Imatges de pàgina

rendered prominent, ought always to possess their true sound, according to the nature of the combination of .letters in which they occur.

The faulty omission of e, takes place as follows: Several every severing tottering murderer fluttering utterance traveller gravelly deliverer deliberate desperate-pronounced erroneously sev'ral ev'ry, &c.

The omission of o: Corroborate history rhetoric melancholy memorable memory desolate-pronounced incorrectly corrob'rate hist'ry, &c.

The omission of the letter u: Articulate perpendicular accuracy masculine regular-mispronounced artic❜late, &c.

The obscuring of the letter o, or changing its sound from that of o in domain to that of o in done: Composition compromise disposition melody custody colony eloquence advocate absolute opposite obsolete crocodile philosophy philology zoology-pronounced incorrectly compŭsition melŭdy eluquence, &c.

The obscuring of the letter e, or giving the sound of e in her, for that of e in rewrite: Society sobriety variety contrariety satiety-erroneously pronounced sociŭty, or as if divided thus: societ-y, &c.

The omission of the letter r: Alarming disarming returning discerning confirming worldling reforming conformably remorsefully reverberate warrior—mispronounced ala'ming disa’ming, &c.

4th. The errors of articulation in final syllables are chiefly those of omitting or obscuring the sounds of vowels, particularly that of the letter e. This letter,

when it occurs in a final syllable unaccented, should have an obscure sound, which is intermediate between that of e in met and that of e in mete, resembling i short, and avoiding an exact or analytical style, bordering on either of these particular forms of the vowel.

Omission of e: Travel gravel vessel level hovel novel model chapel parcel sudden hyphen sloven mittens-mispronounced trav'l, &c.

Omission of a: Musical festival comical critical capital metal canonical pontifical numerical juridical ecclesiastical pharisaical paradisiacal fatal fantastical principal-mispronounced music'l met'l, &c.

Omission of i: Certain fountain uncertain-mispronounced cert❜n, &c.

Omission of o: Horizon notion motion oraison diapason creation contusion explosion-mispronounced horiz❜n, &c.

Obscuring the sound of e, so as to make it resemble that of è in her, or of u in but. Moment confidence equipment dependence dependent silent anthem providence independent prudent impudent confident parliament expedient-incorrectly pronounced momunt confidunce, &c. The e in these terminations should be that of the word met, without accented force.

Obscuring the sound of a, in a manner similar to that mentioned above: Ascendant descendant defendant perseverance jubilant expectant defiance affiance ordinance-mispronounced ascendunt defiunce, &c.

Obscuring the sounds of o and ow final into that of u in but: Potato tobacco motto fellow window widow meadow willow billow follow hallow-mispronounced potatŭ fellů, &c.

Omitting the sound of g in the nasal diphthong ng : Waking morning running walking dancing eating drinking sleeping resting flying moving swimming writing being deserving drawing drowning fawning. These and many other words, are pronounced incorrectly thus, wakin' mornin' runnin,' &c.

Omitting the sound of r: War far star floor before flower more alarm return enforce recourse unhorse

remorse unfurl concert depart departure character mutter murmur creator actor spectator nature creature feature-commonly mispronounced waw, fah, stah, ala'm, retu'n, depa't, depatshŭ', &c.

Sounding y final like e in her: City society conformity duty beauty-mispronounced citě, societě, &c.* Adding the sound of r to final vowels and diphthongs, when they occur before a word beginning with a vowel: thus, idear of, &c. lawr of, &c. tobaccor in, &c. drawr a plan, &c.


able and ably.

The error in these terminations, is that of substituting the a of the word able, the i of audible, or the u in bubble, for the a of babble,-rendered short, however, from becoming unaccented. There is a still grosser error of inserting a sound like that of u in but, between the b and the l, of the termination able; thus, amiabul for amiable.

Applicable formidable commendable, peaceable agreeable palpable, perishable sociable amiable, pitiable honourable detestable, abominable formidably commendably, agreeably sociably amiably honourably, detestably respectably immutably tolerably.

ible and ibly.

Enunciated incorrectly with the u of bubble, for the i of nibble,-rendered short, as unaccented.

Invincible forcible incredible audible, illegible con

*These and several other classes of errors, might have been arranged under the general head of pronunciation, and pointed out in the lesson on that subject. But it seemed preferable to trace them to their source,—a faulty articulation, or want of precision in the play of the organs.

trovertible incontestible feasible, susceptible perceptible invincibly forcibly, incredibly audibly perceptibly contemptibly.


The error commonly heard in this termination, is that of substituting u in but for the short name sound, as heard in the word universal; thus, treasur' for


Pleasure measure exposure erasure composure, displeasure outmeasure nature feature creature, pressure fissure leisure closure disclosure, censure tonsure ligature miniature portraiture, legislature imposture departure seizure.

ciate and tiate.

The common error is that of shortening this termination into one syllable, in words in which it should form two; thus, emashate for emaciate, [ema-she-ate, if analyzed.]

Depreciate officiate enunciate annunciate consociate associate, ingratiate expatiate dissociate excruciate.

cial and tial.

Commonly mispronounced as if terminating with ul instead of al; thus, Sociul for social, [so-shal.]

Special judicial, beneficial artificial, superficial provincial, commercial confidential, initial substantial, circumstantial credential, providential prudential.

ful and fully.

Sometimes carelessly enunciated with the sound of u in bulk, instead of that of u in full,-if divested of accent; thus, dreadful for dreadful.

Needful awful playful, fanciful peaceful changeful,

gracefully revengeful guilefully, beautifully tuneful hopeful.

tion and sion.

Often carelessly articulated without o; thus, Occazhn for occasion, [occa-zhun.]

Evasion invasion confusion persuasion, adhesion cohesion decision division, provision explosion diffusion conclusion, impulsion compulsion dimension expansion, comprehension aversion incursion compassion, concession profession procession constitution, solution institution caution option, perception addition repetition acquisition.

dian, diate, dious, and cous.

Mispronounced by dropping the sound of i or of e; thus, Injan for Indian, by changing a into u, as Injun for Indian, and sometimes by dividing thus, In-de-an for Indian, [Indyan or In-dye-an.]

Tedious perfidious fastidious insidious invidious, meridian compendious odious melodious commodious, hideous lapideous comedian mediate intermediate; immediately repudiate araneous spontaneous homogeneous, duteous plenteous bounteous beauteous quotidian.

rian, rial, rious, reous, rion and rior,

Ought to make the i and e a distinct syllable; as r does not naturally blend with the vowel which follows it. Hence the necessity of pronouncing Histo-ri-an as a word of four syllables, and not allowing the i to drop into the sound of y.

Barbarian librarian agrarian valerian senatorial equestrian, various gregarious glorious victorious laborious notorious, arboreous vitreous mysterious

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