Imatges de pàgina


the purpose of making it more generally
known on this side the Tweed.
Upon the whole, we have been much
gratified with Mr. Cox's performance;
he has acquitted himself honourably in
the contest, and merits the thanks of
his brethren for his able defence of their
principles. In taking leave of him, may
we be allowed to congratulate himself
on his return to first principles after a
momentary aberration? It delights
us to see that Baptism has resumed that
important station in his estimation,
which every thing ought to hold that is
sanctioned by the authority of the Lord
Jesus-the Christian Legislator. After
the masterly defence which he has pro-
duced of this divine Institution, we trust
we shall never again have the mortifi-
cation of hearing that, for a momentary
applause, a little temporary popularity,
the petty consideration of encreasing
his stipend, or any other motive dero-
gatory to the honour of his God and
Saviour, he can consent to remove the
ordinance of Baptism from its station in
the kingdom of Christ, and dispense
with that submission to it as a term of
communion, which his Lord's commis-
sion fully warrants. "The proof on
which this Institution rests," says Dr.
Dwight, 66 as a perpetual ordinance of
Christ in his church, is so entire and
so obvious, that every doubt concerning
it is more properly an object of surprise,
than of serious opposition. Christ com-
mands his apostles, and all his succeed-
ing ministers, to baptize those whom
they should make disciples.-Baptism
is made by Christ a condition absolutely
necessary to our authorized entrance into
his visible church."-Sermon CLVI.

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It is

to be hoped for, either by the Baptists or the Pædobaptists from a protracted investigation. It must, however, be obvious to every reflecting mind, that it is only a very small proportion of the members of our Baptist churches, who can have had access lished, so as to be at all acquainted with to the volumes that have been lately pubthe grounds of the controversy, and the arguments which have been adduced on either side of it. Both the size and price of the books, have alike contributed to place them beyond the power of purchase and of perusal to at least nine-tenths of the members of dissenting churches. manifest, therefore, that a small Tract, which would exhibit in a few pages the the question, was still much needed; and substance of the arguments on each side of such a desideratum it has been thought, would be well supplied by the publication of the following letter. As it seems to be generally understood, that the novel practice of admitting unbaptized persons to the Lord's supper is creeping into many of the Baptist churches, it is of importance that those Deacons and other leading members who regard this as an unscriptural innovation, should bestir themselves to check its progress; which, it is presumed, they could not easily find a more effectual means of doing than by distributing this Tract as generally as possible among their brethren, and encouraging them to read it.

That the Lord may grant his blessing to attend it, and make it the happy means of enlightening the public mind, checking the progress of error, and promoting the scriptural order of his house, is the fervent prayer of


this little Tract comprises all that can We shall only add that, in our opinion, be said to purpose upon this much contested point. The writer of it possessed the rare talent of saying much in few words, beyond any man whose writings have come in our way. We particularly recommend it to the attention of Mr. Hall and Mr. Cox!

A Compendious View of Creation, with Reflections, &c. By JAMES PATERSON, Surveyor, Montrose. London, Longman and Co. and W. Jones, Lovell's Court; 8vo. pp. 138. pr. 4s. 6d. 1823. THE work before us is divided into three parts, on each of which we shall make a few remarks; but the Reflections, which form the Second Part, claim from their importance our chief regard; in which case we must be excused if we pass over the others very slightly.

- The first part commences with a view reconcile the literal expression of Scrip of the minute creation. In the course ture, in those parts where the Divine of his remarks the author throws to- Being is represented as the ORIGINATOR gether, in a well arranged form, the OF EVIL, with the general view which principal phenomena discovered in crea- the Bible affords of his pure and holy tion by the help of the microscope. The character. Far be it from us to impute facts, which are selected from the most to our author thoughts, which we are respectable writers on the subject, are well assured his humble and benevolent interspersed with several appropriate and mind would shudder at; we verily believe judicious remarks; and are evidently that in a short time his own views of intended to produce in the mind of the things will lead him to conclusions very reader exalted views of the character of different to those which his language in the great Governor of the Universe. the "Reflections" would seem to war We are next presented with a general rant. This sentiment seems to be agi view of the planetary system to which tating some of the members of the we belong. Of this part of the work we Church of England at present; and one have only to say, that the author has clergyman has recently presented the rendered it exceedingly interesting and public with a piece of the most incor valuable; he has managed to blend the rigible nonsense that ever disgraced the minuteness of definition with the ful-name of SERMON, and which he has enness of scientific detail; and has fur- titled, “GOD THE DOER OF ALL THINGS." nished a manual of geographical and In this discourse we are plainly taught astronomical information, vastly supe- that the Divine Being is " WRATH, rior to any of the numerous productions HATRED, VENGEANCE;" and in' perfect on these subjects, which are published consistency with such a view of his with the professed design of benefiting character, we are informed that God those who have not access to expensive stimulates his creatures to the perpetra scientific works. tion of sin; and that in the commission of sin they are fulfilling his will as ef fectually as when employed in doing good. This is speaking out plainly; and it is hoped it will have its use in shewing the world the legitimate tendency of certain much-boasted creeds, which we venture to assert, are not believed by ninety-nine out of a hundred of the thousands who subscribe them. But leaving Mr. Vaughan to the enjoy ment of the hatred, the wrath, and the vengeance of his demon-deity, whom he may love if he can, we would suggest to our esteemed friend, the author of the work before us, that we think there may be deduced from the Holy Scriptures certain principles, which will at least go far towards removing the difficulties complained of. On these we must hint, not dwell. The WORD OF GOD, then, asserts that "GOD IS LOVE," and in hundreds of passages he is expressly

The Second Part of Mr. Paterson's work contains "Reflections on Nature, on Christianity, and on Providence; and also on the ignorance, prejudice and presumption of man, both as regards philosophy and Christianity." We wish it were in our power to devote a few columns to these Reflections, since there is much in them that we approve; but we must be brief, being well persuaded that the author would rather listen to us while we offer a few thoughts on some points on which we entertain opinions different from his. He is a writer who thinks for himself; and although connected with a body of Christians whose creed differs on some points from his own, has published his opinions without fear. This shews that he is in earnest; and at the same time it entitles him to particular attention.

Mr. Paterson appears very anxious to

* We doubt not but that many of our readers will be disposed to look upon this as the language of exaggeration, and suppose we are caricaturing Mr. Vaughan. Well, let them read the following extracts from his Sermon, and then judge for themselves.

"Why are we to be frightened with the bugbear and watch-word of making God THE AUTHOR OF SIN? Is it not obvious, that he must IN SOME SENSE be the Author of it? for how has it got into his creation without him, when the whole frame, relations, and circumstances of the creature are of, and from, and to him ?" p. 25, 26.

Again, “God glorifies himself by making himself known as what he is.-Now there is no part of his essence no attribute-no perfection, which could have been shewn as it really is, WITHOUT the inter vention of sin. Is it not matter of fact, that we are indebted to sin instrumentally, for by far the vastest display that we have had of the wisdom, power, love, grace, faithfulness, kindness, veracity, till changeableness, immensity, infinity, and eternity of God? But is he not also MERCY, PATIENCE, WRATH, HATRED, VENGEANCE?"—P, 26, 27.

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with the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.". What, we ask, is this but speaking according to the appearance of things? If then, God be in reality the Author of evil, he is the Author of that which is opposite to his own order, the Author of confusion. Can any one distinguish between the will of God and the love of God? is not his will his love? But if God wills evil, he also loves evil; yet such a sentiment is in direct opposition to the whole tenour of Scripture, which affirms, that Jehovah willeth not the death of any of his creatures; but his will, or pleasure, or love is that all should turn unto him and live.

described as THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD, or as the apostle expresses it, the "Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, or shadow of turning." Now, if this be true, he must be opposed to every thing that is wrathful, revenge ful, or implacable. Whatever proceeds from Him must partake of his essence; and to impute to him wrath, hatred, and vengeance, must be highly blasphemous. "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted of evil, neither tempteth he any man." But what is evil? Let this question be considered in every possible light, and we believe all sensible men will allow, that it is simply that which is contrary to the Divine order-a perversion of the good which But we hasten to notice in the second is continually proceeding from God; place, Mr. Paterson's remarks on Uniand, therefore, a thing that hath its versal Restoration. In the course of origin with man, and not with God. his extensive survey of modern creeds But then, it will be said, is not the origin and confessions, the plausible appearof evil expressly ascribed to God in dif- ance of the Unitarians seems to have ferent parts of Scripture? To this we at least arrested his attention; and he reply that it is apparently so, and that gives us a quotation from a discourse by for the two following reasons, among Dr. Estlin, of Bristol, on the words, others that might be mentioned. In the "God is love." In this quotation, first place, from condescension to the which is chiefly made up of extracts weakness of the human understanding, from Bourn and Burnet, the doctrine of several things are spoken of in Scripture, Universal Restoration is warmly advoaccording to appearance merely, when it cated. The passage of Scripture which is well known that the contrary is speaks of some being beaten with few meant. Thus the earth is represented stripes, and which Mr. Bourn here as being immoveably fixed, while the quotes so triumphantly, does not, in our sun and the other heavenly bodies move opinion, refer at all to the duration of around it; so also we frequently find future punishment, but to the degree of mutability attributed to Jehovah, which it, which we are well assured will be must have regard merely to appearance; proportioned to the guilt of the sufferer. immutability being one of his essential But we have not time here to enter fully perfections. But, in the second place, into the arguments for and against evil is apparently attributed to Jehovah, Universal Restitution, and shall merely because the Word of God teaches men suggest an idea or two, which we think from the most general ideas; hence he deserving of our author's regard. And is said to be angry, to turn away his face, first, before this great point can be deto punish, to tempt, and even to curse, in cided, we must have some more definite order that men might believe that he information respecting the spiritual governeth all things in the Universe, world, than is at present possessed by even evil itself, turning it to final good. our most acute theologians. They, in anger, therefore, the turning away, general, say much about the sufferings the punishment, the temptation, the of the Lord Jesus Christ; and yet every cursing, &c. must be all on the part of reader of their works must have obman, as would appear from Ps. cxxxvi. served, how little notice they take of a 10, 15-20. where the destruction of the most remarkable circumstance, to which Egyptians, &c. is attributed to the ever- Jesus himself refers, at the time when lasting mercy of Jehovah. So also in the conflict in which he was engaged Ps. xviii. 25, 26, the principle for which was becoming awfully overwhelming, we are contending is most explicitly and which he calls by the different taught. "With the merciful thou wilt names of "the hour and power of dark shew thyself merciful; with an uprightness;" "the judgment of this world;" man thou wilt shew thyself upright; "the casting out of the prince of this



2 B

world," &c. But to what did he here refer? and whence proceeded the sore amazement that overwhelmed him?Was it the mere circumstance of having before him an excruciating and ignominous death that so agonized him?-No, verily; the cross, we are told, he endured, despising the shame. What then produced this universal consternationMay we not venture to find an answer in his own words? better authority surely we cannot have. Was it not, then, the immediate approach of the Prince of the powers of darkness, or in other words, the united pressure of the host of hell; the last grand struggle of Legion at the moment of final defeat? And, if we are correct on this head, then we ask again, what became of those powers? were they elevated into heaven, or were they restricted to regions more suited to their infernal nature? As our divines do not help us out on such points as these, we must be allowed to inake the most that we can of our own thoughts; and, therefore, we go on to ask farther, Whether any part of Divine Revelation intimates that future punishment tends to regenerate the subject of it? for our own part, we really know of no portion of Scripture that warrants us to draw such a conclusion; but on the contrary, we think it is very clearly intimated, that in the life to come every man will find himself to be the very character he has formed himself by his principles and conduct while on earth; and that in that character he will continually advance, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. What else are we to understand by the language used in Rev. xxii. 11. "He that is unjust, let him be (or become more) unjust still; and he that is filthy (not purified by truth) let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous let him be (or become more) righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still." Let us have just such a simple statement from Scripture in favour of the opposite sentiment, and we at once cede the point. We are not here dogmatizing, but asking information; and therefore we put another question. Are we not warranted to reason from analogy, on this subject, and to infer that the procedure of the Almighty will, in a future state, be the same towards his creatures as it is in the present? and since there is no part of that procedure, so far as we can discover, that interferes with the equilibrium of

the human will, in this life, why should we suppose that it will be otherwise in that which is to come?

To illustrate this we may remark, that heaven must be to every man exactly according to his quality. Now, to select a case perfectly in point, we would say that Dr. Estlin, and his brethren of the Socinian faith, would deem it downright idolatry to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. They are, we are bound to believe, strictly conscientious men; they think it their duty, at the expense their secular interests, to raise up, support, and send into all the world, as their means will allow them, men who shall spend and be spent in what they deem the good cause of instructing their fellow-mortals in the knowledge of the One God, and who shall carefully teach them, that Jesus Christ is not that God, but a creature like themselves. Moreover, they can have no kind of com. munion with those who think otherwise on this important point; nor are they on that account to be blamed, because the thing is absolutely impossible, and the merest pretension to it would involve the grossest hypocrisy. In this state they live; in this state they die; and in this state it is their constant prayer that they may be found to all eternity; for it is in this state that they expect to enjoy future felicity, and that too eter nally progressive; making constant ap proaches towards the Great Fountain of rationality, and in the same proportion receding from all evil, consequently from the greatest of evils, viz. that of wor shipping as the only Lord God of heaven and of earth, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Now, into whatever kind of heaven the Socinian may be admitted, he will not, we are very sure, accuse us of the want of charity when we say, that it cannot, in the very nature of things, the heaven where, without ceasing, Jesus Christ is adored as the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last; the Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come; the King of kings, and the Lord of lords ; the blessed and only Potentate, who alone hath immortality; God over all blessed for ever. His soul shuddered at such bold idolatry in the world of nature; and to be subjected to it for ever would be hell indeed!

And here we must leave this matter, only remarking farther, that the idea of Universal Restitution implies, according


to all our notions of Divine order, a system, or course of instruction on divine subjects, carried on amongst those who have wilfully excluded themselves from the happiness of heaven; or, otherwise, an immediate exercise of power on the part of God, operating without regard to those principles which constitute the mind, or the real man. From whence then, do we learn that either of these shall take place?


Sabbaths at Home: or a Help to their right Improvement, founded on the 42nd and 43rd Psalms. Intended for the Use of Pious Persons, when prevented from attending the Public Worship of God. By HENRY MARCH. Second Edition, pp. 272, 8vo. pr. 7s. London, Holdsworth.

A book written professedly and entirely for devotional purposes, is not a subject for criticism, provided its style Having already carried our remarks and sentiments be sufficiently correct beyond what we originally intended, we and evangelical. The difficulty of promust be excused from saying much on ducing an interesting work of this the concluding part of this work, al- description, lies not in any of the ordithough it deserves particular notice, nary efforts of the intellectual faculty, which we hope it will obtain from those for the most accomplished writer must whose province it is much more than fail in the undertaking-but in the rare ours, to discuss scientific subjects. This attainment of that enlightened and part, which forms an Appendix, is chiefly elevated piety, which can shed a fraOccupied in giving an account of an grance o'er the most familiar truths of improvement by the author on the Re- Christianity, and clothe with freshness flecting Telescope; which improvement and beauty the common field of religious consists in placing the small speculum observation. Devotional exercises and at the one side of the tube, instead of private meditation derive but little aid fixing it in the centre, and the large one from elaborate investigations, from the inclined so as to receive the incident novelty of thought, or the splendour of rays; by this means much more light is | diction; their element is more celestial, admitted into the instrument, and that their food and nourishment the simple too on the very part of the large specu- and unadulterated word of truth. To lum where it is of most value, viz. the become subservient to such an interest, centre. The tube also being shortened, it is requisite to possess a high degree of the instrument is thereby rendered spirituality, a profound acquaintance more portable; in addition to which the with the human heart, and a refined observer is enabled to view the object and discriminating judgment; a body with his face to it, instead of turning to of living energetic piety, fervid and the other end of the telescope. We are luminous, that shall be sufficient to glad to find Mr. Paterson rising superior rarify the atmosphere in which we to the attempt of Dr. Brewster, to decry breathe, awaken and enliven all our the value of his improvement through moral sympathies, and inspire the love the medium of the Edinburgh Philoso- of all that is beautiful in holiness, and phical Journal. The Doctor, it appears, amiable in the supreme of goodness. attempted to construct an instrument Amidst the writings of the Puritans and on this improved plan, but failed; and others of the ancient church, we find the failure is charged to the account of this balmy sweetness, this unction from the principle described by Mr. Paterson, the Holy One; and are made at once to although the latter declares that the feel their deep and solemn piety, to Doctor did not follow it. This we can know that we are conversing with Chriseasily believe is a very likely thing; tians of a higher order, and that with Mr. Paterson in this respect has only them we also have fellowship with the neighbour's fare, for others have made Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. similar complaints respecting this Men who themselves converse much Northern Philosopher. with God, can sublimate our affections, and lead us to his throne; can rekindle by their zeal the flame of devotion, and invest us with their falling mantle.

Respecting the execution of this work we would suggest, that should a Second Edition be called for, the author might much improve the general appearance of the whole by a little alteration in the order; there are also some grammatical errors, which in that case might be rectified,

The altered condition of the Christian church from a scene of suffering to that of undisturbed repose, has long ceased to produce such eminent devotional writers as Bishop Hall, and others of

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