Imatges de pàgina

"Yesterday the Congress spoke a word which will open the door to Alaska; but a mother in Michigan worked from sunrise until far into the night, to give her boy an education. She, too, is making the flag.

"Yesterday we made a new law to prevent financial panics, and yesterday, maybe, a school teacher in Ohio taught his first letters to a boy who will one day write a song that will give cheer to the millions of our race. are all making the flag."


“But,” I said impatiently, "these people were only working!"

Then came a great shout from The Flag:

"The work that we do is the making of the flag.

"I am not the flag; not at all. I am but its shadow. "I am whatever you make me, nothing more.

"I am your belief in yourself, your dream of what a People may become.

"I live a changing life, a life of moods and passions, of heart breaks and tired muscles.

"Sometimes I am strong with pride, when men do an honest work, fitting the rails together truly.

"Sometimes I droop, for then purpose has gone from me, and cynically I play the coward.

"Sometimes I am loud, garish, and full of that ego that blasts judgment.

"But always, I am all that you hope to be, and have the courage to try for.

"I am song and fear, struggle and panic, and ennobling hope.

"I am the day's work of the weakest man, and the largest dream of the most daring.

"I am the Constitution and the courts, statutes and the statute makers, soldier and dreadnaught, drayman and street sweep, cook, counselor, and clerk.

"I am the battle of yesterday, and the mistake of to


"I am the mystery of the men who do without knowing why.

"I am the clutch of an idea, and the reasoned purpose of resolution.

"I am no more than what you believe me to be and I am all that you believe I can be.

"I am what you make me, nothing more.

"I swing before your eyes as a bright gleam of color, a symbol of yourself, the pictured suggestion of that big thing which makes this nation. My stars and my stripes are your dream and your labors. They are bright with cheer, brilliant with courage, firm with faith, because you have made them so out of your hearts. For you are the makers of the flag and it is well that you glory in the making."




SPIRIT OF LIBERTY, known as "The Golden Opportunity," is represented by a small girl, dressed in a golden-colored robe, to portray opportunity for all in America.


[Preparation of the land for the new citizens.]

SPIRIT OF LIBERTY. [Holding aloft a torch.] Citizens of America! In this place of our communion, dedicated to my birth and growth in the new world, I-the Spirit of Liberty-I, The Golden Opportunity-revive in you the memories and hopes of a people consecrated to freedom through democracy.

On the fourth day of July, in Philadelphia, one hundred and forty years ago, I spoke with the words of Thomas Jefferson, my servant.

You assembled here, all know what that day July 4, 1776, represents. Let one speak, and in her own words tell us.

1ST PUPIL. Ah! Liberty! It is your spirit that has prompted us to draw up this Declaration of Independence which will free us forever from the yoke of Great Britain. For many years we have suffered her tyranny without

* An Adaptation of "The New Citizenship" by Percy Mackaye-published by Macmillan Co.. New York.

murmuring, but the time has come when we can bear it no longer. We have resolved to establish a government of our own, or die in the attempt. To-day we have tasted of your sweet cup, Liberty. We have breathed the air of freedom! Oh, that our descendants may enjoy it too! Sweet Liberty, I pray you, instil in them your spirit so that they will be willing to sacrifice everything, even their lives, if necessary, to uphold your sacred principles.

Looking into the future I see it grown to a mighty nation-always welcoming to its friendly shores the oppressed of other lands, a nation founded on the principle, "that all men are created equal," wherein every man, rich or poor, high or low, has a voice in the affairs of his government; wherein every child may secure a liberal education if he will, and all may realize their ambition unmolested. [Composite composition written by an eighth year class.]

[School sing "My Country, "T is of Thee."]

My country! 't is of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,

Of thee I sing:

Land where my Fathers died!
Land of the Pilgrims' pride!

From every mountain side

Let Freedom ring.

My native country, thee-
Land of the noble free,-
Thy name I love;

I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.

Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet Freedom's song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,-
The sound prolong.

Our Fathers' God! to Thee,
Author of liberty,

To Thee we sing,

Long may our land be bright
With Freedom's holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,

Great God, our King!

Samuel Francis Smith.

SPIRIT OF LIBERTY. Citizens! In support of the Declaration of Independence my spirit fought and triumphed through the Revolution, wherein foremost I inspired the majestic fortitude of George Washington, your First President, and your great Foster-Father.

2ND PUPIL. On the 17th of September, 1796, after five and forty years of public service to his country, he left for you his message of farewell. Hold it now in your


"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. It will be worthy of this free nation to give mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice.

"Harmony with all nations is recommended by humanity and interest.”"

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