AN HELP For the Right Understanding of the Laws and Covenants, Whereby Man has been oblig'd thro' the several Chiefly design'd for the Benefit of young Students in IN TWO PARTS By the Revd Dr Edw. Wells, late Rector of Cotes- OXFORD, Printed at the THEATER for Will. Wells Bookfeller 141.j.574. : THE PREFACE. I T must be granted, that it is of the very bighest Terms the of the Gofpel-Covenant; forafmuch as on a right Knowledge thereof depend a right Belief and Practice, and on these depends our Eternal Salvation. As such a right Knowledge is necessary to every Christian, so it is in the most special manner to a Divine; forasmuch as a wrong Notion in one whose Business it is to instruct others, thereby becomes more liable to spread its Contagion, and fo to prove pernicious to the greater Number of People. It can never be enough lamented, that the great Cunning of that grand Enemy, who is always making it his Business to sow Tares among the good Seed, has so far prevail d, that there is scarce any one material Point of the Gospel-Covenant relating to Salvation, but what is misunderstood by some Party or other of Chriftians, or of such at least as call themselves so. Hence it comes to pass, that the Ge-. nerality of Books concerning Divinity is more or less tainted with wrong Notions of the Gospel-Covenant; and particularly fuch Books as usually fall or are put first into the hands of young Students in Divinity, on account of their Compendiousness, and So Smalness and Cheapness; as the Common Systems, Enchiridions, or the like. By these unhappy means 4 |