Imatges de pàgina

his People; and nothing could have affwaged our Grief,but the due Senfe that a good Providence had referved to us, fuch a Son to fucceed him on his Throne, the undoubted Heir of his Royal Virtues, and of his Crown; which calls upon us to congratulate, at the fame Time that we condole with you.

The Experience of your great Wisdom in the Government of thefe Realms, when you was intrusted with the fame by your Royal Father, afforded lafting Satisfaction, and made deep Impreffion upon your People, and prepared them to expect every Thing that is wife and good from you, when thefe Kingdoms fhould be your own: And the Courage you fhewed, even in Youth, in the Caufe of Liberry, long ago endeared you to a free and valiant People; and Wifdom and Valour in Conjunction, are, and will be a folid Foun dation of your Authority both at Home and Abroad.

But your Princely Goodness has found out another Way to affert your Dominion over your faithful Subjets, by taking Poffeffion of their Hearts, and reigning there, binding them to you by the Law of Kindnefs, and the ftrong Bands of Affection and Love. What could be more engaging than your Majefty's and Royal Confort's great Affability and Condefcenfion to all that had the Honour to come near your Perfons? What more endearing than that tender Regard fhewn, on all Occafions, for the People of thefe Realms, ever fince they had the Happinefs of your Prefence and continual Refidence amongst them?

What an univerfal Joy did your early Declaration to your Council, your gracious Speech to your Parliament, your most indulgent Anfwers to the Addreffes,occafion throughout your Kingdoms! As giving the justest Grounds of Affurance, that our happy Conftitution in Church and State, and the Civil and Religious Rights of your People, are fafe, whilft (under God) they have you for their Guardian and Defender.

How delightful alfo is it to all your loyal Subjects, to behold the Providential Pledge of the Continuance of thefe Bleffings to our latest Pofterity, in your numerous Royal Iffue? educated with a Care becoming


the Importance of their high Station in the World, and conformably to the Example, which the Virtue and Goodness of their Royal Parents daily fet them.

This Variety of most agreeable Profpects, affords us abundant Occafion greatly to rejoyce: And what more fuitable Return can we make for thofe manifold Blef fings, than to promife and endeavour, to the utmost of our Power, to behave our felves worthy of them: With that Thankfulness to Almighty God, that Affetion and Zeal towards your Majesty's facred Perfon and Government. that dutiful Regard to the beft of Queens, and your whole Royal Family, as becomes our prefent Enjoyments, and our future Hopes.

And as this City and County, in particular, did formerly exert themfelves to the utmoft in Defence of their Religion, Liberties and Laws, against the fiercest Efforts of Popery to bereave us of them; fo your Majefty may be affured, that we fhall with equal Chearfulness do the fame under a Prince, who has no Interest different from that of his People, and who placeth the Glory of his Reign in the Eafe, Welfare and Profperity of his Subjects.

To the King's most excellent Majesty. The humble Addrefs of the Sovereign, Burgeffes, Principal Inbabitants, and Freemen of Belfast (in Ireland.)

May it pleafe your Majesty,

WE humbly beg leave to express our Senfe of the

Part we bore in the deep and univerfal Grief which at first feized the Minds of all your faithful Subjects, upon the Demife of your Royal Father our late moft gracious Sovereign; a Grief which is no more than a juft Tribute due to the glorious Memory of fo excellent a Prince; whofe peaceable Acceffion to the Throne, in a critical Conjuncture never to be forgot by fuch as value the Liberties of a free People, was the bleffed First Fruits of the Protestant Succeffion in your moft august Family; the Settlement of which we va lue the more, for its being built on thofe juft and honourable Principles upon which the late happy Revo lution was effected; and for its having bench efly. procured by the unwearied Care and Zeal of our late Doo 2

glorious Deliverer (under God) from Popery and Slavery, the Great King William, of immortal Memory; To your Royal Fathers Conduct we owe the fpeedy Suppreffion of an early and unnatural Rebellion; he re-cftablished our Peace, fecured our Religious and Civil Rights, reigned in the Affections of all good Subjects at Home, and reftored the British Monarchy to a juft Reputation and powerful Influence Abroad. To his vigilant Care, wife Councils, and fteady Manage ment, Europe owes its prefent Profpect of a folid and lafting Peace, and your Subjects the Security of their Trade and Commerce.

We Want Words to exprefs the extream Joy and Sa tisfaction we are bleft with in your Majefty's rightful Succeffion to the Imperial Crown of your Royal Anceftors. With the utmoft Pleafure we recall into our Thoughts the early and clear Indications that appeared in your Majesty of a true Greatnefs of Mind, in your intrepid Bravery in the Field, employ'd in the best of Caufes, the Defence of the Proteftant Religion, and of the Liberties of Mankind; and in your being perfeally acquainted with all the wife and juft Maxims of Government, difcovered in your prudent and gracious Administration as Guardian of thefe Kingdoms in his late Majefty's Abfence. We rejoyce to find in your Majesty a Conjunction as rare as it is happy, of all the Royal Virtues of King William the Third, and King George the First, the two greatest and beft Kings that ever fway'd the British Sceptre before you. Like them you have commenced your aufpicious Reign, by gra cious Declarations of your tender Concern for the Happinefs of your People; but with this Advantage, pè. culiar to your Majefty, that you are placed on the Throne, after a clofe Application, for many Years, to the Knowledge of the British Conftitutions, Laws and Liberties, Intereft and People, of which your Majefty has acquired that clear and perfe&t Understanding, which hath put it as fully in your Power, as it is agreeable to your great and generous Inclination, to govern with Confummate Wifdom, Impartial Juftice, and Royal Clemency,


And it heightens, if poffible, the Hopes we have justly conceived of the future Glories and Felicity of your Reign, that our most gracious Queen is adorned with fuch Illuftrious Virtues as muft have conveyed true Majesty, and render'd it infeparable from fo great and fo beautiful a Character, even tho' fhe had never been dignified with Royal Honours; Things which appeared poor and contemptible to her pious Mind, when offered her at the Expence of Proteftant Principles and a good Confcience, and which Heaven hath now bleffed her with, as the Reward of her inviolable Attachment to the Intereft of true Religion. can't but regard your Majesty's hopeful and numerous Royal Iffue as the vifible pledges of a kind and Indulgent Providence, for tranfmitting to our lateft Pofterity the inestimable Bleffings of the Proteftant Religion, and of our Laws and Liberties:


We earnestly befeech your Majefty to accept of this humble Tender of our most dutiful and loyal Affetion to your facred Perfon and Government, and to be affured of our unfhaken Fidelity and firmeft Refolutions, in our feveral Stations and Capacities, to pay you the Allegiance due to our dread Sovereign; to maintain the Royal Dignity, juft Rights and Honours of your Government, and the Proteftant Succeffion, as eftablished by Law, in your Royal Family; having nothing more at Heart, than that the Crown may fit eafy, and may very, very long flourish on your Royal Head, with all poffible Luftre and Glory, and with all poffible Bleffings on your Royal Confort and Progeny. Thefe are the most ardent Wishes of,

May it please your Majefty,

Your Majefty's most faithful,moft loyal, and moft obedient Subjects.

Thus we have prefented our Readers with the moft remarkable Addreffes that have hitherto been prefented to his Majefty; which together with other publick Expreffions and Demonftrations of Duty, Loyalty, Affection and univerfal Joy, upon, and fince his Majesty's aufpicious Acceffion to the British Throne, from his Subjects of all Ranks, Profeffions, and Per


fuafions, in Great Britain and Ireland, induc'd the Ingenious Author of the CRAFTSMAN, to publifh, on the fourth of this Month, a LucUBRATION, endeavouring to fhew, That the HOPES of the PRETENDER, * are now effectually extinguifh'd, and the Nation's real Fears of him entirely over; as follows, viz. And when we have done this,

BLIND, be BLIND till.

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The Bishop's ENQUIRY, &c. THIS being the happy Anniversary of his late Majefty King WILLIAM's landing in England, in or dor to procure a free Parliament, and rescue thefe King doms from the Invafions of Popery, and arbitrary Power; and one of the bleffed Effects of that great Undertaking having been the Settlement of the prefent Royal Family on the Throne, (by which only, under God, our Religion and Liberties, could be fe cured) it is, I think, the Duty of every loyal Subject,as well as of every good Proteftant,to beftow fome grateful Thoughts on the glorious Author of that great Work, which was begun as on this Day, and carried on, by the fame Royal Hero, through a long Series of Dangers, Difficulties and inceffant Labours, till he faw it, at length, fully accomplished by the Eftablish ment of the Proteftant Succeffion in the illuftrious House of HANOVER.

I have therefore chofen to entertain my Readers, on this aufpicious Morning, with fome Reflections on our prefent Happiness, and the Profpe&t we have of feeing it tranfmitted to our latest Posterity; which will best ap pear by confidering impartially the prefent Condition of that unfortunate Perfon, who pretends to the Crown.

I could not, indeed, help entertaining the ftrongest Hopes that the univerfal Demonftrations of Joy, Sa tisfaction and unfeigned Loyalty which appeared throughout the whole Kingdom on his prefent Maje fty's Acceffion to the Throne, and have fince been confirmed by the most dutiful Addreffes from his Subjects *The CRAFTMAN'S Lucubration against the Fears the Pretender.

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