Imatges de pàgina

mark whereby this might be difcerned: he would not take upon him to judge abfolutely of their eftate, but only in the judgment of charity; and therefore for trial, he addeth, If fo be that the Spirit of God dwell in jou; that is, if the holy Spirit of God be dwelling in you, renewing your hearts, and fanctifying you. And this he confirmeth by a reafon, faying, Now if any man have not the Spirit of Chrift, he is none of his; that is, if any man have not this Spirit of fanctification, which is the Spirit of God, and of Christ, pretend what he will, he is none of Chrift's members.


And to illuftrate this the more, in verfes 10. and 11. he obviateth an objection which, if not removed, might obftruct their confolation; for they might fay, You tell us, that we who are believers are in ..the Spirit, and the Spirit is in us, and even the Spirit of God and of Chrift; but how can that be, or what comfort can we reap thereby, feeing we have corruption in us, and a body of death oppreffing us, fo as thereby we are brought to fuffer many afflictions, yea, our bodies are mortal, frail, and brittle, and at length muft die, and moulder in dust, because of Adam's guilt, and our own actual tranfgreffions; the body is dead, might they fay. To which he anfwereth two things; Firft, It is true, the body is dead, because of fin; but the Spirit is life, because of righteousness; that is, tho' fin and corruption be in you, and because of that and of original guilt, your bodies be now liable to affliction, and at length fhall die; yet your fouls fhall never fee corruption, by reafon of the righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed; and there is life begun in you, even a fpiritual life of holinefs thro' inherent righteoufnels wrought by the Spirit; and fo your fpiritual part is living, and fhall live, thro' the imputed righteoufnefs of Chrift, and begun holi nefs; for we fee no caufe why we may not take in both. This is the firft anfwer. The next is, Tho' your bodies are now mortal,

fubject to many miferies, and fhall at length ly down in the duft, yet they shall rife up again, do not doubt; if Chrift dwell in you by his Spirit, God that raifed up Chrift your head, fhall alfo quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that is within you; the fame omnipotent power that raised up Chrift,, fhall even raise you also; and that Spirit which you have, whereby you are joined to Chtift your head, fhall restore you to life; as the head is up, fo fhall you be raised. So here, then, he 1. concedes that the body is mortal, frail, and fubject to miferies here, and to death at length, and that becaufe of fin, both original and actual, And, 2. though cor ruption be in them, yet it poffeffes not the whole man, for the Spirit is life; there is the life of grace begun, and the foul fhall live by virtue of Chrift's righteoufnefs imputed, and received by faith. And, 3. he fheweth, that even the bodies of his people fhall rise up again. And here, (1.) he fheweth whofe bodies it is who thall be thus raised to life, or quickened; even fuch as have the Spirit of him that raifed up Chrift; that is, fuch as have the Spirit of God in them: not that the rest fhall not arife, but to fhew, that they fhall rife in another manner; for the reft fhall be raised up to judgment, but they shall be raised up to life, and quickened; and the reft fhall be raised to dishonour by the power of God, but they fhall be raised to honour, by the Spirit of Chrift which dwelleth in them; and the resurrection of Chrift, who is their head, fhall be the ground of their rifing; therefore he addeth, he that raised up Chrift, &c. to fhew, (2.) in the fecond place, that by the fame power that Chrift was raifed, fhall they be raifed: And this he fays the more to comfort them; for if he had faid, that Chrift raised himself, which is true likewise, they might have faid, Every one of us is not fuch an one as he was, able to raise ourfelves, and fo that is but fmall comfort to And then, (3.) he fhews the way how


this fhall be brought about, viz. by the Spirit that dwelleth in them.


I. Though the grounds of confolation, whereby the fpirits of God's people may be refreshed, be fet down in general; yet this need not fear true believers, tho' they cannot read their name there; but they may lawfully apply these unto themselves, as the apostle cleareth, by his applying of that general ground fet down, verfe 1. faying, But you are not in the flesh, &c.

II. It is not enough for miniiters to clear general truths unto people, and leave it fo; but they ought particularly to apply the fame, that every one may have his own share, be it in a matter of comfort or of reproof; thus fhould the word of the Lord be rightly divided, 2 Tim. ii. 15. and this is the token of a faithful steward, 1 Cor. iii. 2: for fo doth Paul here, bring home the general doctrine unto a particular application, for their use.

III. Ministers should take heed that they reach not comfort hand over head unto a people; but fhould cut the word of the Lord aright, as wife stewards giving every one their own due; and for this cause, left the wicked fnatch at comfort, who have no right thereto, and the godly fcar, who ought to draw near, and are oft backward to approach, they should fo clearly point forth by marks and characters, fuch to whom the promises of confolation belong, as neither the prefumptuous be encourag ed, nor the humble detered: as the apoftle doth here, faying, Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if fo be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.

IV. It being a dangerous thing for any to lay hold on a gracious promife, who have no right thereto, and have foul ftomachs; and hurtful to caft away the confolations of God, when they are held forth to us; therefore all fhould labour to be clear anent their condition, and fhould diligently fearch and try their eftate, that fo

they may know whether fuch or fuch comforts belong to them: The apoftle cafts in this word, If fo be that the Spirit of God dwell in you, to put them to a narrow fearch and trial of themselves.

V. Tho' believers may have much corruption in them, that may breed them daily trouble and fore exercise; yet feeing they have fled in to Chrift, and in part are made partakers of the divine nature, 2 Pet. i. 4. being renewed in the Spirit of their minds, Eph. iv. 23. The Lord eftimates them according to their better part, and fo accounts them not to be in the flesh.

VI. The state which people are advanced to thro' faith in Chrift, is a far other ftate, and infinitely more excellent than the eftate in which they were by nature; that was a carnal flate, this is a fpiritual state; they were before in the flesh, but now in the Spirit; grace makes a real and a won derful change.

VII. There are but two ftates, in which all are, either in the flesh, or in the Spirit, there is not a third; tho' many at once may have both flesh and Spirit, yet they cannot at once be both in the flesh and in the Spirit; thefe two ftates are fo contrary; You are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit..

VIII. Tho' there be but one true and living God, Deut. vi. 4. Jer. x. 10.; yet are there three perfons in this Godhead; that is, three understanding divine fubftances, fubfifting by themselves, really diftinguished from other by their incommunicable properties, poffeffing the whole divine effence. For 1. here, there is God made mention of, that is, the Father the first perfon, who is unquestionably God, and who is faid, verfe 11. to have raised up Chrift, and to raise up our mortal bodies, a work which only God can do: And 2. Chrift, who is clearly a perfon, because he is faid to dwell in believers, he has a being in them, verfe 10. and fo fubfifting, John viii. 58. being one that has life in himself, John iii. 26. and is endued with


refpect of thefe actions in and about the creature, they work all jointly: Therefore both the Father and the Spirit are said to raise the dead; he that raised up Chrift

an understanding, John xxi. 17. and a will, John v. 21.; and a perfon diftinct from the Father, in that that is spoken of him which cannot be faid of the Father, viz. That he died and rose again, and the Father is faidhall alfo quicken your bodies, by the Spirit.

to raise him; and also from the Spirit, in that the Spirit is fent from him, as from the Father, and is therefore called his Spirit, and a perfon which is God, in that the fame Spirit, which is called the Spirit of God, is called the Spirit of Chrift, and fo is conjunct with the Father in fending the Spirit, which is an undoubted token of the Godhead: fee John xvi. 7. And 3. there is the Spirit a perfon alfo, for he has fubfiftence, and is faid to dwell and abide in believers, and to raise them up, which a perfon only can do; and a perfon dictinct from the reft, in that he is fent by them, and fo called their Spirit, and in that God is faid to quicken the dead by him; and alfo a divine perfon, or a perfon that is God, and hath the whole divine effence, in that The raifeth and quickeneth the dead, and dwelleth in all believers. Yet though the perfons of the Trinity be diftinguished, as we fhew, even really among themfelves, viz. as one relation or manner of being is diftinguished from another, they are not diftinguished really from the effence, as one thing from another; but only modally, (as they fay) that is, as the manner of a being is diftinguished from the being itfelf: So that we must not conceive any effential difference betwixt them, leaft we wrong the unity of the effence; nor that they are parts of the Godhead, becaufe the Godhead is a moft fimple infinite impartible being, nor that they are fo distinguifhed, as that they either are, or can poffibly be really feparated; for as they are co-effential, fo do they mutually fubfift in one another, John xiv. 10.

IX. Howbeit thete three perfons be diftinguished in their perfonal properties, or relative fubfiftences, and perfonal immanent actions, fo as what is faid of the one cannot be verified of the other; yet in


X. As there is an order of original in the divine nature, or in the manner of their fubfiftences, fo that the Father is first, the Son fecond, and the Spirit the third perfon of the Trinity; fo, anfwerably is there an order in their operations, the Father working of himself, the Son working from the Father, John v. 19. 30. and viii. 28. the Holy Ghoft working from the Father and the Son, John xvi. 13. fo here, the Spirit is faid to be the Spirit of God, and of Chrift, in dwelling in the faints, and the Lord is faid to quicken the dead by the Spirit.

XI. Yet we ordinarily find fome works principally afcribed to one, and others to another perfon, viz. these works in which their manner of exiftence doth most eminently appear; as here, raifing of Chrift, and quickening of the dead, are mainly afcribed to the Father; to die, and rise again, to Chrift the fecond perfon; to dwell in the faints, unto the third perfon, or the Spirit.

XII. The Holy Ghoft, the third perfon of the Trinity, hath his fubfiftence by way of proceeding from the Father and the Son both, not as two diftinct principles, but as one, having both the fame individual effence; hence is he called, the Spirit of God, and faid to proceed from him, John xv. 26. Matth. x. 20. fo is he called, the Spirit of Chrift here, and Gal. ix. 6. Phil.i. 19. 1 Pet. i. 11. See John xv. 14. 15. and xvi. 13. 14. 15.

XIII. This Spirit of God, the third perfon of the Trinity, as he is every where prefent in refpect of his effence, and in the moft wicked wretch, in respect of his general providence, Acts xvii. 28.; fo in a fpecial manner doth he refide in believers, after he has come and wrought in them the habits of grace, and is helping them to


act, yea, rather, working all their works | Heb. ix. 15. with Acts ii. 33. for in him all the promifes are jea and amen, 2 Cor. i. 20. yea, Chrift himself promises this to all, John xv. 26. and xiv. 16. 17. and xvi. 14 and all their neceflities call for his effectual prefence, feeing without him they can do nothing, John xv. 5. they need

in them, Phil. ii. 13. guiding them in the ways of the Lord, by becoming a Spirit of wisdom and revelation, Eph. i. 17. 18. filling them with wisdom and spiritual underftanding, Col. i. 9. acquainting them with the fecrets of God, 1 Cor. ii. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. and giving them the know-ftrength, light, life, comfort, and perfeleage of his glory, &c. 2 Cor. iv. 6. and fo verance, all which worketh that one Spileading them in all truth, John xvi. 13. rit: for here, the weight of our regene1 John ii. 20. 27. fupporting them in, dit-ration is laid upon it, fo that if any have ficulties, Pfal. li. 12. Rom. viii. 26. Phil. not this, he is none of Christ's, he is not in i. 19. by calling to their minds what may the Spirit. tend thereunto, John xiv. 16. 17. and stiring up their graces, Rom. v. 3. 4. 5. hence we are called the temples of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. iii. 16. 17. and vi. 19. See Pfal. li. 11. Gal. ix. 6. 2 Tim. i. 14. Eph. i. 13. 14. Rom. v. 5. John xiv. 16. 17. and xvi. 13. 1 Cor. ii. 12. If the Spirit of God dwell in you.

XIV. Among other works which this Spirit of God is working in believers, he is advancing the work of holiness, reftraining them from iniquity, and strengthening the things which remain, Rev. iii. 2. renewing their youth as the eagles, Pfal. ciii. 5. feting on work his own graces, Gal. v. 25. 26. Eph. iii. 16. 17. and thus he is a fountain of water, fpringing up unto eternal life, John iv. 14. and hereby may believers fafely judge of their eftate, whether they be in Chrift or not: for he fays, Ye are in the Spirit, if fo be the Spirit of God dwell in you; and hereby he would have them try ing, whether they be in the Spirit or not. XV. This privilege of having the Spirit, is not a privilege belonging to the apostles, or fome few eminent Chriftians in the primitive times, tho' then he did communicate many extraordinary gifts; in which refpect, we find them oft faid to be filled with the Holy Ghoft, Acts ii. 4. and iv. 8. 31. and in many more; but it is common to all believers in fome measure, this being a promise of the new covenant, Ifa. lix. 21. Ezek. xxxvi. 27. which belongeth to all, Luke xi. 13. and purchased by Christ,

XVI. As the Spirit of the Lord is familiar and homely with believers, not going and coming now and then as a stranger; fo is his prefence conftant and permanent, however believers under desertion, may mifs him, and think him gone altogether, and as to much of his comfortable prefence, because of their grieving him by their fins, he may really be departed: yet fhall he never finally and totally be taken from them; the feed of God fhall still remain, for fo runeth the promife, Ifa. lix. 21. John xiv. 16. hence they are faid to be Jealed, 2 Cor. i. 22. Eph. i. 13. and iv. 30. and to partake of the divine nature, 2 Pet. i. 4.; fo here, he is faid to dwell in them, verfe 9. yea, to inhabit, or indwell in them, verfe 11.

XVII. There is a ftrait union and tye between Chrift and all and every true believer; an union, tho' not effential, as is the union of the three perfons of the Godhead, nor perfonal, as Chrift's divine and human nature is united. (for we keep ftill our own perfonality, and he his) nor fuch as betwixt matter and form, nor betwixt the water and the cup, nor as two things mixed together, nor as a genus and a Species, nor as an accident in a fubje&t; yet is it a real union, and no imaginary thing; a fubftantial union, betwixt whole Chrift, as God and man in one perfon, and the whole perfon of the believer, foul and bo dy; a clofe and intimate union, so as Christ and believers make up one Chrift mystical,

1 Cor. xii. 12. Gal. iii. 16. yea, fuch a myftical union is it, as that union of Chrift with the Father is made an example and pattern of it, John xvii. 11. and fuch as a few fimilitudes cannot fet forth, and therefore many are made ufe of for this effect; as marriage, Eph. v. 32. a vine and its branches, John xv. 1. 5. the head and the members, 1 Cor. xii. 12. and xi. 3. Eph. v. 23. Col. i. 19. and as the building and the foundation, 1 Pet. ii. 4. 5. hence Christ and they are faid to be one Spirit, 1 Cor. vi. 16. 17. So here, Chrift is faid to exift in them, as before they were faid to be in him.

fence, Ifa. lvii. 17. Pfal. xxxii. 3. 4. and tho' thereby we quench the Spirit, 1 Thef. v. 17.; for tho' Chrift be in them, the body may be dead because of fin.

XXI. Notwithstanding of this near and fpiritual union between Chrift and believers, whereby their very bodies are united to him, for the whole man is married to Chrift; yet their bodies are still mortal, and fubject to miferies hereaway; for though Chrift be in them, the body is dead.

XXII. As by reafon of that old threatening in the covenant of works, That day thou eateft, thou shalt die, there is a neceffity lying on us all once to die, Heb. ix. 27. XVIII. The knot of this myftical union Job xxx. 23. tho' now it become a porch between Chrift and believers, or the way to life unto the godly; fo notwithstanding how it is made, on his part, is by his Spi- believers are at one with Chritt, and marrit infufed, (as by faith on ours, Eph. iii. ried to him, their provocations will draw 17.) that as the head and the body are ani- down fad ftrokes from God's hand, and many mated with one foul, fo Chrift and his fharp fatherly chastisements, the wages of members are united by one quickening Spi- fin being death, Rom. vi 23. Ifa. xl. 1. 2. rit, 1 Cor. xii. 12. 1 John iv. 13. 2 Pet. i. Pfalm li. 1. &c. xxxii. 4. 5. xxxviii. 1. 2. 3. 4. and as man and wife, being duly marri- and lxxxix. 30. 31. 32. not that there is ed, are no more twain, but one flesh, Gen. any thing of vindictive wrath, or of the ii. 24. Eph. v. 31. 32. fo Chrift and they curfe, in these chaftifements, Chrift havare one fpirit, 1 Cor. vi. 17. for here Chrifting fully fatisfied juftice; and though beis faid to dwell in them; how? becaufe his Spirit abides in them.

XIX. Let one have never fo many fair flourishes of a profeffion, and never fo ma ny rare gifts of the Spirit, and common manifeftations; yet fo long as they are void of this quickening, enlivening Spirit, planting the habits of grace in them, and actuating them, and fo leading them according to the word, in the ways of righteoufnefs, they have no faving intereft in Chrift; for if any man have not the fpirit of Chrift, he is none of his.

XX. As original fin in the elect did not hinder the union to be made up between Chrift and them, when they received him into their hearts by faith: fo neither will daily fins of infirmity break the union when made, though thereby we grieve the Spirit, Eph. iv. 30. that is, provoke him to Withdraw his gracious and comforting pre

lievers are ready to question their interest in Chrift, and cry out, If it be fo, why am I thus? yet notwithstanding of all thefe afflictions and corruptions, the union ftands, Pfalm lxxxix. 31. 32. 33. and li. 11. even death itfelf cannot untye the knot; Chrift is in them, and the body is dead because of fin.

XXIII. Though the foul in its own nature, be an immortal substance, not capable of corruption, as the body is, yet it is liable to a fpiritual death, to a state of hatred, and feparation from the prefence of the Lord, and the glory of his power, Luke xvi. 23. 24. 2 Thef. i. 9. and even here, may be dead in fins and trefpaffes, Eph. ii. 1. This is fuppofed, in that he fays, the Spirit is life.

XXIV. Believers being united unto Chrift, and made one with him, are now in a state of friendship with God, and

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