Imatges de pàgina

Knowledge of angels, what, ii, 134
Knowledge of a disembodied spirit, ii,


Koivuvia, what, i, 267

Latitudinarianism, not a catholic spirit,
i, 353

Law of God, its spiritual meaning, i, 78
-the origin of, i, 307-the nature of,
i, 308-holy, i, 310--just, i, 310-good,
i, 311-convinces men of sin, i, 312–
brings men to Christ, i, 313--prepares
believers for increased degrees of ho-
liness, i, 313-in what sense believers
are not under the, i, 320-fulfilled by
Christ, i, 222-shall not pass away, i,
222-closely connected with the gos-
pel, i, 223-how established, i, 323,
325, 327-how made void, i, 316, 319,

Law, ceremonial, repealed by Christ, i,

Law, Mr. William, quotation from, ii,
297, 308-denied the imputation of
Christ's righteousness, i, 175-his
writings mentioned, ii, 389-his "Se-
rious Čall," recommended, ii, 446
Laws of nature, present, not immutable,
ii, 151

Lay preaching, defended, i, 343
Laying up treasures on earth, in what
sense forbidden, i, 260
Lazarus, the case of, ii, 416

Learning, importance of, to religion, ii,

Liberality, insufficiency of, without love,
ii, 286 recommended, ii, 272
Liberty, moral, what, ii, 69, 404-not
destroyed by grace, ii, 76
Lie, the nature of a, ii, 276
Lies, different kinds of, ii, 276
Life, human, the great importance of, i,
456-resemblance of, to a dream, ii,
461—the shortness of ii, 360, 454, 460
-uncertainty of, ii, 232

Life of God in the soul of a believer,
what, i, 168

Light, given by Christ to them that
awake from the sleep of sin, i, 30-
first shining upon the mind of man,
i, 78

Light, consequent upon a single eye, i,
257; ii, 446

Light of Christians, to shine before men,

Light, natural, our ignorance of the na-
ture of, ii, 118

Lima, earthquake in, i, 510
Linum Ashestum, account of the, ii, 151
Locke, his Essay mentioned, ii, 127
Any Cerai, explained, i, 195, 281, 365
Long suffering, explained, ii, 159—an ef-
fect of love, ii, 282

"Lord, Lord," what the saying of, im-
plies, i, 299

Lord's prayer, explained, i, 236-poet
ical paraphrase upon, i, 243


's supper, a means of grace, i, 145
-duty of constantly attending, ii, 350
-unworthy receiving of, ii, 162
Love, divine, in the human heart, what,
i, 150; ii, 521--not natural to man, i,
395-not produced by reason, ii, 131
-implied in the circumcision of the
heart, i, 150-a mark of the new birth,
i, 159-necessity of, ii, 284-peculiar
excellency of, i, 326-rendered all
things common among the first Chris-
tians, ii, 59-essential to a Christian,
i, 23-the more excellent way, ii, 267
-included in the service of God, ii,
302-Christian righteousness, i, 62-
necessary for public reformers, i, 465
-increased by trials, i, 423-necessa-
ry in giving reproof, ii, 90-destroyed
by the doctrine of absolute predesti-
nation, i, 484-quenched by riches, ii,
256, 397-enforced, ii, 347-the loss
of, described, i, 408

Love, brotherly, characteristics of, i, 193;
ii, 280, 521--springs only from the
love of God, ii, 280

Love of our neighbour, connected with
the love of God, i, 159--what, i, 23—
increased in consequence of the fall,
ii, 44-injured by riches ii, 197-de-
ficiency of, in believers, i, 118-how
to be manifested, i, 208

Love to the Redeemer, a consequence of
the fall, ii, 44

Love of God to man, peculiarity of the,
ii, 45-to fallen man, ii, 37
Love of money, what, ii, 250
Love of the world, natural to man, i, 396
-a disease of human nature, ii, 310,
313-in the heart of a believer, i, 117
Lowliness, what, ii, 158
Lowther, Sir James, property of, ii, 486
Lunacy, remark of a physician concern-
ing, ii, 145

Lunatics, conjecture concerning, ii, 469
Auŋ, what, i, 419
Avrai, explained, i, 225

Lust, produced by gay apparel, ii, 261
Lust of the flesh and of the eye, explain-
ed, i, 151. See Desire.

Luther, a saying of, quoted, i, 169; ii,
78-reformation of, ii, 110-did not
separate from the church, ii, 374-
complaint of, ii, 361

Luxury, sin and danger of, ii, 419; i, 519
-of the Americans, i, 501
Lying, to be avoided, ii, 346

Macarius, quoted, i, 386
Madness of Englishmen, during the Ame
rican war, i, 517
Magistracy, benefits of, i, 133
Magnitude of the universe, no argument
against Providence, ü, 366

Mammon, what, i, 269
Man, what, ii, 466-the origin of, dis-
covered by faith, ii, 407--the design
of God in the creation of, ii, 405, 430
-the original state of, i, 45-the fall
of, ii, 405-in what respect differenced
from brutes, ii, 51-greatness and lit-
tleness of, ii, 479-magnitude of, ii,
364-duration of, ii, 365

Manifestation of the Son of God, ii, 71
Marks by which the children of God are
distinguished, i, 89

Marriage, remarks upon, ii, 307, 449—
does not cancel filial obligations, ii,
317-sanctity of, i, 200-not to be
contracted with an ungodly person, ii,
199, 201

Martyr, account of a, by Dr. Geddes, ii,

Martyrdom, insufficiency of, without
love, ii, 287

Materialist, faith of a, ii, 384—misery of
a, ii, 386

Matter, in a sense, eternal, ii, 14
Maxfield, Mr., separation of, from Mr.
Wesley, i, 497

Meals, how to be received, ii, 270
Means of grace, what, i, 137; ii, 237-
manner in which they are to be used,
i, 146

Medical men, should not trifle with the
lives of their patients, i, 444
Meek, the, shall inherit the earth, i, 190
Meekness, what, i, 188, 212-ii, 220-to
be exercised in society, i, 212-a fruit
of love, ii, 281-a property of zeal, ii,
289-necessary in giving reproof, ii,
90-often injured by riches, ii, 256,
398--enforced, ii, 348

Melancthon, remarkable account given
by, ii, 232

Merchant, London, anecdote of a, ii, 487
Merciful, character of the, described, i,


Mercy, criminally neglected in Great
Britain, i, 519

Men of learning, often ignorant of their
spiritual state, i, 77
Metaphysical terms. in reference to the
foundation of religion, censured, i,

among the, might be all relieved by
the rich, ii, 439-state of religion
among the, ii, 437- deficient in self
denial, ii, 440 - unfaithfulness of
many, ii, 112, 394-ought not to in-
dulge in gay apparel, ii, 262-solemn
charge to the, concerning dress, ii,
263, 328-address to the, ii, 255, 395
-address to, concerning faith and
love, ii, 285-address to, concerning
riches, ii, 451, 490-address to, con-
cerning marriage, ii, 450

Methodist Preachers, inadvertency of
the first, ii, 385-unfaithfulness of, ii,
439-address to, ii, 115

Methuselah, remark upon the age of, ii,

Milton, quoted, ii, 365

Ministering spirits, who, ii, 467
Ministers, who teach men to break the
commandments, i, 225

Ministry of angels, ii, 136
Minute Philosophers, inquiry of, respect-
ing the conflagration, i, 132--objec
tions of, answered, ii, 29

Miracles of Christ, signs of his Messiah-
ship, ii, 94

Mischievousness of the notion that there
is no sin in believers, i, 124, 390
Misery of man, described, ii, 36-con-

nected with sin, ii, 230-occasioned
by the want of a single eye, ii, 448
Misery of the people, during the Ameri
can war, i, 516

Misery of the wicked, in a future state,
i, 131

Mistake, incident to fallen man, ii, 33,

Mistakes, may consist with religion, ii,
20; i, 356-among Christians, occasions
of, i, 171

Mohammedan, the faith of a, ii, 384
Mohammedans, character of, ii, 75-con-
version of, ii, 79-- should not be indis-
criminately doomed to hell, ii, 485
Money, the sin of wasting, i, 445-not to
be expended in gay apparel, ii, 263—
the love of, ii, 188

Montanus, probable character of, ii,


Moon, opinion of Huygens concerning
the, ii, 367

Moral law, of perpetual obligation, i,


Moral sense, what, ii, 378—objections to
the term, i, 101

Methodism, what, i, 493-the religion of
the Bible, i, 493-the religion of the
primitive church, i, 493-the religion
of the church of England, i, 494-rise
and progress of, i, 491; ii, 77, 95, 111,
388, 391
Morality, the true value of, ii, 495-dif-
Methodists, first, attachment of, to the ferent from Christianity, ii, 485
Bible, ii, 388-doctrine of, ii, 389-Moravians, character of the hymns of,
helps enjoyed by, ii, 391-discipline
of, ii, 392-persecution of, ii, 393-
original, strict churchmen, ii, 369-
origin of the name, i, 492—at Oxford,
conduct of, ii, 195, 273, 440-duty of
the, to reprove sin, ii, 93-the poor

ii, 443

More excellent way, what, i, 217; ii,

Motion, all, ascribed to Christ, ii, 178
Motive, purity of, requisite in public re-
formers, i, 466. See Single eye.


Mourners, Christian, described, i, 185-
deemed melancholy by the world, i,

Murmuring, the danger of, ii, 218
Music, recommended, ii, 272
Mystery of the Trinity, inexplicable, ii,
21-the belief of the, not required by
the Bible, ii, 23

Mystery of iniquity, the working of,
ii, 57

Mystics, peculiarities of, ii, 445-deny
the imputation of Christ's righteous-
ness, i, 175—error of the, refuted, i,
416, 422

tion, answered, ii, 29-to the doctrine
of redemption, ii, 567-to the doc-
trine of salvation from sin, answered,
i, 359-to the doctrine of the witness
of the Spirit, answered, i, 97-to the
doctrine of indwelling sin, answered,
i, 111-to the use of the means of
grace, answered, i, 142-to constant
attendance at the Lord's supper, an-
swered, ii, 351-to Christian perfec-
tion, answered, ii, 170-to fasting,
answered, i, 251-to social religion,
answered, i, 216-to the Society for
Reformation of Manners, answered,
i, 461

Name of God, how to be understood, i, Offences, what, i, 434
238-how to be hallowed, i, 238
Narrow way, described, i, 289
Nathaniel, the character of, described,
ii, 275

Natural man, state of the, i, 76
Natural Philosophy, recommended, ii,


Necessity, the doctrine of, ii, 473
Neighbour, sin of injuring our, i, 193–
duty of reproving our, ii, 88
Nervous disorders, a cause of spiritual
heaviness, i, 420

New Birth, what, i, 160, 162, 401; ii,
390, 484-necessity of, i, 403, 406-
not baptism, i, 404-not always con-
nected with baptism, i, 405-not the
same as sanctification, i, 405-marks
of, i, 154-distinct from justification,
i, 162

New Creation, what, ii, 83

New Creature, described, ii, 192
New England, work of God in, i, 499
Newspapers, the reading of, ii, 272
Newton, Bishop, mistake of, ií, 361
Newton, Sir Isaac, saying of, ii, 117—
views of gravitation, ii, 179
Nonpara, what, i, 449

Nonconformists, the case of the, ii, 374
North America, the first Methodist

Ολιγωρωντες, explained, ii, 319
Ολοκληροι, explained, ii, 224
Omnipotence of God, ii, 429
Omniscience of God, ii, 430
Omnipresence of God, described, ii, 101,
411, 429--practical uses of the, ii, 414
-incomprehensible to man, ii, 117
Omission, sins of, Christians chargeable
with, i, 120 the cause of spiritual
darkness, i, 410

Opinion, not religion, ii, 20
Opposers of Christian Perfection, expos-
tulation with, ii, 174

Origin of man, discovered by faith, ii,

Original corruption, extent of, ii, 65
Original sin, i, 401. See Sin.
Order, the, in which men are generally
brought to God, i, 76

Orthodoxy, or right opinions, not true
religion, i, 20-sometimes substituted
for holiness, ii, 459

Ovid, quoted, ii, 472

Owen, Dr., testimony of, concerning the
Puritans, ii, 111

Пaidia, explained, ii, 184
Pain, the effect of sin, ii, 32
Paradise, the inhabitants of, ii, 469

preachers that were sent to, i, 500-Parents, the term defined, ii, 317—obe-

character of the people in, i, 501-
work of God in, i, 499

North Americans, suffering of, during
the war, i, 503
Novels, remark upon, ii, 272
Nunes, Dr., remark of, ii, 279

Ο εσω ανθρωπος, what, i, 80
O SN, explained, i, 180
Oath, the, taken by the members of the
university of Oxford, ii, 497
Oaths, use of, not absolutely forbidden
by Jesus Christ, i, 201
Obedience, included in the service of
God, ii, 302-a fruit of love to God,
i, 160-must be entire, i, 224-due to
parents, ii, 317-due to pastors, ii,
Objections, to the goodness of the crea


dience due to, ii, 317

Parliament, time of meeting in the se-
venteenth century, i, 519
Parnell, quotation from, ii, 136
Παροξυσμος, what, ii, 61

Parsnips, account of a person who lived
upon, ii, 487

Partiality, in the primitive church, ii, 60
Passionate temper, to be avoided, ii,


Pastors, Christian, duties of, ii, 324-
obedience due to, ii, 325
Paterculus, quoted, ii, 63
Пabos, explained, ii, 432

Patience, Christian, defined, ii, 219-
necessary for public reformers, i, 464
-a property of zeal, ii, 289-often in-
jured by riches, ii, 256, 399-enforced,
ii, 514

Paul, gifts and education of, i, 105—|Пnpopopia isεws, what, i, 157
character of, before his conversion, Plum, what, ii, 488
i, 229-self denial of, i, 153-conten-
tion of, with Barnabas, i, 195, 362;
ii, 61, 281

Peace, the bond of, ii, 160-the end of a
perfect man, i, 521

Peace of God, in the soul, i, 63-pro-
duced by faith, i, 156-the loss of,
described, i, 409

Peace of mind, attacked by Satan, i, 378
-produced by patience, ii, 220
Peace makers, character of, described,
i, 202

Pearls, not to be cast before swine, i,

Peevishness, often produced by riches,
ii, 400

Пe0c00e, explained, ii, 325

Pelagius, the sentiments of, ii, 110
Πεπληρωμένοι εν αυτῳ, explained, ii, 181
Perfect in what sense Christians are,
i, 358-in what sense Christians are
not, i, 355

Perfect man, the character of, described,
i, 522

Perfect work of patience, what, ii, 221
Perfection, Christian, what, ii, 168, 221,
410-objections to, answered, ii, 170
-does not exclude mistakes, ii, 215
Perfection of God, described, ii, 429
Περιεσπατο, explained, ii, 192
Perjury, the guilt of, ii, 497
Περπερεύεται, explained, i, 194
Persecution, the lot of all the children of
God, i, 204, 208-under the direction
of divine Providence, i, 206-how
Christians should behave when under,
i, 207, 209-sometimes substituted for
holiness, ii, 458-raised against the
Methodists, ii, 393

Person of Christ, described, ii, 533
Persuasion, remarkable instance of the
power of, ii, 284

Peter, the sin of, at Antioch, i, 166,


Pestilence, ravages of the, i, 516
Pharisees, their character, i, 227-sound-
ed a trumpet before them, when they
gave alms, i, 234

, explained, i, 227
Philosophers, ancient, referred to, ii,

Philosophical experiments, recommend-
ed, ii, 272

Poßos, explained, ii, 236

Placatt, Mons., treatise of, on conscience,
ii, 376

Place, where mankind will be judged,
i, 128

Pleasing others, the duty of, ii, 344
Pleasure of a natural man, what, i, 77
Pleasures of the world, what, ii, 225
Pleasures of religion, what, ii, 226 -
Πληροφορία ελπίδως, what, i, 157

Plurality of worlds, supposition of, men-
tioned, ii, 367

Piety, works of, to be done with purity
of intention, i, 235

Poets, ancient, referred to, ii, 358
Poetry, recommended, ii, 272
Hoikiλois, what, i, 420; ii, 220
Politeness, tracts upon, ii, 344
Hoλuroiridos copia, what, ii, 109
Polygamy, forbidden by Jesus Christ, i,

Пovnpos, o, what, i, 242, 338

Poor, the, should visit the sick, ii, 334-
among the Methodists, might all be
relieved by the rich, ii, 439
Pope, lines of, censured, ii, 104
Potter, Archbishop, advice of, to Mr.
Wesley, ii, 376

Poverty, a cause of spiritual heaviness,
i, 420-of spirit, what, i, 182
Power of godliness, wanting in the uni
versity of Oxford, ii, 498

Power of sin, described, i, 80-even
babes in Christ are delivered from the,
i, 359

Power over sin, a fruit of faith, i, 155—
the loss of, described, i, 409
Practical Antinomians admonished, i,

Praise of God, the people who shall,
and shall not, receive the, described,
i, 151

Prayer, design of, i, 236—a means of
grace, i, 139-happiness arising from,
ii, 272-the neglect of, a hinderance
to holiness, 1, 284-necessary in giv-
ing reproof, ii, 91-extempore, recom-
mended, ii, 268

Prayer, secret, i, 235—the evil of neg-
lecting, i, 410

Preachers, Methodist, unfaithfulness of,
ii, 112. See Methodist Preachers.
Preaching, rendered useless by absolute
predestination, i, 483

Preaching Christ, what, i, 318, 325
Preaching the law, no character of re-
proach, i, 224

Predestinate, what, ii, 39
Predestination, the doctrine of, hard to
be understood, ii, 38

Predestination, absolute, i, 482-horri-
ble consequences of the doctrine of,
i, 486, 488

Preparation for the Lord's Supper, what,
ii, 354

Prerogative of God, asserted, ii, 124
Preservation of all things, ascribed to
Christ, ii, 178

Presumption, the danger of, ii, 239
Preventing grace of God, what, i, 84 ;
ii, 235, 238

Pride, a disease of human nature, i,
310, 312-evil of, ii, 474-produced

by riches, ii, 329-engendered by gay
apparel, ii, 260-inconsistent with
Christian zeal, ii, 291-in the heart
of a believer, i, 117-a cause of spi-
ritual darkness, i, 411

"Pride of life," what, i, 118, 151, 397;
ii, 188, 207, 252, 399, 428, 431
Pride of the Americans, i, 501
Prior, his translation of Adrian's verses,
ii, 131-quoted, i, 197, 326; ii, 182,
364, 398

Priests, Jewish, the character of, ii, 370
Primitive Church, held that there is sin
in believers, i, 108

Privileges of Christians, not to be mea-
sured by the attainments of the Old
Testament saints, i, 361

Profaneness, a sin of Great Britain, i,

Professors of religion, censured for their
gay apparel, ii, 263'

Promises of God, improper application
of, i, 413

Property, injured by too much sleep, ii,

Protestants, the faith of, ii, 385-some-

times guilty of persecution, ii, 458-
state of religion among, ii, 437
Providence, doctrine of, explained, ii,
101-particular, asserted, ii, 104, 179
-superintends all events, i, 335-
demonstrated by redemption, ii, 366-
our ignorance of, ii, 121-universality
of, ii, 412-threefold circle of, ii, 103,
180-mystery of, no argument against
the Bible, ii, 124
Prudence, what, ii, 277

Psalms, book of, remark upon, ii, 363
Public diversions, sin and danger of, i,


Punishment, in hell, what, ii, 148
Purgatory, the doctrine of, ii, 417
Puritans, the case of, ii, 374-character
of, ii, 111

Purity, what, ii, 446
Purity of heart, what, i, 199
Purity of intention, Christians often de-
ficient in, i, 119
Pyrah, Jonathan, the singular case of,
ii, 284

Pyramids of Egypt, mentioned, ii, 358

Quakers, many of them deny the impu-
tation of Christ's righteousness, i, 175
Qualifications requisite for those who
undertake to reform others, i, 463
Quietists, peculiarities of, ii, 445

Raca, the meaning of the word, i, 189
Ramsay, Chevalier, mentioned, ii, 234
Reason, what, ii, 127—often over valued,
ii, 126-what it can do, ii, 127—what
it cannot do, ii, 129
Reaction of the soul upon God, necessity
of the, i, 168

Recollection of mind, what, ii, 195
Rechab, his singular charge to his chil
dren, i, 348

Rechabites, conduct of, explained, ii, 326
Redemption, the work of Christ, ii, 179
-blessed effects of, ii, 37, 48-a con-
sequence of the fall, ii, 43
Reformation, in England, ii, 111-re-
marks upon the, ii, 64

Reformers, public, the requisite qualifi-
cations of, i, 463

Regeneration, what, ii, 390. See New

Relations, unconverted, an occasion of
spiritual heaviness, i, 421-advices
respecting, ii, 211

Religion, false, an idol, ii, 432
Religion of the world, what, i, 192
Religious knowledge, state of, in the
world, ii, 436

Religion of Jesus Christ, nature of, i,
398; ii, 73, 182, 228, 360, 432, 434,
479-spread of, in modern times, ii,
77-cannot be concealed, i, 215—
pleasures of, ii, 226, 228-contests
about, described, i, 169-probable
manner in which it will spread, ii,

Repentance explained and enforced, i,
64-could not be produced by one
risen from the dead, ii, 421-previous
to salvation, i, 387-not a condition
of salvation in the same sense as faith
is, i, 387, 390-enforced, i, 512, 520
Repentance and faith, answer each other,
i, 124

Repentance of believers, what, i, 116-
consequent upon justification, i, 388
Reprobation, implied in unconditional
election, i, 482-absolute, horrible
consequences of, i, 488

Reproof, the duty of giving, explained,
ii, 88-manner in which it should be
given, i, 435; ii, 90-consequences of
neglecting to give, i, 410
Resentment, often produced by riches,
ii, 400

Resignation, enforced, ii, 125
Restraint, to be used by heads of fami-
lies, ii, 303

Resurrection of the dead, i, 127; ii, 506,

Retirement from the world, should not
be affected by Christians, i, 212
Revelation, important discoveries of, ii,
234-the best means of rational con-
viction, ii, 423

Revenge, often produced by riches, ii,

Reviling language, sin and danger of, i,


Revival of Religion, in the present times,
ii, 95, 362-instruments of, ii, 98-in
London, in the year 1760, ii, 223-du-
ration of, in modern times, ii, 78

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