Imatges de pàgina

Otto replied, that in his opinion, the French government would not recede from it.

No. XL. M. Otto, in a letter to Mr. Hammond, September 26, refers to an inclosed note.

tween the cafes of the German vernment would not recede' M. fortrelles and the French garrifons at Malta, and in Egypt, obferving in particular, on the demand to give protection to fix frigates loaded with men, &c. from Toulon to Alexandria, instead of evacuating that country in confequence of the treaty of El-Arich, ratified by the French general Kleber, duly authorised by his government, by the allies of England, and by his majefty as foon as he knew it had been concluded.

No. XXXIX. Mr. Hammond, in a letter to lord Grenville, September 25, relates a converfation which he that day had with M. Otto.Mr. Hammond fays, on the fubject of that part of the fourth article of the French projet, which requires that fix frigates fhould be allowed to fail from Toulon for Egypt, and be exempted from fearch, M. Otto read to me part of a dispatch from M. Talleyrand, expreffive of the interest which the whole French nation takes in that part of the army now in Egypt, and affigning the defire of contributing to the comfort and fecurity of that army, as the principal inducement to the conclufion of the armistice on the part of the French government. M. Otto added, that he would not conceal from me, that the reinforcement which France intended to fend to Egypt amounted to 1200 men, and that the fupply of military-flores confifted chiefly of 10,000 mufkets. The language of M. Otto, in this part of our converfation, and of M. Talleyrand's letter, appeared to me fo decitive and peremptory, that I was induced to inquire of him diftinctly, whether I was to underftand that this ftipulation was a point from which the French go

No. XLI. In which M. Otto contends for the propriety of the feveral demands which he had been the organ of making on the part of his government.

No. XLII. Contains Mr. Hammond's acknowledgement of the receipt of the above, and the regret of his majefty's fervants, that M. Otto was not furnished with more ample powers, &c.

No. XLIII. Contains M. Otto's acknowledgement of the receipt of the foregoing note; and

No. XLIV. dated October 6, a requeft from him to fee Mr. Hammond.

No XLV. The latter gentleman requests, October 8, a note of the converfation which they had had on the preceding day.

No. XLVI. Is a letter from M. Otto to Mr. Hammond, fame date, in which he fays, the first conful is invariably difpofed to receive any overtures relative to a feparate negociation between France and Great Britain, and that the mode of fuch overture entirely depends upon the option of his majesty.

No. XLVII. A letter from Mr. Hammond to M. Otto, October 9, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yefterday's date; and I am directed in return to acquaint you, that his majefty's government entirely agrees in the opinion there expreffed, that all farther difcuffion of the terms of a naval armiftice would be fuperfluous, as the only object which it was propofed to his majesty to fe


cure by fuch an arrangement, has in the mean time been made the ground of feparate facrifices required from his ally.

With refpect to the propofal of opening negociations for a feparate peace, his majefty, retaining always the fincere defire which he has uniformly exprefled for the restoration of general tranquillity in Europe, mut at the fame time renew his former declarations of an invariable determination to execute with punctuality and good faith his engagements with his allies; and muft therefore, fteadily decline to enter into any measures tending to feparate his interefts from thofe of the powers who fhall continue to make common caufe with him in the profecution of the war.

The appendix contains a letter (A) from baron Thugut to M. Talleyrand, dated Vienna, Auguft 11, referring to a note from lord Minto, and recommending that fome central place, as Schelftal, Luneville, &c. be appointed for the feat of congrefs. (B.) Lord Minto's note, dated August 9, ftating that having communicated to his court the overtures made by France to his imperial majefty, he had been directed to declare, that his Britannic majefty is difpofed to concur with Auftria in the negociations which may take place by a general pacification, and to fend his plenipotenin concert tiaries to treat for peace with his imperial majesty,asfoon as the intention of the French government to enter into a negociation with his Britannic majefty fhall be known to him. (C.) A letter from general Kleber, commander of the French

army in Egypt, to the kaimakam

of the fublime Porte, dated Cairo,
10th of April, 1800, ftating, that

having concluded negociations with
the fupreme vizier Youffouff Pacha,
he was on the point of evacuating
Cairo, when he received a letter
from the English commander, lord
Keith, rendering the convention of
El-Arifch illufory: that he had pro-
pofed to the vizier to poftpone the
evacuation of Cairo until this unex-
pected difficulty fhould be removed;
but his excellency refufing to con-
fent, chofe to hazard a battle in
which he was defeated. Yet, ne-
vertheless, he (Kleber) was still dif-
pofed to retire from Egypt on the
conditions before ftipulated, with
the exception of fome modifications.
which exifting circumftances had
rendered neceffary, and defired that
the conferences fhould be refumed.
-(D.) A note from Baudet, first
aid-de-camp to general Kleber, to
the first interpreter of the fublime
Porte, dated camp, at Jaffa, April
15, repeating the intention of his
general to eyacuate Egypt immedi-
ately after the arrival of the necef-
fary pallports from the English go-
vernment, and of the number of
veflels ftipulated for the transport of
the troops.


Convention for the Evacuation of
Egypt, agreed upon by Citizens
Deffaix, General of Divifion, and
Pouffielgue, Adminiftrator-generat
of Finances, Plenipotentiaries of
the Commander-in-Chief Kleber,
and their Excellencies Moustafa.
Rafchid Effendi Tefterdar, and
Monfafa Raffiche Effendi Riefful ·
Kuitab, Miniers Plenipoten-
tiaries of his Highness the Supreme

HE French army in Egypt,

Twifhing to give a proof of its defire to ftop the effufion of blood,


and to put an end to the unfortunate difagreements which have taken place between the French republic and the fublime Porte, confent to evacuate Egypt on the ftipulations of the prefent convention, hoping that this conceffion will pave the way for the general pacification of Europe.

I. The French army will retire with its arms, baggage, and effects, to Alexandria, Rofetta, and Aboukir, there to be embarked and transported to France, both in its own veffels and in thofe which it will be neceflary for the fublime Porte to furnish it with: and in order that the aforefaid veffels may be the more fpeedily prepared, it is agreed, that a month after the ratification of the prefent convention, there shall be sent to the fort of Alexandria a commiffary, with fifty purfes, on the part of the fublime Porte.

II. There shall be an armistice of three months in Egypt, reckoning from the time of the fignature of the prefent convention; and in cafe the truce fhall expire before the aforefaid veffels to be furnished by the fublime Porte fhall be ready, the faid truce fhall be prolonged till the embarkation can be completely effected, it being understood on both fides that all poffible means will be employed to fecure the tranquillity of the armies and of the inhabitants, which is the object of the truce.

III. The tranfport of the French army fhall take place according to the regulations of commiffaries appointed for this purpose by the fublime Porte and general Kleber; and if any difference of opinion fhall take place between the aforefaid commiffaries refpecting the embarkation, one fhall be appointed by com

modore fir Sidney Smith, who shall decide the difference according to the maritime regulations of England.

IV. The forts of Cathic and Salachich fhall be evacuated by the French troops on the 8th day, or at the latest on the 10th day after the ratification of this convention. The town of Manfoura fhall be evacu ated on the 15th day. Damietta and Balbey on the 20th day. Suez fhall be evacuated fix days before Cairo. The other places on the eaft bank of the Nile fhall be evacuated on the 10th day. The Delta fhall be evacuated fifteen days after the evacuation of Cairo. The weft banks of the Nile and its depen, dencies fhall remain in the hands of the French till the evacuation of Cairo; and meanwhile, as they must be occupied by the French army till all its troops fhall have defcended from Upper Egypt, the faid western bank and its dependencies will not be evacuated till the expiration of the truce, if it is impoffible to evacuate them fooner. The places evacuated fhall be given up to the fublime Porte in the fame fituation in which they are at present. V. The city of Cairo hall be evacuated after forty days, if that is poffible, or at the latest after forty-five days, reckoning from the ratification of the treaty.

VI. It is exprefsly agreed, that the fublime Porte fhall ufe every effort that the French troops may fall back through the different places on the left bank of the Nile, with their arms and baggage, towards the head-quarters, without being difturbed or molested on their march in their perfons, property, or honour, either by the inhabitants of Egypt or the troops of the imperial Ottoman army.


VII. In confequence of the former article, and in order to prevent all differences and hoftilities, meafures fhall be taken to keep the Turkish always at a fufficient diftance from the French army.

VIII. Immediately after the ratification of the prefent convention, all the Turks and other nations, without diftinction, fubjects of the fublime Porte, imprifoned or retain ed in France, or in the power of the French in Egypt, shall be fet at liberty; and, on the other hand, all the French detained in the cities and fea-port towns of the Ottoman empire, as well as every perfon of whatever nation they may be, attached to French legations and confulates, fhall be alfo fet at liberty.

IX. The reftitution of the goods and property of the inhabitants and fubjects of both fides, or the payment of their value to the proprietors, fhall commence immediately after the evacuation of Egypt, and fhall be regulated at Conftantinople by commiffaries appointed refpectively for the purpose.

X. No inhabitant of Egypt, of whatever religion he may be, fhall be disturbed either in his perfon or his property, on account of any connections he may have had with the French during their poffeffion of Egypt.

XI. There fhall be delivered to the French army, as well on the part of the fublime Porte as of the courts of its allies, that is to fay, of Ruffia and of Great Britain, passports, fafe conducts, and convoys, necessary to secure its safe return 'to France.

XII. When the French army of Egypt fhall be embarked, the fublime Porte, as well as its allies, promife that till its return to the con

tinent of France it fhall not be dif turbed in any manner; and on his fide, general-in-chief Kleber, and the French army in Egypt, promife not to commit any act of hoftility during the aforefaid time, either against the fleets or against the territories of the fublime Porte, and that the veffels which fhall tranfport the faid army fhall not flop on any other coaft than that of France, except from abfolute neceffity

XIII. In confequence of the truce of three months ftipulated above with the French army for the evacuation of Egypt, the contracting parties agree, that if in the interval of the faid truce some vessels from France unknown to the commanders of the allied fleets, fhould enter the port of Alexandria, they fhall depart from it, after having taken in water and the neceffary provifions, and fhall return to France with paffports from the allied courts; and in cafe any of the faid vessels fhould require reparation, these alone may remain till the faid reparations are finifhed, and fhall depart immediately after, like the preceding, with the first favourable wind.

XIV. The general-in-chief, Kleber, may fend advices immediately to France, and the vessel that conveys them fhall have the fafe conduct neceffary for fecuring the communication, by the faid advices, to the French government, of the news of the evacuation of Egypt.

XV. There being no doubt that the French army will stand in need of daily fapplies of provifions during the three months which it is to evacuate Egypt, and during other three months, reckoning from the day on which it is embarked, it is agreed, that it shall be supplied


with the neceffary quantities of corn, meat, rice, barley, and ftraw, according to a statement which fhall be immediately given in by the French plenipotentiaries, as well for the ftay in the country as for the voyage. Whatever fupplies the army fhall draw from its magazines, after the ratification of the prefent convention, fhall be deducted from thofe furnished by the fublime Porte.

XVI. Counting from the day of the ratification of the prefent treaty, the French army fhall not raife any contribution in Egypt; on the contrary, it fall abandon to the fublime Porte the ordinary leviable contributions which remain to it, to be levied after its departure, as well as the camels, dromedaries, ammunition, cannon, and other things which it shall not think necessary to carry away. The fame fhall be the cafe with the magazines of grain, arifing from the contributions already levied, and the magazines of provifions. Thefe objects fhall be examined and valued by commiffaries fent to Egypt by the fublime Porte, and by the commander of the British forces, conjointly with thofe of the general-in-chief Kleber, and paid by the former, at the rate of the valuation fo made, to the amount of 3000 purfes, which will be neceffary to the French army, for accelerating its movements and its embarkation; and if the objects abovementioned do not amount to this fum, the deficit fhall be advanced by the fublime Porte, in the form of a loan, which will be paid by the French government upon the bills of the commillaries appointed by general-in-chief Kleber

to receive the faid fum.

XVII. The French having ex

penfes to incur in the evacuation of Egypt, it fhall receive, after the ratification of the prefent convention, the fums ftipulated, in the following order, viz. the 15th day and the 20th day, 500 purfes; the 40th day, the 50th, 60th, the 70th, and 80th day, 500 purfes; and finally, the 90th day, 500 purfes. All the laid purfes, of 500 Turkish piaftres each, fhall be received in loan from the perfons commiffioned to this effect by the fublime Porte; and in order to facilitate the execu tion of the faid difpofition, the fublime Porte, immediately after the ratification of the convention, fhall fend commiflaries to the city of Cairo, and to the other cities occupied by the armies.

XVIII. The contributions which the French fhall receive after the date of the ratification and before the notification of the prefent convention in the different parts of Egypt, fhall be deducted from the amount of the 3000 purses above ftipulated.

XIX. In order to facilitate and accelerate the evacuation of the places, the navigation of the French tranfport-veffels which thall be in the ports of Egypt, fhall be free during the three months truce from Damietta and Rofetta to Alexandria, and from Alexandria to Damietta and Roletta.

XX. The fafety of Europe requi ring the greateft precautions to prevent the contagion of the plague from being carried thither, no perfon either fick, or fufpected of being infected by this malady, fhall be embarked; but all perfons af flicted with the plague, or any other malady, which fhall not allow their removal in the time agreed upon for the evacuation, fhall remain in the


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