Imatges de pàgina

contrary to that charm, he fhold be mygtyly tormented; but, if they would fpeake as had been first directed them, at the end of the last he woolld fall out of his fit as.quyetly as if one did lay him doune to flepe. For the reft, I leave till it please God we meete. Leicester, the 18th of July, 1616. Your loving brother,

Robart Heyricke."*

The execution of nine witches in one morning is a circumftance fcarcely credible in thefe enlightened times. The fame year, however, exhibits a fimilar prosecution against fix other unhappy women.

"I received your letter yesterday, dated the 10th of October, 1616; for which I thank you hartely, for I thought yt long fince I hard any thinge from you; for anny news I heare but from you I account it but uncertayne. I am defirous to fignefye unto you of the witches, but it must be in my next; for they be but this day, as I am informed, examyned before Mr. Mair and the juftifis, and docktor Lambe, in our town-hall; and to-morrow I fhall know the fubftaunce of the matter; and then you fhall hear how the matter goes wt them. So, with my love and hartyeft falvtatyons to your felf and my lady doone, I leave you to the Moft Higheft. Leicester, the 15th of October. Your loving brother, Robart Heyricke. "Since the writing of the above, the under fherive, by a warrant directed to the highe-fherive, hathe

fet the 5 witches at liberty; the fixt is ded in the gayle.”

Ancient annual Cuftom in Hallaton, Leicefierfhire; from the fame.


Piece of land was many years

ago given, the rents and profits of which the rector for the time being was to receive for his own ufe, on condition of providing two hare-pies, a quantity of ale, and two dozen of penny loaves, to be fcrambled for on Fafter Monday an nually, after divine fervice and a fermon preached. The land, during the open-field state, was called HareCrop-Leys; and when the encloture took place in 1770, land was allotted to the rector in his allotment in lieu of the faid Hare-Crop-Leys.

The manner of fcrambling is thus; two large pies (which, inftead of hares, are now made of veal and bacon) are made in raifed crufts at the rector's houfe; and, when baked, are cut into quarters or parts, and put into a fack; the ale (now about two gallons) is put into two wooden bottles, without handles or ftrings to hold them by, the corks well thruft in, and cut off clofe to the bottle-mouths, and put into a fack alfo; the penny loaves are quartered and put into a basket, which a man carries, as do two others the facks; when the proceffion begins, confifting of men, women, and chil dren.

*This is a striking addition to the many inftances which might be produced of the credulity of the laft age. One has already been given under Belvoir (Appendix, p. 69;) and others may be seen in "British Topography," vol. i. pp. 311, 371*, 429, 467; vol. ii. pp. 26, 46, 52, 254, 672, 744. The earlieft of thefe was in 1566; the lateft in 1716 The greateft number that appear to have been executed at any one time was in 1645, when Mr. Lawes, an innocent aged clergyman, of Brandeston, a cooper and his wife, and fifteen other women, were all condemned and executed at Bury.


The fpot appropriated for the. fcrambling for the pies and ale is about a quarter of a mile fouth of the town, a small oblong bank, ten yards long, and fix wide; with a fmall old trench round it, and a cir cular hole in the centre, and is called Hare-Pie-Bank. After they have left the town, the man with the bread walks towards the bank; and, as he proceeds, at times throws the pieces of bread before him, which is eagerly caught by the boys which furround him, the bread being all diftributed before they arrive at the fpot deftined for the fcrambling for the pies and ale. As foon as the men with the facks arrive at the bank, the pies and ale are tumbled promifcuoufly out of the facks into the hole in the centre, when a fcene of noife and confufion takes place, and bloody noses and bruifed fingers are often the confequence; one will feize a piece of the pie, or a bottle of the ale; a fecond will trip up his heels, and fall upon him; and a third, perhaps, feize and keep poffeffion of the prize, until a fourth ferves him the fame; and fo on, until four or five fellows agree to form a party, and affift each other in bearing away the wifhed-for bottle to a convenient place, and there divide the fpoil. The afternoon is fpent in feftivity, ringing of bells, fighting of cocks, quoits, and fuch like exercifes, by Hallaton and the neighbouring youth.

Manner in which Cardinal Wolfey entertained the French Ambassadors at Hampton-Court; from Lyfons's hiftorical Account of the Parishes

in the County of Middlesex, not defcribed in the Environs of Lon


AFTER cardinal Wolfey became manor of Hampton, "he bestowed," fays Stow, "great cost of building upon it, converting the manfionhoufe into lo ftately a palace, that. it is faid to have excited much envy; to avoid which, in the year 1526, he gave it to the king, who, in recompence thereof, licenced him to lie in his manor of Richmond at his pleafure; and fo he lay there at certain times." It appears that cardinal Wolfey after this occafionally inhabited Hampton-Court (as keeper perhaps of the king's palace ;) for, in 1527, when fome French ambassadors were in England, the king willing that they fhould be treated with the greatest respect, fent them to be entertained by cardinal Wolfey at Hampton-Court. The following account of the entertainment will give the reader an idea of the magnificence of that prelate's establishment: " Then was there made great preparation of all things for this great affembly at Hampton-Court; the cardina!l called before him his principal officers, as fteward, treafurer, controller, and clerk of his kitchen, to whom he declared his mind, touching the entertainment of the Frenchmen at Hampton-Court, commanding them neither to fpare for any coft, expenfe, or travayle, to make fuch a triumphant banquet as they might not only wonder at it here, but alfo make a glorious report of it in their country, to the great honour of the king

Taken from a MS. copy of Cavendish's Life of Wolfey in the British Museum [Harl. MSS. No. 428.] much of which is omitted in the printed copies.

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and his realm; to accomplish his commandment they fent out caters, purveiors, and divers other perfons, my lord's friends, to make preparation; alfo they fent for all the expert cookes and connyng perfons in the art of cookerie which were within London or elsewhere, that might be gotten to beautify this noble feaft; the purveiors provided, and my lord's friends fent in fuch provifion as one would wonder to have seen. The cooks wrought both day and night with fubtleties and many crafty devices, where lacked neither gold, filver, nor other coftly thing meet for their purpose: the yeomen and groomes of the wardrobe were bufied in hanging of the chambers, and furnishing the fame with beds of filk and other furniture in every degree: then my Jord cardinall fent me (Mr. Cavendifh) being his gentleman ufher, with two other of my fellows thither, to foresee all things touching our rooms to be nobly garnyshed: accordingly our pains were not fmall nor light, but daily travelling up and down from chamber to chambers-then wrought the carpenters, joiners, mafons, and all other artificers neceflary to be had to glorify this noble feaft. There was carriage and recarriage of plate, ftuff, and other rich implements, fo that there was nothing lacking that could be imagined or devised for the purpofe. There was alfo provided two hundred and eighty beds furnished with all manner of furniture to them belonging, too long particularly to be rehearsed, but all wife men do fufficiently know what belongeth to the furniture thereof, and that is fufficient at this time to be faid.

The day was come to the Frenchmen affigned, and they ready affem

bled before the hour of their ap pointment, wherefore the officers caufed them to ride to Hanworth, a place and parke of the kinges, within three miles, there to hunt and fpend the day untill night, at which time they returned againe to Hampton-Court, and every of them was conveyed to their severall chambers, having in them great fires, and wine to their comfort and relief, remaining there untill their fupper was ready. The chambers where they fupped and banquetied were ordered in this fort: firft the great wayting chamber was hanged with rich arras, as all other were, and furnished with tall yeomen to ferve. There were fet tables round about the chamber, banquetwife covered; a cupboord was there, garnished with white plate, having alfo in the fame chamber to give the more light, four great plates of filver fet with great lights, and a great fire of wood and coales. The next chamber, being the chamber of prefence, was hanged with very rich arras, and a fumptuous cloth of eftate furnished with many goodly gentlemen to ferve the tables, ordered in manner as the other chamber was, faving that the high table was removed beneath the cloth of eftate toward the middeft of the chamber covered. Then there was a cupboord, being as long as the chamber was in breadth, with fix defkes of height, garnyshed with guilt plate, and the nethermoft defk was garnished all with gold plate, having with lights one paire of candleftickes of filver and guilt, being curiously wrought, which coft three hundred markes, and ftanding upon the fame, two lights of waxe burning as bigge as torches to fet it forth. This cupboord was barred


round about, that no man could come nigh it, for there was none of all this plate touched in this banquet, for there was fufficient befides. The plates that did hang on the walls to give light were of filver and guilt, having in them great pearchers of waxe burning, a great fire burning in the chimney, and all other things neceffary for the furniture of so noble a feaft, Now was all things in a readiness, and fupper tyme at hand, the principal officers caufed the trumpetters to blow to warne to fupper: the officers difcreetly went and conducted thefe noblemen from their chambers into the chambers where they fhould fuppe, and caufed them there to fit downe, and that done their fervice came up in fuch abundance both coftly and full of futtleties, and with fuch a pleasant noyfe of inftruments of muficke, that the Frenchmen (as it seemed) were rapt into a heavenly paradife. You must understand that my lord cardinall was not yet comen thither, but they were merry and pleafant with their fare and deviled futtleties. Before the fecond course my lord came in, booted and fpurred, all fodainely amongst them, and bade them proface;* at whofe coming there was great joy, with rifing every man from his place, whom my lord caused to fit ftill and keep their roomes, and being in his apparell as he rode, called for a chayre and fat down in the middeft of the high parade, laughing and being as merry as ever I faw hym in all my lyff. Anone came up the fecond courfe, with fo many dishes, futtleties and devices, above a hundred in number, which were of fo

goodly proportion and fo coftly, that I thinke the Frenchmen never faw the like, the wonder was no less than it was worthy indeed. There was caftles with images, in the fame Paul's church, for the quantity as well counterfeited as the painter fhould have painted it on a cloth or wall.

There were beasts, birds, foules, and perfonages, moft likely made and counterfeited, fome fighting with fwords, fome with guns and cross-bows, fome vaughting and leaping, fome dauncing with ladies, fome on horfes in complete harneffe, jufting with long and fharp fpeares, with many more devifes. Among all, one I noted was a chefse-boord, made of fpiced plate, with men there of the fame, and for the good proportion, and because the Frenchmen be very cunning and expert in that play, my lord cardinall gave the fame to a gentleman of France, commanding there fhould be made a goodly cafe for the prefervation thereof in all haft, that he might convey the fame fafe into his countrey. Then tooke my lord a bole of golde filled with ipocraffe, and putting off his cap, faid, I drinke to the king, my foveraigne lord, and next unto the king your master, and therewith did dryncke a good draught; and when he had done, he defired the graund maifire to pledge him, cup and all, the which was well worth 500 markes, and fo caufed all the boords to pledge thefe two royal princes: then went the cups fo merily about, that many of the Frenchmen were faine to be led to their beds. Then rofe up my lord, and went into his privy chamber to pull off his bootes, and to

An obfolete French term of falutation, abridged from bon prou vous face, i. e. much good may it do you. See Cotgrave under the word pros. The Italians had profeccia from buan pro vi faccia.

Arift him, and then went he to fupper, and making a very fhort fupper, or rather a repaft, returned into the chamber of presence to the Frenchmen, ufing them fo lovingly and familiarly, that they could not commend him too much; and whileft they were in communication, and other paftimes, all their liveries were served to their chambers; every chamber had a bafon and an ewer of filver, a great liverey pot of filver, and fome guilt; yea, and fome chambers had two liverey pots, with wine and beere, a boule, a goblet, and a pot of fylver to drink in, both for their wine and beere; a filver candlesticke, both white and plaine, having in it two fizes, and a staffe torche of waxe a fine manchet, and a cheat loaf. Thus was every chamber furnished through the house and yet the cupboords in the two banqueting, chambers were not touched. Thus when it was more than time convenient, they were conveyed to their lodgings, where they refted that night. In the morning, after they had heard mafs, they dined with the cardinall, and fo departed to Windfor."

Account of the ancient Palace of Karnac in the Island of Philo. From Ripaud's Report on the Antiquities of Upper Egypt.

HIS palace may be confidered

to a portico compofed of one hundred and thirty columns, in rows of fixteen deep. In the two middle rows there are fix lotus columns; and on each fide are seven rows of those of the truncated lotus, which are lefs elevated than the former; the diameter of the former is eleven, and that of the latter fseven, feet.

The length of this veftibule is feventy-eight paces, and its breadth is the fame as that of the mole. It was covered throughout, and received light from windows which had been opened above the lotus columns. The foundations having given way in fome parts, several of the columns were proftrate. The fall of the mole, which looks to the court, would have drawn after it the whole building, if it had not been conftructed with immoveable folidity. To this veftibule fucceeded a court, where there had been four obelisks, of which only one remains; from this court we paffed into another, decorated with two obelisks and twelve coloffal figures, in the form of termini, holding the handle of a pot on the breaft.

Two other courts lead to the apartment of the king. In a line with the gates are two faloons of granite, which appear to have been the apartments of ftate. It is pro bable, that at the period when Thebes was built, granite was not fo much ufed as it has fince been

This mion of kings, the by the Egyptian kings of Memphis,


principal mole is turned towards the Nile, and has a hundred and forty paces in length, by twenty-five of folid breath. It leads to a court of a hundred and ten paces long, and whole breadth is equal to it., Two rows of fix lotus columns,, placed in a line with the male, lead

and the Greek fovereigns of Alexandria. To the right and left of these falcons are the apartments of the court. Thofe of the king and the queen might be diftinguished in two chambers, whofe gates are of black granite. They did not appear to be more than twelve

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