Imatges de pàgina

qu'au 16me et 17me siècle, la maison était encore puissante et mes ancêtres tenaient un rang distingué au service du Roy. Il y a eu quatre chevaliers de L'ordre du Roy et Gentilshommes ordinaires de sa chambre; un autre Envoyé Extraordinaire, et qui mit sur pied six cents hommes qu'il commandait; un autre était Gouverneur de Montpensier; ils ont eu l'honneur de recevoir directement des lettres de Sa Majesté pour Lordre de son service; ils prenaient dans leurs actes la qualité de hauts et de puissants Seigneurs. Ce n'est donc que vers 1660 que la fortune nous a tourné le dos; vous ne verrez dans le tableau cyinclus, ni filles ni célibataires, ce n'est pas faute d'en avoir, j'ai trouvé inutile de les y placer. Nous avons eu beaucoup de filles, qui ont passé dans de bonnes maisons, comme dans celles de Chamborant, de Ponthe de la Chartre, etc. Voilà en peu de mots l'historique de notre maison.

Si vous découvrez, Mylord Duc, quelquechose que nous puissions légitimement nous approprier, c'est une grande grâce que vous me feriez de m'en faire part. Ah! que ne sui-je à vingt lieues de Calais, je passerais avec un grand plaisir la Manche, pour aller vous présenter de vive voix mon respectueux hommage; vous pouvez faiblement me dédommager, si vous avez la bonte d'entretenir notre correspondance. Dans cet espoir, j'ay l'honneur d'être, avec un parfait attachement et le plus grand respect, Mylord Duc, Votre humble, obéissant serviteur, et très affectionné cousin,

March 25, 1784.



Mon épouse, enchantée de ma découverte, vous prie, Mylord Duc, d'agréer ses affectueux et empressés compliments. désire beaucoup que vous lui fassiez hommage de votre portrait; je le désire autant qu'elle, mais nous ne nous accordons pas. Elle le voudrait en miniature, et moi de grandeur naturelle, dans le costume de cérémonie des Ducs et Pairs.


Extract of a letter from Sir J. Outram to the Governor-General. Feb. 25, 1857.

The spirit and zeal which has induced Lord Seymour to join the army, to expose himself to the dangers, hardships, and discomforts, attendant on war in such a country as this-truly deserves the highest commendation and encouragement, and I hope may meet with such from your Lordship. I know not whether it is in your Lordship's power to confer focal rank in this country to persons not holding Her Majesty's or the E.I. Company's commissions. If it is so, I would beg your Lordship to gazette Lord Seymour as a local Captain or Lieutenant while serving with the army in Persia, and that you will permit me to place his Lordship on my Staff as an extra A.D.C. In the meantime he has tendered his services gratuitously in any position wherein he can be useful, and I have attached his Lordship therefore to Major Taylor, Political Secretary.... Should it not be in your Lordship's power to confer such a commission, may I beg the favour of your exerting your high influence to effect this object through Her Majesty's Minister of War or the Horse Guards.

(It was not in the power of Lord Canning, the GovernorGeneral, to accede to this request and, as his martial aspirations were not encouraged at home, Lord Seymour had to be content with his position as a volunteer.)

Extract of a letter from A. Baird, at Lucknow. Nov. 20, 1857.

This is what David says: "There is a very fine young fellow (Lord Seymour) out here on his own hook, just to see the fun. The other day when the men were hesitating, he drew his sword and rushed to the front. Sir C. C. has been obliged to order him back more than once or he would have been killed."

Extract from the Calcutta Gazette.

(Published by Authority.) Friday, December 11, 1857. (In a despatch signed C. Campbell, General, Commander-inChief.)

"Lord Seymour was present throughout these operations and displayed a daring gallantry at a most critical moment."

(In the same paper, signed R. J. H. Birch, Colonel, Secretary to the Government of India in the Military Department.)

"The Commander-in-Chief speaks in high terms of the daring conduct of Lord Seymour, who, as a volunteer, joined the Commander-in-Chief and was present throughout the operations before Lucknow. The thanks of the Governor-General in Council are due to Lord Seymour for the good service which he has freely rendered."

Extract from the Daily News. November 1st, 1860.

I do not know that you are aware under the name of Captain Sarsfield is disguised the eldest son of one of the noblest Dukes of the English Peerage. Lord S, the heir of the illustrious title of the Duke of S, by his mother's side a descendant of Sheridan, is the very soul of the regiment sent by the people of free England to fight for Italian liberty. Kind to his soldiers, untiring in the performance of his duties, Lord Sthe model of an officer, and his courage, activity, and zeal would do honour to the best officer of any army in Europe

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Extract from a letter signed W. Adam Smith, which appeared in the Newspapers. From Naples, November 23rd, 1860. Whatever may be the faults of Captain Sarsfield, they are the errors of the noble and chivalrous spirit, which resents a wrong done to another, as a wrong done to himself, and I only wish there were more such men in this self-seeking world-but the age of chivalry is gone.

Extract from a Newspaper. 1869.

Many Italians are here; and we have been mourning over a death, which I may safely say was felt by them as much as by a small set which also chances to be here, and which lived a long time in great friendship with the deceased at Naples, when he took, perhaps, an uncalled for but most gallant, generous part in that movement of which his pattern of illustrious men, Garibaldi, was the leader. I have seen him exposed to danger, which is something, and to privation, extreme fatigue, and hunger, which is more, and I am sure that a more gallant soldier or a worthier fellow never carried a musket-as he did-than Ferdinand Earl St. Maur. I remember on one occasion his refusing food, because, he said, "None of my poor fellows have got any"; on another, his carrying, on a long march, the muskets of three privates who were footsore; and again, his giving a revolver to a volunteer interpreter, during a sharpish skirmish, saying, "Why, you can't help yourself with a pencil." A second after the interpreter fell dead, shot through the heart. When Earl St. Maur died, he left few better or braver men behind him.

Jan. 11, 1862.



Civil Service Commission.

With reference to my other letter of this day's date, inclosing a Certificate of Qualification for Lord Edward St. Maur, I am directed by the Civil Service Commissioners to state that they think it right to bring under the notice of Earl Russell the marked proficiency which Lord E. St. Maur has displayed in his examination. Having on a former occasion, at his own request, been examined in German and obtained an honorary addition to his certificate for knowledge of that language, he has now been examined in Spanish, with which he appears to be very thoroughly acquainted. He has also answered very satisfactorily in International Law, and his report on Spain deserves high commendation for the ability and industry which it displays. I have, etc.,

E. Hammond, Esqr.,

etc., etc.


From H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.

Dec. 31, 1865.

My dear Duke,


I cannot tell you how shocked and deeply grieved I was to read in the papers the sad death of your son Edward. Pray accept my most sincere and heartfelt sympathy at the great loss you have sustained, and please express the same to the Duchess. You know how well I used to know your son some years ago when we were both much younger, and although of late years I have not had the opportunity of seeing so much of him as I should have wished, still I naturally took the greatest interest in his career, which has, alas! been brought to such an early close, and shall ever deplore him as a kind friend.

Not wishing at such a time to intrude further on your grief, Believe me, my dear Duke,

Yours most sincerely,



My dear Sir Bartle,

(From Mr. Stewart.)

Dec. 17/65.

My telegram will have prepared you for an account of the accident that has happened to Lord E. St. Maur. I have deferred writing till I could give you the doctor's opinion-and as both Dr. Davies from Carwar and Dr. Langley from Dharwar arrived last night I am able to tell you they consider the knee wound to be a very serious one-but that his wonderfully good constitution gives him a chance that few men would have and has brought him through so far and may enable the wound to heal, although they are prepared to amputate above the knee at a moment's warning of unfavourable symptoms. On Wednesday the 13th we came en route to Yellapoor to a Chupper (hut) that I had caused to be built on the banks of the Kala Nuddy near Lalgooly-we went out to a beat, and bison were started but not shot at. Instead of taking a second beat, Lord E. and Mr. Brand stalked through the remaining jungle, and the former saw bison and determined to return to the same jungle next morning. Accordingly he and Mr. Brand, each accompanied by a village Shikaree (huntsman), and another man started early (14th), and Mr. Brand came back, 9.15, having heard one shot fired by Lord E. We waited for his return, and about 10, the village Shikaree who accompanied hima very good man-ran in with his belt and hunting-knife, in the sheath of which he had written that he was wounded by a bearafraid his knee was out-and asked us to send for a surgeon. We reached the place where Lord E. was lying about half-past II and found that he had fired at a bear and rolled it over-followed the tracks and came suddenly on it lying or standing about 15 yards off, fired both barrels at it; the bear charging on all fours seized him by the left knee, threw him down and both rolled down a steep hill, during which Lord E. struck him twice or thrice with his knife-stabbing him at least once. The two men came towards him with shouts and the bear left him, with one severe cut across the forehead over the right temple-how inflicted we cannot quite understand. He was very cool and told us what he wished done. . . . His patience and courage are most astonishing, and I never saw a more delightful patient to take care of.... Lord E. is very anxious that no news of his accident should be sent to England by telegraph. He is writing a short letter that will be sent by Madras, and will write another for the next Bombay mail I enclose a letter from Lord E. that I have written at his dictation: as you may fancy this lamentable accident has cast a sad gloom over our party. The doctors are of opinion that he will never recover the use of his knee even if his leg is

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