Imatges de pàgina



[blocks in formation]

Aby, to pay dear for, to rue, to Affined, joined by affinity.

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Affront, to confront.

Affy, to betroth.

Aglet-baby, a diminutive being,
not exceeding the tag of a
point, from aiguilettes.

Agnize, acknowledge, confess, vow.
A-good, in good earnest.

Aim, guess, suspicion.

Airy fame, mere verbal eulogy.
Aider-liefest, best beloved

Ale, a merry-meeting

Amaze, to perplex.

Additions, titles or characters.

A'life, at life.

Address, to prepare, to


Allow, to approve.

Allowance, approbation.

Addressed, or addrest, ready.

Admittance, favor.

[blocks in formation]

Amazonian chin, a beardless chin.

Ames-ace, the lowest chance of

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Approved, experienced.
Approvers, those who try.

Aqua-vitæ, strong waters, probably

Arabian bird, the phoenix.
Arch, chief.

Argentine, silver.

Argentine, the goddess Diana.
Argier, Algiers.

Argosies, ships laden with great

Argument, subject for conversa-
tion, evidence, proof.
Arm, to take up in the arms.
Aroint, avaunt, begone.
A-row, successively.

Art, practice as distinguished from
theory; also, theory.
Articulate, to enter into articles.
Artificial, ingenious, artful.
As, as if.

Ascaunt, askew, sideways.
Aspect, countenance.
Aspersion, sprinkling.

As point, completely armed.
Assay, test.

Ascapart, a giant.
Assinego, a male ass.
Astringer, a gentleman falconer.
Assurance, conveyance or deed.
Assured, affianced.

Ates, instigate from Até, the god-
dess of bloodshed.
Atomies, minute particles visible
in the sun's rays.
Attasked, taken to task.

[blocks in formation]

Baccare, stand back, give place.
Bairn, brushwood.
Baldrick, a belt.
Bale, misery.
Baleful, baneful.

Balked, bathed or piled up.
Ballase, ballast.

Balm, the oil of consecration.
Ban, curse.
Band, bond.

Bandog, village-dog.
Bandy, to exchange smartly.
Bank, to sail along banks.
Banning, cursing.
Banquet, a slight repast.
Bar, barrier.

Barbason, the name of a demon.
Barbe, a kind of veil.

Barbed, warlikely caparisoned.
Barber-monger, an associate of
Bare, to shave.

[blocks in formation]

Bate, strife.

Bate, to flutter as a hawk.
Batlet, an instrument with which
washers used to beat clothes.

Batten, to grow fat.
Battle, army.
Bawcock, a jolly fellow.
Bay, the space between the main
beams of a house.
Bay-curtal, a bay docked horse.
Bay-window, a bow-window.
Beadsmen, religious persons, main-
tained to pray for their bene-

Beak, the forecastle.

Bear a brain, to perfectly resemble.
Beard, to defy.

Bearing, demeanor.

[blocks in formation]

Blank, the white mark in a target.
Blank and level, mark and aim,
(terms of gunnery.)

Blaze of youth, the spring of early
Blear, to deceive.

Blench, to start off, to fly off.

Bearing-cloth, a mantle used at Blent, blended.


Beat (in falconry), to flutter.
Beating, hammering, dwelling upon
Beaver, helmet in general.
Beck, a salutation made with the

Becomed, becoming.

Beetle, to hang over the base.
Behave, to manage.
Behests, commands.

Beholding, viewing with regard.
Behowl, to howl at.

Being, abode.

Beldame, ancient mother.

Be-lee'd, becalmed.

Belongings, endowments.
Be-mete, be-measure.

Be-moiled, bedraggled, bemired.
Bending, unequal to the weight.
Benefit, beneficiary.

Bent, utmost degree of any passion.
Benumbed, inflexible.
Beshrew, may ill befall.
Besmirch, to foul or dirty.
Best, bravest.

Bestowed, stowed away, lodged.
Bestraught, distracted.'

Beteem, to give, pour out, permit,

Bewray, betray.

Bezonian, a mean fellow.

Blind-worms, the cæcilia, or slow-

[blocks in formation]

Board, to accost.
Bobb, to trick.

Bodged, boggled, clumsy.
Bodkin, a small dagger.
Bolted, sifted.

Bolting-hutch, the receptacle in
which the meal is bolted.
Bombard, or bumbard, a barrel.
Bombast, the stuffing of clothes.
Bona-robas, strumpets.
Bond, bounden duty.
Bony or bonny, handsome
Book, paper of conditions.
Boot, profit, something over and

Bore, demeaned.

Bore, the calibre of a gun.
Bores, stabs.

Bosky, woody.

Bosom, wish, heart's desire.

Bots, worms in a horse's stomach.

Bias-cheek, swelling out like the Bourn, boundary, rivulet.

bias of a bowl.

Bid, to invite.


Bifold, two-fold.

Bow, yoke.

Bolds, emboldens.

Bid-the-base, to challenge in a Boltered, bedaubed.

Biggin, a cap.

Borne in hand, deceived.

Bottled-spider, a large bloated spi-


Boulted, sifted.

| Brush of time, decay of time.

Bowlins or bowlines, tackle of a Bug, bugbears, false terrors.

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Bumbard, a large drinking vessel.
Bung, a cut-purse.

Bunting, a bird.

Burgonet, a helmet.

Busky, woody.

Butt-shaft, an arrow to shoot at
shafts with.

Buxom, obedient.
By'rlaken, by our lady.


Caddis, worsted lace.
Cade, a barrel.
Cadent, falling.
Cage, a prison.
Cam-colored, yellow.
Caitiff, a scoundrel.
Calculate, to foretell.
Caliver, a musket.
Call, to visit.

Callet, a woman, a witch.
Calling, appellation.
Calm, qualm.

Camelot, a place where King Ar-
thur is supposed to have kept
his court.
Canary, a dance.
Candle-wasters, those who sit up
all night to drink.
Canker, the dog-rose.
Canstick, candlestick.
Cantons, cantos.
Canvas, to sift.

Canvas-climber, a sailor.
Cap, the top, the chief.
Cap, to salute by taking off the cap.
Capable impressure, hollow mark.
Capitulate, to make head against.
Capocchia, a sot.

Capon, metaphor for a letter.
Capricious, lascivious.
Captious, capacious.

Carack, a ship of great bulk.
Caracts, characters.

Broker, a match-maker, a procu- Carbonado, a piece of meat cut

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crossways for the gridiron.
Card, a sea-chart, perhaps also the


Carded, mixed.
Care, inclination.

Careires, the motion of a horse;
to pass the careires, means to
overstep the bounds of deco-


Carkanet, a necklace.

[blocks in formation]

Cast, reckoned.

Castilian, an opprobrious term.
Castiliano vulgo, a cant term of
Cast-lips, let off lips.
Cast the water, to find out disor-
ders by inspecting the urine.
Cataian, a liar.

Catling, a small lutestring, made
of catgut.
Cavalero-justice, a cant term.
Cavaleroes, gay fellows.
Caviare, too good for, or above the
comprehension of; so called
from a delicacy made of the
roe of sturgeons, eaten by the
Cautel, subtlety.

Cautel or cantle, the corner, or
piece of anything.
Cautelous, insidious, cautious.
Cearment, the wrapping of an em-
balmed body.

Cease, decease.

Censure, to give an opinion.
Centuries, companies of a hundred
men each.

Ceremonious, superstitious.
Certes, certainly.

Cess, measure, tax or subsidy.
Chair, throne.

Chaliced, i. e. flowers, with cups,
from calix.

Challenge, the right of refusing a
Chamber, ancient name for Lon-
don; also, a piece of ordnance.
Chamberers, intriguers.

Champian, an open country.

Charactery, the matter with which

letters are made.

Chares, task-work.

Charge-house, free-school.

Chariest, most cautious.
Chariness, caution.

Charitable, dear, endearing.
Charles-wain, the constellation
called the bear.

Charm your tongue, be silent.
Charmer, one who deals in magic.
Charneco, a sweet wine.
Chance, fortune.
Chary, cautious.

Chases, a term in tennis.
Chaudron, entrails.

Cheater, for escheatour, an officer
in the Exchequer.
Checks, probably for ethics.
Cheer, countenance.
Cherry-pit, a game with cherry-


Cheveril, soft leather; also, con-

Chew, to ruminate, consider.
Chewet, a chattering bird.
Chide, to resound, to echo; also,
to scold, be clamorous.
Chiding, sound; noisy.
Child, a knight, a hero.
Child, a female infant.
Childing, unseasonably pregnant.
Chopine, a high shoe.
Chopping, jabbering.

Chough, a bird of the daw species.
Christom or chrisom, the white
cloth put on a new baptized

Chuck, chicken, a term of endear-

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Cite, incite.
Cital, recital.

Civil, grave, solemn.
Civil, human.

Cittern, a musical instrument.
Clack-dish, a beggar's dish.
Clamour, a term in bell-ringing.
Clap-in, fall to.

Chantry, a small chapel in a ca- Clapped i' the clout, hit the white


Character, hand-writing.

Clap, to join hands.

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