Imatges de pàgina

sally used symbol of the phallus, while we know the connection of Luz with the form of an almond, so here we have the Indian Lingam Yoni altar, or the double-sexed symbol of reproduction, the Ish and Isha, sword and sheath, foot and shoe, Hermes-Aphrodité, Omph-Phallos, dagger and ring, a purely phallic combination in the very core and sanctum of the Hebrew religion. In both cases we have the pair shown to be fruitful, as they produce flowers; in fact, it is Adam and Eve in the garden. Here we have the commandment which seems closest to Jové's heart, "Be fruitful and multiply," miraculously blossoming out on the rod or phallus of God, and written in solid gold in the chief ornament of the Tabernacle. The sexual act seems to be more in the Hebrew Jové's mind than any other matter, as it was in that of his Roman twin-brother. He gives this injunction incessantly to his creatures, both man and beast (sometimes repeating it with slight variations), on each separate creation, and again to Noah, and even to his patriarchs; for instance, Jacob, when his name is changed to Israel, is told once more to "be fruitful and multiply." And yet it was for this that Adam and Eve were supposed to have been expelled


from Eden. Increase in births, whether of children or cattle, is the one central thought of all savage nations, and most of their feasts and customs are based on that aspiration. Sir Richard Burton remarked about Dahomey :Amongst all barbarians the primal want is progeny, and we observe a greater or less development of phallic phallic worship. In Dahomey it is uncomfortably prominentevery street, from Wydah to the capital, is "adorned with the symbol, huge phalli.” Here we have the same words used as occur with such persistent frequency in the Nabis' scoldings in the Bible, shameful things erected in every street" in Jerusalem..

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I have given elaborate proof of the significance of almond-shaped bowls as representing the Queen of Heaven or female fertility in every country in the world in my larger volume, but must just touch on it here to make the matter clear to new readers.

As to the almond shape, that needs no illustration to recognise its applicability to woman. The systrum of Egypt, which women jingled at Phallic processions, was 'an almond-shaped open hoop, which had loose tuned wires, which gave an agreeable jingling sound. Then some of the old Irish churches had nude

females exposing themselves on the keystone of the arch of the church door, as a sight of a nude female was supposed to keep off the evil eye. This was as late as 1790. But some sculptors more reticent made the female hold a bowl with an oval or almond-shaped opening in the middle position, as I show here, to represent the lucky organ; so we see what an almond shape indicated. In other books I show

Fig. 5.

this in beautiful Greek sculpture, in Egyptian rock sculptures and hieroglyphics, in ancient Babylonian seals, on Indian Dagobas, and in the most popular goddesses of China and Japan, Kwan-yoni, who has 33,333 images at Kioto, the Japanese capital; so we see that the symbolism used by the Hebrews was and is world-wide from Ireland to Japan.

As for rods, everyone knows their phallic signification, and the lotus, stems, buds, flowers, and seed pods are all phallic, and adopted into a very wide symbolism and into church architecture. In my book on Symbolism I show the lotus bud in unequivocal use as symbolising the male fertilising organ. The rods which Jacob peeled to make the ewes conceive were the rods of the rams. The very first miracle which Jové shows Moses is to turn the rod into a serpent—the universal symbol of the phallus; so we are clearly told by redundant symbolism that the "Rod of God" was the phallus of Iové. The spear of Joshua, which he held up till all the men of Ai were slain, as Moses did the "Rod of God" till all the Amalekites were slain, was the same thing, and we see this symbolism put to a curious use in Greek sculpture. Minerva, or, as she was called in Greece, Pallas Athené (a double phallic name, pala and its symbol the serpent, Thenen), had therefore a very masculine name, yet she was the Alma Mater, mother of all knowledge, Alma being the Indian Uma or Om, the original of our womb; but the name was not enough to make her twin-sexed, so the Greeks gave her the very male emblem, the spear,

used by Joshua as the rod of God, and so she was Omphallic. Elisha's staff, with which he raises up a dead child, is the same, with the qualities of our Pyx. Our Pyx and Monstrance have a long descent from Pala and Maya of India, still retaining the initial letters, and chemists, who use many phallic words, have the same in their pestle and mortar-phallic both in name and shape.

The ark was constantly used in Egyptian mythology and eschatology, and we find the Hebrews used the Egyptian word Teb for the ark of bullrushes, in which Moses was found, and also for the ark of Noah, out of which came all life. It was converted into the double-sex symbol by a symbolic mast, as in Fig. 112 in my Christianity. Egypt was the land of arks. They are shown in thousands in every sort of religious procession, so we see it was only after the Egyptian captivity that the Hebrews had an ark. The sacred ark of Isis also contained an image of the lost phallus of Osiris, like the Hebrew ark, and when an ark rested on the top of a mountain, as Manu's ship on the top of the Mountain of the North or Noah's ark on Ararat, that formed the double-sexed creative symbol, and a new creation of life comes forth. "All life comes

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