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" For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath-day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him. "
Select Sermons: Delivered on Various Occasions from Important Passages of ... - Pągina 263
per Hosea Ballou - 1832 - 350 pągines
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Sermons Preached Before the Society at Their Anniversary Meetings, Volum 1

Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain) - 1712 - 480 pągines
...Sermon at Jntioch^Tbey that dwell at Jeru/alem, and Aa*7*IU' their Ru/ers, becaufe they knew not bimy nor yet the Voices of the Prophets which are read...'Day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him. Not•\\-ithftanding all the exprefs Paflages of the Prophets, they had fo grofs and worldly a Notion...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volum 2

Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pągines
...Repent ye therefore and be Chap xiii 2.7. For they thatdwdl at Jcrufrlcm, and their Rulers, becaufe they knew him not, nor yet the Voices of the PROPHETS, which are read every SAKBATBDAV ; they have fulfilled them m condemning him. 28. And though they found no Oufe of Death...
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The rubrick of the Church of England, examin'd and consider'd; and its use ...

Thomas Collins (rector of Beaconsfield.) - 1737 - 134 pągines
...the Prophets, ibid. ver. 27. For they that dwell at Jerufalem, and their Rulers, becaufe they knenv him not, nor yet the Voices of the Prophets, which are read every Sabbath Day. Ibid. ver. 42. And when the Jews were gone out of the Synagogue, the Gentiles bejought, that thefe...
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An Explication of the First Part of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism ...

Thomas Boston - 1755 - 320 pągines
...from the Decree : j4£ls xiii. 27. ' For they that dwell at Jerufalem, and their ' rulers, becaufe they knew him not, nor yet the * voices of the prophets which are read every ' fabbath-day, they have fulfilled them in'con^ dernning him.' The Defign.and End of God's Decrees...
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Letters on the sacred predictions

Theophilus Lobb - 1761 - 314 pągines
...their Rulers, becaufe they knew him not, (did not know Chrift) nor yet the Poice of the Prophet 's, which are READ EVERY SABBATH DAY, they have fulfilled them in condemning him. In Acts xv. 21. It is faid, For Mofes of old Time hath in every City them that Breach him, being read...
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An exposition on the Book of common prayer; with notes. [With] A companion ...

1765 - 512 pągines
...v.:..« v1* w ofcthis falvation fenrt.- ffbridaey that (dwell aC Jerufalem, and their rulers, becaufe they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets, which are read every fabbath-day, Jthey have fulfilled them in condemning him. And though they found nq caufe of death in...
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Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites ...

1765 - 410 pągines
...days, a work which ye mall in no wife believe, though a man declare dwell at their rulers, be :aufc they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read eTe"V fabb.irh-day, they haw fulfilled them in condemning him : And though-tbeyfound nooaiife of deat-'i...
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A Scriptural Confutation: Of the Arguments Against the One Godhead of the ...

William Burgh - 1779 - 302 pągines
...whereby *1r Chrift was perfected:" «'. For they that dwelt at Jerufalem, and their rulers, becaufe they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets...day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him." xiii. 27, Still nearer to the manifeftation of Cbrift the Angel has declared, that the Prophet, appointed...
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The Book of common prayer, explained by a paraphrase at the bottom of each page

1779 - 688 pągines
...you is the word uf this falvation fent. For they that dwell at JerufaJcm, and their rulers, becaufe they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every fabbath-day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him. And though :hcy found no caufe of death in...
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The four Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles; with notes, by I. Mann

Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 pągines
...is the word of this falvation fent (/). For they that dwell at Jerufalem, and their rulers, becaufe they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every fabbath-day (>£), they 21 have fulfijled them in condemning him. And though they found no caufe of...
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