Imatges de pàgina

taking, are pleased to condefcend to his Request, and accordingly do.hereby give and grant unto him the faid John Chamberlayne, his Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, Our Royal License and Privilege for the fole Printing and Publishing the faid Work, Entitled as aforefaid, for and during the Term of Fourteen Years, to be computed from the Day of the Date hereof, ftrictly charging, prohibiting, and forbidding all Our Subjects to Reprint, Tranflate, or Abridge the faid Work, or any part of it; or to import, buy, vend, utter, or diftribute any Copies of the fame, or any part thereof, Reprinted beyond the Seas, within the faid Term, without the Confent and Approbation of the faid John Chamberlayne, his Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, by Writing under his or their Hands and Seals firft had and obtained, as they and every of them herein offending will answer the contrary at their Perils. Whereof the Mafter, Wardens, and Company of Stationers of Our City of London, the Commiffioners and Officers of our Cuftoms, and all Other Our Officers and Minifters whom it may concern, are to take due Notice, that ftrict Obedience be given to Our Pleasure herein signified.

Given at Our Court at Windfor, the Seventeenth
Day of Auguft, 1707, in the Sixth Year of
Our Reign.






Hat Excellent Princefs, to whom the World owes your Majesty's Birth, obtain'd your Permiffion, a few Years ago, to lay this Book at your Feet; and Providence has, fince that Permiffion, made You my Sovereign. This Offering, which was intended an Expreffion of Zeal, is now an

of Allegiance. As the Quality of the Duty is exalted, fo is alfo the Pleasure in performing it.

I have now a near Intereft in the Virtues which I before admired at a Distance; and that Goodness which was a Pleasure in Expectation, is become a Happiness in Poffeffion. Your Majefty's long Experience in the Arts of Peace and War, gives your Subjects a confident Profpect of feeing their Country eftablifh'd in the happy Enjoyment of Wealth and Honour. The Fatigues and Viciffitudes of a Military Life, and Obfervation of Mankind, under the respective Conditions of being victorious and conquer'd, has fupply'd your Majefty with a deep Senfe of the Great and Glorious Charge of a Sovereign, and


of the High Station which is given You by Him who has it in his Power to correct the Proud, and exalt the Opprefs'd,

The following Book will enter. tain Your Majefty with an Enumeration of all thofe Offices with which the Crown of England is able to diftinguifh fuch of its Subjects as are most capable, to do Service to their Prince and their Country; the judicious, or mifinform'd Distribution of thefe, has been ever the Bane, or Happiness of our Sovereign: But we have delightful Hopes from Hence, in your Majefty's Reign, fince it is ufual in Courts to form their Manners in Imitation of the Prince. Whereever. Our King is made the Example, exact Juftice, punctual.


Payments, Gentleness to Inferiors, and good Will to all, must be the Measure and Rule of Life.

Your Majefty will obferve the Wife Oeconomy in the Houfhold of our Princes, where all Orders of Men, from the highest Peer to the humbleft Yeoman, may meet Perfons of their own Quality to receive and direct them in the Favour or Satisfaction they may promise themselves from the Royal Prefence. The ample Provifions for the Tables of Great Officers, the feveral Denominations of Gen tlemen, Grooms, Pages and Yeomen, are Testimonies of the Generous Institutions of our Princes, to communicate themselves to all Degrees of their Subjects, by the noble Means of Kindness and Hof


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