Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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Meanings and Distinctions.

Adds, sums up, increases.
Adze, a tool used by coopers.

Ail, to feel pain, grief, &c.
Ale, drink made from malt and

Air, the atmosphere. Aire, a river in Yorkshire. Ere, before, sooner than. E'er, a contraction for ever. Heir, the eldest son; one who inherits a property or an estate in regular descent from another person.

Ayr, a county, town, and river of Scotland.

[blocks in formation]

Ate, did eat.

Bail, security given.

Bale, s. a bundle or package of goods folded up; v. to throw water out of a boat.

Bait, s. a lure; v. to harass. Bate, to lessen; same as abate.

Ball, anything round as a sphere or globe; an entertainment of dancing.

Bawl, to shout out.

Bare, naked.

Bear, s. a wild beast; also a star; v. to carry; to produce. Bark, s. the rind or covering of a tree; v. to cry as a dog. Barque, a small ship.


Base, low; the bottom.
Bass, the lowest part in music.

Bay, a colour; the laurel tree; an opening or gulf; a wide


Bey, a Turkish governor.

Bays, the plural of bay. Baize, coarse woollen cloth.

Eight, a number equal to twice Be, to exist.


Aught, anything.

Ought, should; obliged to do.

Bad, ill, wicked; inferior.
Bade, did bid; commanded.

Bee, an insect.

Beach, the strand, the shore.
Beech, a tree.

Bean, the seed of a plant.
Been, from the verb to be.

* Can be written bark.

Beat, s. a stroke, or its sound, | Brake, a thicket of shrubs and

recurring at intervals, as the pulse; v. to strike; to tread

brambles; a kind of harrow; a machine which retards the motion of carriage-wheels.

as a path.

Beet, a vegetable.

Beer, malt liquor.

Break, to smash; to burst.

Brays, cries as an ass.

Bier, for bearing the dead to the Braze, to cover or solder with


Bell, for sounding or ringing.
Belle, a gay young lady.

Bite, to seize with the teeth. Bight, a small bay; the bend or coil of a rope.

Berth, a bed in a ship; an official situation.

Birth, being born; descent.

Blew, did blow.
Blue, a colour.

Blite, a genus of plants called
Blight, to blast; to frustrate

Boar, a male pig.
Bore, v. to tease with talk; to
make a hole; s. a kind of whirl-
pool formed by the meeting of
the waters of a river with the
rising tide.

Bow, (bo) a curve; a bend.
Beau, a fop.

Borne, (bōrn) carried, conveyed.
Bourn, a limit; a bound.

Bow, v. to bend; s. an act of courtesy.

Bough, a branch of a tree.


Bread, food made from corn, wheat, &c.

Bred, reared; brought up.

Brest, a large sea-port in France. Breast, a part of the front of the body beneath the neck.

Breach, a break or opening: a breaking of law, contract, &c. Breech, a part of the body; the hinder part of a gun.

Brews, makes ale or porter.
Bruise, s. a hurt; v. to crush.

Broach, s. a spit; v. to tap.
Brooch, a jewel worn by ladies.
Boy, a male child.

Buoy, s. a floating mark in a harbour; v. to float.

Bruit, s. a rumour: v. to rumour or noise abroad. Brute, rough; stupid; one of the lower animals.

But, except; only.

Butt, s. a cask; an object of ridicule; an angular ridge of land; v. to gore.

Buy to purchase.

By, near; beside.

* In composition it means something irregular, private, or retirel; hence by-path, by-law, by-view.

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