with those betwixt whom he perceiveth malice and hatred to reign; not suffering them to be partakers of the Lord's Table, until he know them to be reconciled. And if one of the parties so at variance be content to forgive from the bottom of his heart all that the other hath trespassed against him, and to make amends for that he himself hath offended; and the other party will not be persuaded to a godly unity, but remain still in his frowardness and malice: the Minister in that case ought to admit the penitent person to the Holy Communion, and not him that is obstinate. Provided that every Minister so repelling any, as is specified in this, or the next precedent Paragraph of this Rubrick, shall be obliged to give an account of the same to the Ordinary within fourteen days after at the farthest. And the Ordinary shall proceed against the offending person according to the Canon. The Table, at the Communion-time having a fair white linen cloth upon it, shall stand in the body of the Church, or in the Chancel, where Morning and Evening Prayer are appointed to be said. And the Priest standing at the North-side of the Table shall say the Lord's Prayer, with the Collect following, the people kneeling.

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