Imatges de pàgina


more clearly even than before the necessity for the Higher Religion occupying a foremost place in Civilization; and that the short-sighted godless attempts at "government' by the French and other revolutionists and the Bolsheviks were and are foredoomed to failure, if Civilization itself is not to be utterly destroyed.

Here, it is also to be noted that the racial titles of "Briton " and "British" apply also equally to several of our colonies, not excepting that former great colony of Britain across the Atlantic, the great Western republic, severed from its Motherland by the intolerable tyranny and feudal despotism rampant under George III. The United States is essentially British in its origin and original colonists, and still remains "British" in its fundamental constitution, civilization and language. Although now such a vastly composite nation, through the fusion of Briton, Norse and German, Latin and Slav, it is to be remembered that, besides being founded by British colonists and organized by the Englishman George Washington, the stream of emigration which flowed into the States down to the middle seventies of last century was almost entirely British and Scandinavian, with the predominating element British. The essential unity of the two kindred Aryanized nations, the British and the "American," was ably expressed by the great American statesman, the U.S. ambassador Mr. Page, when he said:

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Our standards of character and of honour and of duty are your standards; and life and freedom have the same meaning with us that they have with you. These are the essential things, and in this we have always been one."

It therefore behoves these two of the greatest of the Aryanized kindred nations in the world to translate their union of Thought into union of Action, in working together for the preservation and progress of the Higher Civilization of the Aryans, for the welfare of the World, and as a bounden duty which they owe their immortal ancestors, from whom they have inherited the priceless boon of British Civilization, the virile Aryan Brito-Phoenicians.

We thus find that in the complex welter of mixed races

which has arisen in Britain through long centuries of more or less intermarriage of its Aryan civilizers with the aborigines and the East Coast Germanic race, there still exists here, and in our colonies, a considerable element of the relatively pure Aryan racial stock representative of that originally introduced into Britain by the world-civilizing Aryan Phoenicians. And this Aryan stock, descended from the original Gothic civilizers of Britain, still appears to form the backbone of the social, economic, industrial and political anatomy of the State; and it seems to hold out the best promise for the progress, efficiency and happiness of the British Nation and British Commonwealth for the Future.


FIG. 73.-Early Bronze-Age Briton button-amulet Cross. From barrow grave at Rudstone, Yorks.

(After Greenwell. Brit. Barrows 54-)

It is of jet, with eyelet on under surface for attachment.


WHILST it is impossible to enter here on a general discussion of the historic consequences of the discoveries set forth or referred to in the foregoing pages, one or two results may, I think, be appropriately mentioned in closing this brief monograph.

What I have to say falls conveniently under two headings, the bearing of the new facts and views, first on the History of Human Progress, and secondly, on special points in that history, the Origin and Racial Affinities of the Phoenicians, the Sources of the British People, the Relation of the Primitive Aryan Religion to the later cults and so forth.

As regards the former question, that of the History of Culture, it must, I think, be admitted that we had for long been approaching an impasse. Facts had been accumulating which were putting accepted theories somewhat out of focus. There was first the long-standing difficulty of the great outburst of literature and science all over the known world, and affecting such widely-separated centres as Greece, India and China from the eighth to the fourth centuries B.C. And there was the more recent incongruity connected with the independent and seemingly indigenous cults of the Mediterranean hind-lands, and more especially of Central and Northern Europe.

To those of us who take long and broad views it had, during recent decades, been becoming increasingly obvious that many of the peoples inhabiting these outlying lands, when they first appeared in history, displayed both scientific and literary cultural elements which could nowise be explained by the accepted doctrine of a general affiliation of all progress to Hellenism and Hebraism. For example, there are many things in Gothic and "Celtic" and British

Religions and Literature which, so far from being explicable by the current theories, are in violent opposition to both the scientific and artistic standards and traditions derived from the Hellenic and Jewish peoples of which the Roman conquerors of the world made themselves the missionaries.

If, however, we adopt the theory adumbrated by the above account of the Phoenician people and Civilization, that behind both Greek and Hebrew culture there was an earlier and more widespread Aryan influence, affecting during anterior millenniums, not merely the coast-dwellers of the Mediterranean, but more or less the whole known world, and conveyed over the three continents—and even to Peru-largely by the enterprise of the Aryan Phoenicians, we shall, I think, have a theory, founded largely on facts, which will explain much that has hitherto appeared anomalous in the history of Civilized Europe and Asia.

I should like, then, to suggest for the consideration of readers, whether we do not find in such a theory the answer to the two main problems left unsolved by the current doctrine. And further, and more particularly, whether we do not obtain from it an explanation of much that was indigenous, and opposed to Hellenism and Hebraism, in the Literature and Statesmanship and Religion of Central and North-Western Europe during the medieval and modern periods.

It had long appeared probable that Civilization is largely a matter of Race and that, in Europe and Indo-Persia, the chief agency in effecting it has been an Aryan strain, operating in a way hitherto not understood amongst widely separated peoples and races. To this theory, the supposed Jewish influence on Religion and the supernatural illumination of which it was supposed to be the vehicle, constituted a serious objection, which was very inadequately met by imagining a sifting and adapting of Jewish ideas by the practical genius of Rome and the subtle intelligence of the Greeks, all the more so as there was no historical evidence whatever of any such borrowing from the Hebrews, who are nowhere even mentioned by Greco-Roman writers.

The difficulty is now wholly removed by the new evidence


showing that nearly all the monotheistic ideas and literary motives which have hitherto been regarded as characteristically Jewish, were borrowed by the Israelites from the Hitto-Phoenicians or Goths, and were therefore essentially Aryan. Nevertheless, for the past two millenniums, it has been owing to the Jews, that we have had preserved and transmitted to us in the Western Christian World, embedded in several of the books of their Old Testament, in Job (whose author was the fourth traditional Aryan king), in most of the Psalms (one of which has been instanced in the text), Proverbs, Enoch (the third traditional Aryan priest-king), much of Isaiah and others, many of the priceless treasures of the first Aryan illumination amongst our HittoPhoenician or Gothic ancestors.

Besides supplying the missing links in the proof as to the Aryan Origin of Civilization, the new evidence shows the fuller inheritance by the British than by others of the "Hitt-ite" or Gothic Race-character, by the unique survival, in Britain, not only of the most authentic of all literary histories of the rise of the Aryans preserved in the Eddas, and of the primitive Gothic or "Hitt-ite" emblems, but also of the things for which these emblems stand, the Language, Culture and Mental aptitudes of the Early Aryans.

The new evidence, in pointing to the British and their constituent Gothic elements as the purest representatives of the Gothic or Khatti (Hitt-ite) culture and heredity, sheds light upon much that would otherwise be unintelligible in the history of Western Civilization. In the first place, the high Aryanization of Britain, and the relatively low Aryanization of Germany with its round-heads, may in part explain the desire of Cæsar to incorporate Britain, and his determination to exclude Germany, from incorporation in the Roman Empire. Then later, when reaction set in and it was obvious that Cæsar's larger designs could not be carried out, Britain's purer Aryanism enabled it to maintain an attitude of independence towards the debased semi-pagan power which established itself on the ruins of the Western Empire.

Indeed, British progress throughout the Middle Ages was,

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