GLOSSARY OF OBSOLETE WORDS, AND OF WORDS VARYING FROM THEIR Aby, to pay dear for, to rue, to Affined, joined by affinity. Affront, to confront. Affy, to betroth. Aglet-baby, a diminutive being, Agnize, acknowledge, confess, vow. Aim, guess, suspicion. Airy fame, mere verbal eulogy. Ale, a merry-meeting Amaze, to perplex. Additions, titles or characters. A'life, at life. Address, to prepare, to make Allow, to approve. Allowance, approbation. Addressed, or addrest, ready. Admittance, favor. Amazonian chin, a beardless chin. Ames-ace, the lowest chance of Approved, experienced. Aqua-vitæ, strong waters, probably Arabian bird, the phoenix. Argentine, silver. Argentine, the goddess Diana. Argosies, ships laden with great Argument, subject for conversa- Art, practice as distinguished from Ascaunt, askew, sideways. As point, completely armed. Ascapart, a giant. Ates, instigate from Até, the god- Baccare, stand back, give place. Balked, bathed or piled up. Balm, the oil of consecration. Bandog, village-dog. Barbason, the name of a demon. Barbed, warlikely caparisoned. Bate, strife. Bate, to flutter as a hawk. Batten, to grow fat. Beak, the forecastle. Bear a brain, to perfectly resemble. Bearing, demeanor. Blank, the white mark in a target. Blaze of youth, the spring of early Blench, to start off, to fly off. Bearing-cloth, a mantle used at Blent, blended. christenings. Beat (in falconry), to flutter. Becomed, becoming. Beetle, to hang over the base. Beholding, viewing with regard. Being, abode. Beldame, ancient mother. Be-lee'd, becalmed. Belongings, endowments. Be-moiled, bedraggled, bemired. Bent, utmost degree of any passion. Bestowed, stowed away, lodged. Beteem, to give, pour out, permit, Bewray, betray. Bezonian, a mean fellow. Blind-worms, the cæcilia, or slow- Board, to accost. Bodged, boggled, clumsy. Bolting-hutch, the receptacle in Bore, demeaned. Bore, the calibre of a gun. Bosky, woody. Bosom, wish, heart's desire. Bots, worms in a horse's stomach. Bias-cheek, swelling out like the Bourn, boundary, rivulet. bias of a bowl. Bid, to invite. contest. Bifold, two-fold. Bow, yoke. Bolds, emboldens. Bid-the-base, to challenge in a Boltered, bedaubed. Biggin, a cap. Borne in hand, deceived. Bottled-spider, a large bloated spi- der. Boulted, sifted. | Brush of time, decay of time. Bowlins or bowlines, tackle of a Bug, bugbears, false terrors. Bumbard, a large drinking vessel. Bunting, a bird. Burgonet, a helmet. Busky, woody. Butt-shaft, an arrow to shoot at Buxom, obedient. C. Caddis, worsted lace. Callet, a woman, a witch. Camelot, a place where King Ar- Canvas-climber, a sailor. Capon, metaphor for a letter. Carack, a ship of great bulk. Broker, a match-maker, a procu- Carbonado, a piece of meat cut crossways for the gridiron. compass. Carded, mixed. Careires, the motion of a horse; rum. Carkanet, a necklace. Cast, reckoned. Castilian, an opprobrious term. Catling, a small lutestring, made Cautel or cantle, the corner, or Cease, decease. Censure, to give an opinion. Ceremonious, superstitious. Cess, measure, tax or subsidy. Chaliced, i. e. flowers, with cups, Challenge, the right of refusing a Champian, an open country. Charactery, the matter with which letters are made. Chares, task-work. Charge-house, free-school. Chariest, most cautious. Charitable, dear, endearing. Charm your tongue, be silent. Chases, a term in tennis. Cheater, for escheatour, an officer stones. Cheveril, soft leather; also, con- Chew, to ruminate, consider. Chough, a bird of the daw species. Chuck, chicken, a term of endear- Cite, incite. Civil, grave, solemn. Cittern, a musical instrument. Chantry, a small chapel in a ca- Clapped i' the clout, hit the white thedral. Character, hand-writing. mark. |