Imatges de pàgina
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into her Worship a Pack of impious, nonfenfical, and ridiculous Ceremonies; we fhall be from thence furnished but with too many Instances of the glorious Triumphs of a true Chriftian Faith For what Pleafures might Men have enjoy'd, what Wealth and Honour might they have obtained in this World, had they been willing to comply with her deteftable Impofitions? But how many Thoufands, yea, Millions, were there, who refign'd up all outward Bleffings, who refus'd all worldly Advantages, and ex pofed themfelves to the fharpeft Torture, Poverty and Difgrace; rather than pollute themfelves with any of her Abomination's Nothing was more admirable than the Patience and Courage of thofe faithful Chriftians, except the Rage and Malice of their Popish Tormentors; who rack'd their Invention to find out new Inftru ments of Cruelty, which might Increase and Prolong their Pain, and kill them as it were by Inches. But notwithstanding this, their Hopes were continually difappointed, and their Designs rendered ineffectual; for Thofe whom they fallly called Hereticks, kept their Faith pure and undefilled even to Death; yea, and frequently expired under the most grie

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vous Inftruments of Cruelty; without fo much as complaining, or fhewing the leaft Uneafinefs either in Look or Pofture.

Whether or no God did fufpend the Senfe of Pain by a Miracle; Whether or no the ufual Correspondence between the Soul and Body was fupernaturally cut off; Or, whether the Attention of their Minds was taken up about the other World, whereunto they were going; and fo the Animal Spirits being moftly. employed upon Thought, and recalled to the Brain, might leave the outward: Parts fomewhat unfurnished for Senfation, and thereby cause the Reports of Pain to be imperfect; is not material to enquire. This is: certain, That they did not always die lo cafily; and when they did, they were not fure of it till they came to the Trial; and therefore the Strength of their Faith is not the lefs to be admired upon that Account.

And,What more shall I fay? for the Time would fail me to enlarge upon the Victories gained over the World, by that noble Army of Martyrs who fealed their Faith with their Blood in our own Nation. The Time would fail me to tell of RIDLEY, and of LATIMER, of CRANMER allo, and the rest of our Reformers, who through Faith yielded themselves up to


the Violence of Fires; out of Weakness were made Strong, waxed valiant in Fight, were inftrumental in putting to flight Popifh Ignorance and Superftition, and making our Church the Beauty-andthe Glory of the whole Earth.

These were all Men of like Paffions with ourselves; their Flefh and Blood were as iraturally defirous of being pleas'd, and altogether as unwilling to be difgufted as our own. Nevertheless, when they were tempted to renounce their Religion, or to act unagrecably to its Maxims, we find that neither the Beft, nor the Worst of this World, had Force enough to prevail upon their Practice, They took joyfully the fpoiling of their Goods; They freely underwent Shame and Reproach; and conflicted with the most cruel Tortures, rather than take any Steps towards Apoftatizing from their Profeffion. That which endued them with fuch extraordinary Fortitude and Bravery, was their Faith. 'Twas because they were fully perfuaded of the Certainty of future Punish ments and Rewards; 'twas because their Hearts ftood faft, and believed in the Lord.

I proceed now in the bird and Laft Place; To make fome Reflections, or Oblervations from what has been delivered, by Way of Application.

First then, We may from hence obferve the Inconfiftency of a true Christian Faith, with an immoderate Pursuit of worldy Advantages. I call that an immoderate Purfurit of worldly Advantages, which forceth us to any finful Compliance for the Attainment and Poffeffion of them or keepeth us from minding the Things which belong to our fupreme Welfare. This is to become perfect Slaves to the World; to be utterly conquer'd and fubdu'd by it: How then can it be compatible with a Faith whole Property it is to get the Victory over it? An Error in this Matter, is of very pernicious Confequence indeed; but yet there are great Numbers amongst us, who feem to be mifled thereby, and therefore I hope, this Reflection upon it will not be reckoned Unfeasonable. For how frequently may we see Men make their Duty truckle to their fecular Intereft? How many are there who so greedily thirst after the Wealth, Honour and Pleasure of the World; as to be at the Expence of a good Confcience to come at them? And yet at the fame Time pretend to believe the Truth of that Religion, which forbids the fetting our Affections upon these Things; and abfolutely condemns the

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committing any Sin, either to procure, or retain them. But we have not so learnedCHRIST, if fo be that we have heard him, and been taught by him, as the Truth is in JESUS; That a true Christian Faith will enable a Man to encounter and overcome the Temptations of the World, by difpofing and influencing him to forcgoe, and refign the Good, and fuffer the Evil Things of it, when those cannot be acquired or poffeffed, and these cannot be avoided, without acting contrary to fome of the Precepts of Religion.

Secondly, From what hath been faid, we may reflect upon the great Advantage and Bletfing of being endued with this victorious Faith, How happy muft it be for a rational Soul that is well acquainted with its own Worth and Value, to have Courage enough to maintain iɛs Dignity? What an agreeable Entertainment muft it be for a Man who hath a proper Notion of his chief Intereft, co confider that he hath a Principle within him, will carry him through all the Diffi culties that oppofe it? Who that duly ponders the Danger and Mifery of being deluded by the World's Temptations, would not be glad of Affiftance to overcome them; This is a Bleffing well worth


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