Imatges de pàgina

39 opulent City) thought fit to present an Addrefs to her late Majesty Queen ANNE, recommending to her, in the strongest terms, the continuance of a Miniftry,, which fhe had determined to part with. Who were the principal Advifers and Promoters of that expedient is no fecret to the World, and therefore it is prefumed that none of thofe Gentlemen can act fo inconfiftently with their former practice, as to give any countenance to objections on this head.

I fhall fay nothing of the Addrefs, which is fubftituted in the room of this, nor of the Methods, in which it is faid to have been fet on foot and encou raged; but I could heartily with that matters had been brought to an accommodation, fo that no contentions might have remained amongst the worthy Citizens on fo joyful an occafion.

I am, SIR,

Your humble Servant,

URBANUS. In Order, in fome measure, to juftify what was fuggefted in this Lucubration, in favour of the intended City Addrefs, the CRAFTSMAN, in the fame Paper took Notice, That the following humble Addrefs of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Bailiffs, Burgeffes, and principal Inhabitants of the Corporation of Chepping Wycombe in the County of Bucks, had been prefented to his Majefty by Henry Waller, Efq; one of their Reprefentatives in Parliament, and Edmund Waller, Efq; introduced by the Right Honourable the Earl of Effex, Lord of the Bed-chamber to his Majefty in waiting: Which Address his Majefty was pleased to receive very graciously.

To the King's moft Excellent Majefty, The Humble Addrefs of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Bailiffs, Burgeffes, and princial Inhabitants of the Corporation of Chepping Wycombe in the County of Bucks.

Moft Gracious Sovereign,

WE E your Majefty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Bailiffs, Burgeffes, and principal Inhabitants of the Cor poration of Chepping Wycombe, in the County of Bucks, beg leave to condole with You on the Lofs of his late


Majefty, of bleffed memory, and to congratulate and exprefs our Joy for your Majefty's happy Acceffion to thefe Kingdoms.

We call to mind all Your great and amiable Qualities, which You have fo diftinguishingly made known to us and the whole World: From your Courage and Wisdom, it cannot be doubted, but that under Your Majesty's Adminiftration we fhall be a great and happy People, and that Great Britain will be the TRUE Balance of Power in Europe. Now our TRADE will revive, and our DEBTS be REALLY decreased and fure our Enemies can no longer flatter themselves, by their Pretences of PROMISES or CONVENTION, to gain GIBRALTAR, which is but a little Reward for the vaft Expence of that War, and the hazard we ran, when You fo bravely engaged for the prefervation of Europe, our Religion and Liberties.

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We beg leave to affure your Majefty of our Zeal to your Royal Perfon, and that we will facrifice our Lives and Fortunes in the fupport of Your Majesty's undoubted Rights both at Home and Abroad.

May Your Majefty have a long and profperous Reign over us; and when, full of Years and Glory, Heaven fhall remove You from us, that we may never want one fprung from your Royal Perfon to fill Your Throne, are the hearty Prayers of your Majefty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects.

To the fame purpofe, we fhall infert here Three Addreffes, the firft* of which is of Liverpole, prefented to His Majefty by Tho. Bootle and Tho. Brereton Efqrs, their Reprefentatives in Parliament; which His Majefty was pleased to receive very gratiously.

The Humble Addrefs of the Mayor Bailiffs, and Burgesses of the Ancient Borough of Liverpoole in the County-Palatine of Lancaster.

May it please your Majefty,


E Your Majefty's moft Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, humbly beg Leave to express our deepest Concern for the fudden and unexpected Death of our


* Addreffes for Restoring loft Trade, Reducing pub. lick Debts; and preferving Gibraltar and Port Mahon.

late moft gracious Sovereign; and to congratulate Your Majesty and the Queen Your Royal Confort, on Your happy Acceffion to the Imperial Crown of thefe Realms.

The repeated Inftances of Your Majesty's affectio nate Regard for this Nation, before You afcended the Throne, confirmed by the Fatherly Declarations and Affurances, which You have fince made, infpire us with the ftrongest Senfe of Gratitude, and afford us the most amiable Profpect of Glory to Yourself, and of Peace, Plenty, and Profperity to all Your People.

As Your Majefty hath been pleafed, for feveral Years paft, to make the Knowledge of our Conftitution one of Your chief Enquiries, we esteem ourselves fecure in the Enjoyment of our Religious and Civil Rights un-' der your Aufpicious Government, and doubt not that the INCREASE of TRADE, and the REDUCTION of our PUBLICK DEBTS (upon which the Welfare of this Kingdom doth fo much depend) will be the happy Refult of Your just and prudent Adminiftration.

Give us Leave, Sir, on our part, to affure Your Majefty of our fincereft Wishes that You may long reign over us in Peace; or if the Malignancy or ambitious Views of any Foreign Powers fhould disturb your Government, and involve us in a neceffary War, that your Arms may be always victorious, and your Conncils fuc cefsful.

And as we are fully convinced of your Majesty's Royal Difpofition to make us an happy People, fo we fhall always contribute to make you a Great, a Powerful, and a Glorious King: To which we fhall conftantly add our Prayers to Almighty God, that He will direct your Majefty in the Choice of your Counsellors, and protect your Government from thofe Calamities and Misfortunes, which are incident to the Reigns of the Best and Wifeft Princes.

The other is the Addrefs of the Mayor, Aldermen, Bailiffs, and Burgeffes of the Ancient Corporation of Heddon, in the East Riding of the County of York, which was prefented to his Majefty by the Right Hon. William Pulteney and Harry Pulteney, Efqrs; their Repres



fentatives in Parliament; and which Address his Majefty was pleased to receive very graciously.

Moft Gracious Sovereign,

Wjecte, the Mayor, Aldermen, Bailiffs and Bur

E your Majesty's moft Dutiful and Loyal Sub

geffes of your Majefty's ancient Corporation of Heddon, beg Leave, among the rest of your Subjects, who have a true Senfe of the Lofs this Kingdom has fuftain'd by the Death of your Royal Father, to express our Sorrow on this melancholy Occafion: And we do at the fame time congratulate Your Majefty upon your Acceffion to the Throne of Your Ancestors, to which no Prince ever yet fucceeded with fuch general Joy and Satisfaction.

The long Knowledge and many convincing Proofs, which the whole Nation has had of Your Majesty's great Regard and tender Concern for the Religion, Laws and Liberties of thefe Kingdoms, fufficiently confirm our Dependance upon your moft Gracious Declaration in Council: And as we have the ftrongest Affurances of our Being, under your Aufpicious Go. yernment, a rich and happy People, fo we hope to fee your Majesty the most powerful of any of your Predeceffors; beloved by all your Subjects at Home, and justly regarded as the Head and Support of the Proteftant Interest Abroad.

The RESTORING our LOST TRADE to its former flourishing Condition ; The SECURING to us our rightful Poffeffions of PORT-MAHONE and GIBRALTAR; The Paying off the National Debt; The Reconciling our Divifions, and the Settling the Publick Tranquillity of Europe, are Glories referved for your Majefty's Reign; And as we are fatisfied that Your known Courage and Refolution will be always fufticient to affert the Honour and Glory of this Nation, so your confummate Wifdom will ever confult the true Intereft of it.

May Your Majefty and Your Royal Confort long live to blefs thefe Nations; and may Your numerous Iffue have the Virtues of both their Royal Parents united and blended in them, to make thefe Kingdoms happy to lateft Pofterity.


The third Addrefs of the fame Stamp, is that of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Burgeffes, and Principal Inhabitants of the Borough of Prefton, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, prefented to his Majefty by the Hon. Daniel Pulteney, Efq; one of their Reprefentatives in Parliament introduced by the Right Hon. the Lord Herbert, Lord of the Bedchamber ; which Addrefs his Majesty was pleafed to receive very gra ciously.

To the King's moft Excellent Majefty,

The humble Addrefs of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Burgeffes, and Principal Inhabitants of the Borough of Preston in the County Palatine of Lancafter.

Moft Gracious Sovereign,


E Your Majefty's moft Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, humbly beg Leave to condole with Your Majefty the Death of your Royal Father, and, at the fame time,congratulate Your Succeffion to his Imperial Crown.

Your Majefty and your Royal Iffue are the beft Confolations to Your Kingdoms for fo great a Lofs, and fecure to Us and our Pofterity all the Bleffings and Happiness we have reafon to expect from the Government of Your Auguft Family.

Your Majesty's Declaration in Council of Your Love to Your Kingdoms, from your Knowledge and Experience of Your Subjects, and Your Gracious Affurance that the Prefervation of Our Conftitution in Church and State fhall be Your Chief Care, fill our Hearts with proper and due Sentiments of Gratitude and Affection.

We were equally furprized and concerned at the Pretenfions of the Spaniards to GIBRALTAR, which they had not only given up to Us by the Treaty of Utrecht, but farther Confirmed to Us by their Acceffion to the Quadruple Alliance. As we could never apprehend their Taking it by Force, if properly fupplied for its Defence, fo We NOW affure Ourfelves, they will never be able to gain it by Treaty, notwithstanding any Hopes where with they may flatter themfelves, or any PROMISES they may pretend.

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