Imatges de pàgina

May the fupreme Majefty of both Worlds blefs and profper all your Majefty's warm Inclinations and Royal Endeavours to defend the Proteftant Caufe,to restore and preferve the Peace and Balance of Power in Europe, to fecure and enlarge the Commerce of all your Do minions, and to promote the common Good of Mankind: May your Majefty, after your precious and ineftimable Life has reached the longeft Period that Mortality permits, exchange your prefent Crown for one that will fit eafier, and fhine infinitely brighter: May the fame infinitely perfect Mind furround your Royal Confort, your numerous and hopeful Progeny, with his choiceft Favours and Bleffings: May the Entail of the Crown, together with its Foundation and Security, our Religion, Laws and Liberties, be perpetuated in your illuftrious Family to the End of Time. Thefe are, and always fhall be, the fincere Wishes and Prayers of,

May it please your Majefty,

Your Majefty's most dutiful and most loyal Subjects, &c. Not many Days after, the following humble ADDRESS having been tranfmitted to the Duke of Newcastle one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, was by his Grace prefented to his Majefty: Which Address his Majefty was pleafed to receive very graciously.

Unto the King's most excellent Majesty.

The humble Addrefs of the Ministers and Elders of the Provincial SYNOD of Ross, in Synod affembled.

May it pleafe your Majefty,

WE your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects,

the Minifters and Elders of the Provincial Synod of Rofs, beg leave, by this our most humble Addrefs, to exprefs our deep and hearty Concern for the Death of your Royal Father, our moft gracious Sovereign; one of the wifeft and best of Princes, as well the Ornament and Glory of the British Throne, as the zealous Defender of the Proteftant Churches : This awful and furprizing Providence, juftly affected our Hearts with unspeakable Grief and Sorrow.


At the fame Time, we take this first Opportunity of our Meeting together in Synodical Capacity, most heartily to congratulate your Majesty, upon your Acceffion to the Throne of your Royal Father; and ceafe not to give Thanks to Almighty God, by whom Kings reign, who hath raifed up a Proteftant Heir and Succeffor to the Imperial Crown of thefe Realms, whom he hath endow'd with fuch bright and eminent Virtues and princely Accomplishments, as fhine forth in your Majefty's Perfon, to the great and univerfal Joy, not only of your own Subjects, but alfo of all the Lovers of the Proteftant Religion, and the Liberties of Europe, whofe Eyes are upon your Majefty, as the great Inftrument, under God, for the Prefervation and Support of thefe valuable Interefts. This great Turn of Providence could only repair fo fenfible and great a Lofs as your People have fustained.

We cannot but remark, on this Occafion, with the greatest Pleasure and Thankfulness, the diftinguishing Goodness of God towards your illuftrious House, and your People of thefe Realms. As this was eminently difcovered in fettling the Succeffion in your auguft and powerful Family, and in bringing your Royal Father to the Throne in Peace (memorable Bleffings to these Nations, ufhered in by the moft fignal Providences) fo now, by your Majefty's Acceffion to the Crown, and the univerfal Joy of your People thereupon, the expiring Hopes of your Adverfaries, the Adherents of a Popish Pretender, thofe declared Enemies of our Conftitution, will for ever vanifh.

The early Declarations your Majefty was pleafed to give of your Love and Affection to your People, of your firm Refolution to defend and protect the Proteftant Intereft abroad, and maintain it in thefe your own Do minions; the diftinguishing Marks of your Royal Fa vour, you have been pleafed to bestow upon the Church of Scotland; the benign Influence of your Majesty's Government, fince you came to the Throne, upon all your Subjects, together with a Queen Confort, who hath juftly obtain'd fo fhining a Character in the World for Soundness of Proteftant Principles, and all Royal Endowments

Endowments fuitable to her Station; and a numerous Royal Offspring, fo hopeful, as do give us the most agreeable Profpect of Happiness under your Majesty's Protection and Government, and that your Royal Family will prove a lafting Bleffing to latest Pofterity. We make up a Part of a Body, whofe Principles lead them to maintain the juft Rights of Kings and Princes, and are most loyal to your Majefty's Perfon and Government. The Church of Scotland hath, on all Occafions, fhewed her great Affection and Zeal for the Proteftant Succeffion in your illuftrious Houfe; as we affure your Majefty of conftant and dutiful Obedience from our felves, fo we fhall ufe the utmost Diligence to teach and maintain the genuine Principles of Loyalty among the People under our Charge.

We fhall always put up our moft earnest Prayers to God for the Prefervation of your Royal Perfon; that you may reign in the Hearts of your Subjects; that he may pour down his best Bleffings upon the Queen Confort, the Prince of Wales, and the whole Royal Family; that he may build your Majesty a fure Houfe on Earth, to fucceeding Generations, and crown you at laft with his eternal Glory in Heaven.

May it please your Majefty,

Your Majesty's moft obedient, most

dutiful, and moft loyal Subjects,

The Minifters and Elders of the Provincial Synođ of Rofs, in Synod affembled at Tayn, the 13th Day of September, 1727.

Sign'd in our Name, in our Prefence, and at our Appointment, by

Tho. Inglis, Moderator. Some Time before, the Three following Addreffes having been tranfmitted to his Excellency the Lord CARTERET, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, were by his Excellency prefented to his Majefty: Which Addreffes his Majefty was pleafed to receive very graciously.

To the King's moft Excellent Majesty. The bumble Addrefs of the Mayor, Recorder, Sheriffs, Aldermen, Burgeffes, Grand Jury, and Freemen of the Town and County of CARRICKFERGUS, at a General Quarter Seffions of the


Peace, held for the faid Town and County, the 17th Day of July, 1727.

May it pleafe your Majesty,

WE humbly beg leave to embrace this firft Op

portunity of presenting to your most facred Majefty, our most fincere and affectionate Expreflions of Condolance on the Death of your late Royal Father, of bleffed Memory; whofe Lofs, as your Majefty alone was capable of repairing, fo our Grief on that forrowful and unexpected Occafion, could never have been fo happily prevented, as by your Majefty's peaceable and joyful Acceffion to the Throne of your Royal Ancestors.

While it is our Duty to congratulate your Majesty on those uncommon Marks of Joy and Affection, with which you have been received by the united Voices of all your People ; permit us, at the fame Time, to feli citate our felves and Fellow Subjects on the Enjoyment of a Prince, endued with all thofe Royal Virtues, that are capable of rendring your People, what your Majefty has declared it to be your first and chief Concern to make them, great and happy.

When we reflect on the early Virtue which led you in the Fields of Death and Danger, to appear for the common Liberties of Europe, your Majesty's most gracious Declarations to your Council and Parliament, in behalf of thofe of your own People,cannot but be looked upon by us, as one of the greateft Securities we can poffibly have for our peaceable Enjoyment of them; especially when we are taught to know,that thofe great and truly Royal Expreffions have flowed from nothing elfe, but a pure and generous Love to the Laws and Conftitution of the British Nations; which, as they are a Syftem of Rules, founded on the common Rights and Interests of Mankind, and calculated to make Power as amiable, as it is lawful; fo we are confident your Royal Difpofi tions to maintain and fupport them,cannot fail to make your Majesty Great and Glorious, fince they must en dear you to all the Wife and the Virtuous of Peo ple, to all that have any Senfe of Love to their Coun. try, or of Honour and Gratitude to fo Gracious and Excellent a Prince.



Your Majesty's wife Refolutions of purfuing the prudent and vigorous Measures already enter'd into for preferving the publick Tranquillity, and for fecuring to the British Nations thofe Acquifitions that are the Trophies of the Deliverance of Europe by their victori ous Arms; as they give us the higheft Ideas of your Majesty's Wisdom and Care of your People, fo they raile in us the brightest Hopes of the Glory and Profperity of your Majesty's Reign; which we hum. bly befeech the Fathet and Benefactor of Mankind to make as long as the Beginning of it hath been aufpicious.

But our Happiness still grows upon us, when we behold your Royal Throne furrounded with fuch a numerous and hopeful Offspring, which lengthens out the Profpect of our Joys into future Ages, and promifes us, that they are like to be as lafting as great; for what may not be expected from a Race of Princes, whofe Minds are to be formed by one, who has Her self been so shining an Example of Virtue and Goods nefs as your Royal Confort, and is fo capable of infpiring into them the fame noble and exalted Senti

ments ?

Words are wanting to exprefs all that we feel in the Contemplation of fo much Felicity to our felves and Pofterity. All that remains for us is, to wifh and pray, that we, and all our Fellow Subjects, may prove our felves worthy of it, by all thofe Returns of Loyalty and Gratitude to your Majefty, that are incumbent on a dutiful and obedient People.

To the King's moft Excellent Majeftý.

The humble Addrefs of the High Sheriffs, Grand Jury, Justices of the Peace, Clergy, Gentlemen and Freeholders of the City and County of Londonderry's affembled at the Affizes held at Londonderry, August the 18th, 1727.

Most Gracious Sovereign,

7E E your Majesty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, could not but be deeply affected with the furprizing News of the fudden Death of your Royal Father, of Glorious Memory, the common Father of ali

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